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Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Frohe Fest- und Feiertage !
Frohe Fest- und Feiertage !
Liebe Zuschauer !
Liebe Hörer !
Liebe Leser !
Der Fernseh-Beitrag ist auch bei You Tube, abrufbar, bitte folgen Sie dazu den folgenden Link:
Die Redaktionen von
IBS Television Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV Produzent, Autor
wünschen Ihnen allen
Frohe Fest- und Feiertage, ungeachtet dessen welches Fest auch immer Sie feiern sollten und ein gutes Neues Jahr !
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV Producer
Liebe Zuschauer !
Liebe Hörer !
Liebe Leser !
Der Fernseh-Beitrag ist auch bei You Tube, abrufbar, bitte folgen Sie dazu den folgenden Link:
Die Redaktionen von
IBS Television Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV Produzent, Autor
wünschen Ihnen allen
Frohe Fest- und Feiertage, ungeachtet dessen welches Fest auch immer Sie feiern sollten und ein gutes Neues Jahr !
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV Producer
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Dear God, Give Us Words of Hope for this Season
Dear God, Give Us Words of Hope for this Season
Word Harvest Books launches new personalized inspirational postcard service.
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Many are expressing feelings of hopelessness in this new global economy. Word Harvest Books has an answer. Word Harvest Books has launched, a new personalized inspirational service designed to inspire people to face the challenges of the day. The Inspiration Postcard staff sends weekly handwritten personalized inspirational postcards with words of encouragement to the membership. The weekly messages range from inspirational scriptures to notes of encouragement. The founder of Word Harvest Books states the reason for the new inspirational postcard service:
"We are living in a challenging time. I talked to people everyday who fight with the spirit of hopelessness. If we can encourage one person to face their daily challenges with a new attitude as a result of receiving our handwritten weekly inspirational postcards, we have been successful."
"We chose a handwritten postcard over a weekly email because of the personal touch. Emails have their place, but a personal touch is needed in a greater way at this time in the lives of our members. We want our membership to know that there are real people in the world that care about their success."
"Our Inspiration Postcard staff brings years of experience to this inspirational service. Our staff says one simple prayer for each member before they write and send the postcard and the prayer goes like this, 'Dear God, give me a word to inspire Sarah to face the challenges of her week.' Our hope is that when our members receive their weekly postcards, they know someone is praying for their success in these challenging times."
Our new members receive 14 day trial memberships. The writing of the weekly inspirational postcard messages are provided at no additional cost after the 14 day trial period, but there is a small monthly administrative fee for membership. Membership details are available on the website. Gift certificates are now available.
Word Harvest Books is a national promoter and publisher of inspirational print. Word Harvest Books have been showcased in Charisma Magazine and SpiritLed Woman. Word Harvest Books' authors have also appeared on programs on CTN, TBN, TCT, Daystar, Sky Angel and many local radio and television stations.
Word Harvest Books launches new personalized inspirational postcard service.
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Many are expressing feelings of hopelessness in this new global economy. Word Harvest Books has an answer. Word Harvest Books has launched, a new personalized inspirational service designed to inspire people to face the challenges of the day. The Inspiration Postcard staff sends weekly handwritten personalized inspirational postcards with words of encouragement to the membership. The weekly messages range from inspirational scriptures to notes of encouragement. The founder of Word Harvest Books states the reason for the new inspirational postcard service:
"We are living in a challenging time. I talked to people everyday who fight with the spirit of hopelessness. If we can encourage one person to face their daily challenges with a new attitude as a result of receiving our handwritten weekly inspirational postcards, we have been successful."
"We chose a handwritten postcard over a weekly email because of the personal touch. Emails have their place, but a personal touch is needed in a greater way at this time in the lives of our members. We want our membership to know that there are real people in the world that care about their success."
"Our Inspiration Postcard staff brings years of experience to this inspirational service. Our staff says one simple prayer for each member before they write and send the postcard and the prayer goes like this, 'Dear God, give me a word to inspire Sarah to face the challenges of her week.' Our hope is that when our members receive their weekly postcards, they know someone is praying for their success in these challenging times."
Our new members receive 14 day trial memberships. The writing of the weekly inspirational postcard messages are provided at no additional cost after the 14 day trial period, but there is a small monthly administrative fee for membership. Membership details are available on the website. Gift certificates are now available.
Word Harvest Books is a national promoter and publisher of inspirational print. Word Harvest Books have been showcased in Charisma Magazine and SpiritLed Woman. Word Harvest Books' authors have also appeared on programs on CTN, TBN, TCT, Daystar, Sky Angel and many local radio and television stations.
World Congress of Families Commends Lithuania for Legislation on Harm to Minors by Homosexual Agitation
World Congress of Families Commends Lithuania for Legislation on Harm to Minors by Homosexual Agitation
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- World Congress of Families Managing Director Larry Jacobs commended the Lithuanian Parliament for a move recognizing the damage done to minors by homosexual proselytizing.
Jacobs noted that "encouraging the gay 'life-style,' under the guise of promoting tolerance, has become the norm in most Western nations - supported by the United Nations and European Union." Jacobs disclosed, "This often takes the form of public-school indoctrination that seeks to foster acceptance of homosexual relations as normal and healthy - frequently describing them in graphic detail."
Lithuanian legislators are considering an amendment to their protection-of-minors statute that affirms "public information that agitates for homosexual relations" produces "a detrimental effect on the development of minors" and "defies family values."
Lithuania has regulations against so-called Gay Pride parades and rainbow-flag displays.
Jacobs said the law, which will probably be enacted to take effect next year, is a recognition of reality. "What could be more harmful to children than agitating for sexual relations outside of marriage that lead to emotional and physical harm such as AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. It's hard to imagine doing greater harm to children than luring them into what amounts to an unhealthy and dangerous life- style."
World Congress is committed to the protection and propagation of the natural family. World Congress of Families V will be held in Amsterdam, August 10-12, 2009.
For more information on the World Congress of Families, please visit our website - To schedule an interview with Managing Director Larry Jacobs, contact Don Feder at 508-405-1337 or
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- World Congress of Families Managing Director Larry Jacobs commended the Lithuanian Parliament for a move recognizing the damage done to minors by homosexual proselytizing.
Jacobs noted that "encouraging the gay 'life-style,' under the guise of promoting tolerance, has become the norm in most Western nations - supported by the United Nations and European Union." Jacobs disclosed, "This often takes the form of public-school indoctrination that seeks to foster acceptance of homosexual relations as normal and healthy - frequently describing them in graphic detail."
Lithuanian legislators are considering an amendment to their protection-of-minors statute that affirms "public information that agitates for homosexual relations" produces "a detrimental effect on the development of minors" and "defies family values."
Lithuania has regulations against so-called Gay Pride parades and rainbow-flag displays.
Jacobs said the law, which will probably be enacted to take effect next year, is a recognition of reality. "What could be more harmful to children than agitating for sexual relations outside of marriage that lead to emotional and physical harm such as AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. It's hard to imagine doing greater harm to children than luring them into what amounts to an unhealthy and dangerous life- style."
World Congress is committed to the protection and propagation of the natural family. World Congress of Families V will be held in Amsterdam, August 10-12, 2009.
For more information on the World Congress of Families, please visit our website - To schedule an interview with Managing Director Larry Jacobs, contact Don Feder at 508-405-1337 or
Richard Viguerie on Paul Weyrich: America's Most Unsung Conservative Hero
Richard Viguerie on Paul Weyrich: America's Most Unsung Conservative Hero
MANASSAS, Virginia, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of, issued the following statement regarding the death of Paul Weyrich:
"Today, Paul Weyrich, a giant in American politics and public policy has died.
"Weyrich, along with Barry Goldwater, Bill Buckley, and Ronald Reagan, were the four people most responsible for the launching and the success of the conservative movement.
"Without Paul's strategic brilliance, his determination, his character, and his leadership, many conservatives' political, legislation, and public policy victories would have been lost.
"Through Paul's mentoring and encouragement, thousands of conservatives became active in politics.
"Before Paul, there was no one who played his role and there is no one who can replace Paul.
"Paul Weyrich leaves a leadership vacuum that conservatives will greatly miss as we wander through the political wilderness in the Obama era.
"All who love freedom are deeply in Paul Weyrich's debt."
MANASSAS, Virginia, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman of, issued the following statement regarding the death of Paul Weyrich:
"Today, Paul Weyrich, a giant in American politics and public policy has died.
"Weyrich, along with Barry Goldwater, Bill Buckley, and Ronald Reagan, were the four people most responsible for the launching and the success of the conservative movement.
"Without Paul's strategic brilliance, his determination, his character, and his leadership, many conservatives' political, legislation, and public policy victories would have been lost.
"Through Paul's mentoring and encouragement, thousands of conservatives became active in politics.
"Before Paul, there was no one who played his role and there is no one who can replace Paul.
"Paul Weyrich leaves a leadership vacuum that conservatives will greatly miss as we wander through the political wilderness in the Obama era.
"All who love freedom are deeply in Paul Weyrich's debt."
Care Net Applauds New Conscience Protections for Health Care Providers
Care Net Applauds New Conscience Protections for Health Care Providers
LANSDOWNE, VA, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Care Net President Melinda Delahoyde praised the Department of Health and Human Services for issuing regulations that strengthen existing laws and provide protection to pro-life physicians and other healthcare professionals who conscientiously object to perform or refer for abortion.
"Care Net and its national network of pregnancy centers rely on the availability of health care providers who have the right to conscientiously object to abortion," Delahoyde said. "These health care providers - RNs, nurse practitioners, and physicians - provide critical free services at pregnancy centers to those facing unplanned pregnancies and other health concerns. Without these new conscience protections, fewer health care providers would be available to serve this at-risk population in our nation's pregnancy centers." Among Care Net's affiliated pregnancy centers, more than 450 of 1,100 offer medical services and operate under the supervision of a pro- life physician.
Care Net's National Medical Consultant Dr. Sandy Christiansen was interviewed by CNN and testified before the President's Council on Bioethics about her own experience of discrimination as a pro-life OB-Gyn. "I've shared my story of discrimination because I've been concerned about our future - that young people with conscientious objections to abortion would start to avoid the field of obstetrics and gynecology," Dr. Christiansen said. "These new regulations send a message to both current and aspiring health care providers that their personal code of ethics, their conscience, and their adherence to the Hippocratic Oath matter and will be protected."
When Dr. Christiansen was an intern, she was denied operating room privileges by her chief resident who explained it was because she was not "working hard doing the abortions" like others and thus would not get that "perk." Later, as a chief resident, she was humiliated by the attending physician in front of her team of residents, interns and students when she would not perform an abortion on a patient whose baby was diagnosed with Down's syndrome. Dr. Christiansen was accused of abandoning her patient and shirking her responsibilities, even though she made arrangements with another physician to oversee the patient's care. Not once were Dr. Christiansen's faith-based convictions validated in these experiences or was she informed of her rights according to existing law to protect against this kind of discrimination.
Dr. Christiansen currently serves as medical director of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick, MD, which offers free services every year to hundreds of women facing unplanned pregnancies.
LANSDOWNE, VA, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Care Net President Melinda Delahoyde praised the Department of Health and Human Services for issuing regulations that strengthen existing laws and provide protection to pro-life physicians and other healthcare professionals who conscientiously object to perform or refer for abortion.
"Care Net and its national network of pregnancy centers rely on the availability of health care providers who have the right to conscientiously object to abortion," Delahoyde said. "These health care providers - RNs, nurse practitioners, and physicians - provide critical free services at pregnancy centers to those facing unplanned pregnancies and other health concerns. Without these new conscience protections, fewer health care providers would be available to serve this at-risk population in our nation's pregnancy centers." Among Care Net's affiliated pregnancy centers, more than 450 of 1,100 offer medical services and operate under the supervision of a pro- life physician.
Care Net's National Medical Consultant Dr. Sandy Christiansen was interviewed by CNN and testified before the President's Council on Bioethics about her own experience of discrimination as a pro-life OB-Gyn. "I've shared my story of discrimination because I've been concerned about our future - that young people with conscientious objections to abortion would start to avoid the field of obstetrics and gynecology," Dr. Christiansen said. "These new regulations send a message to both current and aspiring health care providers that their personal code of ethics, their conscience, and their adherence to the Hippocratic Oath matter and will be protected."
When Dr. Christiansen was an intern, she was denied operating room privileges by her chief resident who explained it was because she was not "working hard doing the abortions" like others and thus would not get that "perk." Later, as a chief resident, she was humiliated by the attending physician in front of her team of residents, interns and students when she would not perform an abortion on a patient whose baby was diagnosed with Down's syndrome. Dr. Christiansen was accused of abandoning her patient and shirking her responsibilities, even though she made arrangements with another physician to oversee the patient's care. Not once were Dr. Christiansen's faith-based convictions validated in these experiences or was she informed of her rights according to existing law to protect against this kind of discrimination.
Dr. Christiansen currently serves as medical director of Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick, MD, which offers free services every year to hundreds of women facing unplanned pregnancies.
40 Christians Arrested in Nanyang, 16 Sentenced to Administrative Detention
40 Christians Arrested in Nanyang, 16 Sentenced to Administrative Detention
HENAN, China, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- In Taoling village, Pushan town, Nanyang city, Henan, more than 40 Christians were detained at a Christian leaders' gathering on December 16, 2008. Officials told them they must pay a 1,000 to 2,000 yuan fine to be released. Some Christians were released after paying the fine. However, 16 Christians were sentenced to 10 to 15 days administrative detention for engaging in an "illegal religious gathering." Mr. Yan Linshan, the host of the meeting received 10 days of administrative detention and a 1,000 yuan fine.
Police Forcibly Escort Pastor "Bike" Zhang Mingxuan Out of Beijing
BEIJING -- This morning around 9:45 a.m. (US-CST), 11:45 p.m. in Beijing, Pastor "Bike" Zhang Mingxuan called ChinaAid from the back of a police car where he was being forcibly escorted from Beijing to Hubei province by three Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers. The PSB officers dropped off Pastor Bike at a hotel in Hubei with 20 yuan to pay for a room. This is the second time in two weeks Pastor Bike has been forcibly escorted out of Beijing.
During the call, PSB officers raised the volume of the car radio to try and drown out the conversation, but Pastor Bike was able to communicate to ChinaAid some of the details of the incident. Around 11:15 p.m. Pastor Bike, president of the Chinese House Church Alliance house church network, was staying with Pastor Hua Huiqi at his home when three PSB officers pounded on the door. According to Pastor Bike, two of the officers, Officer Yang and Officer Qin, were from the Beijing PSB, and they had been ordered by a higher government authority to force Pastor Bike to leave Beijing. The other officer was from the district PSB. Pastor Bike says he thinks he has been secretly followed and watched since he was forced out of Beijing on December 9.
On December 9, Pastor Bike was staying with Pastor Hua Huiqi when police broke into the home around 11: 30 p.m. This incident happened on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the UN's "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the signing of "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" by the Chinese government.
Radio Free Asia interviewed Pastor Bike and Pastor Hua a day after the incident. According to Radio Free Asia, Pastor Hua shared, "Zhang Mingxuan let me read the document of abolishing the alliance. Then, we had a dinner in the evening. At 11:30, the police broke in when my door was not locked. Wang Xiaoyi from Fengtai District Bureau of Religion and some agents in charge of religious affairs from Fengtai District Domestic Defense Protection Squad and several police officers dragged and pushed me into another room, claiming that they wanted to talk to me. I told them I had a guest in my home and they shouldn't tell me that my guest couldn't stay here. He [Pastor Bike] and I hadn't seen each other for quite some time. The police blocked me in that room and wouldn't let me go to the other room, saying, 'We don't allow you to receive him as a guest.' ... It was 10 minutes to 12 o'clock when Pastor Zhang Mingxuan was escorted by force to a police vehicle. He and I are personal friends. Since he came to Beijing, we have been very good friends. We are also very good brothers in Christ and there is nothing wrong in receiving him as a guest."
Police harassed Pastor Hua, as well, trying to convince him to cooperate. Pastor Hua's mother, Shuang Shuying, 78, is currently in prison. She is serving a two-year sentence for "intentional damage of properties" in February 2007. Pastor Hua said, "The Municipal Public Security Bureau has been telling me that as long as I cooperate with them, I can, first of all, make a fortune and then I can also get my mother out." Pastor Hua says the requirements for "cooperation" include spying on other Christians and not helping those who are persecuted. Pastor Hua regularly hosts persecuted Christians in his home and helps them pursue legal cases.
HENAN, China, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- In Taoling village, Pushan town, Nanyang city, Henan, more than 40 Christians were detained at a Christian leaders' gathering on December 16, 2008. Officials told them they must pay a 1,000 to 2,000 yuan fine to be released. Some Christians were released after paying the fine. However, 16 Christians were sentenced to 10 to 15 days administrative detention for engaging in an "illegal religious gathering." Mr. Yan Linshan, the host of the meeting received 10 days of administrative detention and a 1,000 yuan fine.
Police Forcibly Escort Pastor "Bike" Zhang Mingxuan Out of Beijing
BEIJING -- This morning around 9:45 a.m. (US-CST), 11:45 p.m. in Beijing, Pastor "Bike" Zhang Mingxuan called ChinaAid from the back of a police car where he was being forcibly escorted from Beijing to Hubei province by three Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers. The PSB officers dropped off Pastor Bike at a hotel in Hubei with 20 yuan to pay for a room. This is the second time in two weeks Pastor Bike has been forcibly escorted out of Beijing.
During the call, PSB officers raised the volume of the car radio to try and drown out the conversation, but Pastor Bike was able to communicate to ChinaAid some of the details of the incident. Around 11:15 p.m. Pastor Bike, president of the Chinese House Church Alliance house church network, was staying with Pastor Hua Huiqi at his home when three PSB officers pounded on the door. According to Pastor Bike, two of the officers, Officer Yang and Officer Qin, were from the Beijing PSB, and they had been ordered by a higher government authority to force Pastor Bike to leave Beijing. The other officer was from the district PSB. Pastor Bike says he thinks he has been secretly followed and watched since he was forced out of Beijing on December 9.
On December 9, Pastor Bike was staying with Pastor Hua Huiqi when police broke into the home around 11: 30 p.m. This incident happened on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the UN's "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the signing of "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" by the Chinese government.
Radio Free Asia interviewed Pastor Bike and Pastor Hua a day after the incident. According to Radio Free Asia, Pastor Hua shared, "Zhang Mingxuan let me read the document of abolishing the alliance. Then, we had a dinner in the evening. At 11:30, the police broke in when my door was not locked. Wang Xiaoyi from Fengtai District Bureau of Religion and some agents in charge of religious affairs from Fengtai District Domestic Defense Protection Squad and several police officers dragged and pushed me into another room, claiming that they wanted to talk to me. I told them I had a guest in my home and they shouldn't tell me that my guest couldn't stay here. He [Pastor Bike] and I hadn't seen each other for quite some time. The police blocked me in that room and wouldn't let me go to the other room, saying, 'We don't allow you to receive him as a guest.' ... It was 10 minutes to 12 o'clock when Pastor Zhang Mingxuan was escorted by force to a police vehicle. He and I are personal friends. Since he came to Beijing, we have been very good friends. We are also very good brothers in Christ and there is nothing wrong in receiving him as a guest."
Police harassed Pastor Hua, as well, trying to convince him to cooperate. Pastor Hua's mother, Shuang Shuying, 78, is currently in prison. She is serving a two-year sentence for "intentional damage of properties" in February 2007. Pastor Hua said, "The Municipal Public Security Bureau has been telling me that as long as I cooperate with them, I can, first of all, make a fortune and then I can also get my mother out." Pastor Hua says the requirements for "cooperation" include spying on other Christians and not helping those who are persecuted. Pastor Hua regularly hosts persecuted Christians in his home and helps them pursue legal cases.
CWA Mourns the Passing of Paul Weyrich
CWA Mourns the Passing of Paul Weyrich
Conservative icon led the way for a generation of leaders
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, the nation has lost a conservative icon, a leader to leaders, Paul M. Weyrich.
Paul Weyrich laid the foundation for the modern conservative movement. A challenging writer and speaker, Mr. Weyrich advised Presidents and prominent leaders for over 40 years.
The Economist named Paul Weyrich "one of the conservative movement's more vigorous thinkers." He co-founded the highly influential think tank, Heritage Foundation, and the Moral Majority. As Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation, he coordinated coalitions to build a conservative force of Washington insider and grassroots activists.
Beverly LaHaye, Founder and Chairman of Concerned Women for America, said,
"The conservative movement has lost a leader of unparalleled depth and breadth of influence. Paul Weyrich, a giant of faith, was more than a vital force for uniting Judeo-Christian principles with democratic processes, he was also a warm and generous friend and a faithful follower of His Lord. He leaves a great vacuum in the conservative movement. I extend heartfelt condolences to his family and to all whose lives were profoundly touched by the high principles and deep faith of this singular man."
Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, noted, "Paul Weyrich was a leader to leaders, a giant in the movement to guide America to common-sense policies. His ability to articulate conservative principles and keen vision on how to implement them - especially through building effective coalitions - made the movement a powerful force. And his deep love for God kept him grounded in his true purpose in life."
Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, stated, "Paul Weyrich's death is a personal and overwhelming grief for me; I had numerous opportunities to admire and respect this conservative leader in so many different policy and personal arenas. His ability to unite the diverse members of the conservative coalition was remarkable. It is impossible to envision the future of the conservative movement without Paul Weyrich's wisdom and insights. He was the glue that kept the conservative movement on the right path. His Christian commitment was unshakable and his life will continue to inspire and challenge future generations of conservatives."
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Conservative icon led the way for a generation of leaders
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, the nation has lost a conservative icon, a leader to leaders, Paul M. Weyrich.
Paul Weyrich laid the foundation for the modern conservative movement. A challenging writer and speaker, Mr. Weyrich advised Presidents and prominent leaders for over 40 years.
The Economist named Paul Weyrich "one of the conservative movement's more vigorous thinkers." He co-founded the highly influential think tank, Heritage Foundation, and the Moral Majority. As Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Foundation, he coordinated coalitions to build a conservative force of Washington insider and grassroots activists.
Beverly LaHaye, Founder and Chairman of Concerned Women for America, said,
"The conservative movement has lost a leader of unparalleled depth and breadth of influence. Paul Weyrich, a giant of faith, was more than a vital force for uniting Judeo-Christian principles with democratic processes, he was also a warm and generous friend and a faithful follower of His Lord. He leaves a great vacuum in the conservative movement. I extend heartfelt condolences to his family and to all whose lives were profoundly touched by the high principles and deep faith of this singular man."
Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, noted, "Paul Weyrich was a leader to leaders, a giant in the movement to guide America to common-sense policies. His ability to articulate conservative principles and keen vision on how to implement them - especially through building effective coalitions - made the movement a powerful force. And his deep love for God kept him grounded in his true purpose in life."
Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, stated, "Paul Weyrich's death is a personal and overwhelming grief for me; I had numerous opportunities to admire and respect this conservative leader in so many different policy and personal arenas. His ability to unite the diverse members of the conservative coalition was remarkable. It is impossible to envision the future of the conservative movement without Paul Weyrich's wisdom and insights. He was the glue that kept the conservative movement on the right path. His Christian commitment was unshakable and his life will continue to inspire and challenge future generations of conservatives."
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Trial of Catholic Anti-Abortion Activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, for 'Trespass' at St. Thomas More Cathedral
Trial of Catholic Anti-Abortion Activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, for 'Trespass' at St. Thomas More Cathedral
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic anti-abortion activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, will stand trial for "trespass" at St. Thomas More Cathedral, Arlington, VA, under the authority of Bishop Paul Loverde.
On Friday, December 19, at 9:30 a.m., Randall Terry and Joseph Landry will stand trial at 1425 North Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22201 (Arlington General District Court, 3rd Floor) for "criminal trespassing." The charges stem from handing out pro- life flyers in the parking lot of St. Thomas More Cathedral during mass on October 5, 2008.
The flyer, entitled "Faithful Catholic Citizenship," can be read at
Repeated requests have been made by Catholics in the DC area to Bishop Loverde's office to drop the charges against pro-life activists who face trespassing charges. The requests have been rebuffed.
For comments: Call Joseph Landry at 904 687 9804
Bishop Paul Loverde's number: 703-841-2500
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic anti-abortion activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, will stand trial for "trespass" at St. Thomas More Cathedral, Arlington, VA, under the authority of Bishop Paul Loverde.
On Friday, December 19, at 9:30 a.m., Randall Terry and Joseph Landry will stand trial at 1425 North Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22201 (Arlington General District Court, 3rd Floor) for "criminal trespassing." The charges stem from handing out pro- life flyers in the parking lot of St. Thomas More Cathedral during mass on October 5, 2008.
The flyer, entitled "Faithful Catholic Citizenship," can be read at
Repeated requests have been made by Catholics in the DC area to Bishop Loverde's office to drop the charges against pro-life activists who face trespassing charges. The requests have been rebuffed.
For comments: Call Joseph Landry at 904 687 9804
Bishop Paul Loverde's number: 703-841-2500
Trial of Catholic Anti-Abortion Activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, for 'Trespass' at St. Thomas More Cathedral
Trial of Catholic Anti-Abortion Activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, for 'Trespass' at St. Thomas More Cathedral
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic anti-abortion activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, will stand trial for "trespass" at St. Thomas More Cathedral, Arlington, VA, under the authority of Bishop Paul Loverde.
On Friday, December 19, at 9:30 a.m., Randall Terry and Joseph Landry will stand trial at 1425 North Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22201 (Arlington General District Court, 3rd Floor) for "criminal trespassing." The charges stem from handing out pro- life flyers in the parking lot of St. Thomas More Cathedral during mass on October 5, 2008.
The flyer, entitled "Faithful Catholic Citizenship," can be read at
Repeated requests have been made by Catholics in the DC area to Bishop Loverde's office to drop the charges against pro-life activists who face trespassing charges. The requests have been rebuffed.
For comments: Call Joseph Landry at 904 687 9804
Bishop Paul Loverde's number: 703-841-2500
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Catholic anti-abortion activists, Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, will stand trial for "trespass" at St. Thomas More Cathedral, Arlington, VA, under the authority of Bishop Paul Loverde.
On Friday, December 19, at 9:30 a.m., Randall Terry and Joseph Landry will stand trial at 1425 North Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22201 (Arlington General District Court, 3rd Floor) for "criminal trespassing." The charges stem from handing out pro- life flyers in the parking lot of St. Thomas More Cathedral during mass on October 5, 2008.
The flyer, entitled "Faithful Catholic Citizenship," can be read at
Repeated requests have been made by Catholics in the DC area to Bishop Loverde's office to drop the charges against pro-life activists who face trespassing charges. The requests have been rebuffed.
For comments: Call Joseph Landry at 904 687 9804
Bishop Paul Loverde's number: 703-841-2500
HHS Rule Protects Patients' Ability to Access Doctors of their Choice
HHS Rule Protects Patients' Ability to Access Doctors of their Choice
Issues regulation to protect the right of health care providers not to do abortions
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a "Conscience Rule" today upholding federal laws protecting the right of health care providers to decline to participate in morally objectionable services. Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, stated, "This regulation ensures that health care providers with objections to committing abortion and other morally abhorrent procedures will not be discriminated against and driven out of their profession. It ensures that patients can access doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others who share their ethical views."
Federal laws dating back to the 1970's safeguard the freedom of conscience of health care providers. But doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other professionals reported being pressured to commit abortion despite these federal protections. This regulation makes clear that:
Non-discrimination protections apply to individual employees and institutions that receive certain funds from HHS;
Recipients of certain HHS funds must certify that they are complying with federal laws protecting conscience rights;
Complaints of discriminations are to be handled by the HHS Office for Civil Rights.
In a press release today HHS noted that comments on the proposed regulations "exhibited a lack of understanding of these laws."
"Abortion groups are desperate to change the topic from abortion to birth control, and to deny health care providers the right to choose not to commit abortions. Forcing doctors, nurses and other health care providers to commit abortions would drive pro-life professionals out of the profession at a time when we need more doctors and nurses. It would deny patients the ability to choose doctors and health care providers who share their strong moral views. Many patients cannot trust their health to a doctor or nurse who commits abortions," noted Wendy Wright.
"Barack Obama is expected to undo this conscience rule once he enters the White House at the demand of abortion groups. If he does, he will diminish the health care field of exceptional professionals who devote themselves to saving lives, corrupt the profession by requiring providers to violate their Hippocratic Oath to 'do no harm'. And he would harm women by denying them access to ethical health care providers," stated Wendy Wright.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Issues regulation to protect the right of health care providers not to do abortions
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a "Conscience Rule" today upholding federal laws protecting the right of health care providers to decline to participate in morally objectionable services. Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, stated, "This regulation ensures that health care providers with objections to committing abortion and other morally abhorrent procedures will not be discriminated against and driven out of their profession. It ensures that patients can access doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others who share their ethical views."
Federal laws dating back to the 1970's safeguard the freedom of conscience of health care providers. But doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other professionals reported being pressured to commit abortion despite these federal protections. This regulation makes clear that:
Non-discrimination protections apply to individual employees and institutions that receive certain funds from HHS;
Recipients of certain HHS funds must certify that they are complying with federal laws protecting conscience rights;
Complaints of discriminations are to be handled by the HHS Office for Civil Rights.
In a press release today HHS noted that comments on the proposed regulations "exhibited a lack of understanding of these laws."
"Abortion groups are desperate to change the topic from abortion to birth control, and to deny health care providers the right to choose not to commit abortions. Forcing doctors, nurses and other health care providers to commit abortions would drive pro-life professionals out of the profession at a time when we need more doctors and nurses. It would deny patients the ability to choose doctors and health care providers who share their strong moral views. Many patients cannot trust their health to a doctor or nurse who commits abortions," noted Wendy Wright.
"Barack Obama is expected to undo this conscience rule once he enters the White House at the demand of abortion groups. If he does, he will diminish the health care field of exceptional professionals who devote themselves to saving lives, corrupt the profession by requiring providers to violate their Hippocratic Oath to 'do no harm'. And he would harm women by denying them access to ethical health care providers," stated Wendy Wright.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Pro-Life Leaders Seek Meeting with President-Elect Obama
Pro-Life Leaders Seek Meeting with President-Elect Obama
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a letter sent to the President- Elect it states, "...the pro-life community seeks a first time face-to-face meeting with you."
The purpose of meeting would be to "...establish a foundation on how we can all work together to build a 'culture of life' which honors equality and human rights and ends abortion."
A full text of the letter can be seen here.
The pro-life leaders will have a news conference to discuss the meeting with President-Elect Obama on Friday, December 19, at 11:00 A.M.
The location of the news conference is in front of the Presidential Transition Office located at 451 6th Street NW in Washington, D.C.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states, "President-Elect Obama has repeatedly stated during his campaign and in post election comments his strong desire to meet with those who have differing views from his. It is our hope and prayer that these words truly reflect his heart and were not shallow campaign promises to be discarded after the election.
"President-Elect Obama has never sat down with members of the pro-life community that represent the values embraced by millions of Americans. He has never heard the narratives of women who have been bruised and diminished through abortion.
"Mr. Obama has never heard the personal stories from thousands of dedicated professionals that have laid aside personal ambition and financial gain in order to serve women who find themselves in challenging pregnancies. He has never heard from faith and human rights leaders that are devoted to standing for social justice and ending the tragedy and violence of abortion.
"If President-Elect Obama is truly interested in reducing abortions, it is imperative that he sit down and dialogue with those who have dedicated their lives toward ending this tragedy."
Brandi Swindell, President and Founder of Stanton Healthcare, adds, "Every day clinics like ours reach out to women who are experiencing difficult and crisis pregnancies. We do so at no cost to the women who use our services.
"It is important for President-Elect Obama to hear our stories and the stories of our clients to understand that social justice begins in the womb. We cannot be considered a just and compassionate nation if we do not provide and protect the most defenseless and vulnerable in our society.
"Mr. Obama talks about hope and change and we admire that. However, that message of hope and change must extend to all Americans and include those who have no voice of their own. Those are the over 50,000,000 innocent children who have been aborted since Roe V. Wade."
For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735
Kaitlin Clare 540.538.4822
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a letter sent to the President- Elect it states, "...the pro-life community seeks a first time face-to-face meeting with you."
The purpose of meeting would be to "...establish a foundation on how we can all work together to build a 'culture of life' which honors equality and human rights and ends abortion."
A full text of the letter can be seen here.
The pro-life leaders will have a news conference to discuss the meeting with President-Elect Obama on Friday, December 19, at 11:00 A.M.
The location of the news conference is in front of the Presidential Transition Office located at 451 6th Street NW in Washington, D.C.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states, "President-Elect Obama has repeatedly stated during his campaign and in post election comments his strong desire to meet with those who have differing views from his. It is our hope and prayer that these words truly reflect his heart and were not shallow campaign promises to be discarded after the election.
"President-Elect Obama has never sat down with members of the pro-life community that represent the values embraced by millions of Americans. He has never heard the narratives of women who have been bruised and diminished through abortion.
"Mr. Obama has never heard the personal stories from thousands of dedicated professionals that have laid aside personal ambition and financial gain in order to serve women who find themselves in challenging pregnancies. He has never heard from faith and human rights leaders that are devoted to standing for social justice and ending the tragedy and violence of abortion.
"If President-Elect Obama is truly interested in reducing abortions, it is imperative that he sit down and dialogue with those who have dedicated their lives toward ending this tragedy."
Brandi Swindell, President and Founder of Stanton Healthcare, adds, "Every day clinics like ours reach out to women who are experiencing difficult and crisis pregnancies. We do so at no cost to the women who use our services.
"It is important for President-Elect Obama to hear our stories and the stories of our clients to understand that social justice begins in the womb. We cannot be considered a just and compassionate nation if we do not provide and protect the most defenseless and vulnerable in our society.
"Mr. Obama talks about hope and change and we admire that. However, that message of hope and change must extend to all Americans and include those who have no voice of their own. Those are the over 50,000,000 innocent children who have been aborted since Roe V. Wade."
For more information or interviews contact:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735
Kaitlin Clare 540.538.4822
Paul Weyrich's Legacy
Paul Weyrich's Legacy
WEST CHESTER, Penn., Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a conservative movement marked with scores of political leaders and major figures, Paul Weyrich remained a gentle giant who was without peer given the diversity of his national interests and scope of his political effectiveness.
"Paul was a man whose life was committed to Jesus Christ, his family and the United States of America." said Colin Hanna, President of Let Freedom Ring. "He remained always and steadfastly the faith-based, guiding hand on the conservative movement."
Believing that the nation's culture war demanded both a general and troops, Weyrich became the former and doggedly recruited the latter. He organized the political fight to preserve the nation's Judeo-Christian heritage against an encroaching secularism. Weyrich believed that if the nation lost its moral fiber, then its destruction would be inevitable.
Mr. Weyrich's first taste of presidential politics harkened back to the Barry Goldwater campaign of 1964. After years of observing, participating and studying the national political landscape, Weyrich founded the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Change Council (ALEC) in 1973. In 1981 Weyrich also founded the Council for National Policy. These new organizations were to be fertile ground in which the Reagan Revolution would roar to life in the 1980s.
He remained a vibrant figure in U.S. politics even after a spinal injury in 1996 confined him to a wheelchair, demonstrating to all that life's hardships can nevertheless be blessings. He remained above the fray and was fueled by the notion that neither personal nor political surrender was ever an option. Weyrich was one of few men in public life who built a legacy not for his own aggrandizement, but for the benefit of those who would come after him.
Mr. Hanna stated, "While Paul's death leaves a heavy heart, conservatives can be reassured that his life's work will not only provide a memorial to his life of service, it will provide a younger generation of conservatives a roadmap for the tough times ahead. Paul's footprint will not be washed away by the sands of time."
WEST CHESTER, Penn., Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a conservative movement marked with scores of political leaders and major figures, Paul Weyrich remained a gentle giant who was without peer given the diversity of his national interests and scope of his political effectiveness.
"Paul was a man whose life was committed to Jesus Christ, his family and the United States of America." said Colin Hanna, President of Let Freedom Ring. "He remained always and steadfastly the faith-based, guiding hand on the conservative movement."
Believing that the nation's culture war demanded both a general and troops, Weyrich became the former and doggedly recruited the latter. He organized the political fight to preserve the nation's Judeo-Christian heritage against an encroaching secularism. Weyrich believed that if the nation lost its moral fiber, then its destruction would be inevitable.
Mr. Weyrich's first taste of presidential politics harkened back to the Barry Goldwater campaign of 1964. After years of observing, participating and studying the national political landscape, Weyrich founded the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation and the American Legislative Change Council (ALEC) in 1973. In 1981 Weyrich also founded the Council for National Policy. These new organizations were to be fertile ground in which the Reagan Revolution would roar to life in the 1980s.
He remained a vibrant figure in U.S. politics even after a spinal injury in 1996 confined him to a wheelchair, demonstrating to all that life's hardships can nevertheless be blessings. He remained above the fray and was fueled by the notion that neither personal nor political surrender was ever an option. Weyrich was one of few men in public life who built a legacy not for his own aggrandizement, but for the benefit of those who would come after him.
Mr. Hanna stated, "While Paul's death leaves a heavy heart, conservatives can be reassured that his life's work will not only provide a memorial to his life of service, it will provide a younger generation of conservatives a roadmap for the tough times ahead. Paul's footprint will not be washed away by the sands of time."
National Priest Leader on Death of Paul Weyrich
National Priest Leader on Death of Paul Weyrich
STATEN ISLAND, NY, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, release the following statement regarding the passing of Paul Weyrich.
"The nation has lost a treasure in Paul Weyrich, and I have lost a friend. Paul was a deacon of Jesus Christ. He inspired me, and millions, to appreciate the power that the political process in America provides us, to protect the nation's key values."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit
STATEN ISLAND, NY, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, release the following statement regarding the passing of Paul Weyrich.
"The nation has lost a treasure in Paul Weyrich, and I have lost a friend. Paul was a deacon of Jesus Christ. He inspired me, and millions, to appreciate the power that the political process in America provides us, to protect the nation's key values."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit
Statement by Dr. Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church Regarding the Invitation from President-elect Obama to Deliver the Inaugural Invocation
Statement by Dr. Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church Regarding the Invitation from President-elect Obama to Deliver the Inaugural Invocation
LAKE FOREST, Calif., Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- "I commend President-elect Obama for his courage to willingly take enormous heat from his base by inviting someone like me, with whom he doesn't agree on every issue, to offer the Invocation at his historic Inaugural ceremony.
"Hopefully individuals passionately expressing opinions from the left and the right will recognize that both of us have shown a commitment to model civility in America.
"The Bible admonishes us to pray for our leaders. I am honored by this opportunity to pray God's blessing on the office of the President and its current and future inhabitant, asking the Lord to provide wisdom to America's leaders during this critical time in our nation's history."
Media Contact:
A. Larry Ross 469.774.6362
Kristin Cole 615.289.6701
LAKE FOREST, Calif., Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- "I commend President-elect Obama for his courage to willingly take enormous heat from his base by inviting someone like me, with whom he doesn't agree on every issue, to offer the Invocation at his historic Inaugural ceremony.
"Hopefully individuals passionately expressing opinions from the left and the right will recognize that both of us have shown a commitment to model civility in America.
"The Bible admonishes us to pray for our leaders. I am honored by this opportunity to pray God's blessing on the office of the President and its current and future inhabitant, asking the Lord to provide wisdom to America's leaders during this critical time in our nation's history."
Media Contact:
A. Larry Ross 469.774.6362
Kristin Cole 615.289.6701
Illinois Supreme Court Rejects Blagojevich's 'Emergency Rule'
Illinois Supreme Court Rejects Blagojevich's 'Emergency Rule'
Pharmacists are not required to distribute Plan B "morning after" pill
CHICAGO, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- This morning, the Illinois Supreme Court handed the governor another setback in the case of Morr-Fitz v. Blagojevich, et al. The court held that pharmacists may now defend their right of conscience against the state's "Emergency Rule" which forces pharmacies to stock and disperse Plan B contraception (known as the "morning after" pill) under threat of sanction or even loss of license. Today's decision is a reversal of the lower courts' ruling against the pharmacists on the grounds that the case was not ripe for adjudication.
The "Emergency Rule" was issued by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2005, requiring pharmacies to dispense the Plan B contraceptive without delay and without regard to the religious beliefs or conscience of the dispensing pharmacist. The Governor stated publicly that "pharmacists with moral objections should find another profession," and "must fill prescriptions without making moral judgments." The Governor's rule was eventually adopted as an Administrative Rule, and within weeks of its final enactment, the Department of Financial & Professional Regulation began prosecuting pharmacies and/or pharmacists alleged to have violated the Rule.
In response, pharmacists Luke Vander Bleek and Glen Kosirog challenged the Rule in court, garnering the support of many groups along the way, including the Illinois and American Pharmacists Associations. The pharmacists claimed, in a nine-count complaint, that the governor's dictate and the administrative rule that followed were violations of their statutorily and constitutionally protected rights to conscience and free exercise of religion.
Richard Baker, of the Chicago law firm of Mauck & Baker, LLC, filed a friend of the court brief on behalf of both the Illinois and American Pharmacists' Associations.
"No pharmacist should ever be forced to choose between their conscience and their livelihood," said Baker. "This decision is good news in light of the many new legislative initiatives, to override the conscience of those, like Luke Vander Bleek and Glen Kosirog, who seek to follow the dictates of conscience in practicing their profession. We would all do well to pay more attention to our consciences--the governor included. I am pleased with the result and hope that the circuit court, on remand, will vindicate the fundamental right of pharmacists in Illinois to follow their conscience in their vocation."
Rich Baker, Mauck & Baker, LLC (312) 853-8708;
Noel Sterett, Mauck & Baker, LLC (312) 726-1243;
Pharmacists are not required to distribute Plan B "morning after" pill
CHICAGO, Dec. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- This morning, the Illinois Supreme Court handed the governor another setback in the case of Morr-Fitz v. Blagojevich, et al. The court held that pharmacists may now defend their right of conscience against the state's "Emergency Rule" which forces pharmacies to stock and disperse Plan B contraception (known as the "morning after" pill) under threat of sanction or even loss of license. Today's decision is a reversal of the lower courts' ruling against the pharmacists on the grounds that the case was not ripe for adjudication.
The "Emergency Rule" was issued by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2005, requiring pharmacies to dispense the Plan B contraceptive without delay and without regard to the religious beliefs or conscience of the dispensing pharmacist. The Governor stated publicly that "pharmacists with moral objections should find another profession," and "must fill prescriptions without making moral judgments." The Governor's rule was eventually adopted as an Administrative Rule, and within weeks of its final enactment, the Department of Financial & Professional Regulation began prosecuting pharmacies and/or pharmacists alleged to have violated the Rule.
In response, pharmacists Luke Vander Bleek and Glen Kosirog challenged the Rule in court, garnering the support of many groups along the way, including the Illinois and American Pharmacists Associations. The pharmacists claimed, in a nine-count complaint, that the governor's dictate and the administrative rule that followed were violations of their statutorily and constitutionally protected rights to conscience and free exercise of religion.
Richard Baker, of the Chicago law firm of Mauck & Baker, LLC, filed a friend of the court brief on behalf of both the Illinois and American Pharmacists' Associations.
"No pharmacist should ever be forced to choose between their conscience and their livelihood," said Baker. "This decision is good news in light of the many new legislative initiatives, to override the conscience of those, like Luke Vander Bleek and Glen Kosirog, who seek to follow the dictates of conscience in practicing their profession. We would all do well to pay more attention to our consciences--the governor included. I am pleased with the result and hope that the circuit court, on remand, will vindicate the fundamental right of pharmacists in Illinois to follow their conscience in their vocation."
Rich Baker, Mauck & Baker, LLC (312) 853-8708;
Noel Sterett, Mauck & Baker, LLC (312) 726-1243;
Operation Rescue Decries Rick Warren's Role in Obama Inauguration as Unbiblical
Operation Rescue Decries Rick Warren's Role in Obama Inauguration as Unbiblical
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue issues the following statement, attributable to Troy Newman, regarding Rick Warren's role in the upcoming Obama inaugural ceremonies:
Yesterday, Pastor Rick Warren issued a statement attempting to excuse his act of support for Mr. Obama, an ardent supporter of abortion, by saying, "The Bible admonishes us to pray for our leaders." However, Pastor Warren's participation in Obama's Inauguration is tantamount to placing his stamp of approval on Obama and his policies that stand in direct opposition to Biblical truths.
The Bible clearly states in Ephesians 5:11 that as Christians we should have "nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."
Barack Obama not only supports the grievous sin of abortion, but has vowed to promote, subsidize, and protect it. The hands that shed innocent blood are among the things God particularly detests. As a minister of the Gospel, it is a betrayal of innocent children and, more importantly, betrayal of the God in whose image they are created to turn a blind eye to the shedding of innocent blood and join hands with those that are responsible for shedding it.
Instead of lending support to a man who clearly stands in opposition to God's Law on the critical matter of child-killing, we fervently urge Pastor Warren to instead follow the examples of godly men who, throughout the Scriptures, boldly proclaimed God's truth and exposed the sin of leaders in order to protect the people from that sin.
Just as Elijah rebuked King Ahab and John the Baptist rebuked King Herod, we urge Pastor Warren to have nothing to do with Mr. Obama's administration, but rather, expose him and his sin to the world, so there might be repentance.
It is possible for Pastor Warren to pray for our leaders without giving his blessing to Mr. Obama's administration with his participation in his Inaugural ceremonies. We urge Pastor Warren to, for the love of God, honor Jesus Christ instead of taking honor for himself, and decline to participate in Mr. Obama's Inauguration.
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue issues the following statement, attributable to Troy Newman, regarding Rick Warren's role in the upcoming Obama inaugural ceremonies:
Yesterday, Pastor Rick Warren issued a statement attempting to excuse his act of support for Mr. Obama, an ardent supporter of abortion, by saying, "The Bible admonishes us to pray for our leaders." However, Pastor Warren's participation in Obama's Inauguration is tantamount to placing his stamp of approval on Obama and his policies that stand in direct opposition to Biblical truths.
The Bible clearly states in Ephesians 5:11 that as Christians we should have "nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."
Barack Obama not only supports the grievous sin of abortion, but has vowed to promote, subsidize, and protect it. The hands that shed innocent blood are among the things God particularly detests. As a minister of the Gospel, it is a betrayal of innocent children and, more importantly, betrayal of the God in whose image they are created to turn a blind eye to the shedding of innocent blood and join hands with those that are responsible for shedding it.
Instead of lending support to a man who clearly stands in opposition to God's Law on the critical matter of child-killing, we fervently urge Pastor Warren to instead follow the examples of godly men who, throughout the Scriptures, boldly proclaimed God's truth and exposed the sin of leaders in order to protect the people from that sin.
Just as Elijah rebuked King Ahab and John the Baptist rebuked King Herod, we urge Pastor Warren to have nothing to do with Mr. Obama's administration, but rather, expose him and his sin to the world, so there might be repentance.
It is possible for Pastor Warren to pray for our leaders without giving his blessing to Mr. Obama's administration with his participation in his Inaugural ceremonies. We urge Pastor Warren to, for the love of God, honor Jesus Christ instead of taking honor for himself, and decline to participate in Mr. Obama's Inauguration.
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Urgent Call for International Attention of Three Christians in Prison in Xinjiang: Alimujiang Yimiti and Wusiman Yiming and Lou Yuanqi
Urgent Call for International Attention of Three Christians in Prison in Xinjiang: Alimujiang Yimiti and Wusiman Yiming and Lou Yuanqi
XINJIANG, China, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- ChinaAid issues an urgent call to the international press, government leaders and concerned individuals around the world to intercede on behalf of Christian prisoners in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Alimujiang Yimiti, Wusiman Yiming and Lou Yuanqi. ChinaAid has learned from an anonymous government insider who is sympathetic with the Christians that international pressure is critical now. The source says the Xinjiang Authority is deliberating in the next few days whether to release these three prisoners.
Alimujiang, Wusiman and Lou have been shown great injustice by the Xinjiang government in delayed trials, mistreatment in prison and blatant violation of legal rights.
Mr. Alimujiang Yimiti, a Christian from the Uyghur minority, has been in detention since January 12, 2008 for preaching Christianity. On May 27, his case was tried in court and the verdict was that it should be returned to the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) prosecutors because of "insufficient evidence" against him. Sources report that Alimujiang is highly respected in the prison and is praised by people there. He insists on his innocence and adheres to his Christian beliefs. Yet, the local government in Kashi has not responded to inquiries and it appears the case is being delayed indefinitely.
ChinaAid contacts report that since Alimujiang's imprisonment, his wife, Guli Nuer, has been taking care of their two young sons and negotiating with the relevant government agencies in the hope that the government will handle this case impartially, expediently and in accordance with the law. Alimujiang's mother is also traveling and working hard for the release of her son. Guli told friends of ChinaAid that in this tribulation she has learned how to be joyful and brave and to take care of the people around her by depending on Jesus Christ. She says that she hopes her husband can be acquitted and released. Guli also wishes to thank all the people who are concerned about Alimujiang's case.
Another Uyghur Christian, Wusiman Yiming was sentenced to two years of re-education through labor in September 2007 for "revealing state secrets" and "illegal proselytizing." Sources say that the real reason he was sentenced was because of his boldness as a Christian and a leader in the Uyghur church. Initially, officials planned to sentence him for 10 to 15 years, but after international media attention they sentenced him to two years in the labor camp. Sources report that he has aged dramatically in the labor camp and his health is deteriorating due to harsh conditions. When Wusiman's lawyer appealed his sentence in June 2008, court authorities insisted on a closed hearing, then turned down the appeal and refused to explain. They denied Wusiman proper access to his lawyer, which violated normal court procedure.
The most recent of the three cases in Xinjiang is that of Lou Yuanqi. Lou stood trial on December 15, 2008 on charges of "utilizing superstition to undermine the law." Sources say the real reason for the charge was to stop Lou's house church from meeting in his home. After Lou's trial, his daughter Lou Tiantian, 18, was beaten by court police when she tried to speak with her father as he was being put into a police car. Lou Tiantian was taken to the hospital where she received medical treatment, then was released the same night. Judges have still not delivered a verdict on Pastor Lou's case.
During Lou's trial, the presiding judge acknowledged the persecution in Xinjiang. However, contacts reported that the judge stated, "'If the Christians have more religious freedom in areas outside Xinjiang, they should consider leaving Xinjiang because Xinjiang is special."
Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid, strongly denounces the conduct of the government of Xinjiang and calls on the international community to show concern regarding the cases of Alimujiang, Wusiman and Lou and to urge the Chinese government to improve the status of the human rights of house church Christians and ethnic minorities in China.
Contact the following Chinese government offices to express your concern for the three Christian prisoners:
The People's Procurate of Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Tel: +86-991-2642000
The Supreme People's Court of Xinjiang
Tel: +86-991-5959301 or +86-991-5959480
The Office of Inspector General for Law Enforcement of China
Tel: +86-10-62251925
Fax: +86-10-62254181
The Petition Office of the Supreme People's Court of China
Tel: +86-10-63036424 or +86-10-83102103
For more information please visit:
XINJIANG, China, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- ChinaAid issues an urgent call to the international press, government leaders and concerned individuals around the world to intercede on behalf of Christian prisoners in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Alimujiang Yimiti, Wusiman Yiming and Lou Yuanqi. ChinaAid has learned from an anonymous government insider who is sympathetic with the Christians that international pressure is critical now. The source says the Xinjiang Authority is deliberating in the next few days whether to release these three prisoners.
Alimujiang, Wusiman and Lou have been shown great injustice by the Xinjiang government in delayed trials, mistreatment in prison and blatant violation of legal rights.
Mr. Alimujiang Yimiti, a Christian from the Uyghur minority, has been in detention since January 12, 2008 for preaching Christianity. On May 27, his case was tried in court and the verdict was that it should be returned to the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) prosecutors because of "insufficient evidence" against him. Sources report that Alimujiang is highly respected in the prison and is praised by people there. He insists on his innocence and adheres to his Christian beliefs. Yet, the local government in Kashi has not responded to inquiries and it appears the case is being delayed indefinitely.
ChinaAid contacts report that since Alimujiang's imprisonment, his wife, Guli Nuer, has been taking care of their two young sons and negotiating with the relevant government agencies in the hope that the government will handle this case impartially, expediently and in accordance with the law. Alimujiang's mother is also traveling and working hard for the release of her son. Guli told friends of ChinaAid that in this tribulation she has learned how to be joyful and brave and to take care of the people around her by depending on Jesus Christ. She says that she hopes her husband can be acquitted and released. Guli also wishes to thank all the people who are concerned about Alimujiang's case.
Another Uyghur Christian, Wusiman Yiming was sentenced to two years of re-education through labor in September 2007 for "revealing state secrets" and "illegal proselytizing." Sources say that the real reason he was sentenced was because of his boldness as a Christian and a leader in the Uyghur church. Initially, officials planned to sentence him for 10 to 15 years, but after international media attention they sentenced him to two years in the labor camp. Sources report that he has aged dramatically in the labor camp and his health is deteriorating due to harsh conditions. When Wusiman's lawyer appealed his sentence in June 2008, court authorities insisted on a closed hearing, then turned down the appeal and refused to explain. They denied Wusiman proper access to his lawyer, which violated normal court procedure.
The most recent of the three cases in Xinjiang is that of Lou Yuanqi. Lou stood trial on December 15, 2008 on charges of "utilizing superstition to undermine the law." Sources say the real reason for the charge was to stop Lou's house church from meeting in his home. After Lou's trial, his daughter Lou Tiantian, 18, was beaten by court police when she tried to speak with her father as he was being put into a police car. Lou Tiantian was taken to the hospital where she received medical treatment, then was released the same night. Judges have still not delivered a verdict on Pastor Lou's case.
During Lou's trial, the presiding judge acknowledged the persecution in Xinjiang. However, contacts reported that the judge stated, "'If the Christians have more religious freedom in areas outside Xinjiang, they should consider leaving Xinjiang because Xinjiang is special."
Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid, strongly denounces the conduct of the government of Xinjiang and calls on the international community to show concern regarding the cases of Alimujiang, Wusiman and Lou and to urge the Chinese government to improve the status of the human rights of house church Christians and ethnic minorities in China.
Contact the following Chinese government offices to express your concern for the three Christian prisoners:
The People's Procurate of Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Tel: +86-991-2642000
The Supreme People's Court of Xinjiang
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HLI Challenges Pastor's Participation in Obama Inauguration
HLI Challenges Pastor's Participation in Obama Inauguration
FRONT ROYAL, VA, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International (HLI), today challenged Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA to reconsider his participation in the upcoming inaugural ceremonies for President-elect Barack Obama.
"We applaud Pastor Warren's support of pro-life causes as well as his defense of traditional marriage," said Father Euteneuer. "This is why we are concerned that his high-profile and explicitly Christian prayerful invocation at President-elect Obama's inauguration may be perceived as an endorsement, even a blessing, of what will likely be the most anti-life administration in the history of this country."
President-elect Obama has promised to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), a massive assault on the dignity of life. He is also widely expected to reverse President George W. Bush's executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which prevents funding of international groups and programs that advocate abortion, as well as funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) which, among other assaults on life, has been demonstrated to support coercive "family planning" measures in China, including forced abortions and sterilizations.
"President-elect Obama has given every indication that he has no respect for the lives of the unborn, and whenever given the opportunity, has promised to enforce the most extreme demands of anti-life groups," said Father Euteneuer. "This extremist agenda should not be seen to have the endorsement of pro-life leaders such as Pastor Warren."
"I respect the personal relationship that Pastor Warren has with Mr. Obama," said Father Euteneuer. "But such a public and explicitly Christian endorsement as this invocation is certainly confusing to those who know Mr. Obama's record on life issues. We respectfully ask Pastor Warren to reconsider his participation in the inaugural ceremonies, given Mr. Obama's extremist anti-life views."
FRONT ROYAL, VA, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International (HLI), today challenged Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA to reconsider his participation in the upcoming inaugural ceremonies for President-elect Barack Obama.
"We applaud Pastor Warren's support of pro-life causes as well as his defense of traditional marriage," said Father Euteneuer. "This is why we are concerned that his high-profile and explicitly Christian prayerful invocation at President-elect Obama's inauguration may be perceived as an endorsement, even a blessing, of what will likely be the most anti-life administration in the history of this country."
President-elect Obama has promised to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), a massive assault on the dignity of life. He is also widely expected to reverse President George W. Bush's executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which prevents funding of international groups and programs that advocate abortion, as well as funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) which, among other assaults on life, has been demonstrated to support coercive "family planning" measures in China, including forced abortions and sterilizations.
"President-elect Obama has given every indication that he has no respect for the lives of the unborn, and whenever given the opportunity, has promised to enforce the most extreme demands of anti-life groups," said Father Euteneuer. "This extremist agenda should not be seen to have the endorsement of pro-life leaders such as Pastor Warren."
"I respect the personal relationship that Pastor Warren has with Mr. Obama," said Father Euteneuer. "But such a public and explicitly Christian endorsement as this invocation is certainly confusing to those who know Mr. Obama's record on life issues. We respectfully ask Pastor Warren to reconsider his participation in the inaugural ceremonies, given Mr. Obama's extremist anti-life views."
The American Bible Society's 2008 Christmas Message: 'Christmas at Just the Right Time'
The American Bible Society's 2008 Christmas Message: 'Christmas at Just the Right Time'
NEW YORK, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- I recently heard a TV commentator announce, "Ready or not, Christmas is coming!" It almost was like he was announcing an oncoming train just before a dreaded collision. His tone suggested that Christmas was something to be avoided if at all possible. I think he was missing something significant.
Undoubtedly, Christmas brings with it a great deal of frantic activity, especially with our practices of gift purchasing and Christmas parties. Perhaps that is why many people experience depression or anxiety during this time of year. Too many others seem always to wish Christmas would come a little later, that they were better prepared for it, or that it would maybe not come at all. For me, Christmas always comes at just the right time. I love to see Christmas come and I'm sad to see it go.
The very first Christmas was right on time. The Bible says in Galatians 4.4, "But when the time was right, God sent his Son." The ashes had grown cold on religious altars, prophecies had been fulfilled on earth and preparation had been made in heaven. It was time for the world to be given a Savior, and at that precise time, God sent forth His Son.
According to the New Testament writer, Paul, God sent His Son "to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" (Galatians 4.5). It is through this act of redemption that we are able to become the children of God.
And what better time than Christmas to be reminded of God's deep and life-changing love for us? As so many families here and around the world are wondering what tomorrow will bring, what better time to bring to mind the Christmas promises of God.
That is why we at the American Bible Society work everyday to bring the good news of God's Word to people across the world. As Henry Van Dyke wrote, "There is a better thing than the observance of Christmas day, and that is, keeping Christmas."
Christmas is coming just in time this year! If we can observe it for a day, why not for always!?
R. Lamar Vest
President Elect
The American Bible Society
About Dr. R. Lamar Vest
Dr. R. Lamar Vest is the newly elected President of the American Bible Society. He has been a long-term leader in the development and expansion of the Bible mission both here in the United States and around the world.
About the American Bible Society
Founded in 1816 and headquartered in the City of New York, the mission of the American Bible Society is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so that all people may experience its life-changing message. The American Bible Society's online destination is
NEW YORK, Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- I recently heard a TV commentator announce, "Ready or not, Christmas is coming!" It almost was like he was announcing an oncoming train just before a dreaded collision. His tone suggested that Christmas was something to be avoided if at all possible. I think he was missing something significant.
Undoubtedly, Christmas brings with it a great deal of frantic activity, especially with our practices of gift purchasing and Christmas parties. Perhaps that is why many people experience depression or anxiety during this time of year. Too many others seem always to wish Christmas would come a little later, that they were better prepared for it, or that it would maybe not come at all. For me, Christmas always comes at just the right time. I love to see Christmas come and I'm sad to see it go.
The very first Christmas was right on time. The Bible says in Galatians 4.4, "But when the time was right, God sent his Son." The ashes had grown cold on religious altars, prophecies had been fulfilled on earth and preparation had been made in heaven. It was time for the world to be given a Savior, and at that precise time, God sent forth His Son.
According to the New Testament writer, Paul, God sent His Son "to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" (Galatians 4.5). It is through this act of redemption that we are able to become the children of God.
And what better time than Christmas to be reminded of God's deep and life-changing love for us? As so many families here and around the world are wondering what tomorrow will bring, what better time to bring to mind the Christmas promises of God.
That is why we at the American Bible Society work everyday to bring the good news of God's Word to people across the world. As Henry Van Dyke wrote, "There is a better thing than the observance of Christmas day, and that is, keeping Christmas."
Christmas is coming just in time this year! If we can observe it for a day, why not for always!?
R. Lamar Vest
President Elect
The American Bible Society
About Dr. R. Lamar Vest
Dr. R. Lamar Vest is the newly elected President of the American Bible Society. He has been a long-term leader in the development and expansion of the Bible mission both here in the United States and around the world.
About the American Bible Society
Founded in 1816 and headquartered in the City of New York, the mission of the American Bible Society is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so that all people may experience its life-changing message. The American Bible Society's online destination is
Proposition 8 Campaign Names Prominent Legal Counsel, Files Legal Arguments with California Supreme Court
Proposition 8 Campaign Names Prominent Legal Counsel, Files Legal Arguments with California Supreme Court
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The official proponents of Proposition 8 and their campaign committee, - Yes on 8, filed written briefs with the California Supreme Court today defending the voter-approved initiative against legal challenges. The three anti-Prop 8 lawsuits were initiated by opponents the day after the measure passed in the November General Election.
Joining the legal defense of Proposition 8 is Kenneth W. Starr. Starr formerly served as a Judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, and as U.S. Solicitor General, he argued twenty-five cases before the Supreme Court. He remains active in the professional and educational legal community. As lead counsel, Starr will argue the case before the California Supreme Court on behalf of Proposition 8's official proponents.
The legal challenges against Proposition 8 claim that the measure could not be added to the constitution by ballot initiative, but rather only by a constitutional "revision," requiring either a two-thirds vote of the Legislature or a statewide Constitutional Convention. California has not had such a convention since the last one held in 1879.
"We are confident that the will of the voters and Proposition 8 will ultimately be upheld," said Andrew Pugno, General Counsel for and the Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund. "The addition of Dean Starr to this legal conversation will provide useful guidance for the Court in resolving these important issues."
Excerpts from today's legal filings include:
* "Petitioners' challenge depends on characterizing Proposition 8 as a radical departure from the fundamental principles of the California Constitution. [...] But that portrayal is wildly wrong. Proposition 8 is limited in nature and effect. It does nothing more than restore the definition of marriage to what it was and always had been under California law before June 16, 2008 - and to what the people had repeatedly willed that it be throughout California's history." (Page 16.)
* "Proposition 8's brevity is matched by its clarity. There are no conditional clauses, exceptions, exemptions, or exclusions: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." ... Its plain language encompasses both pre-existing and later-created same-sex (and polygamous) marriages, whether performed in California or elsewhere. With crystal clarity, it declares that they are not valid or recognized in California." (Page 37.)
Legal briefing by the parties will continue through January 2009. A hearing on the case could be held as early as March 2009.
Copies of the written briefs will be available online at the California Supreme Court's website: prop8.htm. Dean Kenneth Starr will not be granting media interviews. The cases are Strauss v. Horton, S168047; City and County of San Francisco v. Horton, S168078; and Tyler v. State of California, S168066.
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The official proponents of Proposition 8 and their campaign committee, - Yes on 8, filed written briefs with the California Supreme Court today defending the voter-approved initiative against legal challenges. The three anti-Prop 8 lawsuits were initiated by opponents the day after the measure passed in the November General Election.
Joining the legal defense of Proposition 8 is Kenneth W. Starr. Starr formerly served as a Judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, and as U.S. Solicitor General, he argued twenty-five cases before the Supreme Court. He remains active in the professional and educational legal community. As lead counsel, Starr will argue the case before the California Supreme Court on behalf of Proposition 8's official proponents.
The legal challenges against Proposition 8 claim that the measure could not be added to the constitution by ballot initiative, but rather only by a constitutional "revision," requiring either a two-thirds vote of the Legislature or a statewide Constitutional Convention. California has not had such a convention since the last one held in 1879.
"We are confident that the will of the voters and Proposition 8 will ultimately be upheld," said Andrew Pugno, General Counsel for and the Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund. "The addition of Dean Starr to this legal conversation will provide useful guidance for the Court in resolving these important issues."
Excerpts from today's legal filings include:
* "Petitioners' challenge depends on characterizing Proposition 8 as a radical departure from the fundamental principles of the California Constitution. [...] But that portrayal is wildly wrong. Proposition 8 is limited in nature and effect. It does nothing more than restore the definition of marriage to what it was and always had been under California law before June 16, 2008 - and to what the people had repeatedly willed that it be throughout California's history." (Page 16.)
* "Proposition 8's brevity is matched by its clarity. There are no conditional clauses, exceptions, exemptions, or exclusions: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." ... Its plain language encompasses both pre-existing and later-created same-sex (and polygamous) marriages, whether performed in California or elsewhere. With crystal clarity, it declares that they are not valid or recognized in California." (Page 37.)
Legal briefing by the parties will continue through January 2009. A hearing on the case could be held as early as March 2009.
Copies of the written briefs will be available online at the California Supreme Court's website: prop8.htm. Dean Kenneth Starr will not be granting media interviews. The cases are Strauss v. Horton, S168047; City and County of San Francisco v. Horton, S168078; and Tyler v. State of California, S168066.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Freie und unabhängige Medien sind wichtig: Journalistin Amy Goodman liest „Standing up to the madness“ in Berlin
Freie und unabhängige Medien sind wichtig:
Journalistin Amy Goodman liest „Standing up to the madness“ in Berlin
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Hamburg / Berlin/12. Dezember 2008/ Die amerikanische Top-Journalistin und Produzentin des amerikanischen Nachrichten-Fernseh- und Radio-Programmes, Democracy NOW! wird am Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008, ab 18.30 Uhr in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin aus ihrem New York Times-Best-Seller „Standing up to the madness - Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times“ ( ISBN: 1401322883) lesen.
Zu Beginn dieser Woche wurde die Journalistin mit drei weiteren Empfängerinnen, Dr. Monika Hauser, Krishnammal Jagannathan und Asha Hagi mit dem Right Livelihood Award, der auch als Alternativer Nobel-Preis weltweit bekannt ist, in der Stadt Stockholm im Schwedischen Parlament ausgezeichnet.
Der Vortag: „Die Wichtigkeit unabhängiger Medien – Von Bush bis zu Obama“ beginnt um 18.30 Uhr. Die Lesung von Amy Goodman findet in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin statt. Eine Beschreibung für die Anfahrtswege kann im Internet bei abgerufen werden.
Der Eintritt ist frei und die Lesung der amerikanischen Journalistin Amy Goodman ist öffentlich.
Die Veranstaltung wird unterstützt von American Voices Abroad ( ) und von Books in Berlin ( ).
Morgen am Samstag, den 13. Dezember 2008 wird die beliebte und exzellente Journalistin, Amy Goodman in München einen Vortrag um 19.30 Uhr, im Weltsalon auf dem Tollwood Festival auf der Thersienwiesen in München halten.
Die Fernseh-Journalistin wird zum Thema „Vergessen Sie die Depression und schaffen Sie Optimismus für die Zukunft“ sprechen.“ Nach dem Vortrag wird Amy Goodman eine Diskussion über die Wichtigkeit unabhängiger Medien führen.
Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kann mit der U-Bahn U4 / U5 zur Theresienwiese gefahren werden. Es stehen nur wenige kostenpflichtige Parkplätze auf dem BRK-Parkplatz zur Verfügung.
Der Eintritt zur Lesung der erstklassigen Journalistin und Autorin mehrerer Bücher ist auch in München kostenfrei.
Weitere Hinweise im Internet bei .
Die Autorin schreibt die Bücher in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Bruder David Goodman.
Das Buch „Standing up to the madness - Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times“ ( ISBN: 1401322883) wurde geschrieben von Amy und David Goodman und ist im Jahr 2008 neu erschienen. Es wurde innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu einem New York Times-Best-Seller. Amy Goodman wurde für zahlreiche weitere Werke mit angesehenen und internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit folgenden Auszeichnungen: The Paley Center for Media She Made It Award, 2007, Gracie Award for American Women in Radio and Television Public Broadcasting, 2007, James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, 2007, Webby Award Honoree, 2007, Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship, 2006, Ruben Salazar Journalism Award, George Polk Award, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Prize, Communication for Peace Award und zu Beginn dieser Woche mit dem Right Livelihood Award in Stockholm in Schweden geehrt.
Bereits gestern sendete die erfolgreiche investigative Journalistin aus der Stadt Hamburg in Co-operation mit Europas größten Magazin Der Spiegel ( ), heute sendet das Democracy NOW! Team aus Ost-Berlin.
Seit 1984 ist Amy Goodman zudem als Rundfunk-Journalistin tätig und gründete vor rund 12 Jahren das freie und unabhängige Fernseh- und Radio-Nachrichten-Programm Democracy NOW!. Das Fernseh- und Radio-Programm ist die größte U.S.-Medien-Vereinigung, die auf mehr als 700 Fernseh-Stationen, Satelliten-Fernsehen, im Internet und bei rund 200 Radio-Stationen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in der Welt zu hören und zu sehen ist. Democracy NOW! Ist täglich von 8.00 bis 9.00 Uhr nach U.S. EST zu sehen und von 13 bis 14 Uhr GMT-Zeit zu sehen auch im Internet bei .
Für Recherchen steht ein großes Online-Archiv kostenfrei zur Verfügung.
Das Programm wird durch die Zuschauer, Hörer und durch verschiedenen Stiftungen finanziert. Es werden Dienste in englischer und spanischer Sprache geboten. Zudem gibt es einen Transcript-Dienst und ein Dienst für taube Hörer bzw. Zuschauer.
Die Bücher von Amy Goodman und David Goodman sind in jeder Buchhandlung und zudem auch im Internet bei erhältlich.
Ausführliche Informationen zu Democracy NOW! sind bei im Internet zu finden.
Journalistin Amy Goodman liest „Standing up to the madness“ in Berlin
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Hamburg / Berlin/12. Dezember 2008/ Die amerikanische Top-Journalistin und Produzentin des amerikanischen Nachrichten-Fernseh- und Radio-Programmes, Democracy NOW! wird am Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008, ab 18.30 Uhr in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin aus ihrem New York Times-Best-Seller „Standing up to the madness - Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times“ ( ISBN: 1401322883) lesen.
Zu Beginn dieser Woche wurde die Journalistin mit drei weiteren Empfängerinnen, Dr. Monika Hauser, Krishnammal Jagannathan und Asha Hagi mit dem Right Livelihood Award, der auch als Alternativer Nobel-Preis weltweit bekannt ist, in der Stadt Stockholm im Schwedischen Parlament ausgezeichnet.
Der Vortag: „Die Wichtigkeit unabhängiger Medien – Von Bush bis zu Obama“ beginnt um 18.30 Uhr. Die Lesung von Amy Goodman findet in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin statt. Eine Beschreibung für die Anfahrtswege kann im Internet bei abgerufen werden.
Der Eintritt ist frei und die Lesung der amerikanischen Journalistin Amy Goodman ist öffentlich.
Die Veranstaltung wird unterstützt von American Voices Abroad ( ) und von Books in Berlin ( ).
Morgen am Samstag, den 13. Dezember 2008 wird die beliebte und exzellente Journalistin, Amy Goodman in München einen Vortrag um 19.30 Uhr, im Weltsalon auf dem Tollwood Festival auf der Thersienwiesen in München halten.
Die Fernseh-Journalistin wird zum Thema „Vergessen Sie die Depression und schaffen Sie Optimismus für die Zukunft“ sprechen.“ Nach dem Vortrag wird Amy Goodman eine Diskussion über die Wichtigkeit unabhängiger Medien führen.
Mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kann mit der U-Bahn U4 / U5 zur Theresienwiese gefahren werden. Es stehen nur wenige kostenpflichtige Parkplätze auf dem BRK-Parkplatz zur Verfügung.
Der Eintritt zur Lesung der erstklassigen Journalistin und Autorin mehrerer Bücher ist auch in München kostenfrei.
Weitere Hinweise im Internet bei .
Die Autorin schreibt die Bücher in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Bruder David Goodman.
Das Buch „Standing up to the madness - Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times“ ( ISBN: 1401322883) wurde geschrieben von Amy und David Goodman und ist im Jahr 2008 neu erschienen. Es wurde innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu einem New York Times-Best-Seller. Amy Goodman wurde für zahlreiche weitere Werke mit angesehenen und internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit folgenden Auszeichnungen: The Paley Center for Media She Made It Award, 2007, Gracie Award for American Women in Radio and Television Public Broadcasting, 2007, James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, 2007, Webby Award Honoree, 2007, Puffin/Nation Prize for Creative Citizenship, 2006, Ruben Salazar Journalism Award, George Polk Award, Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Prize, Communication for Peace Award und zu Beginn dieser Woche mit dem Right Livelihood Award in Stockholm in Schweden geehrt.
Bereits gestern sendete die erfolgreiche investigative Journalistin aus der Stadt Hamburg in Co-operation mit Europas größten Magazin Der Spiegel ( ), heute sendet das Democracy NOW! Team aus Ost-Berlin.
Seit 1984 ist Amy Goodman zudem als Rundfunk-Journalistin tätig und gründete vor rund 12 Jahren das freie und unabhängige Fernseh- und Radio-Nachrichten-Programm Democracy NOW!. Das Fernseh- und Radio-Programm ist die größte U.S.-Medien-Vereinigung, die auf mehr als 700 Fernseh-Stationen, Satelliten-Fernsehen, im Internet und bei rund 200 Radio-Stationen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in der Welt zu hören und zu sehen ist. Democracy NOW! Ist täglich von 8.00 bis 9.00 Uhr nach U.S. EST zu sehen und von 13 bis 14 Uhr GMT-Zeit zu sehen auch im Internet bei .
Für Recherchen steht ein großes Online-Archiv kostenfrei zur Verfügung.
Das Programm wird durch die Zuschauer, Hörer und durch verschiedenen Stiftungen finanziert. Es werden Dienste in englischer und spanischer Sprache geboten. Zudem gibt es einen Transcript-Dienst und ein Dienst für taube Hörer bzw. Zuschauer.
Die Bücher von Amy Goodman und David Goodman sind in jeder Buchhandlung und zudem auch im Internet bei erhältlich.
Ausführliche Informationen zu Democracy NOW! sind bei im Internet zu finden.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Recipients of the Right Livelihood Award have arrived in Sweden
Recipients of the Right Livelihood Award have arrived in Sweden
By Andreas Klamm from SWEDEN
New York / Stockholm, Sweden/ 8, 2008/-- This is Andreas Klamm, journalist and news correspondent for Radio IBS Liberty from the city of STOCKHOLM in SWEDEN which is known as one the most beautiful cities in Europe.
While the entire world is watching the events about the NOBEL PRIZE this week in Stockholm, Radio IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty is going to deliver news, information, photographs and a television program related with the events to the ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE as known as the Right Livelihood Award in Sweden.
A couple from India and three precious ladies which have taken part in an important role in social transformation have been awarded for the Right Livelihood Award in 2008.
The recipients of the award have arrived recently in Sweden and will be honoured tonight.
Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan and her husband from LAFTI , India are going to receive the Right Livelihood Award ...for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as 'India's soul'."
Amy Goodman , one of the best journalists, broadcast journalists and authors in this world is going to receive the award "...for developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media."
She is the first journalist ever, which going to receive the Right Livelihood Award as known as ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE.
Amy Goodman has been unlawful arrested while covering events related to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, United States of America.
Asha Hagi , from Somalia will be honored "...for continuing to lead at great personal risk the female participation in the peace and reconciliation process in her war-ravaged country."
Dr. Monika Hauser, born in Switzerland which holds an Italian Passport will receive the award for "...for her tireless commitment to working with women who have experienced the most horrific sexual violence in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, and campaigning for them to receive social recognition and compensation."
The award ceremony will be held tonight in the Swedish Parliament. The ceremony will be attended by many honourable guests, Members of the Parliament and journalists from the around the world. Founder and Chairman of the Right Livelihood Award is Mr. Jakob von Uxekuell a former member of the European Parliament.
The recipients will share the PRIZE money of two million SWEDISH KRONOR or crowns, approximately about 310.000 U.S. Dollar. The money is not be used for personal purpose but to continue the work in projects of social transformation.
The Democracy Now Team will broadcast live from Sweden. For the live program go to
IBS Television Liberty will provide a special coverage on television by next week on with LIBERTY AND PEACE NOW!
This was Andreas Klamm, journalist and news correspondent from the city of Sweden in Stockholm for IBS Television Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and MJB Mission News.
Distributed by / IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty, international service, SWEDEN, INTLLINK,
By Andreas Klamm from SWEDEN
New York / Stockholm, Sweden/ 8, 2008/-- This is Andreas Klamm, journalist and news correspondent for Radio IBS Liberty from the city of STOCKHOLM in SWEDEN which is known as one the most beautiful cities in Europe.
While the entire world is watching the events about the NOBEL PRIZE this week in Stockholm, Radio IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty is going to deliver news, information, photographs and a television program related with the events to the ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE as known as the Right Livelihood Award in Sweden.
A couple from India and three precious ladies which have taken part in an important role in social transformation have been awarded for the Right Livelihood Award in 2008.
The recipients of the award have arrived recently in Sweden and will be honoured tonight.
Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan and her husband from LAFTI , India are going to receive the Right Livelihood Award ...for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as 'India's soul'."
Amy Goodman , one of the best journalists, broadcast journalists and authors in this world is going to receive the award "...for developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media."
She is the first journalist ever, which going to receive the Right Livelihood Award as known as ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE.
Amy Goodman has been unlawful arrested while covering events related to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, United States of America.
Asha Hagi , from Somalia will be honored "...for continuing to lead at great personal risk the female participation in the peace and reconciliation process in her war-ravaged country."
Dr. Monika Hauser, born in Switzerland which holds an Italian Passport will receive the award for "...for her tireless commitment to working with women who have experienced the most horrific sexual violence in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, and campaigning for them to receive social recognition and compensation."
The award ceremony will be held tonight in the Swedish Parliament. The ceremony will be attended by many honourable guests, Members of the Parliament and journalists from the around the world. Founder and Chairman of the Right Livelihood Award is Mr. Jakob von Uxekuell a former member of the European Parliament.
The recipients will share the PRIZE money of two million SWEDISH KRONOR or crowns, approximately about 310.000 U.S. Dollar. The money is not be used for personal purpose but to continue the work in projects of social transformation.
The Democracy Now Team will broadcast live from Sweden. For the live program go to
IBS Television Liberty will provide a special coverage on television by next week on with LIBERTY AND PEACE NOW!
This was Andreas Klamm, journalist and news correspondent from the city of Sweden in Stockholm for IBS Television Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and MJB Mission News.
Distributed by / IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty, international service, SWEDEN, INTLLINK,
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Grüne-Politikerin zur Situation von Mohammed Sbaih: Schutz-suchende Menschen die protestieren dürfen nicht strafrechtlich belangt werden
Grüne-Politikerin zur Situation von Mohammed Sbaih:
Schutz-suchende Menschen die protestieren dürfen nicht strafrechtlich belangt werden
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Erfurt. „Die Prosteste von Schutz-suchenden Menschen dürfen nicht strafrechtlich belangt werden.“ Das erklärte bereits gestern in einer Mitteilung an die Presse die Landessprecherin der Partei Die Grünen Thüringen / Bündnis 90, Astrid Beinlich.
Die Grünen unterstützen die Forderung des Flüchtlingsrates Thüringen nach einem Stopp der Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih. Der Mann aus Palästina und dem Westjordanland hatte als Sprecher für die Flüchtlinge so wörtlich die „miserablen Lebensbedingungen“ von Schutz-suchenden Menschen in der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte öffentlich beklagt und kritisiert.
Die Landes-Sprecherin der Grünen, Astrid Beinlich besuchte während der Prosteste mehrfach die Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte vor Ort, um sich ein Bild zu machen, sprach mit betroffenen Menschen und lernte dabei auch Mohammed Sbaih kennen.
Astrid Beinlich erklärte: "Die Vorgehensweise der zuständigen Behörden schreit förmlich zum Himmel. Nachdem damals die Proteste in Katzhütte auch nach der Verlegung von Herrn Mohammed Sbaih weiter gingen und publik wurden, soll dieser nun in ein für Palästinenser unsicheres Land abgeschoben werden. Wir fordern die
Landesregierung in Thüringen auf, dies zu verhindern. So kann und darf in einem Rechtsstaat mit Protest und Menschen, die hier Schutz suchen, nicht umgegangen werden."
Die geplante Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih konnte gestern vorläufig verhindert werden. Das Abschiebe-Verfahren werde allerdings noch weiter fortgesetzt, informierte eine Sprecherin des Landes. Verschiedenen Quellen zufolge ist der Flüchtlings-politische Sprecher Mohammed Sbaih zur Zeit im Abschiebe-Gefängnis Suhl-Goldlauter in der Nähe der Stadt Eisenach interniert.
Ein internationales Produktions-Team und Journalisten von Radio IBS Liberty hatte vor kurzem die Chance mit mehreren ehemaligen Insassen von Sammel-Unterkünften für Schutz- und Asyl-suchende Menschen, die diese Menschen als „Lager“ oder „Isolations-Lager“ bezeichnen, mehrere Gespräche und Interviews zu führen. Ein Augenzeuge berichtete, dass aufgrund der schlechten Lebens-Bedingungen in den Lagern die Menschen oft depressiv und schwer krank würden. Ein Miteinander oder eine Integration sei unter den Umständen einer Isolation von den Menschen in Deutschland in den Stadt-Zentren kaum möglich.
Insgesamt bemühen sich mindestens drei Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisationen und die Partei Grüne / Bündnis 90 um eine Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen für Asyl- und Schutz-suchende Menschen in Deutschland.
Zudem versuchen mehrere Menschenrechts-Organisationen den Flüchtlingen, Menschen in Not und Schutz-suchenden Menschen und so jetzt auch Mohammed Sbaih zu helfen. Ein Sprecher einer Menschenrechts-Organisation bezeichnete die Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte so wörtlich als „Baracken-Lager“.
Die Gründe für die Inhaftierung von Mohammed Sbaih sind offiziell bislang nicht geklärt.
Die internationale Rechts-Lage zur Situation der Allgemeinen Menschenrechte ist eindeutig. Laut der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte der United Nations (UN, Vereinte Nationen), deren Proklamation und der 60. Jahrestag der Proklamation am 10. Dezember auch in Deutschland gefeiert wird, dürfen alle Menschen und damit auch Schutz- und Asyl-suchende Menschen vom Recht auf Meinungs- Presse- und Informations-Freiheit Gebrauch machen, auch dann wenn die Stimmen kritisch sein sollten in Bezug auf die schlechten Lebensbedingungen von Schutz-suchenden Menschen und Flüchtlingen in Deutschland.
In der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte wird garantiert:
Artikel 19
Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.
Artikel 18
Jeder hat das Recht auf Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, seine Religion oder seine Weltanschauung zu wechseln, sowie die Freiheit, seine Religion oder seine Weltanschauung allein oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen, öffentlich oder privat durch Lehre, Ausübung, Gottesdienst und Kulthandlungen zu bekennen.
Artikel 13
1. Jeder hat das Recht, sich innerhalb eines Staates frei zu bewegen und seinen Aufenthaltsort frei zu wählen.
2. Jeder hat das Recht, jedes Land, einschließlich seines eigenen, zu verlassen und in sein Land zurückzukehren.
Artikel 9
Niemand darf willkürlich festgenommen, in Haft gehalten oder des Landes verwiesen werden.
Nachdem die Menschen in Deutschland zwei Diktaturen, eine Diktatur der Nazis bis 1945 und eine Diktatur in der ehemaligen DDR bis 1989/90 erleben mussten, ist das Engagement couragierter Schutz-suchender Menschen eine gute und konstruktive Chance auch für die Menschen in Deutschland Demokratie und die Wahrung der Menschenrechte auch bei noch so unterschiedlichen Standpunkten und Meinungen friedfertig zu lernen und zu praktizieren.
Der konstruktive Umgang auch mit kritischen Stimmen und Meinungen ist eine Chance für ein Miteinander das sich die „Botschafter des Friedens“, das meint Schutz-suchende und Asyl-suchende Menschen, die vor Krieg, Terror und Gewalt flüchteten und die Menschen in Deutschland nicht nehmen lassen sollten. Ein konstruktiver Dialog und ein aktives Engagement für die Wahrung und Einhaltung von elementarsten Grundrechten nach dem Grundgesetz für Deutschland und nach der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte in Deutschland kann eine gute Bereicherung für viele Menschen in Deutschland sein.
Die international und universell gültige Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der United Nations (UN, Vereinte Nationen) ist weltweit im Internet in zahlreichen Sprachen zu lesen: , .
Doch es geht auch anders in Deutschland und es gibt einige wenn vielleicht auch noch zu wenige Beispiele im guten Umgang mit Schutz-suchenden Menschen: Ein herzliche und gute Beziehung mit Schutz-suchenden Menschen ist auch in Deutschland möglich. Die Stadt Heidelberg in Baden-Württemberg gibt mit der Aktion „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ ein vorbildliches und gutes Beispiel und heißt Schutz-suchende Menschen herzlichst mitten in der Studenten- und Universitäts-Stadt willkommen. Bereits 86 Paten für Flüchtlinge und Schutz-suchende Menschen haben ihre ehrenamtliche Hilfe öffentlich zugesagt, den Schutz-suchenden Menschen ein Leben in Deutschland und das Miteinander leichter möglich zu machen. Ausführliche Informationen sind im Internet bei im Internet zu finden. Die Paten für Schutz-suchende Menschen setzen sich auch offen und öffentlich für die Aufnahme von Schutz- und Asyl-suchenden Menschen in Deutschland ein.
Weitere und ausführliche Berichte folgen.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty wurde 1986 in der deutschen Stadt Speyer am Rhein und in der englischen Stadt Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom gegründet.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty ist ein alternatives, independent und internationales Medien-Netzwerk mit Journalisten und Autoren aus 33 Ländern und mit Lesern, Hörern und Zuschauern aus 41 Ländern. Das Medien-Netzwerk ist nicht-kommerziell weil alternativ und international. Zeitweise arbeitet das Medien-Netzwerk unter „NO“- und „LOW“-Budget-Bedingungen. IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty dient seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung und sozialer internationaler Friedens-Dienste.
In im internationalen Redaktions-Team von IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty sind Menschen jüdischen, christlichen, moslemischen Glaubens, auch gläubige und ungläubige Menschen, Demokraten und Kommunisten und Menschen mit unterschiedlichsten politischen Standpunkten und Auffassungen aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern für die internationale Völkerverständigung tätig.
Schutz-suchende Menschen die protestieren dürfen nicht strafrechtlich belangt werden
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Erfurt. „Die Prosteste von Schutz-suchenden Menschen dürfen nicht strafrechtlich belangt werden.“ Das erklärte bereits gestern in einer Mitteilung an die Presse die Landessprecherin der Partei Die Grünen Thüringen / Bündnis 90, Astrid Beinlich.
Die Grünen unterstützen die Forderung des Flüchtlingsrates Thüringen nach einem Stopp der Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih. Der Mann aus Palästina und dem Westjordanland hatte als Sprecher für die Flüchtlinge so wörtlich die „miserablen Lebensbedingungen“ von Schutz-suchenden Menschen in der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte öffentlich beklagt und kritisiert.
Die Landes-Sprecherin der Grünen, Astrid Beinlich besuchte während der Prosteste mehrfach die Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte vor Ort, um sich ein Bild zu machen, sprach mit betroffenen Menschen und lernte dabei auch Mohammed Sbaih kennen.
Astrid Beinlich erklärte: "Die Vorgehensweise der zuständigen Behörden schreit förmlich zum Himmel. Nachdem damals die Proteste in Katzhütte auch nach der Verlegung von Herrn Mohammed Sbaih weiter gingen und publik wurden, soll dieser nun in ein für Palästinenser unsicheres Land abgeschoben werden. Wir fordern die
Landesregierung in Thüringen auf, dies zu verhindern. So kann und darf in einem Rechtsstaat mit Protest und Menschen, die hier Schutz suchen, nicht umgegangen werden."
Die geplante Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih konnte gestern vorläufig verhindert werden. Das Abschiebe-Verfahren werde allerdings noch weiter fortgesetzt, informierte eine Sprecherin des Landes. Verschiedenen Quellen zufolge ist der Flüchtlings-politische Sprecher Mohammed Sbaih zur Zeit im Abschiebe-Gefängnis Suhl-Goldlauter in der Nähe der Stadt Eisenach interniert.
Ein internationales Produktions-Team und Journalisten von Radio IBS Liberty hatte vor kurzem die Chance mit mehreren ehemaligen Insassen von Sammel-Unterkünften für Schutz- und Asyl-suchende Menschen, die diese Menschen als „Lager“ oder „Isolations-Lager“ bezeichnen, mehrere Gespräche und Interviews zu führen. Ein Augenzeuge berichtete, dass aufgrund der schlechten Lebens-Bedingungen in den Lagern die Menschen oft depressiv und schwer krank würden. Ein Miteinander oder eine Integration sei unter den Umständen einer Isolation von den Menschen in Deutschland in den Stadt-Zentren kaum möglich.
Insgesamt bemühen sich mindestens drei Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisationen und die Partei Grüne / Bündnis 90 um eine Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen für Asyl- und Schutz-suchende Menschen in Deutschland.
Zudem versuchen mehrere Menschenrechts-Organisationen den Flüchtlingen, Menschen in Not und Schutz-suchenden Menschen und so jetzt auch Mohammed Sbaih zu helfen. Ein Sprecher einer Menschenrechts-Organisation bezeichnete die Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte so wörtlich als „Baracken-Lager“.
Die Gründe für die Inhaftierung von Mohammed Sbaih sind offiziell bislang nicht geklärt.
Die internationale Rechts-Lage zur Situation der Allgemeinen Menschenrechte ist eindeutig. Laut der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte der United Nations (UN, Vereinte Nationen), deren Proklamation und der 60. Jahrestag der Proklamation am 10. Dezember auch in Deutschland gefeiert wird, dürfen alle Menschen und damit auch Schutz- und Asyl-suchende Menschen vom Recht auf Meinungs- Presse- und Informations-Freiheit Gebrauch machen, auch dann wenn die Stimmen kritisch sein sollten in Bezug auf die schlechten Lebensbedingungen von Schutz-suchenden Menschen und Flüchtlingen in Deutschland.
In der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte wird garantiert:
Artikel 19
Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.
Artikel 18
Jeder hat das Recht auf Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, seine Religion oder seine Weltanschauung zu wechseln, sowie die Freiheit, seine Religion oder seine Weltanschauung allein oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen, öffentlich oder privat durch Lehre, Ausübung, Gottesdienst und Kulthandlungen zu bekennen.
Artikel 13
1. Jeder hat das Recht, sich innerhalb eines Staates frei zu bewegen und seinen Aufenthaltsort frei zu wählen.
2. Jeder hat das Recht, jedes Land, einschließlich seines eigenen, zu verlassen und in sein Land zurückzukehren.
Artikel 9
Niemand darf willkürlich festgenommen, in Haft gehalten oder des Landes verwiesen werden.
Nachdem die Menschen in Deutschland zwei Diktaturen, eine Diktatur der Nazis bis 1945 und eine Diktatur in der ehemaligen DDR bis 1989/90 erleben mussten, ist das Engagement couragierter Schutz-suchender Menschen eine gute und konstruktive Chance auch für die Menschen in Deutschland Demokratie und die Wahrung der Menschenrechte auch bei noch so unterschiedlichen Standpunkten und Meinungen friedfertig zu lernen und zu praktizieren.
Der konstruktive Umgang auch mit kritischen Stimmen und Meinungen ist eine Chance für ein Miteinander das sich die „Botschafter des Friedens“, das meint Schutz-suchende und Asyl-suchende Menschen, die vor Krieg, Terror und Gewalt flüchteten und die Menschen in Deutschland nicht nehmen lassen sollten. Ein konstruktiver Dialog und ein aktives Engagement für die Wahrung und Einhaltung von elementarsten Grundrechten nach dem Grundgesetz für Deutschland und nach der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte in Deutschland kann eine gute Bereicherung für viele Menschen in Deutschland sein.
Die international und universell gültige Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der United Nations (UN, Vereinte Nationen) ist weltweit im Internet in zahlreichen Sprachen zu lesen: , .
Doch es geht auch anders in Deutschland und es gibt einige wenn vielleicht auch noch zu wenige Beispiele im guten Umgang mit Schutz-suchenden Menschen: Ein herzliche und gute Beziehung mit Schutz-suchenden Menschen ist auch in Deutschland möglich. Die Stadt Heidelberg in Baden-Württemberg gibt mit der Aktion „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ ein vorbildliches und gutes Beispiel und heißt Schutz-suchende Menschen herzlichst mitten in der Studenten- und Universitäts-Stadt willkommen. Bereits 86 Paten für Flüchtlinge und Schutz-suchende Menschen haben ihre ehrenamtliche Hilfe öffentlich zugesagt, den Schutz-suchenden Menschen ein Leben in Deutschland und das Miteinander leichter möglich zu machen. Ausführliche Informationen sind im Internet bei im Internet zu finden. Die Paten für Schutz-suchende Menschen setzen sich auch offen und öffentlich für die Aufnahme von Schutz- und Asyl-suchenden Menschen in Deutschland ein.
Weitere und ausführliche Berichte folgen.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty wurde 1986 in der deutschen Stadt Speyer am Rhein und in der englischen Stadt Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom gegründet.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty ist ein alternatives, independent und internationales Medien-Netzwerk mit Journalisten und Autoren aus 33 Ländern und mit Lesern, Hörern und Zuschauern aus 41 Ländern. Das Medien-Netzwerk ist nicht-kommerziell weil alternativ und international. Zeitweise arbeitet das Medien-Netzwerk unter „NO“- und „LOW“-Budget-Bedingungen. IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty dient seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung und sozialer internationaler Friedens-Dienste.
In im internationalen Redaktions-Team von IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty sind Menschen jüdischen, christlichen, moslemischen Glaubens, auch gläubige und ungläubige Menschen, Demokraten und Kommunisten und Menschen mit unterschiedlichsten politischen Standpunkten und Auffassungen aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern für die internationale Völkerverständigung tätig.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen: Mohammed Sbaih – Die Abschiebung wurde vorläufig heute verhindert
Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen: Mohammed Sbaih – Die Abschiebung wurde vorläufig heute verhindert
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Erfurt. 4. Dezember 2008. Entwarnung im Fall des von der Abschiebung bedrohten Mohammed Sbaih. Die für 3. Dezember 2008 geplante Abschiebung konnte in letzter Minute verhindert werden. Der Mann aus Palästina berfindet sich Informationen des Flüchtlingsrates Thüringen in Erfurt zufolge allerdings weiterhin in Abschiebehaft, vermutlich in Suhl. Der Flüchtlingsrat informierte darüber, dass ein Eilantrag offenbar noch beim Verwaltungsgericht Meiningen laufe.
Die geplante Ausweisung und Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih hat das Interesse der internationalen Öffentlichkeit gefunden. In der Redaktion von Radio IBS Liberty meldeten sich in Kommentar-Beiträgen sogar besorgte Leser aus dem Land Jordanien. Im fernen Jordanien gibt es offenbar auch Leser, die über die Situation von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland sehr besorgt sind.
Mohammed Sbaih hat sich als ein Flüchtling und damit auch als ein „Botschafter des Friedens“ im Flüchtlingslager Katzhütte im Kreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt geradezu vorbildlich als ein Sprecher für die Interessen der Flüchtlinge in Deutschland bei Protesten engagiert und beklagt öffentlich die „miserablen Bedingungen für die Menschen“ in der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte.
Sprecher einer weiteren Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisation bezeichneten Katzhütte so wörtlich als „Isolations-Lager“ und ein weiterer Sprecher aus einem Flüchtlingslager in Deutschland bestätigte in einem Radio-Interview mit Radio IBS Liberty, die Informationen, dass eine Vielzahl von Flüchtlingen sich mitten in Deutschland wie in „Isolations-Lagern verwahrt fühle.“ Die Lager seien oft weit entfernt von den Städten mitten im Wald. Eine Infra-Struktur bestünde nicht. Es würden nur Lebensmittel-Gutscheine, doch kein Bargeld ausgegeben. Kinder die die Schulen besuchen wollten, müssten über mehrere Kilometer zu Fuß durch Wälder und mit etwas Glück mit Bussen zur Schule transportiert werden. Nur etwa vier Stunden am Tag sei morgens und abends warmes Wasser zum Duschen verfügbar, weil gespart werden müsste, bestätigte der ehemalige Insasse aus einem Flüchtlingslager im Radio-Interview. An den Eingängen der Lager müssten die Flüchtlinge, sofern vorhanden ihre Ausweis-Dokumente abgeben. Eine Integration in die Lebensgemeinschaften der Städte mit Menschen in Deutschland, die von den Flüchtlingen und auch von engagierten Politikern vieler Parteien in Deutschland gewünscht wird, sei damit nahezu komplett ausgeschlossen.
Daher darf Mohammed Sbaih sicherlich auch in einer Vorreiter-Rolle mit der Wahrnehmung elementarster Grundrechte und Menschenrechte nach der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte proklamiert im Jahr 1948 durch die United Nations in New York, wie die freie Meinungs-Äußerung, für die Integration von Menschen aus anderen Ländern bezeichnet werden. Integration, die Eingliederung von Flüchtlingen aus Ländern, in denen Menschen Schutz vor Gewalt, Terror und Krieg suchen kann sicherlich nicht nur von den Menschen in Deutschland ausgehen. Der engagierte Sprecher für die Interessen vieler Flüchtlinge in Deutschland, ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder ihres persönlichen Glaubens, hat bewiesen, dass auch Flüchtlinge ihren ganz persönlichen Beitrag für ein gutes Miteinander, für eine internationale Zusammenarbeit, in Deutschland leisten können.
Umso weniger ist es verständlich, dass sich der Mann immer noch in Abschiebe-Haft im Abschiebe-Gefängnis von Eisenach oder in der Nähe von Eisenach befindet.
Ein weiterer Sprecher einer anderen Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisation wünscht sich die Integration von Flüchtlingen in den Stadt-Zentren. Oft geht es nur um kleine und einfache Wünsche, wie etwa den Besuch der Schulen für Kinder aus Flüchtlingsfamilien zu erleichtern, ohne dass Kinder über mehrere Kilometer durch Wälder in Deutschland laufen müssen, weil die Lager oder auch Heime genannt, so weit von den Stadt-Zentren entfernt sind.
Die Gefahr der Abschiebung für Mohammed Sbaih weil dieser sich kritisch zu den Lebens-Bedingungen in der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte äußerte besteht weiterhin.
Die für diesen Mittwoch geplante Ausweisung von Mohammed Sbaih sei verschoben worden, sagte eine Sprecherin des Landesverwaltungsamtes gegenüber der deutschen Nachrichtenagentur Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
Das Verhalten und Vorgehen der Behörden stößt nicht nur beim Thüringer Flüchtlingsrat auf schärfste Kritik. Couragierte Poltiker der Partei Die Grünen / Bündnis 90 forderten jetzt auch die Landesregierung auf von einer Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih abzusehen.
Die Bedingungen für Schutz-suchende Flüchtlinge sind nicht an allen Orten in Deutschland so schlecht wie im Flüchtlings-Lager Katzhütte. Im baden-württembergische Heidelberg wäre der Flüchtling Mohammed Sbaih herzlichst willkommen und zwar mitten im bunten Stadt-Leben der Studenten- und Universitäts-Stadt Heidelberg. In einer geradezu vorbildlichen Aktion „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ engagieren sich Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern für Flüchtlinge, die in Deutschland Schutz suchen.
Da ich in Heidelberg vor einigen Jahren ein gutes Abendgymnasium, das Kurfürst-Friedrich-Gymnasium, besuchen konnte unterstütze ich als Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor, Fernseh- Radio- und Film-Produzent die Kampagne für Flüchtlinge „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ - bei uns sind Flüchtlinge wie Mohammed Sbaih und viele Tausend weitere Menschen, die Schutz vor Terror, Krieg und Gewalt suchen herzlichst willkommen. Wir Paten begleiten und zeigen ihnen das schöne Heidelberg, unternehmen gemeinsam Dinge. Lernen auf Gegenseitigkeit, etwa Mohammed Sbaih die deutsche Sprache und wir die arabische Sprache oder welche Sprache auch immer. So wurde ich von Beginn der Aktion an einer von 86 Paten für Flüchtlinge in der Stadt Heidelberg in Baden-Württemberg. Es ist ein wichtiges Signal das wir als Menschen setzen können. Mein Großvater war der französische Offizier Haedi Sabaot und so denke ich in vielen Bereichen des Lebens, wenn auch nicht in allen Bereichen des Lebens kosmopolitisch als ein Bürger in dieser Welt, was einige andere Menschen auch als Weltbürger bezeichnen.
Weshalb sollte Mohammed Sbaih nicht eines Tages auch als Student in Heidelberg studieren können. Oft erscheint mir, obgleich ich in Deutschland aufgewachsen bin dieses Land so fremd. Manchmal verzweifele ich und stelle dann fest, diese Land kenne ich nicht. Doch es darf nicht bei der Resignation bleiben. Die Menschen müssen sich engagieren und es ist gut wenn sich viele Menschen ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder sozialen Stellung in Deutschland und in Europa für Freiheit, für die internationalen Menschenrechte, für das Miteinander, Frieden, Schutz und intelligente und vernünftige Konzepte engagieren.
Wie muss es den vielen Tausend Menschen den Flüchtlingen gehen, die Schutz, Liebe, Miteinander, das Gefühl, angenommen zu werden, Geborgenheit und vielleicht einfach nur das Glück eines guten Studiums an einer guten Universität in Deutschland suchen?
Flüchtlinge, die als „Botschafter des Friedens“ deshalb bezeichnet werden können, weil diese oft in fernen Ländern vor Krieg, Terror und Gewalt flüchten, sollten nicht in Lagern in Deutschland isoliert werden. Eine Isolation von Menschen macht die internationale Völkerverständigung nahezu unmöglich. Wir müssen fragen und miteinander kommunizieren und seien die Standpunkte und Überzeugungen noch so unterschiedlich.
Ausführliche Informationen zur Aktion „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ sind bei im Internet zu finden.
Weitere und ausführliche Informationen zur Situation zur Arbeit des Flüchtlingsrates Thüringen und zur Situation des Asyl-suchenden Menschen Mohammed Sbaih sind auch direkt beim Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen e.V., Warsbergstr. 1, 99092 Erfurt, Tel. 0361 2172720, Fax. 0361 2172727,, zu erhalten.
Bis heute war mir nicht bekannt, dass die Dienste von und IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty und IBS Television Liberty auch von Lesern aus Jordanien gelesen, gesehen und gehört werden. Damit darf ich jetzt mit Freude und Dankbarkeit verkünden, dass wir Leser, Hörer und Zuschauern aus 41 Ländern in aller Welt haben. Danke an alle unsere Leser, Hörer und Zuschauer. Wir sind dankbar für jeden Menschen, wo auch immer sie leben , der unsere Dienste liest, sieht oder hört. Danke !
Einen Mann wie Mohammed Sbaih könnten wir in unserem internationalen Redaktions-Team gut aufnehmen. Er ist ein engagierter Mann, der es sich mitten in Deutschland auch wagt über kritische Themen und die schlimmen Lebensbedingungen von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland und damit auch über Menschen in Not zu sprechen, die zum Teil durch schlimmste Geschehen in Krisen- und Kriegs-Regionen hoch traumatisiert sind und Leid erlebt haben, das in Worten kaum zu beschreiben ist.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty wurde 1986 in der deutschen Stadt Speyer am Rhein und in der englischen Stadt Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom gegründet.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty ist ein alternatives, independent und internationales Medien-Netzwerk mit Journalisten und Autoren aus 33 Ländern und seit heute mit Lesern, Hörern und Zuschauern aus 41 Ländern. Das Medien-Netzwerk ist nicht-kommerziell weil alternativ und international. Zeitweise arbeitet das Medien-Netzwerk unter „NO“- und „LOW“-Budget-Bedingungen. IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty dient seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung und sozialer internationaler Friedens-Dienste.
In im internationalen Redaktions-Team von IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty sind Menschen jüdischen, christlichen, moslemischen Glaubens, auch gläubige und ungläubige Menschen, Demokraten und Kommunisten und Menschen mit unterschiedlichsten politischen Standpunkten und Auffassungen aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern für die internationale Völkerverständigung tätig.
Für neue Fernseh-Projekte, die ebenso der internationalen Völker-Verständigung dienen suchen, wir dringend eine gute Fernseh-Kamera, drei Mikrofone, Beleuchtung, einen Computer und ein Notebook. Kontakt:,, email: .
Wir grüßen herzlichst unsere neuen Leser, Hörer und Zuschauer aus Jordanien.
Credits and references
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Erfurt. 4. Dezember 2008. Entwarnung im Fall des von der Abschiebung bedrohten Mohammed Sbaih. Die für 3. Dezember 2008 geplante Abschiebung konnte in letzter Minute verhindert werden. Der Mann aus Palästina berfindet sich Informationen des Flüchtlingsrates Thüringen in Erfurt zufolge allerdings weiterhin in Abschiebehaft, vermutlich in Suhl. Der Flüchtlingsrat informierte darüber, dass ein Eilantrag offenbar noch beim Verwaltungsgericht Meiningen laufe.
Die geplante Ausweisung und Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih hat das Interesse der internationalen Öffentlichkeit gefunden. In der Redaktion von Radio IBS Liberty meldeten sich in Kommentar-Beiträgen sogar besorgte Leser aus dem Land Jordanien. Im fernen Jordanien gibt es offenbar auch Leser, die über die Situation von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland sehr besorgt sind.
Mohammed Sbaih hat sich als ein Flüchtling und damit auch als ein „Botschafter des Friedens“ im Flüchtlingslager Katzhütte im Kreis Saalfeld-Rudolstadt geradezu vorbildlich als ein Sprecher für die Interessen der Flüchtlinge in Deutschland bei Protesten engagiert und beklagt öffentlich die „miserablen Bedingungen für die Menschen“ in der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte.
Sprecher einer weiteren Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisation bezeichneten Katzhütte so wörtlich als „Isolations-Lager“ und ein weiterer Sprecher aus einem Flüchtlingslager in Deutschland bestätigte in einem Radio-Interview mit Radio IBS Liberty, die Informationen, dass eine Vielzahl von Flüchtlingen sich mitten in Deutschland wie in „Isolations-Lagern verwahrt fühle.“ Die Lager seien oft weit entfernt von den Städten mitten im Wald. Eine Infra-Struktur bestünde nicht. Es würden nur Lebensmittel-Gutscheine, doch kein Bargeld ausgegeben. Kinder die die Schulen besuchen wollten, müssten über mehrere Kilometer zu Fuß durch Wälder und mit etwas Glück mit Bussen zur Schule transportiert werden. Nur etwa vier Stunden am Tag sei morgens und abends warmes Wasser zum Duschen verfügbar, weil gespart werden müsste, bestätigte der ehemalige Insasse aus einem Flüchtlingslager im Radio-Interview. An den Eingängen der Lager müssten die Flüchtlinge, sofern vorhanden ihre Ausweis-Dokumente abgeben. Eine Integration in die Lebensgemeinschaften der Städte mit Menschen in Deutschland, die von den Flüchtlingen und auch von engagierten Politikern vieler Parteien in Deutschland gewünscht wird, sei damit nahezu komplett ausgeschlossen.
Daher darf Mohammed Sbaih sicherlich auch in einer Vorreiter-Rolle mit der Wahrnehmung elementarster Grundrechte und Menschenrechte nach der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte proklamiert im Jahr 1948 durch die United Nations in New York, wie die freie Meinungs-Äußerung, für die Integration von Menschen aus anderen Ländern bezeichnet werden. Integration, die Eingliederung von Flüchtlingen aus Ländern, in denen Menschen Schutz vor Gewalt, Terror und Krieg suchen kann sicherlich nicht nur von den Menschen in Deutschland ausgehen. Der engagierte Sprecher für die Interessen vieler Flüchtlinge in Deutschland, ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder ihres persönlichen Glaubens, hat bewiesen, dass auch Flüchtlinge ihren ganz persönlichen Beitrag für ein gutes Miteinander, für eine internationale Zusammenarbeit, in Deutschland leisten können.
Umso weniger ist es verständlich, dass sich der Mann immer noch in Abschiebe-Haft im Abschiebe-Gefängnis von Eisenach oder in der Nähe von Eisenach befindet.
Ein weiterer Sprecher einer anderen Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisation wünscht sich die Integration von Flüchtlingen in den Stadt-Zentren. Oft geht es nur um kleine und einfache Wünsche, wie etwa den Besuch der Schulen für Kinder aus Flüchtlingsfamilien zu erleichtern, ohne dass Kinder über mehrere Kilometer durch Wälder in Deutschland laufen müssen, weil die Lager oder auch Heime genannt, so weit von den Stadt-Zentren entfernt sind.
Die Gefahr der Abschiebung für Mohammed Sbaih weil dieser sich kritisch zu den Lebens-Bedingungen in der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte äußerte besteht weiterhin.
Die für diesen Mittwoch geplante Ausweisung von Mohammed Sbaih sei verschoben worden, sagte eine Sprecherin des Landesverwaltungsamtes gegenüber der deutschen Nachrichtenagentur Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
Das Verhalten und Vorgehen der Behörden stößt nicht nur beim Thüringer Flüchtlingsrat auf schärfste Kritik. Couragierte Poltiker der Partei Die Grünen / Bündnis 90 forderten jetzt auch die Landesregierung auf von einer Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih abzusehen.
Die Bedingungen für Schutz-suchende Flüchtlinge sind nicht an allen Orten in Deutschland so schlecht wie im Flüchtlings-Lager Katzhütte. Im baden-württembergische Heidelberg wäre der Flüchtling Mohammed Sbaih herzlichst willkommen und zwar mitten im bunten Stadt-Leben der Studenten- und Universitäts-Stadt Heidelberg. In einer geradezu vorbildlichen Aktion „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ engagieren sich Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern für Flüchtlinge, die in Deutschland Schutz suchen.
Da ich in Heidelberg vor einigen Jahren ein gutes Abendgymnasium, das Kurfürst-Friedrich-Gymnasium, besuchen konnte unterstütze ich als Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor, Fernseh- Radio- und Film-Produzent die Kampagne für Flüchtlinge „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ - bei uns sind Flüchtlinge wie Mohammed Sbaih und viele Tausend weitere Menschen, die Schutz vor Terror, Krieg und Gewalt suchen herzlichst willkommen. Wir Paten begleiten und zeigen ihnen das schöne Heidelberg, unternehmen gemeinsam Dinge. Lernen auf Gegenseitigkeit, etwa Mohammed Sbaih die deutsche Sprache und wir die arabische Sprache oder welche Sprache auch immer. So wurde ich von Beginn der Aktion an einer von 86 Paten für Flüchtlinge in der Stadt Heidelberg in Baden-Württemberg. Es ist ein wichtiges Signal das wir als Menschen setzen können. Mein Großvater war der französische Offizier Haedi Sabaot und so denke ich in vielen Bereichen des Lebens, wenn auch nicht in allen Bereichen des Lebens kosmopolitisch als ein Bürger in dieser Welt, was einige andere Menschen auch als Weltbürger bezeichnen.
Weshalb sollte Mohammed Sbaih nicht eines Tages auch als Student in Heidelberg studieren können. Oft erscheint mir, obgleich ich in Deutschland aufgewachsen bin dieses Land so fremd. Manchmal verzweifele ich und stelle dann fest, diese Land kenne ich nicht. Doch es darf nicht bei der Resignation bleiben. Die Menschen müssen sich engagieren und es ist gut wenn sich viele Menschen ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder sozialen Stellung in Deutschland und in Europa für Freiheit, für die internationalen Menschenrechte, für das Miteinander, Frieden, Schutz und intelligente und vernünftige Konzepte engagieren.
Wie muss es den vielen Tausend Menschen den Flüchtlingen gehen, die Schutz, Liebe, Miteinander, das Gefühl, angenommen zu werden, Geborgenheit und vielleicht einfach nur das Glück eines guten Studiums an einer guten Universität in Deutschland suchen?
Flüchtlinge, die als „Botschafter des Friedens“ deshalb bezeichnet werden können, weil diese oft in fernen Ländern vor Krieg, Terror und Gewalt flüchten, sollten nicht in Lagern in Deutschland isoliert werden. Eine Isolation von Menschen macht die internationale Völkerverständigung nahezu unmöglich. Wir müssen fragen und miteinander kommunizieren und seien die Standpunkte und Überzeugungen noch so unterschiedlich.
Ausführliche Informationen zur Aktion „Save me – Heidelberg – Eine Stadt sagt JA zu Flüchtlingen“ sind bei im Internet zu finden.
Weitere und ausführliche Informationen zur Situation zur Arbeit des Flüchtlingsrates Thüringen und zur Situation des Asyl-suchenden Menschen Mohammed Sbaih sind auch direkt beim Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen e.V., Warsbergstr. 1, 99092 Erfurt, Tel. 0361 2172720, Fax. 0361 2172727,, zu erhalten.
Bis heute war mir nicht bekannt, dass die Dienste von und IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty und IBS Television Liberty auch von Lesern aus Jordanien gelesen, gesehen und gehört werden. Damit darf ich jetzt mit Freude und Dankbarkeit verkünden, dass wir Leser, Hörer und Zuschauern aus 41 Ländern in aller Welt haben. Danke an alle unsere Leser, Hörer und Zuschauer. Wir sind dankbar für jeden Menschen, wo auch immer sie leben , der unsere Dienste liest, sieht oder hört. Danke !
Einen Mann wie Mohammed Sbaih könnten wir in unserem internationalen Redaktions-Team gut aufnehmen. Er ist ein engagierter Mann, der es sich mitten in Deutschland auch wagt über kritische Themen und die schlimmen Lebensbedingungen von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland und damit auch über Menschen in Not zu sprechen, die zum Teil durch schlimmste Geschehen in Krisen- und Kriegs-Regionen hoch traumatisiert sind und Leid erlebt haben, das in Worten kaum zu beschreiben ist.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty wurde 1986 in der deutschen Stadt Speyer am Rhein und in der englischen Stadt Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom gegründet.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty ist ein alternatives, independent und internationales Medien-Netzwerk mit Journalisten und Autoren aus 33 Ländern und seit heute mit Lesern, Hörern und Zuschauern aus 41 Ländern. Das Medien-Netzwerk ist nicht-kommerziell weil alternativ und international. Zeitweise arbeitet das Medien-Netzwerk unter „NO“- und „LOW“-Budget-Bedingungen. IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty dient seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung und sozialer internationaler Friedens-Dienste.
In im internationalen Redaktions-Team von IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty sind Menschen jüdischen, christlichen, moslemischen Glaubens, auch gläubige und ungläubige Menschen, Demokraten und Kommunisten und Menschen mit unterschiedlichsten politischen Standpunkten und Auffassungen aus einer Vielzahl von Ländern für die internationale Völkerverständigung tätig.
Für neue Fernseh-Projekte, die ebenso der internationalen Völker-Verständigung dienen suchen, wir dringend eine gute Fernseh-Kamera, drei Mikrofone, Beleuchtung, einen Computer und ein Notebook. Kontakt:,, email: .
Wir grüßen herzlichst unsere neuen Leser, Hörer und Zuschauer aus Jordanien.
Credits and references
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Das oberste Gebot der Presse - Conduct of Journalists

Das oberste Gebot der Presse - Conduct of Journalists
"Die Achtung vor der Wahrheit, die Wahrung der Menschenwürde
und die wahrhaftige Unterrichtung der Öffentlichkeit sind
oberste Gebote der Presse.
Jede in der Presse tätige Person wahrt auf dieser Grundlage
das Ansehen und die Glaubwürdigkeit der Medien."
Pressekodex für Journalisten
Conduct of Journalists
"Respect for truth and for the right to the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist.
In pursuance of this duty, the journalist shall at all times defend the principles of FREEDOM in the honest collection and publication of news, and of the right of fair comment and criticism"
The founder and director of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, IBS Television Liberty and Radio IBS Liberty, the FRENCH - German journalist, broadcast journalist and author, Andreas Klamm (since 1984 working as journalist and broadcasting journalist, television - radio- and film producer) is a member of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ, and other national and international organizations).
Flüchtingsrat Thüringen: Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih verhindern
Flüchtingsrat Thüringen: Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih verhindern
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Erfurt. Der Flüchtingsrat Thüringen in Erfurt fordert den sofortigen Stopp der Ausweisungs- und Abschiebe-Maßnahmen eines engagierten Flüchtlings im deutschen "Isolations-Lager", der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte.
Die Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih ist bereits für Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008 geplant.
Der Mann und Flüchtling engagierte sich besonders intensiv bei Protesten in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft in Thüringen Katzhütte, die in anderen engagierten Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Gruppen auch als „Isolationslager für Flüchtlinge“ bezeichnet wird.
Mohammed Sbaih prangerte dort die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen öffentlich an. „Es ist nicht hinehmbar, wie hier mit Menschen umgegangen wird, die öffentlich Mißstände kritisieren. Einschüchterung und Zwangsmaßnahmen sind offensichtlich die einzige Antwort auf selbstorganisierten Flüchtlingsprotest", so Steffen Dittes vom Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen.
Der Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen forderte heute in einer Pressemitteilung den sofortigen Stopp der Abschiebemaßnahmen von Mohammed Sbaih.
Anfang Mai 2008 wurde Mohammed Sbaih bereits im Rahmen einer Zwangsumververteilung von Katzhütte nach Eisenach gebracht, weil er einer der Köpfe des anhaltenden Protestes gegen die Zustände in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Katzhütte war.
Mohammed Sbaih wurde heute dem Haftrichter vorgeführt und sitzt seitdem im Gewahrsam der Polizei in Eisenach. Morgen Nachmittag soll er abgeschoben werden.
Weitere Informationen sind direkt beim Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen e.V., Warsbergstr. 1, 99092 Erfurt, Tel. 0361 2172720, Fax. 0361 2172727 zu erhalten.
Von Andreas Klamm
New York / Erfurt. Der Flüchtingsrat Thüringen in Erfurt fordert den sofortigen Stopp der Ausweisungs- und Abschiebe-Maßnahmen eines engagierten Flüchtlings im deutschen "Isolations-Lager", der Sammel-Unterkunft Katzhütte.
Die Abschiebung von Mohammed Sbaih ist bereits für Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008 geplant.
Der Mann und Flüchtling engagierte sich besonders intensiv bei Protesten in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft in Thüringen Katzhütte, die in anderen engagierten Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Gruppen auch als „Isolationslager für Flüchtlinge“ bezeichnet wird.
Mohammed Sbaih prangerte dort die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen öffentlich an. „Es ist nicht hinehmbar, wie hier mit Menschen umgegangen wird, die öffentlich Mißstände kritisieren. Einschüchterung und Zwangsmaßnahmen sind offensichtlich die einzige Antwort auf selbstorganisierten Flüchtlingsprotest", so Steffen Dittes vom Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen.
Der Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen forderte heute in einer Pressemitteilung den sofortigen Stopp der Abschiebemaßnahmen von Mohammed Sbaih.
Anfang Mai 2008 wurde Mohammed Sbaih bereits im Rahmen einer Zwangsumververteilung von Katzhütte nach Eisenach gebracht, weil er einer der Köpfe des anhaltenden Protestes gegen die Zustände in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Katzhütte war.
Mohammed Sbaih wurde heute dem Haftrichter vorgeführt und sitzt seitdem im Gewahrsam der Polizei in Eisenach. Morgen Nachmittag soll er abgeschoben werden.
Weitere Informationen sind direkt beim Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen e.V., Warsbergstr. 1, 99092 Erfurt, Tel. 0361 2172720, Fax. 0361 2172727 zu erhalten.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Aktionen zum Gedenken an die Ermordung von Aisha Ibrahim: Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung
Aktionen zum Gedenken an die Ermordung von Aisha Ibrahim:
Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung
Von Andreas Klamm
Berlin. Erst sind erst wenige Tage vergangen seitdem die 13-jährige Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow am Montag den 27. Oktober 2008 in Kismayu, Somalia, gesteinigt wurde. Sie wurde von einer Gruppe von rund 50 Männern im Stadion von Kismayu vor rund 1000 Zuschauern öffentlich hingerichtet.
Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow wurde außer-ehelicher, sexueller Verkehr vorgeworfen und dieser steht nach der in Kismayu geltenden Scharia (einem Teil islamischen Rechts) unter Todesstrafe.
Ihr Vater und weitere Zeugen berichteten Amnesty International jedoch, dass sie in Wirklichkeit von drei Männern vergewaltigt worden sei und versucht hatte, diese Vergewaltigung bei den Al-Shabab Milizen, welche Kismayu kontrollieren, zur Anzeige zu bringen. Es war dieser Versuch sich Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen, der zu ihrer Beschuldigung und Verurteilung führte. Keiner der Männer, die Aisha der Vergewaltigung beschuldigte, wurde verhaftet.
Als Zeugen der Steinigung versuchten Aisha zu retten, eröffneten die Milizen das Feuer und töteten dabei einen zuschauenden Jungen.
TERRE DES FEMMES hat leider erst am 3. November vom Schicksal von Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow erfahren. „Dennoch ist es sehr wichtig, Aisha eine Stimme zu geben, ihren Fall öffentlich zu machen und sich für die Wahrung der Frauenrechte in Somalia einzusetzen.“, meint Christa Stolle von Terre des Femme.
Gewalt gegen Frauen kommt nicht nur in Somalia sondern leider auch in vielen anderen Ländern in dieser Welt vor auch noch in Deutschland und daher fordern auch Die Linke-Politiker Schutzeinrichtungen für Frauen in Deutschland in allen Bereichen.
Die Partei DIE LINKE nimmt als eine der wenigen Parteien in Deutschland das Problem der Gewalt der Frauen offenbar jetzt sehr ernst unterstützt die bundesweite Fahnenaktion von "Terre des Femmes" anlässlich des internationalen Tages gegen Gewalt an Frauen. Zahlreiche Abgeordnete der Fraktion und ihre Wahlkreisbüros zeigen Flagge, um auf die alltägliche Gewalt gegen Frauen aufmerksam zu machen.
"Gewalt gegen Frauen hat viele Gesichter. Sie ist kein privates, sondern ein gesellschaftliches Problem", so Kirsten Tackmann, frauenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion. "Jeder Frau und ihren Kindern muss in Deutschland ein gesicherter Zugang zu einer Schutzeinrichtung gewährleistet werden. Dazu muss die Bundesregierung die ungleichen Verhältnisse in der Notsituation bei Flucht vor häuslicher Gewalt beenden."
Der Menschenrechts-politische Sprecher der LINKEN, Michael Leutert, betonte: "Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung. Wer die Würde von Frauen verletzt, ihnen ihr Recht auf Leben, Freiheit und Sicherheit nimmt oder sie unmenschlich behandelt, begeht ein Verbrechen."
Die Frauen-Schutz-Organisation TERRE DES FEMMES möchte im Sinne der Ermordung der 13jährigen Aisha Ibrahim und zum Schutz für Frauen etwas unternehmen und bittet möglichst viele Menschen Protest-Briefe zu schreiben.
Es wird darum gebeten an die Repräsentanten von Somalia, die African Union und an verschiedene UN Menschenrechts Büros zu schreiben und fordern , ihren Einfluss und ihre Autorität geltend zu machen, um weitere Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in Somalia zu verhindern.
Terre des Femmes empfiehlt zudem Sie eine sofortige und unabhängige Aufklärung von Aishas Fall und die Verurteilung der Täter zu fordern. Es sollten alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, die notwendig sind, um Mädchen und Frauen zukünftig vor einem Schicksal wie dem von Aisha zu bewahren.
Die Frauenrechte-Organisation hat ein Muster für einen Protestbrief in englischer Sprache bereits vorbereitet. Diese und weitere Informationen können auf der Internet-Seite: eingesehen werden.
Ausführliche und weitere Informationen können direkt bei der Organisation angefordert werden. Christa Stolle, TERRE DES FEMMES e.V., Christa Stolle, Geschäftsführerin, Postfach 2565, 72015 Tübingen, Tel: 07071/7973-0, Fax: 07071/7973-22, E-Mail direkt:
Die Adressen für mögliche Protest-Schreiben und um für die Frauenrechte sich in Somalia zu engagieren lauten:
Repräsentanten von Somalia:
The Somali Prime Minister
HE. Ali Mohamed Gedi
P.O. Box 623 - 00606
Sarit, Somalia
African Union:
African Union Headquarters
Social Affairs Commissioner
Adv. Bience P. Gawanas
P.O. Box 3243, Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area)
W21K19, Addis Ababa,
Fax: + 251 11 550 49 85
Directorate of Women, Gender and Development
Mrs. Litha Musyimi-Ogana
Fax: +251 11 551 78 44
United Nations, Schweiz (Switzerland)
Ms. Yakin Erturk
Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais de Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9006
Ms. Navanethem Pillay
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9022
United Nations New York
His Excellency Secretary-General
Ban Ki-Moon
405 E 42nd St
New York, NY 10017
United States of America (U.S.A)
Tel. (212) 963-8302
Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung
Von Andreas Klamm
Berlin. Erst sind erst wenige Tage vergangen seitdem die 13-jährige Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow am Montag den 27. Oktober 2008 in Kismayu, Somalia, gesteinigt wurde. Sie wurde von einer Gruppe von rund 50 Männern im Stadion von Kismayu vor rund 1000 Zuschauern öffentlich hingerichtet.
Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow wurde außer-ehelicher, sexueller Verkehr vorgeworfen und dieser steht nach der in Kismayu geltenden Scharia (einem Teil islamischen Rechts) unter Todesstrafe.
Ihr Vater und weitere Zeugen berichteten Amnesty International jedoch, dass sie in Wirklichkeit von drei Männern vergewaltigt worden sei und versucht hatte, diese Vergewaltigung bei den Al-Shabab Milizen, welche Kismayu kontrollieren, zur Anzeige zu bringen. Es war dieser Versuch sich Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen, der zu ihrer Beschuldigung und Verurteilung führte. Keiner der Männer, die Aisha der Vergewaltigung beschuldigte, wurde verhaftet.
Als Zeugen der Steinigung versuchten Aisha zu retten, eröffneten die Milizen das Feuer und töteten dabei einen zuschauenden Jungen.
TERRE DES FEMMES hat leider erst am 3. November vom Schicksal von Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow erfahren. „Dennoch ist es sehr wichtig, Aisha eine Stimme zu geben, ihren Fall öffentlich zu machen und sich für die Wahrung der Frauenrechte in Somalia einzusetzen.“, meint Christa Stolle von Terre des Femme.
Gewalt gegen Frauen kommt nicht nur in Somalia sondern leider auch in vielen anderen Ländern in dieser Welt vor auch noch in Deutschland und daher fordern auch Die Linke-Politiker Schutzeinrichtungen für Frauen in Deutschland in allen Bereichen.
Die Partei DIE LINKE nimmt als eine der wenigen Parteien in Deutschland das Problem der Gewalt der Frauen offenbar jetzt sehr ernst unterstützt die bundesweite Fahnenaktion von "Terre des Femmes" anlässlich des internationalen Tages gegen Gewalt an Frauen. Zahlreiche Abgeordnete der Fraktion und ihre Wahlkreisbüros zeigen Flagge, um auf die alltägliche Gewalt gegen Frauen aufmerksam zu machen.
"Gewalt gegen Frauen hat viele Gesichter. Sie ist kein privates, sondern ein gesellschaftliches Problem", so Kirsten Tackmann, frauenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion. "Jeder Frau und ihren Kindern muss in Deutschland ein gesicherter Zugang zu einer Schutzeinrichtung gewährleistet werden. Dazu muss die Bundesregierung die ungleichen Verhältnisse in der Notsituation bei Flucht vor häuslicher Gewalt beenden."
Der Menschenrechts-politische Sprecher der LINKEN, Michael Leutert, betonte: "Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung. Wer die Würde von Frauen verletzt, ihnen ihr Recht auf Leben, Freiheit und Sicherheit nimmt oder sie unmenschlich behandelt, begeht ein Verbrechen."
Die Frauen-Schutz-Organisation TERRE DES FEMMES möchte im Sinne der Ermordung der 13jährigen Aisha Ibrahim und zum Schutz für Frauen etwas unternehmen und bittet möglichst viele Menschen Protest-Briefe zu schreiben.
Es wird darum gebeten an die Repräsentanten von Somalia, die African Union und an verschiedene UN Menschenrechts Büros zu schreiben und fordern , ihren Einfluss und ihre Autorität geltend zu machen, um weitere Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in Somalia zu verhindern.
Terre des Femmes empfiehlt zudem Sie eine sofortige und unabhängige Aufklärung von Aishas Fall und die Verurteilung der Täter zu fordern. Es sollten alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, die notwendig sind, um Mädchen und Frauen zukünftig vor einem Schicksal wie dem von Aisha zu bewahren.
Die Frauenrechte-Organisation hat ein Muster für einen Protestbrief in englischer Sprache bereits vorbereitet. Diese und weitere Informationen können auf der Internet-Seite: eingesehen werden.
Ausführliche und weitere Informationen können direkt bei der Organisation angefordert werden. Christa Stolle, TERRE DES FEMMES e.V., Christa Stolle, Geschäftsführerin, Postfach 2565, 72015 Tübingen, Tel: 07071/7973-0, Fax: 07071/7973-22, E-Mail direkt:
Die Adressen für mögliche Protest-Schreiben und um für die Frauenrechte sich in Somalia zu engagieren lauten:
Repräsentanten von Somalia:
The Somali Prime Minister
HE. Ali Mohamed Gedi
P.O. Box 623 - 00606
Sarit, Somalia
African Union:
African Union Headquarters
Social Affairs Commissioner
Adv. Bience P. Gawanas
P.O. Box 3243, Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area)
W21K19, Addis Ababa,
Fax: + 251 11 550 49 85
Directorate of Women, Gender and Development
Mrs. Litha Musyimi-Ogana
Fax: +251 11 551 78 44
United Nations, Schweiz (Switzerland)
Ms. Yakin Erturk
Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais de Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9006
Ms. Navanethem Pillay
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9022
United Nations New York
His Excellency Secretary-General
Ban Ki-Moon
405 E 42nd St
New York, NY 10017
United States of America (U.S.A)
Tel. (212) 963-8302
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ein Bestseller der hilft - Jennifer: Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint

Ein Bestseller der hilft
Jennifer: Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint
London / Norderstedt / Aachen. (intl). Es war einer der schwersten Momente, die Marianne Cranen vor rund vier Jahren erleben musste. Ihre 16jährige Tochter schrieb kurz vor ihrem Tod ein Buch und ihr letzter Wunsch war, es dieses Buch zu veröffentlichten. Kurze Zeit starb die 16jährige Jennifer Cranen an einer schweren und außergewöhnlichen Krebs-Erkrankung.
Die Aufarbeitung des Buches ist der Mutter nicht leicht gefallen. Ihr wurde bewusst durch das Werk und Buch ihrer Tochter, dass junge Menschen die Dinge oft ganz anders betrachten als Menschen, die nicht selbst von einer schweren Erkrankung betroffen sind.
Jennifer hatte den Wunsch geäußert, dass mit dem Buch anderen an Krebs erkrankten Kindern geholfen wird. Das ist gelungen. Das Buch „Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint“ von Jennifer Cranen, erschienen im BOD-Verlag Norderstedt wurde über 17.000 mal verkauft und gelangte in die Bestseller-Listen.. Zudem wurde ein Hilfs-Verein gegründet. Krebskranke Kinder wurden mit dem Erlös von mehr als 35.000 Euro unterstützt. In einer weiteren Sonder-Edition wurde das Buch mehr als 40.000 mal verkauft.
Die junge Jennifer Cranen hilft über ihren Tod hinaus und hilft auch heute noch Krankenschwestern, Ärzten und anderen Menschen zu verstehen, was schwerst kranke Menschen denken, fühlen und erleben. Das konnte Jennifer in ihrem Buch der Nachwelt hinterlassen.
In einem Interview bei Radio IBS Liberty mit dem Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalisten und Autor mehrerer Bücher, Andreas Klamm, beschreibt die Mutter der Besteller-Autorin Jennifer, Marianne Cranen, was sie im Zusammenhang mit der Krebs-Erkrankung, dem Tod und der Veröffentlichung des Buches ihrer Tochter erlebte.
Inzwischen wurde auch ein Verein gegründet der in Aachen und in Deutschland krebskranken Kindern und ihren Angehörigen hilft. „Wir sollten Menschen die an Krebs erkrankt sind nicht allein lassen.“, bittet Marianne Cranen. Die Menschen alleine zu lassen, ist das Schlimmste was passieren kann. Jennifer habe oft geweint und gefragt: „Weshalb kommt denn keiner?“
„Sollen die Menschen in so einer schweren Situation noch einsam sein. Ist das nötig?“, ergänzt die Mutter.
Das Buch „Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint“ von Jennifer Cranen, ISBN 978-3-8334-2790-9, Paperback, 160 Seiten, (€ 11,90), erschienen im BOD-Verlag Norderstedt, ist in jeder Buchhandlung erhältlich. Weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet auf der Internet-Seite .
Das Interview bei Radio IBS Liberty ist unter anderem zu hören bei ,, , und
Translating Best-Selling Book of All Time - The Bible - Into World's Remaining Languages
Translating Best-Selling Book of All Time - The Bible - Into World's Remaining Languages
NOV. 22: Launch of Full-Sprint Effort to Begin Bible Translation and Literacy Programs in Last Languages by 2025
ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the eve of National Bible Week ( from=22) - established in 1942 by the Roosevelt administration - Wycliffe Bible Translators (, the world's largest Bible translation organization, is launching the Last Languages Campaign. This historic, high-speed, high-tech effort to start a language development and Bible translation program in the remaining one-third of the world's language groups that still need one by 2025 represents a time savings of 125 years from the 1990s translation pace.
The project will bring first-time access to literacy and the Bible for some 200 million people in approximately 2,400 language groups over the next 17 years. The effort is fueled by new strategies and high- tech translation techniques, developed by Wycliffe personnel, that accelerate the pace of language development and Bible translation by three times the pace of a decade ago.
Bible Translation Fuels Humanitarian Efforts
Wycliffe Bible Translators understands that critical community development - literacy, the establishment of water purification systems, AIDS education, human rights and community empowerment - often starts in a surprising place: with Bible translation and the language development that is foundational to it.
"The completion of Bible translation and the worldwide community development that accompanies it is now in sight," said Wycliffe USA President Bob Creson. "Countless communities worldwide will be transformed by the broader impact of the language development that is one of the first steps to Bible translation."
Even before the official launch, this ambitious campaign has already received significant support, including a $50 million single donation and, what the Associated Press called, "a non-traditional" investment of a backcountry, sea-worthy aircraft. Deputy chairman of the New York Stock Exchange holding company, Marshall N. Carter, donated his personal million-dollar airplane to a Wycliffe Last Languages partner telling the AP his aircraft is now on "its most important mission ever" (AP, 2007).
Some 6,400 Wycliffe translators, linguists, aviators, humanitarian workers, educators and administrators along with dozens of partnering organizations are currently working in 93 countries on six continents toward the Last Languages goal. Wycliffe anticipates needing 3,000 additional staff for the billion-dollar, 17- year effort.
Fast Facts:
*6,909 language groups in the world today
*Two-thirds (appx. 4,000) of world's language groups have a Bible or Bible translation program in their mother tongue
*One-third (appx. 2,400) of world's language groups have no Bible translation program in place
*1 in 5 ratio of illiterate adults worldwide (UNESCO)
Founded in 1942, Wycliffe Bible Translators, headquartered in Orlando, Fla., exists to make the Bible accessible to all people in the language most meaningful to them.
MEDIA NOTE: Several hundred staff and partners from around the world will be present for the official launch of Last Languages Campaign at Wycliffe USA's Orlando, Fla., headquarters NOV. 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m (ET). The event is OPEN TO MEDIA. On-site media contact: Scott Toncray (407) 375-2770.
NOV. 22: Launch of Full-Sprint Effort to Begin Bible Translation and Literacy Programs in Last Languages by 2025
ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the eve of National Bible Week ( from=22) - established in 1942 by the Roosevelt administration - Wycliffe Bible Translators (, the world's largest Bible translation organization, is launching the Last Languages Campaign. This historic, high-speed, high-tech effort to start a language development and Bible translation program in the remaining one-third of the world's language groups that still need one by 2025 represents a time savings of 125 years from the 1990s translation pace.
The project will bring first-time access to literacy and the Bible for some 200 million people in approximately 2,400 language groups over the next 17 years. The effort is fueled by new strategies and high- tech translation techniques, developed by Wycliffe personnel, that accelerate the pace of language development and Bible translation by three times the pace of a decade ago.
Bible Translation Fuels Humanitarian Efforts
Wycliffe Bible Translators understands that critical community development - literacy, the establishment of water purification systems, AIDS education, human rights and community empowerment - often starts in a surprising place: with Bible translation and the language development that is foundational to it.
"The completion of Bible translation and the worldwide community development that accompanies it is now in sight," said Wycliffe USA President Bob Creson. "Countless communities worldwide will be transformed by the broader impact of the language development that is one of the first steps to Bible translation."
Even before the official launch, this ambitious campaign has already received significant support, including a $50 million single donation and, what the Associated Press called, "a non-traditional" investment of a backcountry, sea-worthy aircraft. Deputy chairman of the New York Stock Exchange holding company, Marshall N. Carter, donated his personal million-dollar airplane to a Wycliffe Last Languages partner telling the AP his aircraft is now on "its most important mission ever" (AP, 2007).
Some 6,400 Wycliffe translators, linguists, aviators, humanitarian workers, educators and administrators along with dozens of partnering organizations are currently working in 93 countries on six continents toward the Last Languages goal. Wycliffe anticipates needing 3,000 additional staff for the billion-dollar, 17- year effort.
Fast Facts:
*6,909 language groups in the world today
*Two-thirds (appx. 4,000) of world's language groups have a Bible or Bible translation program in their mother tongue
*One-third (appx. 2,400) of world's language groups have no Bible translation program in place
*1 in 5 ratio of illiterate adults worldwide (UNESCO)
Founded in 1942, Wycliffe Bible Translators, headquartered in Orlando, Fla., exists to make the Bible accessible to all people in the language most meaningful to them.
MEDIA NOTE: Several hundred staff and partners from around the world will be present for the official launch of Last Languages Campaign at Wycliffe USA's Orlando, Fla., headquarters NOV. 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m (ET). The event is OPEN TO MEDIA. On-site media contact: Scott Toncray (407) 375-2770.
Tan Books and Publishers Acquired by Saint Benedict Press
Tan Books and Publishers Acquired by Saint Benedict Press
North Carolina-based Catholic publisher purchases assets out of bankruptcy
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, November 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- A leading publisher of traditional Roman Catholic books has been acquired by Saint Benedict Press, LLC, a North Carolina-based publisher of Catholic Classics. Established in 1967, TAN Books and Publishers have published more than 600 books distinctive for their preservation of the traditional literature of the Roman Catholic Church. In recent years, TAN has struggled to survive financially and most recently has been operating under the protection of the United States Bankruptcy Court.
Early last week, the assets of TAN were purchased by the owners of Saint Benedict Press.
TAN Books and Publishers will remain an independent imprint within Saint Benedict Press, maintaining its brand identity and publishing direction under Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Brent Klaske, who will assume General Management duties. He will be based at TAN's Rockford, Illinois offices.
"This is an exciting new day for TAN," said Mr. Klaske. "As a 15-year Executive employee of TAN, I am thrilled that we will be able to continue our mission of sharing faithful Catholic books with people around the world. The resources and commitment that our new ownership brings to the table will ensure the future stability and growth of TAN while still maintaining our fidelity to the Catholic Church and its teachings."
Among the Classics published by TAN Books and Publishers are the Baltimore Catechism series, the Douay-Rheims Bible and dozens of biographical treatments by and about the Saints, including such favorites as St. Teresa of Avila's Conversation with Christ, St. John of the Cross's Dark Night of the Soul, The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort, and The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena.
"We welcome TAN Books and Publishers as a great resource for traditional Catholic products and we look forward to providing a continuation of its existing publishing plan. This acquisition will make way for an increase in new titles and an ability to bring back into print many of the favorite titles which have been on permanent back-order as a result of TAN's uncertain future," said Conor Gallagher, Vice President of Publishing, Saint Benedict Press. "Current TAN customers can be assured that the mission of TAN is not changing. We will now have the ability to meet the needs of the customers and the thousands of book stores around the world that carry TAN titles."
For more information about this announcement, please contact Walker or Wheeler of The Maximus Group at (678)990-9032.
To visit TAN Books and Publishers, please visit
To visit Saint Benedict Press, please visit
North Carolina-based Catholic publisher purchases assets out of bankruptcy
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, November 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- A leading publisher of traditional Roman Catholic books has been acquired by Saint Benedict Press, LLC, a North Carolina-based publisher of Catholic Classics. Established in 1967, TAN Books and Publishers have published more than 600 books distinctive for their preservation of the traditional literature of the Roman Catholic Church. In recent years, TAN has struggled to survive financially and most recently has been operating under the protection of the United States Bankruptcy Court.
Early last week, the assets of TAN were purchased by the owners of Saint Benedict Press.
TAN Books and Publishers will remain an independent imprint within Saint Benedict Press, maintaining its brand identity and publishing direction under Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Brent Klaske, who will assume General Management duties. He will be based at TAN's Rockford, Illinois offices.
"This is an exciting new day for TAN," said Mr. Klaske. "As a 15-year Executive employee of TAN, I am thrilled that we will be able to continue our mission of sharing faithful Catholic books with people around the world. The resources and commitment that our new ownership brings to the table will ensure the future stability and growth of TAN while still maintaining our fidelity to the Catholic Church and its teachings."
Among the Classics published by TAN Books and Publishers are the Baltimore Catechism series, the Douay-Rheims Bible and dozens of biographical treatments by and about the Saints, including such favorites as St. Teresa of Avila's Conversation with Christ, St. John of the Cross's Dark Night of the Soul, The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort, and The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena.
"We welcome TAN Books and Publishers as a great resource for traditional Catholic products and we look forward to providing a continuation of its existing publishing plan. This acquisition will make way for an increase in new titles and an ability to bring back into print many of the favorite titles which have been on permanent back-order as a result of TAN's uncertain future," said Conor Gallagher, Vice President of Publishing, Saint Benedict Press. "Current TAN customers can be assured that the mission of TAN is not changing. We will now have the ability to meet the needs of the customers and the thousands of book stores around the world that carry TAN titles."
For more information about this announcement, please contact Walker or Wheeler of The Maximus Group at (678)990-9032.
To visit TAN Books and Publishers, please visit
To visit Saint Benedict Press, please visit
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