Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Glückwünsche zum Rosch Haschana

Glückwünsche zum Rosch Haschana

Mannheim. (red). Am 29. September beginnt das jüdische Jahr 5769. Zum Rosch Haschana, dem jüdischen Neujahrsfest, übermittelte Oberbürgermeister Dr. Peter Kurz dem Oberrat und allen Mitgliedern der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinschaft Baden, auch namens des Gemeinderates und der Verwaltung der Stadt Mannheim, herzliche Glückwünsche:

„In Mannheim leben Menschen vieler Nationalitäten und Religionen traditionell in guter Gemeinschaft. Gerade die jüdischen Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben Mannheims Gesicht und Leben geprägt. Darauf sind wir stolz. Aber auch die dunklen Kapitel der Stadtgeschichte werden nicht verschwiegen. Als Beispiel möchte ich das Mahnmal in der Mitte unserer Stadt nennen, das seit nahezu fünf Jahren im Herzen der Stadt an die jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus erinnert. Gemeinsam mit der Aktion „Stolpersteine“, die weiterhin im gesamten Stadtgebiet verlegt werden, erinnern wir an Menschen, die deportiert und zumeist in Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslagern ermordet wurden. Viele arbeiten daran mit: Initiativen, Schulen, Angehörige und Hinterbliebene recherchieren dazu die Daten Einzelner und bringen die Menschen wieder ins Bewusstsein. Aktionen wie diese sind ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Erinnerungskultur und gegen das Vergessen.

Das gute Miteinander von Juden und Christen führt auch zu engen Verbindungen nach und mit Israel. Gemeinsam haben wir den 60. Jahrestag der Gründung des Staates Israel begangen. In Israel haben viele Mannheimerinnen und Mannheimer, die ihre Heimatstadt verlassen mussten, ihren Lebensmittelpunkt gefunden. Viele pflegen weiter den Kontakt zu ihrer alten Heimatstadt Mannheim. Vor allem neue Kontakte brachte der Freundschaftsvertrag mit der Stadt Haifa, der im Juli 2005 unterzeichnet wurde und seither intensiv mit Leben erfüllt wird. Vor wenigen Monaten konnte ich mich bei einem Besuch in Haifa persönlich von der engen Verbundenheit zwischen unseren Städten überzeugen. Dabei ist es auch gelungen, neue Projekte zu initiieren.

In großer Verbundenheit wünsche ich allen Mitgliedern der jüdischen Gemeinden in Baden sowie den Juden in aller Welt ein erfolgreiches, glückliches und vor allem friedliches Jahr 5769.“


Ulla Jelpke: Diskriminierung gegenüber jüdisichen Partisanen beenden

Ulla Jelpke: Diskriminierung gegenüber jüdisichen Partisanen beenden

Berlin. (red/and). 30 September 2008. Heute früh wurden dem litauischen Botschafter in Berlin Unterschriften gegen die Verfolgung früherer jüdischer Partisanen übergeben. Unterzeichnet hat auch die innenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE., Ulla Jelpke. Zeitgleich ging eine Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage ein.

Ulla Jelpke erklärte hierzu: "Frühere jüdische Partisanen, die gegen die Nazi-Besatzer gekämpft haben, sind in Litauen Ziel einer diskriminierenden staatsanwaltschaftlichen Ermittlung.

Seit fast einem Jahr ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft wegen angeblicher Kriegsverbrechen, die von Partisanen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges begangen worden sein sollen.

Auf den Vernehmungslisten der Staatsanwaltschaft stehen ausschließlich jüdische Namen. Dazu gehört unter anderem der frühere Direktor der Holocaust-Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem, Yitzhak Arad. Formal richten sich die Ermittlungen gegen "Unbekannt", die früheren Kämpfer sollen als Zeugen gehört werden. Dabei wird ihnen unterstellt, sie hätten Kenntnis von behaupteten Verbrechern ihrer Mitkämpfer.

Auffällig ist außerdem, dass Litauen sich bislang nicht die geringste Mühe gemacht hat, die zahlreichen einheimischen Nazi-Kollaborateure vor Gericht zu bringen. Umso mehr Eifer legt die Staatsanwaltschaft an den Tag, wenn das Ermittlungsziel in jüdischen Antifaschisten besteht. Ich teile ausdrücklich die Ansicht zahlreicher jüdischer Organisationen, darunter das Simon-Wiesenthal-Center, dass die Ermittlungen Ausdruck geschichtsrevisionistischer Tendenzen sind und den Antisemitismus in Litauen anstacheln.

Die Bundesregierung hat in der Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage dargelegt, dass die deutsche Botschaft in Vilnius einen Empfang für die frühere Partisanin Fania Yocheles Brantsovskaya - eine der vier von den Ermittlungen Betroffenen - ausgerichtet hat und sich an einer von dieser organisierten Führung durch die Überreste des jüdischen Ghettos beteiligt hat.

Diese diplomatischen Signale sind richtig. Weil die Ermittlungen aber andauern, muss der Druck nun erhöht werden. Litauen muss klargemacht werden: Wer den Partisanenkampf gegen Nazibesatzer und Kollaborateure zum Verbrechen erklärt, der kann kein Partner sein. Auf EU-Ebene muss die Entscheidung, Vilnius 2009 zur "Kulturhauptstadt Europas" zu machen, überdacht werden.

Weitere Informationen zum Arbeitskreis Konfrontationen können im Internet abgerufen werden bei:



Friday, September 26, 2008

Christian Travelers Put Faith into Action While Exploring the World with Lifetree

Christian Travelers Put Faith into Action While Exploring the World with Lifetree
Adventures--the New Travel Option That's Part Vacation and Part Christian Service

LOVELAND, Colo., Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Voluntourism, the growing trend of travelers seeking vacation options combining tourism with volunteer service, just got a spiritual shot in the arm. Lifetree Adventures, a Christian tour operator based in Loveland, Colorado, recently launched tours to meet the growing demand for Christian travel, and is the first of its kind to offer VolunTourism specifically from a Christian approach.

"Every Lifetree Adventure has two key components: adventure activities and Christian service projects-- packaged into one amazing trip," remarked Joel Fay, Lifetree President, "so you might find yourself exhilarated by thrilling zip-lines in the jungles of Costa Rica, and then take that passion and apply it to fixing dilapidated housing for young children and their families."

With tours operating in the fall of 2008, participants can discover the excitement of exotic destinations while serving the needs of indigenous people through eight trips to four Latin American countries: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru. In 2009, Lifetree Adventures will offer 30 trips in 12 countries as well as the US. For more information and to reserve a trip travel agents and travelers can go to www.lifetreeadventures.com or call 1-800-747-2157 Monday through Friday MST.

Lifetree Adventures is a new division of Group Workcamps Foundation, a leading non-profit mission organization offering Christian service trips for youth and adults for over 30 years. Through Group Workcamps, over 250,000 volunteers have provided more than 7 million hours of volunteer service to projects in hundreds of U.S. and international locations.


St. John's Seminary to Host Red Mass for Legal Community

St. John's Seminary to Host Red Mass for Legal Community

Lawyers and Judges from Ventura County Expected at Mass & Reception on Tuesday, October 7, 2008

CAMARILLO, Calif., Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- In Washington, D.C. you'll find the Supreme Court Justices attending. In Los Angeles the Cardinal, Federal and State judges and many of the city's top lawyers gather at the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels. And now, for the first time, lawyers, judges and members of the legal community in Ventura County will gather at St. John's Seminary on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 for the first Red Mass ever held in this area.

"We are pleased to bring this annual tradition to Ventura County and to our beautiful campus in Camarillo. This is a great opportunity for our many friends in the legal community, be they Catholic or not, to gather and celebrate the great tradition of the Red Mass," says Monsignor Craig A. Cox, Rector/President of St. John's Seminary. Monsignor Cox is a canon lawyer and holds a doctorate in canon law from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. where he regularly attended the Red Mass there.

All members of the legal community are invited to gather by 5:15 p.m. Mass begins promptly at 5:30 in the beautiful St. John's Seminary Chapel followed by a reception in the seminary's courtyard. To RSVP please call St. John's Seminary Advancement Office at (805) 386-2035 or email advancement@stjohnsem.edu by October 3. Bishop Thomas J. Curry will be the Celebrant and Bishop Sylvester D. Ryan the Homilist, assisted by Monsignor Craig Cox and other members of the St. John's Seminary community.

The Advisory Committee for the Red Mass at St. John's Seminary includes Suzanne L. Austin, Esq., Mr. David P. Bender Jr., Esq., The Honorable Paul H. Coffee, The Honorable Manuel Covarrubias, Glenn J. Dickenson, Esq., David E. Edsall, Esq., James M. Farley, Esq., Michael Ford, Esq., Kay Ford, Esq., Patrick T. Loughman, Esq., The Honorable Vincent O'Neil, Richard A. Regnier, Esq., Ms. Mary C. Sullivan, Esq., Tony Trembley, Esq., Kendall A. Van Conas, Esq., Louis J. Vigorita, Esq.

The Red Mass was first celebrated in Paris in 1245 and began in England about 1310 during the reign of Edward I. The entire Bench and Bar would attend the Red Mass together at the opening of each term of Court. The priests and the judges of the High Court wore red robes, thus the Eucharistic celebration became popularly known as the Red Mass.

The tradition of the Red Mass has continued in the United States. Each year in Washington, D.C. the members of the United States Supreme Court join with members of Congress, other government officials, judges, members of the legal profession and others committed to the cause of assuring justice in our society in the celebration of the Red Mass.

For interviews or photographs, please contact John Lockhart or Celeste Berrington at St. John's Seminary at (805) 389-2036 or email advancement@stjohnsem.edu

St. John's Seminary is a multicultural community of seminarians pursuing advanced professional degrees leading to ordination and pastoral ministry (Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry) and teaching Catholic theology (M.A.). Seminarians come from diverse backgrounds, ages and professions. The St. John's Seminary campus includes the Edward Laurence Doheny and the Carrie Estelle Doheny Libraries, providing seminarians with excellent access to research materials and services. For more information on St. John's Seminary please call the Office of Advancement at (805) 482-2755 ext 2035 or write advancement@stjohnsem.edu.


Pro-Life Groups Announce Demonstrations at Vice Presidential Debate in St. Louis

Pro-Life Groups Announce Demonstrations at Vice Presidential Debate in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue and the Christian Defense Coalition have announced plans for demonstrations surrounding the Vice-Presidential debate to be held in St. Louis on October 2.

The groups, which are coordinating with Defenders of the Unborn, Concerned Women for America, and other pro-life groups, have planned events that will both support pro-life Republican vice presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin, and stand in opposition to the pro-abortion Democratic vice presidential nominee, Sen. Joe Biden.

"Governor Palin has energized the faith and pro-life constituencies like no other," said Rev. Pat Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition Director. "This is an untapped resource I think is extraordinary."

"Gov. Palin is a ray of hope that God is beginning to answer our prayers for the leadership of our nation," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "She has helped vault the plight of the pre-born to the front burner of American politics. Sen. Biden, on the other hand, is an enemy of Life and should be exposed and rebuked."

"She is a pro-life candidate. All Christians must band together to elect her to the White House," said Mary Maschmeier of the St. Louis group Defenders of the Unborn.

Events scheduled so far include the following:

Rally and Prayer in preparation for the Vice- Presidential Debate
October 1, 2008 at 7:00 PM
IL Monastero- On the campus of St. Louis University
3010 Olive Street, St. Louis

Prayer and Prayer During the Debate
October 2, 2008 from 5-9 PM
Skinker and Forest Park Blvd., one block from Forest
Park across from Lindell Blvd.

The specific times and locations for various other activities will be determined in the next few days.

View video of announcement

About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.


American Bible Society Honored by Save Africa's Children

American Bible Society Honored by Save Africa's Children

MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- The American Bible Society will share the stage with award winning Gospel and recording artists Yolanda Adams, Pieces of a Dream, Kirk Whalum and other entertainers at the First Annual Save Africa's Children Music Festival. During the festival, the Bible Society will be honored for its new alliance with Save Africa's Children. The concert is on Friday, September 26, at the West Angeles Cathedral, 3600 Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, at 7:00 p.m.

Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr., Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ and Senior Pastor of West Angeles Church of God in Christ, will present Dr. Lamar Vest, American Bible Society's Executive Vice President for Global Scripture Ministries, with a plaque of appreciation. Bishop Blake is the founder and President of the Pan-African Children's Fund/Save Africa's Children.

Save Africa's Children (SAC) is an African-American organization, providing direct support to children affected by HIV/AIDS, poverty and war throughout Sub- Saharan Africa. Since its founding in 2001, with a one million dollar donation from Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington, SAC has assisted over 400 orphan care programs in 21 African nations, reaching over 200,000 HIV/AIDS-affected children.

"The seeds for this initiative began this past April in Memphis, when representatives of the Bible Society, as a contributing sponsor to Bishop Blake's Pan African Leadership Summit, attended the Summit's commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.," said Dr. Vest. "By working together we impact the lives of children on spiritual and physical levels, and carry out the Bible Society's mission of making the Bible available to every person in a language and format that each can understand and afford, so that all may experience its life-changing message."

The American Bible Society is donating Bibles for distribution in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa and Zambia. The effort is being coordinated with several Bible Societies in Africa to ensure that the Bibles are in the appropriate languages.

Founded in 1816 and headquartered in New York City, the American Bible Society's mission is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so that all people may experience its life-changing message. The American Bible Society Web site is www.americanbible.org.


Last Living Founder of Pro-Abortion Group Admits He Lied -- Now Supports Measure 11 in South Dakota

Last Living Founder of Pro-Abortion Group Admits He Lied -- Now Supports Measure 11 in South Dakota

SIOUX FALLS, SD, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- A new television ad carries a riveting twist about abortion history. Dr. Bernard Nathanson is the last living founder of NARAL, the pro- abortion organization founded in New York in the late 1960s. At one time, he was the nation's leading abortionist, responsible for more than 75,000 abortions. He explains, "This was the greatest mistake of my life and the greatest mistake in our nation's history."

"Dr. Nathanson's story is a shocking example of one of the nation's leading abortionists coming out against the tragedy of abortion," said Brandi Gruis of the Voteyesforlife campaign. The campaign Treasurer, Dr. Patti Giebink, admits she was the last South Dakota doctor to perform abortions at SD Planned Parenthood. Now she is working tirelessly to end abortion on demand. "It speaks volumes when doctors who have personally seen the horror of abortion come out against it," Gruis said.

In the ad, Dr. Nathanson states, "We founded NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) with the goal to export our pro-abortion mentality across the land." One of the strategies they used to mislead the American public was to deny what they knew to be true, that an abortion kills an existing human being. In June, the U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the South Dakota law requiring abortion providers to tell the pregnant mother that abortion terminates the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being."

Measure 11 clearly seeks to protect these lives, yet unborn. Measure 11 was written by a panel of 11 legal experts, under the direction of State Attorney General Larry Long with the purpose of ending unnecessary abortions in South Dakota. Gruis says, "The issue is not confusing, neither are the exemptions for life and health of the mother, rape or incest. The people of South Dakota can end the use of abortion as birth control by voting yes on Measure 11 on November 4th." For more information or to see the new ads, visit www.voteyesforlife.com.


Christian Leaders Turn to TheNewCulture.org for Help in Building Multi-Ethnic Churches and Ministries

Christian Leaders Turn to TheNewCulture.org for Help in Building Multi-Ethnic Churches and Ministries

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Last week ReNew Partnerships launched TheNewCulture.org--an innovative new website which equips Christian leaders to build multi-ethnic churches and organizations. In its first week the site has received over a thousand visitors from around the world and the praise of many Christian leaders. Chad Brennan, the Director of ReNew Partnerships, explains:

"We have found that most Christian leaders want to see their church or organization become more multi- ethnic but they lack training, resources, and encouragement. Therefore, attempts to build and sustain multi-ethnic communities usually end in failure and frustration. We created TheNewCulture.org to provide an online forum where leaders can find the resources and tools they need to succeed in their efforts."

TheNewCulture.org is being received with enthusiasm by leaders who recognize the danger of continuing to foster ethnically-homogenous Christian organizations in a society that is rapidly becoming multi-ethnic. The U.S. Census Bureau recently projected that in less than 15 years half of all children in the U.S. will be ethnic minorities (Source: U.S. Census News, Aug. 14, 2008). Nearly every major institution and corporation in America is making changes to accommodate the increasing ethnic diversity in our country. However, most Christian organizations have done little to adapt to the changing demographics.

For decades Christian leaders of nearly every denomination and ethnicity have expressed a desire to see more multi-ethnic churches and ministries. It is hard to find a website or brochure of a Christian organization which does not declare, "We welcome people of all ethnicities." But, this open door policy has resulted in very little ethnic integration in Christian organizations. The extensive research of sociologists Curtiss Paul Deyoung, Michael O. Emerson, George Yancey, and Karen Chai Kim show that just 7.5 percent of the over 300,000 religious congregations in the United States are racially mixed. (Source: United By Faith, 2003)

If so many Christians want to build multi-ethnic organizations, why isn't it happening? Chad Brennan explains some of the obstacles:

"Christian leaders are finding out the hard way that an open door approach is not enough. Forming a multi- ethnic organization requires prayer, personal sacrifice, education, and a great deal of intentional effort. There are dozens of sensitive topics that must be addressed including prejudice, power sharing, historical injustices, cross-cultural communication, etc. TheNewCulture.org allows leaders to find excellent, bible-based resources on these critical topics and to connect with leaders of multi-ethnic churches and organizations who have experience in navigating through those stormy waters."

For more information about TheNewCulture.org and the on-site training forums facilitated by ReNew Partnerships contact Chad Brennan.

About ReNew Partnerships
ReNew Partnerships is a multi-ethnic, Christian non- profit organization which provides coaching, training, and resources to help Christian leaders effectively embrace the ethnic diversity in their community and build biblical, multi-ethnic churches and ministries. ReNew Partnerships' staff consult and partner with churches, colleges, and ministries from many denominational and ethnic backgrounds.


Abunga.com Holds Online Chats: October Authors Include NYT Bestseller William Paul Young and HIV/AIDS Advocate Kay Warren Among Experts on Education,

Abunga.com Holds Online Chats: October Authors Include NYT Bestseller William Paul Young and HIV/AIDS Advocate Kay Warren Among Experts on Education, Family and Comedy

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Abunga.com, the family- friendly bookstore, continues its weekly "Authors at Abunga" online chats in October with a variety of experts, educators and entertainers. Next month's one-hour chats, held at Abunga.com on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. EDT, will feature educational children's writer Kersten Hamilton; clean comedian, actress and writer Kerri Pomarolli; home and family management expert Kathy Peel; New York Times best-selling author of "The Shack," William Paul Young; and international HIV/AIDS advocate Kay Warren, respectively.

"The Abunga.com author chats continue to provide a wide array of topics for all audiences," said Lee Martin, Abunga.com chairman. "We are pleased to not only provide the books of these popular authors on Abunga.com, but to provide a way for readers to directly connect with them through our author chats."

Kay Warren, wife of Rick Warren of "The Purpose Driven Life," was a typical, southern California soccer mom and preacher's wife until 2002, when she was seriously disturbed one day after picking up a magazine highlighting the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa and the millions of children orphaned by the pandemic. From that day on, she chose to "dangerously surrender" her life and step out of her comfort zone. Today, she is an international HIV/AIDS advocate, speaker and author of "Dangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to God." It is an honest look at the biases, blatant lies and self-justified lack of compassion that prevent so many from facing not just HIV/AIDS, but whatever burdens are placed in their immediate sphere of influence. Warren will chat at Abunga.com on Oct. 29. For information, visit www.KayWarren.com.

The New York Times No. 1 best-seller, "The Shack," has taken the reading world by storm. Author William Paul Young, a Canadian-born son of missionaries, wrote the novel as a personal story for his six children, and never intended it to be for public consumption. But since its debut on the market, "The Shack" has sky-rocketed to success amidst praise and controversy. "The Shack" tells the fictional redemptive story of Mackenzie Allen Phillips, whose daughter is tragically abducted during a family vacation. Shortly after, evidence of her murder is found in an abandoned shack. Four years later, Phillips receives a note, supposedly from "God," inviting him back to the shack. Accepting the offer, against his better judgment, Phillips experiences an encounter that will forever change his life. Young will chat at Abunga.com on Oct. 22. More information available at www.TheShackBook.com.

Millions of readers and journalists have deemed Kathy Peel, who will join Abunga.com on Oct. 15, as "America's Family Manager." Founder and CEO of Family Manager Coaching and author of more than 20 books, Peel has helped households create happy, low-stress homes, simplify schedules, build strong family teams and conquer clutter. "The Busy Mom's Guide to a Happy, Organized Home," her newest book, provides necessary information for succeeding in the everyday tasks and special occasions involved in motherhood. In addition, Peel offers easy-to-use charts, trusted advice and essential Web resources for keeping a family's life straight. Visit www.FamilyManager.com for more information.

Kerri Pomarolli discovered her gift and love for making people laugh at the young age of two and hasn't stopped since. Today, Pomarolli stands out among the crowd as a clean comedian making her rounds in the comedy club circuit. She is also an accomplished actress, published author and veteran of television with credits that include 28 appearances on NBC's "The Tonight Show," "Comedy Central," recurring roles on "Port Charles" and "Young and the Restless," and Lifetime Network. In her newest book, "Guys Like Girls Name Jennie," Pomarolli takes a humorous look at being single in today's world using her own personal experiences from looking for Mr. Right. She will join Abunga.com on Oct. 8. For more information, visit www.kerripom.com.

Kersten Hamilton has a passion to bring joy to children through her writing but also desires to provide parents resources to use these books to teach impactful life lessons. Hamilton is author of 29 books for preschoolers through pre-teens including the "Caleb Pascal and the Peculiar People" series, "Red Truck," "The Butterfly Book" and the "Millie Keith" series. In addition, she provides educational resources such as art projects, science experiments and games on her Web site to turn her books, "This is the Ocean" and "Firefighters to the Rescue," into important lessons. Hamilton will chat at Abunga.com on Oct. 1. For additional information, visit her Web site, www.kerstenhamilton.com.

"These weekly chats give the platform for authors to share knowledge and creativity with people all over the world," Martin said. "We hope many people will take advantage of this opportunity and join us for these unique online conversations."

All chats are hosted at Abunga.com/AuthorsatAbunga. One week prior to each, readers can visit the chat Web page to submit questions. Questions are also accepted during chats. Transcripts of all chats are posted at Abunga.com/archives.

Abunga.com is an online bookstore founded to provide families a protected shopping environment. Headquartered in Knoxville, Tenn., Abunga.com offers safety with more than 1.8 million family-friendly titles; savings through distributor-direct prices and support to nonprofit organizations by donating 5 percent of each transaction to a customer-selected charity. For more information, visit www.Abunga.com.

Note to Editors: For more information about Abunga.com, please visit www.Abunga.com/media.


Lunsford's Opposition to Unborn Victims of Violence Undermines his 'Bill of Rights' for Women

Lunsford's Opposition to Unborn Victims of Violence Undermines his 'Bill of Rights' for Women

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, in response to the Bruce Lunsford for U.S. Senate campaign's new effort to reach Kentucky women voters with a "Women's Bill of Rights," the President of the Susan B. Anthony List offered the following statement:

"Bruce Lunsford knows his extreme record on abortion doesn't resonate with everyday Kentucky women voters, so he should soften his image among women by changing his position on Kentucky's Fetal Homicide Act,'" said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "It's outrageous that a murderer of a woman and her unborn baby would go unpunished for both crimes."

In 2003, Bruce Lunsford publicly opposed Kentucky's Fetal Homicide Act, legislation which allowed criminals to be charged for two murders when pregnant women are homicide victims. The legislation carried overwhelming support by Democratic legislators, and Lunsford was the only gubernatorial candidate to oppose the legislation.

"The Susan B. Anthony List will be educating pro-life women voters in Kentucky about the Senate candidates' records on Life. Once Kentucky women voters learn the truth about Bruce Lunsford's extreme support for abortion on-demand, his 'Women's Bill of Rights' will lose resonance."

Thirty-six states, including Kentucky, currently have laws that protect unborn victims from criminal violence. In 2004, President Bush signed the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, more commonly known as "Laci and Conner's Law," after the death of the pregnant Laci Peterson. The federal measure passed with bi-partisan support and covers crimes that occur on federal property, including military installations.

The Lunsford campaign recently previewed Lunsford's unveiling of a "Women's Bill of Rights" at the Carrick House in Lexington at 7:00pm tonight. Among the issues expected to be covered are healthcare, equal pay and domestic violence.

Since its founding, the Susan B. Anthony List has helped elect 75 pro-life candidates to the House, seven to the Senate, and seven to other statewide offices across the country.

The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 147,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.



Introducing the National Bible Bee - Over $260,000 in Prize Money for the 2009 Inaugural Competition

Introducing the National Bible Bee - Over $260,000 in Prize Money for the 2009 Inaugural Competition

WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- On May 31, 2005 at the age of 23, Shelby Kennedy went home to be with the Lord after an intense struggle with cancer. Shelby was described as a "one-in-a-million Christian who had an unusual spiritual gift of faith--a special person who radiated joy, life and hope to everyone she met." Although Shelby had minimal energy and needed to use a wheelchair most of the time she was awake, what energy she had was focused on proclaiming Jesus Christ. Her testimony of hope in the midst of a fiery trial sparked a spirit of revival in those around her.

Much of what kept Shelby's joy alive in her last days was time spent studying the Word of God. Shelby is the inspiration behind the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, a nonprofit ministry established in her name to encourage children and youth to grow in Christ through Scripture memorization. Shelby's testimony sparked an incredible vision-- to launch a world-class Bible Bee!

We are excited to introduce our first annual National Bible Bee, a motivating Bible memory competition for children and youth from 7 to 18 years of age. Sponsored by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, the goal of the Bible Bee is to build godly character in young people by calling them back to the lost discipline of Scripture memorization. Most people are familiar with the Scripps National Spelling Bee, where youth compete annually in the nation's longest- running educational contest. While it is certainly beneficial for our children to commit the spelling of words to memory, imagine how much more life- changing it would be for them to memorize the Word of God!

Local Bible Bee Contests will be conducted throughout the United States on Saturday, September 12, 2009. One hundred finalists from each of three age categories will then advance to the National Bible Bee for a two-day, world-class competition held in Washington D.C. on November 5-6, 2009.

The National Bible Bee will distribute more than $260,000 in prize money with $100,000 being awarded to the first-place winner of the top age bracket.

If you would like more information about the Bible Bee or would like to schedule an interview with Mike Farris, the Chairman of the Board for the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, or Mark Rasche, the Foundation's Executive Director, please call Kit Rasche at (619) 401- 0385, or e-mail Kit at krasche@biblebee.org.


Illinois Only 17th State to Provide Healthcare Benefits for Eating Disorders

Illinois Only 17th State to Provide Healthcare Benefits for Eating Disorders: Timberline Knolls Applauds Illinois Congress for Ending Discrimination for Individuals Suffering from Anorexia and Bulimia

CHICAGO, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- With the passing of House Bill 1432 by the Illinois House and Senate, many of those who silently suffer from eating disorders now have a fighting chance of recovery from the disease as healthcare benefits are now available. Finally, the days of eating disorders not being recognized as an illness are closer to an end - at least in Illinois and 16 other states -- as House Bill 1432 goes into law immediately, strengthening the Illinois mental health insurance parity law by providing fair and equal insurance coverage for those suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

Timberline Knolls, one of the country's leading residential treatment facilities for eating disorders, today applauded both the Illinois State Senate and House of Representatives for their override of Governor Rod Blagojevich's amendatory veto that could have delayed life-saving treatment for many suffering from eating disorders in the state of Illinois.

"We congratulate the members of our State Senate and House who realized the urgency of passing House Bill 1432 into law as fast as possible," said Kimberly Dennis, M.D., medical director at Timberline Knolls, which is located just outside of Chicago in Lemont. "This bill is a major step forward in eliminating discriminatory barriers that limit access to healthcare for those suffering from an eating disorder."

James Gresham, President and CEO of Timberline Knolls, hopes that adding anorexia and bulimia to the state's mental health parity law will encourage those suffering to seek treatment. "We hope the actions of the Illinois State Senate and House of Representatives will end the suffering of many dealing with eating disorders in our state," said Gresham. "This new legislation will make treatment available to many in need and give them hope that recovery is possible."

According to Dr. Dennis, eating disorders are biologically based psychiatric illnesses similar to illnesses that have been previously covered by the Illinois mental health parity law. "It is very significant that the Illinois State Senate and House of Representatives recognized the importance of providing equal medical coverage to those suffering from eating disorders," said Dr. Dennis. "Anorexia and bulimia are real and very dangerous illnesses and without proper treatment, are often deadly."

In the United States, as many as 10 million females and one million males are fighting a life and death battle with anorexia or bulimia, according to the National Eating Disorders Association. Based on those national statistics, there are currently more than 400,000 females and more than 40,000 males in the state of Illinois suffering from an eating disorder.

About Timberline Knolls
Located just outside of Chicago on 43 beautiful acres, Timberline Knolls offers a spiritually nurturing environment of recovery for women ages 12 and older who are struggling to overcome eating disorders, substance abuse, and co-occurring disorders. For more information on Timberline Knolls and the services offered, visit www.timberlineknolls.com.


Richard Viguerie: Senator McCain is Horatio at the Bridge

Richard Viguerie: Senator McCain is Horatio at the Bridge

MANASSAS, Virginia, Sept. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of ConservativeHQ.com, issued the following statement regarding the negotiations over the proposed Wall Street bailout:

"This bailout is something only a liberal Democrat could love. Conservatives are sick about this total cave-in by President Bush and the Senate Republicans. The proposed bailout would take us strongly toward a socialist America.

"In the last two days, Senator John McCain and the House Republicans have shown leadership to preserve America's free enterprise system.

"Today, Senator McCain is a hero to the American people. He is Horatio at the bridge."

NOTE TO EDITORS: Richard A. Viguerie pioneered political direct mail and has been called "one of the creators of the modern conservative movement" (The Nation magazine), one of the "conservatives of the century"(The Washington Times), and one of 2008's "top 25 influencers" among Republicans (NewsMax magazine). His latest book is Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big-Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause (Bonus Books).


Foundation Announces 4 Year Plan to Train Troubled Young Adults into Professional Pilots for Missionaries

Foundation Announces 4 Year Plan to Train Troubled Young Adults into Professional Pilots for Missionaries

A newly formed organization called the Christian Pilot Foundation announces "Project Takeoff". A four year plan to build a 32 acre training facility for troubled young adults to become professional missionary pilots funded by the foundation.
MISSION VIEJO, Calif., Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian Pilot Foundation revealed it's plans today on a new initiative called "Project Takeoff". "The new Christian Pilot Foundation initiative will fund a 32 acre facility to broaden its curriculum and training with a target to enroll 49 students and launch the program by August 2009"....said Jay Shears, Chairman of the newly formed Christian Foundation.

Shears representing the Board of Directors said that...."The foundation board is proposing a four year three phase expansion plan for the facilities that includes:

Phase I - Construction of a training facility on 32 acres with sufficient land for teambuilding and hard surface runway adjacent to a lake for Float Plane training and operations.

Phase II - Construction of a multi-purpose room /baseball field and gymnasium.

Phase III - Construction of a Video production and paramedical training facility

"Our Mission is to broaden the troubled young adults faith in Jesus Christ through a flying ministry that serves missionaries around the world" ....said Shears.

Shears in His faith said that ... "The bible is the Christian Pilot owners manual and will be the guiding compass. The foundation will use biblical principals to fund opportunities for troubled young adults to learn how to serve the Lord around the world as a Professional Christian Pilots."

As a non-profit entity, Christian Pilot Foundation is forming alliances and relationships with Professionals & Institutions who have been challenged with directional strategies for young troubled adults, and the mechanisms to help them achieve their hopes and dreams as adults.

For additional information on the Christian Pilot Foundation, contact Jay Shears or visit www.christianpilotfoundation.org

About Christian Pilot Foundation:
The Christian Pilot Foundation is a non-profit corporation headquartered in Mission Viejo, California. The Christian Pilot Foundation is subject to changes in it's organization, location, and infrastructure as a new 32 acre facility is located over the next 6 months.


The Party is Over

The Party is Over

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
OPINION, Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas of Elijah Ministries:

For the last twenty years, courageous men of God have warned our nation of these days. Our nation has sowed to the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind. America stands on the verge of possible economic collapse, where the bail out cure may be worse than the financial disease. Meanwhile Russia, China, and the Islamic nations smell our vulnerabilities. Added to these dangers is the increase of natural disasters. What can our beleaguered country do in such a time as this? Repent and bring forth fruit meat for repentance.

Legalized evil has flourished under our watch and stands as God's indictment against America. We can run, but not hide. America will never escape God's accountability for shedding innocent blood through the crime of abortion and parading our sin like Sodom through the godless, homosexual agenda.

The message and mandate are clear, either abortion and the homosexual agenda ends or America as we know it will end. Until now, America has refused to connect the dots between our spiritual and moral condition and the litany of woe challenging our nation. We pretend this party with death and perversion will continue with our homes, churches, institutions, and economic security remaining intact. Thomas Jefferson stated, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

Due to the seriousness of the hour, the call is twofold. First, every Church needs to immediately form a pro- life and pro-family missions program to address and defeat the abortion industry and the homosexual agenda, while at the same time opening our hearts to those enslaved by Satan's lies to see them liberated by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If, however, the Church continues to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to these sins that have reached heaven, our survival as a nation will continue down the primrose path to destruction. The Church's silence and inaction is partially responsible for the corruption of our nation to continue unabated.

Secondly, we call upon all branches of government to recant of calling good, evil and evil, good by codifying the abominable practices of abortion and homosexuality into law. For far too long, they have defended the indefensible. They cannot make straight what Almighty God has called crooked and expect America to thrive as a nation.

If we summon the moral will to do these necessary changes, we may avert going the way of every other nation that shook its puny fist in the face of a Holy God. Otherwise, America prepare to reap what you have sown!


Abortion Proponents' Clinic Proposal Attacks Peaceful 40 Days for Life Vigils in New York

Abortion Proponents' Clinic Proposal Attacks Peaceful 40 Days for Life Vigils in New York

WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- It's no coincidence that on the opening day of this fall's nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign, a New York city council member joined with prominent abortion advocacy groups at city hall to propose sweeping new legislation designed to stifle peaceful pro-life expression on the streets of the nation's largest city," said David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life. "This proposal flies in the face of both freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, and reasonable New Yorkers won't tolerate it."

The proposal would create 15-foot buffer zones around "reproductive health care facilities" and seems to target, among others, Chris Slattery, who directs 40 Days for Life campaigns in the Bronx and Queens and has a history of effective pro-life activism as president of Expectant Mother Care-EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers.

Under the plan, clinics would be permitted to file harassment charges against anyone within the 15- foot area without even having to prove intent. "This legislation is clearly intended to harass and intimidate peaceful people who are often simply standing and praying; when they do speak to women outside the facilities, they're not 'harassing' anyone," said Bereit. "The simple fact is that telling people the truth about abortion is detrimental for the clinics' business."

"These mostly volunteer street counselors," agreed Slattery, "often hurt abortion businesses by successfully and peacefully dissuading abortion patients from entering their sites when offered free help, education, medical care and housing."

The legislative proposal was announced at a news conference that included representatives of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the New York Civil Liberties Union and Dr. Emily's Women's Health Center - an abortion corporation whose Bronx location is the site of a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.

Slattery says he will vigorously oppose the legislation. "Within minutes of learning of this new proposed bill on Wednesday, I contacted David Bereit, and we have begun assembling a crack legal team and activist support network for a full scale counter- attack against this unfair, biased and blatantly unconstitutional bill," he said.

The 40 Days for Life campaign is a community-based effort that is going on in more than 170 cities from coast to coast. It began September 24 and continues through November 2.


AFTAH: Folsom Street Fair in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's District with its Public Nudity and Street Orgies Represents America's Deepening 'Moral Crisis'

AFTAH: Folsom Street Fair in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's District with its Public Nudity and Street Orgies Represents America's Deepening 'Moral Crisis'

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- In remarks prepared for a press conference this morning at San Francisco's City Hall, Americans For Truth President Peter LaBarbera said that - like homosexual "marriage" -- the public perversions and nudity allowed to go on at the annual "Folsom Street Fair" in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district represent America's deepening moral crisis.

The 25th annual "Folsom Street Fair" will be held this Sunday, Sept. 28, in San Francisco. Details of today's and Monday's press conference follow:

WHAT: Two press events exposing Folsom and the politicians who enable it;

WHERE: San Francisco City Hall

WHEN: Friday, Sept. 26, 11:00 AM - pre-Folsom; and Monday, Sept. 29, 10:00 AM - post-Folsom;

WHO: Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Linda Harvey, Mission America; Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania; Anthony Gonzalez, St. Joseph's Men's Society

Pelosi has refused to condemn the debauched Folsom Fair in her district, which features:

Rampant public nudity including men walking the streets in nothing but their socks and sneakers; police refuse to enforce decency laws and even recruit at the fair;
Public street orgies in which men engage in sex acts - as depicted on enlarged photos at the press events -- as thousands of fairgoers walk by;
Blatant anti-Christian bigotry - e.g., the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" -- transvestite mock "nuns" who work closely with Folsom; and religious-themed "sex toys" sold by vendors;

In prepared remarks, LaBarbera states: "As our nation deals with a severe economic crisis ... America faces an equally grave moral crisis that flies under the politically correct media's radar. In the name of 'tolerance and diversity,' we are casting aside all boundaries, some dating back to the beginning of recorded time. In that sense, redefining marriage outside its natural male-female state -- and Folsom's shocking, police-protected public perversions -- are mere markers of a nation in steep decline, a nation that is leaving God behind.

"It is no coincidence that the man who took it upon himself four years ago to illegally and radically redefine marriage - Mayor Gavin Newsom - now enthusiastically welcomes the Folsom Street Fair with its public depravities - an event that makes San Francisco a subject of ridicule and opprobrium the world over," LaBarbera said.


ICHR Calls on YouTube to Pull Anti-Catholic 'Eucharistic Desecration' Hate Videos Calls video an outrageous insult to Catholics

ICHR Calls on YouTube to Pull Anti-Catholic 'Eucharistic Desecration' Hate Videos
Calls video an outrageous insult to Catholics

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- The International Crusade for Holy Relics is demanding that YouTube pull video showing desecration of the Eucharist from its site.

The video series posted by "fsmdude" includes a variety of desecrations of the Eucharist using a toilet, a saw, a blender, and a variety of other means.

Catholics believe the Eucharist is the body of Christ.

Serafin first learned of the outrage after a phone call from the News Website www.headlinebistro.com seeking comment on the situation.

"This outrage must be stopped," said Tom Serafin, ICHR president. "This is a direct affront to a quarter of the United States population, it is an outrageous insult, and has no merit whatsoever."

He added: "YouTube has the resources of Google - one of the nation's largest companies - behind it, and yet somehow, something this outrageous and offensive slipped through, and they are still searching for an answer. We demand, on behalf of Catholics everywhere, that it be removed immediately."

YouTube bans offensive material as follows:

· YouTube is not a shock site. Don't post gross- out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to shock or disgust.

· We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).

"After reviewing these videos, it is clear that YouTube's ban is not being enforced," he said. "Not only are they not enforcing their own rules, but they are helping others to spread a disgusting message of hate."

The ICHR is the foremost internet watchdog group of Catholic laymen. The organization has fought the online sale of relics of the saints and of the Eucharist - primarily on eBay - for more than a decade.


Operation Rescue Denounces ACLU Carpetbaggers in South Dakota

Operation Rescue Denounces ACLU Carpetbaggers in South Dakota

ACLU will pay outside pro-abortion agitators to influence the vote against Measure 11, the proposed abortion ban

SIOUX FALLS, SD, Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- The ACLU has announced plans to bus in abortion supporters from more liberal states in an attempt to influence the outcome of the vote on Measure 11, a proposed state ban on nearly all abortions. The groups are scheduled to descend upon Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the first weekend in October. In addition, the ACLU has promised to pay all expenses for the out-of-state agitators, including lodging if necessary.

"Operation Rescue denounces this blatant effort by the ACLU to bring in paid agitators to influence the vote in South Dakota. We see this as an unscrupulous effort to buy the election," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "The people of South Dakota have taken pride in the fact that Measure 11 is a law by South Dakotans for South Dakotans. They certainly don't need the ACLU to bring in pro-abortion liberals to tell them what is best for their state."

Polls have shown that the majority of South Dakotans support the abortion restrictions in Measure 11.

"We know that the good people of South Dakota embrace the traditional American values that cherish life and family. We urge South Dakotans to reject the liberal ACLU carpetbaggers and vote their consciences in support of Measure 11 on November 4," said Newman.

About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.


Conservative Leaders Give In-Depth Commentary After Tonight's McCain/Obama Debate Press Teleconference Call Tonight

Conservative Leaders Give In-Depth Commentary After Tonight's McCain/Obama Debate
Press Teleconference Call Tonight

For Producers, Hosts, Reporters & Bloggers Only
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 26 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following information is submitted by NewsGuests.com:

WHO: Some of the nation's top conservative leaders - Senator Rick Santorum (PA), former Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference; Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform; Major General Bentley Rayburn, retired United States Air Force and Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring.

WHAT: Press teleconference call to gauge reaction of conservative leaders after tonight's debate between Republican presidential candidate, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)

WHEN: Press teleconference call takes place Friday, September 26, 2008 at exactly 10:45 p.m. EDT. Call in at least 2 minutes before the top of the hour: Toll-free - 1-888-296-6828. Passcode is: 418647# (announce name and media organization).

INFO: This press teleconference call event provides an opportunity for an informed perspective on the presidential debate in which Senators John McCain and Barack Obama will be participating at 9:00 p.m. ET tonight, thus providing an expanded perspective on how conservative leaders see the relationship between conservatism and public policy on national security issues and probable economic issues as well. The press conference call will give reporters, producers, hosts and bloggers access to alternative views from the nation's leading conservatives. NewsGuests.com is a public relations firm providing prepared guests on a wide variety of provocative topics. For more information, visit www.NewsGuests.com.

NOTE: For speaker bios, transcripts and/or audio versions of the interviews, please go to www.NewsGuests.com or email Felicia@NewsGuests.com on Saturday, September 27, 2008 after noon ET.


'Fireproof' Producer to Address Christian Filmmakers Academy Students

'Fireproof' Producer to Address Christian Filmmakers Academy Students

SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Sept. 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Fireproof" co-producer Stephen Kendrick has agreed to rejoin the Christian Filmmakers Academy (CFA) for their fourth annual filmmakers bootcamp which will be held in San Antonio, Texas, on January 5-7, 2009. Kendrick -- who last year gave Academy students a behind-the-scenes sneak-preview of "Fireproof," the Kendrick's feature film which hits 850 theatres nationwide today -- will share with students at the 2009 Academy in-depth production insights as well as other lessons learned in making a successful independent Christian film.

"We are pleased to have Stephen Kendrick join us once again for our Christian Filmmakers Academy," stated Doug Phillips, founder of San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival and the Christian Filmmakers Academy.

"The success that the Kendrick brothers have achieved through their films 'Facing and Giants' and 'Fireproof' offers clear testimony to the impact that outside-the-box Christian filmmakers can have on our culture," Phillips remarked. "Their example offers many lessons that we believe other up-and-coming Christian filmmakers who will be joining us next January can learn from."

The Christian Filmmakers Academy is a technical boot camp for aspiring culture changers designed to give filmographers the nuts-and-bolts skills they need to be successful in this critical arena of the arts. The Academy is an offshoot of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF), which will be awarding $101,000 to their "Best of Festival" winner next January -- the largest single cash prize given by any independent film festival worldwide. The SAICFF -- which Kendrick has referred to as "America's premier Christian film festival" -- will be held January 8-10 in the Alamo City.

"We are experiencing tremendous momentum in the independent Christian film movement this year," Phillips observed. "The Kendrick brothers are making big waves with their efforts, and the SAICFF's move to lead all independent festivals around the globe with the biggest single cash prize award has created quite a groundswell.

"Our goal with the CFA and the SAICFF is to light a candle," continued Phillips. "We endeavor to show that there is hope outside Hollywood by encouraging culture changers who are recapturing film for Christ's glory."

Film submissions for the 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival must be entered online and postmarked by October 1, 2008 (November 1 for feature film submissions). To learn more about the Christian Filmmakers Academy and the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, visit: www.independentchristianfilms.com.

To interview Doug Phillips about his vision for the Christian Filmmakers Academy and the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, contact Wesley Strackbein by e-mail at wesley@visionforum.com or by phone at (210) 340-5250, ext. 222.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama, McCain Top Advisors Will Square Off At Religious Forum

Obama, McCain Top Advisors Will Square Off At Religious Forum

Robert Heckman and Evna C. La Velle to Discuss Moral, Religious and Basic Rights Issues

MEDIA ADVISORY, September 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Reese RoundTable on Capitol Hill will host senior campaign McCain advisor Robert Heckman and senior Obama advisor Evna La Valle for a lunch forum on Tuesday, September 23, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM, Capitol Hill Club, 300 1st St., SE, Washington, DC.

The forum, entitled "How Does the Declaration of Independence Guide Your View of Government?" will focus on the inalienable rights enshrined the Declaration including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Topics will also include moral and religious issues. The program will be moderated by the Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the National Clergy Council and chair of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance.

The capacity audience includes U.S. Senate and House senior staff, heads of various religious organizations, political and social activists and journalists.

The lunch portion is filled to capacity, but media representatives are welcome for the program which begins at 12:20 PM. Space has been reserved for cameras. Microphones may be placed on the podium at any point in the program. A mult-box IS NOT available for this event.


Joyce Meyer's 'Enjoying Everyday Life' Now on Country Music Television

Joyce Meyer's 'Enjoying Everyday Life' Now on Country Music Television

MEDIA ADVISORY, September 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- This month, Country Music Television (CMT) welcomes Joyce Meyer's "Enjoying Everyday Life" to its daily television programming.

In an effort to continue a commitment to innovative broadcasting, reaching beyond traditional Christian networks, Joyce Meyer Ministries has enthusiastically accepted an invitation to launch the ministry's television program, "Enjoying Everyday Life", on the widely-popular Country Music Television (CMT) channel. "Enjoying Everyday Life" will now air daily nationwide on CMT at 5:30am Eastern and Pacific.

"Enjoying Everyday Life" is relevant to a remarkably diverse audience. Currently, it is available to two-thirds of the world's population - in over 30 languages worldwide and on almost 500 television and 400 radio stations nationwide. As part of the CMT family of programming, Enjoying Everyday Life now has the potential of reaching more than 87 million additional households.

Because Joyce Meyer Ministries and its supporters are dedicated to reaching beyond the traditional barriers for inspirational programming, "Enjoying Everyday Life" can also be seen each day on other popular networks such as the Discovery Channel and ABC Family.

The invitation of "Enjoying Everyday Life" to air on an additional non-faith based network is an illustration that now, more than ever, many television networks are realizing the importance and value of offering programs that integrate family values and appeal to a great percentage of their viewing audience.

Ginger Stache, Chief Media Officer said, "Enjoying Everyday Life is uniquely relevant and connects people with practical, life-changing messages. We are excited about this new opportunity to share this message of hope and encouragement on CMT."

For complete program listings and information about JMM, please visit: www.joycemeyer.org


Inspiration for Families with Disabled Children

Inspiration for Families with Disabled Children

LUCEDALE, MS, Aug. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Families with disabled children experience a unique brand of stress. Doctors and hospitals become as familiar as home. Going out in public means facing stares, questions, and even undeserved judgment. Everyday tasks require special equipment, not to mention extra energy and patience. Moms and dads watch their children struggle through school, endure treatments, and live through the pain of being made fun of, sometimes knowing that their kids will never go to college, have kids of their own, or live on their own.

The divorce rate among couples with disabled children is above the national average. Yet, some families manage to not only survive but thrive through it all, exhibiting strength that families with healthy children can't understand. Tammy Smith and her husband Steve are such a couple.

Tammy and Steve are the parents of 20-year-old Webb, a boy born with a disability so rare that he is yet to be officially diagnosed. "We just know that his 7th chromosome has a deletion, which means some important information is missing," Tammy explains. As a baby Webb had up to 100 seizures per day. "He does walk but has no speech and pretty much has to have everything done for him." Tammy refers to her son as "the great teacher of the family" and describes the profound affect that he has had on his two younger sisters (who are completely healthy), her husband and herself, and members of their church. In her book "Stories and Meditations from Webb's Mommy", Tammy Smith reveals the secret to the joy, hope and strength that she and her family exhibit--their unwavering faith in God. Through her experiences as a mommy to Webb, she has even found blessings in being entrusted with a disabled child.

"What I want people to take away is that God loves us all SO much! I want them to realize that even when something as devastating as having a severely disabled child happens, He is still there and provides grace, strength and guidance through the tough days." She believes that even those who do not have a disabled child will benefit from the book. "Everyone has worth," Smith reminds people, "even if they aren't perfect by the world's standards."

To order, visit: www.winepressbooks.com or call 877- 421-7323. For a review copy or to schedule an interview please contact Adam Cothes at 360-802- 9758 or adam@winepressgroup.com.


Are Family Haters Lurking in California Government

Are Family Haters Lurking in California Government

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Should government money and resources be used to harm families and children? In California shocking things are happening. It seems the government wants to take away protection of families and children so those who oppose families don't get offended.

First, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to force homosexuality promotion upon California's children. Many believe these "laws" are the worse thing ever done in California history. Why? Imagine the consequences of a little boy trusting his "teacher" telling him that he may "be a girl". Years later, this lie leads the man to loneliness, guilt, a wrong focus and he never learns how to love a family. He may also have diseases and the woman who wanted to love him, can't. The school harmed society.

Today, California schools forbid saying anything negative about homosexuals. Many times boys use the girls' restroom and girls use the boys' restroom because of homosexual activism. How come the best country, the USA, didn't do this the last 232 years?

School money is wasted as textbooks are rewritten to remove references to "mother" and "father". Most people find that offensive. It is untruthful. Couldn't the money be used more wisely to build a field, pave the tennis courts, or improve math scores? Why do children go to school anyway?

Then there are the embarrassed government workers who forcefully had to participate in "gay" parades. Many government workers have families. Do you remember the abused San Diego firemen who were made to parade against their desires? They felt shame.

This raises more concerns. Like, why is government money used to promote homosexuality? Something many find offensive. Why - if the majority thinks differently? And how many California government workers could have kept their jobs instead of recently being laid off if money was not funneled away to discriminate against families?

Then there are the Supreme Court "judges" who try to force homosexual "marriage". Didn't Californians vote against homosexual "marriage"? Other states complained but they were ignored. Judges have not acted like this before. Where is right and wrong?

Jerry Brown, California Attorney General, decided to rewrite the marriage proposition to favor homosexuals. Not only is this unfair, it is against the 1.1 million voters who put Proposition 8 on the ballot.

If that is not enough, the public utility company, PG & E, and the Teacher's Association together gave $500,000 toward brainwashing people to say "no" to real marriage. Is that what public utilities and a teacher's association are supposed to do? How come electricity is so expensive? What about the teachers who are afraid to loose their jobs if they think differently than the Teacher's Association?

This is a shame for California, but it gets worse and shows the true colors of homosexual activism. The City of Oakland made it against the law to use the words "natural family", "marriage" and "family values". This went to the district court and the court agreed. So, if you use these words, you get fired. Is that fair? But you can talk about homosexuality.

What happened to free speech? Or, according to the voting record, are the Democrats generally trying to take free speech and American freedom away? Is this what the founders of America wanted? Of course not.

So, is discrimination against families the consequence of trying to take prayer out of schools and the Ten Commandments out of courtrooms?

How come the Bible was the first and only textbook in US schools? Why did George Washington say, "What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ" and "it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible". This is American history.

Not too long ago people had lasting relationships. Most everyone had a mom and a dad.

I am glad I grew up with a mom and a dad. If you did, aren't you?

It is time to stop the corruption. Will the government start doing what is right and protect families and children?

There are four things you can do: First, remember the power of prayer. Pray this prayer sincerely: Father, we ask for a righteous government in California - a government who cares for families and children in Jesus' name. Second, refuse to vote for those who take away family rights. (Check out your candidate's voting record, not what they say.) Third, call each agency and tell them your free speech is being taken away with homosexual favoritism and you don't like it. And finally, urge every Californian to vote Yes on Proposition 8.

Steve Krotoski is the author of "The Kingdom: Experiencing Heaven on Earth", www.TheKingdomBook.com. Steve explains powerful truths through TV, radio, and the Internet, including how to walk closely with God and apply God's Kingdom laws.


Three Americans Arrested for Second Time as Police Drag Them from Tiananmen Square -- Public Prayer Deemed Illegal Demonstration

Three Americans Arrested for Second Time as Police Drag Them from Tiananmen Square -- Public Prayer Deemed Illegal Demonstration

The Americans were arrested for the second time -- It is not known when the human rights leaders will be released

BEIJING, Aug. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- At approximately 11 AM local time, three American Christians were arrested in Tiananmen Square. The three arrested are Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Washington DC based Christian Defense Coalition; Brandi Swindell of Boise Idaho, National Director of Generation Life; and Michael McMonagle, of Philadelphia, national Catholic pro-life activist and founder of Generation Life.

The same three Americans were also arrested yesterday while holding a banner and speaking out against China's religious persecution.

While in custody Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, said, "We were in Tiananmen Square publicly praying for the people of China when police forcefully dragged us across the street."

For more information or interviews contact:

Rev. Rob Schenck 703.447.7686

Kaitlin Clare 540.538.4822


SurvivorMall.com Supports National Preparedness Month with Free Books, Guides, Downloads

SurvivorMall.com Supports National Preparedness Month with Free Books, Guides, Downloads

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- September has been designated National Preparedness Month by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. SurvivorMall.com is supporting this effort by providing free e-books, reports, booklets and more on how to perform first aid, prepare temporary shelters, build bomb shelters, defend against terrorism, shield against nuclear fallout, survive earthquakes, storms, floods, and dozens of other potentially catastrophic situations.

As one of the nation's foremost discount suppliers of emergency survival supplies, SurvivorMall.com also provides military gear and clothing, food and water rations and filters, terrorism and self defense products and related print and media to everyday citizens, government agencies, state governments, public and private schools, civic organizations, care homes and even Hollywood stars. Their products have been featured by news giants NewsMax, WorldNetDaily, RaidersNewsNetwork and others. A feature article about SurvivorMall.com is currently available at WorldNetDaily here.

"SurvivorMall.com was started following 9/11 to provide an affordable single-source platform where people, businesses and agencies could find the numerous products they need for disaster readiness," says CEO Tom Horn. "We are in the business of reducing fear and building confidence through helping people and organizations prepare for the unknown. As Proverbs 22:3 says, 'A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them, while the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.'"

Following 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, people panicked when they found stores closed, utilities unavailable and emergency personnel tied up helping others. "The dramatic lesson is that every person, business and institution must be prepared to care for themselves, to survive" Horn adds. "National Preparedness Month was created to encourage Americans and businesses to take simple steps in order to be ready for emergencies."

To support this national effort, SurvivorMall.com has set up a special FREE DOWNLOADS page where anybody can download emergency preparedness books and reports such as: Family Emergency Planning, Pandemic Flu Preparedness, Emergency Management Guide For Business & Industry, Emergency Guide For Disabled Employees, Emergency Response To Terrorism, How To Build A Bomb Shelter, Army Corp Radiation Protection Manuel, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention, Home Chemical Emergencies Guide, and many more, absolutely free. Follow this link to view The FREE DOWNLOADS page.

SurvivorMall.com CEO Tom Horn has done hundreds of hours of radio and television interviews and is available to media during the months of August and September to discuss the subject of emergency preparedness. Contact Donna at raidersnewsupdate@gmail.com or 417-723-0610.


Countering Youth Violence: Success in the Midst of a Deadly Trend

Countering Youth Violence: Success in the Midst of a Deadly Trend

PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- The youth violence epidemic in the United States is far from being over, reports the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Arrest rates may have dropped, but acts of violence have not.

The Surgeon General also reports a number of programs that have been highly successful in preventing further serious violent behavior in American youths. Some contributing factors that continue to aggravate the problem include:

Physical, psychological, and/or emotional abandonment
Domestic violence, abuse, neglect
Lack of order, structure, discipline
Alcohol and/or drug use
Fear of the unknown
Problem behavior coupled with Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Diagnosed with ADHD as a young child, Victor T. Anfuso's first twenty years was also marked with serious violent behavior. "At age six, I knew I was different from other children in school; everyone knew me as 'Victor, the class clown.' Impulsivity followed me around like a shadow I could not escape."

Anfuso's book, "A Child Named Victor" explores the journey of an individual searching desperately for hope and success, but being thwarted by his own poor choices in life. It covers the period of time from his elementary school days through his mid-twenties. Anfuso specifically targets the two years he spent on Cypress Island in Washington State at Secret Harbor School, a home for overtly violent boys.

A self-proclaimed overcomer, Anfuso writes to encourage others: "My purpose is to reach all people with similar conditions who desperately need hope. I want to let people know my story and give them a feeling of inspiration in their own lives that success is possible."

An avid traveler, Victor has visited countries in Africa, Europe, Central America, as well as Mexico, and Israel, serving the poor and needy around the globe. Victor currently resides in Oregon.

To order, visit: www.winepressbooks.com or call 877- 421-7323. For a review copy or to schedule an interview please contact Adam Cothes at 360-802- 9758 or adam@winepressgroup.com.


Tyson Foods: An American Company?

Tyson Foods: An American Company?

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The Tyson plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee is no longer acting like an American Company because they have decided not to celebrate Labor Day," according to Don Swarthout, President of Christians Reviving America's Values (CRAVE).

Swarthout asked, "How can a company like Tyson just decide to ignore the fact that Labor Day is a recognized American Holiday?" However, Tyson has decided to ignore Labor Day as a holiday and celebrate Eid al-Fitr as a way to cater to their Somali Islamic employees.

Swarthout said, "What makes this particularly upsetting is that Tyson is replacing a secular holiday with an Islamic Religious Holiday. If we wanted to replace a secular holiday with a Christian holiday the company or the courts would not allow us to do such a thing."

People we allowed to come into this country should want to learn our culture and to live like Americans. If a holiday is obscure by the standards of society, then in America you have to accept the fact that holiday is obscure and move on with your life.

We still live in America and therefore we should celebrate all of our American holidays. Somali Muslims should not expect to come to our country and then tell us what holidays we have to celebrate. If they come to America they should try to become like Americans, speak the language and do as Americans do.

Our Founding Fathers were Christians and celebrating a Muslim Holiday in place of an American holiday was never intended to happen in America. Like the local Shelbyville newspaper said about this situation, "Once again, American Traditions are pushed aside."

Swarthout said, "What makes Tyson think they have the right to replace our American holidays by substituting a Religious Muslim holiday in its place? This nation was founded by Christians and we are still the majority, not the Muslims."

Swarthout concluded by saying, "We must take pride in our country, celebrate our recognized holidays and set a proper example for those who come to our country. The American people are sick and tired of this type of treatment!"

Tyson Foods refused to comment when contacted about this story.


Three American Christian Leaders to Hold a News Conference and Prayer Vigil in Tiananmen Square After Being Released from Police Custody

Three American Christian Leaders to Hold a News Conference and Prayer Vigil in Tiananmen Square After Being Released from Police Custody

BEIJING, China, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- The three activists were physically removed from Tiananmen Square by Chinese officials after displaying a banner which said "Jesus Christ is King", laying roses to honor those brutally killed during the massacre in 1989 and praying for human rights in China.

The news conference will address human rights abuses by the Chinese government and will be held on Thursday, August 7th at 11:00 AM China time in front of the Mao Tse-tung Mausoleum (the eastern side across from the National Museum of China).

The news conference will be attended by the three Christian leaders and moderated by Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney director of the Christian Defense Coalition.

"We are engaging in these public witnesses in Tiananmen Square to remind the world of the massacre of Chinese people by the Chinese Army that occurred here on June 4, 1989. We ask, 'Why has the media stopped showing the dramatic footage of the young Chinese student standing in front of a tank?' -- Michael McMonagle, of Philadelphia, national Catholic pro-life activist and founder of Generation Life.

"It is tragic that we were physically removed from Tiananmen Square for simply holding a banner and leaving roses to honor the victims of the 1989 massacre. It is my hope and prayer that our witness will inspire the persecuted people of China. It is a simple sacrifice to stand in solidarity with Christians, Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan monks, victims of forced abortion and all those who have been severely punished for their beliefs. As we return to Tiananmen Square we will continue to be a voice for those whom the Chinese government attempts to silence.

"The message of the gospel cannot be silenced, the spirit of human dignity cannot be silenced." -- Brandi Swindell, National Director and co-founder of Generation Life based in Boise, Idaho.


Recession Proof Your Church's Giving

Recession Proof Your Church's Giving

Author Dr. Steve McSwain's new book, The Giving Myths (Smyth & Helwys Publishing, Inc.), offers practical help to America's churches during the current economic recession. As an expert in Christian philanthropy and fundraising, Dr. McSwain has provided consultation to hundreds of Christian churches representing virtually every Christian communion in America. Inc.
MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- For three decades, Dr. McSwain has consulted with religious leaders in virtually every denomination in America (Evangelical, Protestant, Roman Catholic). He is frequently asked, "What's the real reason that giving is declining in most churches today? Is it the economy?"

"No," say Dr. McSwain. "Economic downturns do make religious people more conscientious about how and where they give and invest. When wages are frozen, commissions are smaller, and prices are higher, the coffers will be lighter. That's a fact. But, the economy has very little to do with the decline in the number of coins that ring in today's coffers. Even when the economy was booming, giving was waning. Giving has been declining for decades."

"A more important question is: 'What motivates generosity at all? Regardless of the economy, why would any person give anything?'"

Dr. McSwain says, "Generosity is never tied to your circumstances, but to your convictions. If the economy had anything to do with giving, the Macedonians, about whom Saint Paul wrote in sacred scripture, had every reason to quarantine the meager resources they did have. Instead, however--and this is what shocked Saint Paul--their generosity was outlandish."

"Just as in Macedonia, this kind of outlandish generosity exists today," says Dr. McSwain, "but it isn't because of sermons on tithing or the pulpit scolding of those who do not give. If you're interest is in growing a spiritually healthy church, motivation for giving must come from somewhere other than guilt for not giving or shame for giving too little."

In his book, The Giving Myths, Dr. McSwain demonstrates, through a cadre of inspirational examples, that generosity is generated through a deep, life- transforming experience of divine grace. "You never have to beg from people who have experienced grace," he says, "but you almost always have to beg from those who have not."

"If you find there is a decline in giving in your church, look for a deficit of grace in people's lives," says Dr. McSwain. "It is there you'll find the answers in your search for what motivates giving. Grace is the key that unlocks the door on the generosity quotient in a person's life."

Discover how to cultivate grace in people's lives in this provocative book, The Giving Myths, and make your church recession proof today.

Dr. Steve McSwain has more than thirty years of experience in Christian ministry, Christian giving, and in philanthropy. As the bestselling author, Dr. McSwain inspires audiences all over America. His message is warmly received in every Christian communion--whether Evangelical, mainline Protestant, or Roman Catholic. It is not uncommon, for example, to find Dr. McSwain addressing evangelicals one week and inspiring an audience of Roman Catholics the next. In September, he'll be leading a weekend "Get the Life You've Always Wanted - Generosity Workshop" at one of the largest Catholic communions in the Midwest. If you are interested in booking Dr. McSwain for a speaking engagement or a humor-filled and inspirational workshop, contact Jim Rittenhouse at @ www.McKinneySpeakers.com. Or, call Mr. Rittenhouse at (800) 955-4746. Dr. McSwain is regularly heard and seen on radio and television programs across the country.

Dr. McSwain's book The Giving Myths is rapidly rising as the most provocative, yet easy-to-read, book on Christian giving in the twenty-first century. Dozens of church leaders have written Dr McSwain already to express gratitude for the forthright, but practical way he deals with one of the biggest issues facing churches today. What's more, Dr. McSwain receives no royalties from the sale of his book. All proceeds are donated to www.ModestNeeds.org. Order from the publisher: Smyth & Helwys Publishing House at http://helwys.com/books/giving_myths.html. Or, visit any of the on-line retail bookstore outlets: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc. Learn more about Dr. McSwain at: www.stevemcswain.com.


Pastor Rick & Kay Warren Bring Together Leaders to Discuss Unification of Expertise to Stop HIV/AIDS

Pastor Rick & Kay Warren Bring Together Leaders to Discuss Unification of Expertise to Stop HIV/AIDS

Saddleback Church Hosts International AIDS Conference Satellite Session on the Partnership of Government, Business & the Church

MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Kay Warren, HIV/AIDS advocate, author and executive director of the Saddleback HIV/AIDS Initiative, moderated a panel of Rwandan government and church leaders; business and medical experts; and Saddleback HIV/AIDS Initiative directors; along with her husband, Rick Warren, founding pastor of Saddleback Church and best-selling author of "The Purpose Driven Life," to address the issue of global partnership ventures to help people living with HIV/AIDS. The satellite session titled, "Government, Faith and Business: Building Effective Multi-Sector Partnerships," was held yesterday as part of the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City.

"When Rick and I first got involved, we thought we were just two people; what could we possibly do against a pandemic?" Kay Warren said. "But as we began to travel and learn about how HIV/AIDS is affecting different parts of the world, we realized that there was a very major piece of the fight that was missing - or at least under mobilized and underutilized - and that is the local church."

"We are at this conference because we think this is where the Church ought to be," Pastor Warren added. "What we have before us is a global pandemic, and the Church needs to show compassion, kindness and the love of Christ as part of the solution."

This satellite session differed from all others during the six-day, biennial conference in that it focused on a revolutionary concept of transforming health care delivery through the full engagement of the local church linked to existing health care systems to work together for the common purpose of community health.

In addition to the Warrens, the panel included Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, executive secretary of the National AIDS Control Commission of Rwanda; Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini of the Episcopal Church in Rwanda and chairman of the National Commission for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS, Interfaith/Rwanda, the Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace and the steering committee for the Purpose Driven/P.E.A.C.E. Plan in Rwanda; and Dale Dawson, chair of Opportunity International's President's Council and founder of Bridge2Rwanda.

Other members of the Saddleback HIV/AIDS Initiative also presented, including Dr. Gil Odendaal, global director; and Elizabeth Styffe, co-director, and executive director of the Saddleback Orphan Care Initiative and Western Rwanda HIV/AIDS Healthcare Initiative, who presented her content also that developed by Dr. Robert Redfield, co-founder of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland, who was invited, but unable to attend.

During the session, the leaders spoke of how each of their segments of society - government, business and church - can work in tandem to solve the problem of HIV/AIDS. "Both a one-legged and a two-legged stool will fall over, but a three-legged stool will stand," Pastor Warren explained. "There is a public sector role of government and NGOs; there is the private or profit sector role of businesses; and there is the faith sector role of churches and houses of worship.

"Each of these sectors brings something to the table that the others don't have," Pastor Warren added. "If you say the faith community cannot participate in healthcare, you have just taken out most of the world because the amount of those without faith in the world is very small."

According to Binagwaho, there are more than 430 healthcare facilities in Rwanda, 40 percent of which belong to a church. With more than 98 percent of the people in the country living within 1 kilometer of a church, the local pastor has the trust of the people, putting him in the ideal position to help provide healthcare needs.

"After 25 years, HIV is still a new disease, and we need new strategies, tools and programs," said Binagwaho. "This is all about partnership, and if we partner it is because we are different, not because we are the same."

Dawson, a business man who formerly was an investment banker for one of the wealthiest families in America, is now working to bring healthcare to children in Rwanda. On the strength of his success, he is now using his resources and influence to make a significant change halfway around the world. "One of the unusual things about this partnership with Rwanda is that I'm not in the same position to lead with the vision that the Rwandans are," he said. "My role in this is much different; in America, I can lead, as it is my mission, my country and my culture. But in Rwanda, I'm in fact a servant. I'm not a minister, and I'm not a missionary, I'm a businessman who is trying to find significance in the second half of my life - and there are many others like me."

According to Odendaal, the genius of the Saddleback healthcare model in Rwanda is that it is not church- based, but church-initiated. "Our emphasis is on sustainability and scalability, not speed. We are in this for the long haul."

Styffe emphasized that the best persons to deliver anti- retroviral drugs (ARV's) are men and women who have themselves been successfully treated for HIV/AIDS, and the country is going to run out of treatment partners unless the church is mobilized. "Through the development of a church model, the number of potential health care partners is growing from only 200 doctors, to more than 1,500 trained workers - two per church - and more than 51,000 Western Rwandans are now on ARV treatment."

Founded in 1980 by the Warrens, Saddleback Church is located in Orange County, Calif. With an average weekly attendance of 22,000, it is one of the five largest churches in America. For more information about the Saddleback HIV/AIDS Initiative, visit www.HIVandTheChurch.com or www.RwandaHealthcare.com.


Americans Arrested in Beijing: News Conference at Chinese Embassy Today

Americans Arrested in Beijing: News Conference at Chinese Embassy Today

WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- The National Clergy Council will hold a news conference today, August 6, 2008, 9:30 AM, in front of the Chinese Embassy to discuss the arrest of three Americans in Beijing after a demonstration there in support of oppressed peoples in China.

Photo: Americans display a banner that reads "Jesus Christ is King" in Chinese and English, at Tiananmen Square.

For more information contact: Rev. Rob Schenck, 703- 447-7686 or Peggy Birchfield of National Clergy Council, 202-236-0953

Who: Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president, National Clergy Council and American spokesman for three detained American citizens in China.

What: News Conference

Where: In front of Chinese Embassy, 2300 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC

When: August 6, 2008, 9:30 AM


America Needs Fatima Exceeds 2,000 Captains Milestone for Rosary Rally on October 11

America Needs Fatima Exceeds 2,000 Captains Milestone for Rosary Rally on October 11
HANOVER, Penn., Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- America Needs Fatima along with tens of thousands of Catholic volunteers are preparing to pray the Public Square Rosary for America on October 11, 2008.

The goal is three thousand rallies nationwide, almost 1,000 more than last year.

America Needs Fatima is promoting rosary rallies in public places to send a clear message to a suffering Nation: human solutions aren't working. We must turn to God by praying the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, begging for His help and guidance.

At the group's campaign headquarters near Topeka, Kansas, coordinator Francis Slobodnik announced that they had reached a milestone of 2,013 Rosary Rally Captains.

"Over two thousand people have agreed to organize these rallies. There are rally captains in every state, and in Puerto Rico. People are really excited about it and momentum is snowballing," noted Mr. Slobodnik. "Participants will proclaim their faith publicly, pray for America, and send a clear message to secularists who want to ban God from the public square."

"The office is buzzing with activity. Rosary volunteers and staff are busy contacting new rosary captains, answering questions and sending out supplies. Our biggest challenge is to find time to speak with all the people who want to join," Mr. Slobodnik said. "More volunteers just arrived to help handle calls."

"More and more people are looking to the Fatima message because men aren't solving the moral crisis in society." Mr. Slobodnik continued. "In other words, prayer, penance and conversion are God's answer to our problems."

To join other Rally Captains and help organize a rally in your town, contact the America Needs Fatima headquarters at 866-584-6012 or check out www.anf.org. You can also write to anf@americaneedsfatima.org.


Three Americans Arrested in Beijing for Public Prayer and Witness Against Human Rights Abuses by the Chinese Government

Three Americans Arrested in Beijing for Public Prayer and Witness Against Human Rights Abuses by the Chinese Government

The Americans were arrested in Beijing as the world awaits the Summer Olympic Games

It is not known when the human rights leaders will be released

BEIJING, Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., states, "Today we stand as a bold and prophetic witness against the tyranny and brutality by the Chinese government against their own people. As the Summer Olympics are being celebrated, millions of Christians and those with other faith traditions are routinely oppressed, tortured and jailed by Chinese officials. It is a privilege and honor to be able to stand with those who are persecuted.

"China also promotes the barbaric practice of forced abortion and sterilization, while those who speak out against human rights abuses by the Chinese government are crushed and trampled. And, the peaceful citizens of Tibet have been brutalized by Chinese leaders.

"Today we follow the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 25 and stand in solidarity with our oppressed Chinese brothers and sisters. Our public witness is a visible reminder that 100,000 military troops and abusive security measures cannot silence the voice of freedom, justice and the power of the Gospel of Christ. The truth will always be heard and we hope that President Bush will boldly speak out against these human rights abuses on his official visit to China during the Olympics."

Brandi Swindell, National Director and co-founder of Generation Life based in Boise, Idaho, comments, "I gladly risk my freedoms to speak out for those who have none. It is an honor to stand in solidarity with our Chinese brothers and sisters who risk their lives every day for expressing the simple act of worshipping their God. Today millions of Christians, Tibetan Monks and Falun Gong practitioners sit in prison and face unspeakable brutality because of their religious beliefs.

"As a young woman, I passionately speak out against the pain and suffering that Chinese women must face daily through the practice of forced abortion and human trafficking. They routinely deal with the tragic and painful loss of children through forced abortion and young girls face the horror of being sold into sex slavery through human trafficking. My hope is through my witness today I may be a voice for them.

"We pray that God will bring an end to these human rights abuses by the Chinese government and one day the world will see justice, liberty and freedom for the beautiful people of this wonderful country."

Michael McMonagle, a national Catholic pro-life activist and founder of Generation Life in Philadelphia, adds, "We are willing to risk some minor hardship to provide this public witness for Jesus Christ and against the worst human rights abuses in the history of the world. Our prayer is our witness will stir Christians across the world to take a public stand for Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Life.

"I brought a banner with me that reads, 'Jesus Christ is King.' This banner summarized Cardinal Ignatius Kung's heroic statement in 1955 before thousands of people in a stadium in Shanghai, when he cried out, 'Long live Christ the King! Long live the Pope!' He spent 30 years in prison for this powerful public witness for Christ.

"Today, we join with the witness of Cardinal Kung as we stand for life, human rights and justice."

For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Rob Schenck 703.447.7686
Kaitlin Clare 540.538.4822


Three American Christian and Pro-life Leaders Lead Demonstration in Tiananmen Square on August 6

Three American Christian and Pro-life Leaders Lead Demonstration in Tiananmen Square on August 6

BEIJING, August 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Three American Christian pro- life leaders will lead a demonstration in Tiananmen Square today, August 6, at 2 PM local time. The leaders are Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Washington DC based Christian Defense Coalition; Brandi Swindell of Boise Idaho, National Director of Generation Life; and Michael McMonagle, of Philadelphia, national Catholic pro-life activist and founder of Generation Life.

The group is speaking out against the human rights abuses of the Chinese government against their own people. They are focusing on religious persecution against Christians and other faith groups, forced abortion, the crushing of Tibet and her people, and the denial of fundamental civil liberties.

As part of their demonstration for human rights the group will kneel in prayer, display a banner that reads "Jesus Christ is Lord" in Chinese and English, and leave flowers to honor those killed in the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

More information, videos and photos will be made available.

For more information call Rev. Rob Schenck at 703- 447-7686


The Christian Parent's Answer to the Harry Potter Phenomenon

The Christian Parent's Answer to the Harry Potter Phenomenon

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- Scotland's J.K. Rowling, the unknown author who claimed to create Harry Potter from her imagination, stirred up America by exposing our children to spells, witchcraft and wizardry. Now an American author is stirring up the answer, exposing our children to true secrets, myths and miracles, introducing J.C. Lamb who came not from the imagination, but from a sacrifice and a vision from God.

On July 15th, 2008, Mary's Lamb Publishing debuted their first "Give & Share Book(TM)" titled The Secret of Yahweh! at the International Christian Retail Show, and it proved to be an instant favorite. The line that formed to meet the author and get a copy of her book was one not usually seen for an unknown author, (especially one whose testimony claims she is "not much of a writer.") LeFerna Arnold-Walch, has become a leading authority on the unchurched family since her son's car crashed into a church in 1998. "My firstborn son's coma was the sacrifice it took to open my eyes to God's plan for me. Now I have a promise to keep," she says. The author and veteran entertainer also has radio and television experience, and will be a recommended guest for talk shows across America in an August 2008 issue of Radio and TV Interview Report Magazine. What makes her Christian children's novel newsworthy and unique is not only that it stands up for our "under God" Christian history in the USA, or that it introduces a character whose mission is to reach 100 million unchurched Americans, but that each book creates twelve new or reaffirmed disciples for Christ when the circle goes unbroken and the book is returned. A new family reading experience that has people calling J.C. Lamb in The Secret of Yahweh! Give & Share Book(TM) the Christian parent's answer to the Harry Potter phenomenon.

A "magical" book with secrets the author didn't see coming - Instead of a lightning bolt on the forehead, J.C. Lamb wears the sign of the fish on his chest, right over his heart. He's magical because God sent him as a messenger in a vision from a song. Instead of using wands and witchcraft, children learn how to spiritually see with their hearts by believing in things they cannot always see with their own eyes-- trouble is, they can't all see J.C. Lamb, either! When LeFerna finished the first book draft, the title was Meet J.C. This was before she felt led to rewrite the true names of God and Jesus into "Mystery Sunday" and change the title to The Secret of Yahweh!. After this change, strange things began to happen. It was as if the secrets to the novel extended beyond the pages of the book. Her first surprise was the way this twist on Mary's Little Lamb seemed to be attracting adult readers claiming to learn something new from this children's story about Christianity. This was quite a complement for someone who claims to have spent the first 40 years of her life "wandering in the wilderness" of the unchurched. LeFerna thought she was writing for ages 7 to 12, adding over 100 illustrations so parents would read it with their younger children, but the library refused to stock the book, claiming it didn't have an age category at all. LeFerna then revised the book with it's own lending program for church members to use as a tool to reach out to all ages, seeing to whom and how far the book travels before coming back, (some being sent overseas to our soldiers). Mary's Lamb Publishing predicts tweens will enjoy sharing J.C. Lamb books the most, but as school draws near, college students seem to love J.C. Lamb, too and want to start their own circles on campus; picking up on the slogan; "Do you know the secret yet?"

A novel for the 'child of God' in all of us. - Available to booksellers through Ingram/Spring Arbor and also available online.

Jesus tells us in the book of Mark to "be like little children." What a great way to learn about Christianity or reaffirm your faith! -- read this Christian children's novel and see if J.C. Lamb in The Secret of Yahweh! really is the "answer" people say it is.

You may contact LeFerna for speaking engagements or book signings at leferna@maryslambinc.com or call 1-888-MARYSLAMB.

