Friday, April 25, 2008

We Want It, We Need It

We Want It, We Need It

Teens Request Abstinence Programs; Chairman Waxman Attempts to Steer Funding to Comprehensive Sex Education

WASHINGTON, April 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a hearing titled, "Domestic Abstinence-Only Programs: Assessing the Evidence." While the hearing is stacked against abstinence education funding, two experts will testify as to the effectiveness of such programs. Federal funding for these programs is in jeopardy. Chairman Henry Waxman (D-California) advocates for comprehensive sex education, which has no evidence of reducing teen sexual activity.

A press conference was held yesterday at the National Press Club to release evidence from recent studies that prove over 50 percent of teens will refrain from sexual initiation if taught abstinence. And teens are requesting the programs.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is providing to congressmen letters from students who want abstinence to be taught.

In a letter written to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California), Jordan wrote, "Most teens who stay abstinent will be more emotionally stable, will not contract STDs, and will not get pregnant. This would not only benefit many individuals, but society as a whole. This is because the upcoming generation would be happier and healthier."

Lauren believes that even though there are "teens and other individuals who want to do whatever they see fit, most teens want to receive a strong message about abstinence. They want to know that they can say 'no' and that they don't have to give in to peer pressure. By informing students and teenagers of abstinence, you are allowing them to choose a better future and avoid all the emotional and physical heartache and risks of having casual sex."

CWA, along with teens across the nation, encourages Members of Congress to continue to fund programs that not only provide proven results, but keep our children safe.

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.

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