Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Florida Women Like Sarah's New Wardrobe

Florida Women Like Sarah's New Wardrobe
Snow shoes are the perfect answer to a media gone amuck with liberal slant

TALLAHASSEE, October 29 /Standard Newswire/ -- The women of the Florida Federation of Republican Women today applauded Governor Sarah Palin's new wardrobe choice.

"Snow shoes are the perfect accessory for the accomplished and extremely popular maverick governor of Alaska. At a time when the left wing, main stream media has tried to shift the focus of the most important election of our life time to Governor Plain's wardrobe, perhaps this will give them something new to talk about. Governor Palin's wardrobe has become the sexist focus of media in an attempt to minimize her accomplishments and shift the message away from John McCain's straight talk answers to America's economic woes while blatantly ignoring the fact that Governor Palin is a leading feminist, experienced state CEO and an expert in alternative energy," said Linda Ivell, president of the FFRW.

"Women will win this election and it will not be about snow shoes or the latest St. Johns suit or how the private donations of willing Republican contributors are spent. It will be about our children's future, our national security, our businesses and the best candidate to lead us there.

"American women will come out for John McCain and Sarah Palin as we do not want a socialistic health care plan, increased capital gains taxes on our investments or to have our economic prosperity impeded by the very government we pledge allegiance to. And actually, we think snow shoes may be a new fashion trend," she said.

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