Monday, September 22, 2008

Countering Youth Violence: Success in the Midst of a Deadly Trend

Countering Youth Violence: Success in the Midst of a Deadly Trend

PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- The youth violence epidemic in the United States is far from being over, reports the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Arrest rates may have dropped, but acts of violence have not.

The Surgeon General also reports a number of programs that have been highly successful in preventing further serious violent behavior in American youths. Some contributing factors that continue to aggravate the problem include:

Physical, psychological, and/or emotional abandonment
Domestic violence, abuse, neglect
Lack of order, structure, discipline
Alcohol and/or drug use
Fear of the unknown
Problem behavior coupled with Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Diagnosed with ADHD as a young child, Victor T. Anfuso's first twenty years was also marked with serious violent behavior. "At age six, I knew I was different from other children in school; everyone knew me as 'Victor, the class clown.' Impulsivity followed me around like a shadow I could not escape."

Anfuso's book, "A Child Named Victor" explores the journey of an individual searching desperately for hope and success, but being thwarted by his own poor choices in life. It covers the period of time from his elementary school days through his mid-twenties. Anfuso specifically targets the two years he spent on Cypress Island in Washington State at Secret Harbor School, a home for overtly violent boys.

A self-proclaimed overcomer, Anfuso writes to encourage others: "My purpose is to reach all people with similar conditions who desperately need hope. I want to let people know my story and give them a feeling of inspiration in their own lives that success is possible."

An avid traveler, Victor has visited countries in Africa, Europe, Central America, as well as Mexico, and Israel, serving the poor and needy around the globe. Victor currently resides in Oregon.

To order, visit: or call 877- 421-7323. For a review copy or to schedule an interview please contact Adam Cothes at 360-802- 9758 or

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