Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Christian Defense Coalition Rips the Media for Sexism, Bias and Tabloid Journalism in Coverage of Governor Palin's Daughter's Pregnancy

Christian Defense Coalition Rips the Media for Sexism, Bias and Tabloid Journalism in Coverage of Governor Palin's Daughter's Pregnancy

WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- For two days major media outlets have featured the story of Governor Palin's pregnant daughter on the front pages and leading the broadcast news, even though her pregnancy has nothing to do with the upcoming Presidential election or the Governor's policy views.

The Coalition wonders if the New York Times and the Washington Post will now begin to feature front page stories on what Britney Spears is wearing to the VMA's or is Jennifer Aniston really sporting a small "baby bump?"

The group also wants to remind the press that there was not this kind of hysteria when:

Senator John Edwards had an affair while his wife was dying with cancer.
President Bill Clinton sexually manipulated a 19 year old intern while she performed sex acts with him in the Oval Office during official state business.
Senator Obama admitted to using cocaine and other drugs.
Senator Biden plagiarized speeches and exaggerated his college career and had to withdraw from the 1988 Presidential race in disgrace.

In light of these episodes, it is stunning and pathetic to see the media go after a 17 year old girl who has absolutely nothing to do with the Presidential campaign and whose situation is a private family matter.

The Christian Defense Coalition also maintains if this situation happened to Senator Lieberman, Governor Romney or Governor Ridge it wouldn't have created a stir. The simple reason is Sarah Palin is a woman and these candidates are men.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition adds, "Imagine how stunned I was to read the Washington Post and New York Times this week and see multiple front pages stories devoted to 17 year old Bristol Palin being pregnant out of wedlock. I thought I was in line at the local supermarket reading Star or OK Magazine or The National Enquirer. It is tragic that such reputable publications and newscasts would devote so much time to a story that has absolutely no bearing on the upcoming election.

Bristol Palin's pregnancy has no impact on what her mother feels about the war in Iraq, the economy, health care or gas prices. The fact that it was given such a prominent role shows how vicious, biased and sexist the mainstream press has become in relation to their coverage on Governor Palin. Even a casual observer would realize this is an attempt to discredit Mrs. Palin and diminish her standing as the first female Republican Vice-Presidential candidate. It appears that sexism and tabloid journalism is alive and well in newsrooms and television stations across the country.

As a father of three incredible daughters, I am disgusted by how Governor Palin and her daughter are being treated. However, it is a reminder that as far as 'breaking glass ceilings' there is still a long way to go." Especially with the mainsteam press.

For more interviews or information call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 202.547.1735 Cell: 540.538.4741

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