Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Massachusetts Rejects Wrong Marriage Decision

Massachusetts Rejects Wrong Marriage Decision

Attempts to Foist Same-Sex "Marriage" Onto Other States
WASHINGTON, July 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Yesterday, the Massachusetts Senate voted to repeal its long-standing law that only residents of Massachusetts can marry in that state.

"Massachusetts' officials have foisted same- sex 'marriage' on its citizens and refused to allow legislators and citizens to vote on it," said Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America (CWA). "Now they are trying to export same- sex 'marriage'. Repealing its 1913 law on marriage has only one purpose -- to attempt to impose same- sex 'marriage' on other states. This proves that the Defense of Marriage Act is necessary -- to ensure citizens retain the right to protect marriage in their states -- and why a Federal Marriage Amendment needs to be passed to define what has always been true, that marriage is between one man and one woman.

"Massachusetts' legislators rejected the wrong marriage decision. They should have rejected the concept that same-sex 'marriage' can be allowed, rather than attempting to trample on the citizens of other states who respect marriage."

CWA of Massachusetts State Director Tammy Mosher said, "This is a sad day for Massachusetts and the nation when activists can overturn a law which even the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has said is constitutional."

The House is expected to take up the repeal of the 1913 law this Friday. Voters are urged to express their opposition to this repeal by contacting Massachusetts State Representatives. This link gives e-mail addresses and phone numbers for the House: http://www.mass.gov/legis/memmenuh.htm

"Citizens can make their voice heard today. Don't let Massachusetts meddle in other states' marriage laws," said Mosher.

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.


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