"Verbrannte Freiheit" - Bücherverbrennung im Mai 1933
Stadtbibliothek und Stadtarchiv: Veranstaltungen zum 75. Jahrestag
Mannheim.(red). 28. April 2008. -- Mai 1933: In ganz Deutschland brennen Scheiterhaufen mit Büchern - eine Aktion zur "Ausmerzung" des "undeutschen Geistes" durch die Nationalsozialisten. Auch in Mannheim wurden am 19. Mai vor 75 Jahren auf dem unbebauten Gelände hinter der Feuerwache Druckwerke und Grafiken, Produkte der Geistes- und Meinungsfreiheit, dem Feuer übergeben. Anlässlich des 75. Jahrestags der Bücherverbrennung veranstalten Mannheimer Kultur- und Bildungseinrichtungen, initiiert durch Stadtbibliothek Mannheim und das Stadtarchiv - Institut für Stadtgeschichte, ein umfangreiches Gedenkprogramm unter dem Titel "Verbrannte Freiheit": Vom 6. Mai bis zum 4. Juni beleuchten Vorträge, Theateraufführungen, Gesprächskonzerte, Filme und Rundgänge ein Thema, das angesichts der aktuellen Diskussionen zur Presse-, Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit nichts an Bedeutung verloren hat.
Auch der Deutsche Bibliothekartag, zu dem sich mehr als 3000 Bibliotheksexperten aus dem In- und Ausland in Mannheim treffen, beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema und bietet am 4. Juni, 19 Uhr in der Kunsthalle eine öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion. Oberbürgermeister Dr. Peter Kurz: "An vielen Orten der Welt werden unbequeme Bücher immer noch verboten, Autoren verfolgt und das Menschenrecht auf Meinungsfreiheit unterdrückt. Wir haben die Verpflichtung, hinzusehen statt wegzuschauen."
Für Schüler bieten die Veranstaltungen die Möglichkeit, sich auf anschauliche Weise mit dem durch die Nazis herbeigeführten Kulturbruch auseinanderzusetzen. Darüber hinaus hat die Stadtbibliothek speziell für Schulen Medienkisten "Nationalsozialismus" zusammengestellt mit Büchern, DVDs und Hintergrundmaterial für den Unterricht. Auch Lektüre in Klassensätzen wie "Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank" steht in der Stadtbibliothek bereit.
Der Flyer "Verbrannte Freiheit" mit dem kompletten Programm ist in allen Bibliothekszweigstellen sowie vielen Bildungs- und Kultureinrichtungen erhältlich. Er steht ferner im Internet unter www.stadtbibliothek.mannheim.de zum Herunterladen bereit. (di/28.4.08)
Veranstaltungen (Auswahl):
6. Mai, 19 Uhr, Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Museum Neues Zeughaus C 5
Das Nationaltheater im Dritten Reich. Vortrag von Dr. Willhelm Kreutz
8. Mai, 20 Uhr, Stadtbibliothek, Dalberghaus N 3, 4
Als "entartet" gebrandmarkt. Zwei jüdische Musiker in Mannheim. Gesprächskonzert mit Werken von Ernst Toch
15. Mai, 17 Uhr
"Schritt für Schritt in die Diktatur". Rundgang zu Stätten der "Machtergreifung" (Treffpunkt: Stadtpunkte-Stele an der Ecke L 5)
11./17./30. Mai, 19.30 Uhr, Nationaltheater Mannheim
Die Comedian Harmonists Teil 2 - Jetzt oder nie. Von Gottfried Greiffenhagen
11./18./25. Mai und 1. Juni, jeweils 16 Uhr, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Friedrichsplatz 4
"Entartete Kunst" - Führungen auf den Spuren einer verfemten Moderne
19. Mai, 19 Uhr, Stadtbibliothek, Dalberghaus N 3, 4
". verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen". Die nationalsozialistische Bücherverbrennung am 19. Mai 1933 in Mannheim. Vortrag von Michael Caroli
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Monday, April 28, 2008
Zu Gast in den Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen:Stipendiaten der Domhof-Stiftung Weinheim
Zu Gast in den Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen:Stipendiaten der Domhof-Stiftung Weinheim
Mannheim. (red). 28. April 2008. Die Gesellschaft für Neue Musik e.V. und die Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen präsentieren am Sonntag, den 4. Mai, um 17 Uhr Stipendiaten der Domhof-Stiftung Weinheim im Museum Zeughaus.
Mit diesem Konzert macht die beliebte Reihe "Konzerte junger Künstler" zum ersten Mal auf junge Musikerinnen und Musiker aufmerksam, die noch die Musikschule besuchen und kurz vor ihrem Studienbeginn an der Musikhochschule stehen. Emika Müller (Violine), Hye-Rin Rhee (Viola und Klavier), Björn Schwarze (Violoncello), Mark Göpferich (Klarinette) und Valentin Bachmann (Klavier) spielen an diesem Abend Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts Trio Es-Dur KV 498 ("Kegelstatt-Trio") für Klarinette, Viola und Klavier, Johannes Brahms' Sonate für Violone und Klavier G-Dur op. 78 (mit Rie Shimanda a.G., Klavier) sowie Ludwig van Beethovens Klaviertrio B-Dur op. 11 (Gassenhauertrio) für Klarinette, Violoncello und Klavier.
Dieter Freudenberg rief die Domhof-Stiftung Weinheim ins Leben. Sie fördert begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler vor allem an den Musikschulen Weinheim, Bautzen und Mannheim. Die Nachwuchstalente haben sich im letzten Jahr für die Teilnahme am Bundeswettbewerb "Jugend musiziert" qualifiziert und dort unter anderem auch erste Preise gewonnen. Sie verfügen trotz ihres Alters bereits über eine beachtenswerte Konzerterfahrung. Eintritt für Nichtmitglieder 10 Euro, Rentner, Studierende, Schüler und Azubis 5 Euro.
Mannheim. (red). 28. April 2008. Die Gesellschaft für Neue Musik e.V. und die Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen präsentieren am Sonntag, den 4. Mai, um 17 Uhr Stipendiaten der Domhof-Stiftung Weinheim im Museum Zeughaus.
Mit diesem Konzert macht die beliebte Reihe "Konzerte junger Künstler" zum ersten Mal auf junge Musikerinnen und Musiker aufmerksam, die noch die Musikschule besuchen und kurz vor ihrem Studienbeginn an der Musikhochschule stehen. Emika Müller (Violine), Hye-Rin Rhee (Viola und Klavier), Björn Schwarze (Violoncello), Mark Göpferich (Klarinette) und Valentin Bachmann (Klavier) spielen an diesem Abend Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts Trio Es-Dur KV 498 ("Kegelstatt-Trio") für Klarinette, Viola und Klavier, Johannes Brahms' Sonate für Violone und Klavier G-Dur op. 78 (mit Rie Shimanda a.G., Klavier) sowie Ludwig van Beethovens Klaviertrio B-Dur op. 11 (Gassenhauertrio) für Klarinette, Violoncello und Klavier.
Dieter Freudenberg rief die Domhof-Stiftung Weinheim ins Leben. Sie fördert begabte Schülerinnen und Schüler vor allem an den Musikschulen Weinheim, Bautzen und Mannheim. Die Nachwuchstalente haben sich im letzten Jahr für die Teilnahme am Bundeswettbewerb "Jugend musiziert" qualifiziert und dort unter anderem auch erste Preise gewonnen. Sie verfügen trotz ihres Alters bereits über eine beachtenswerte Konzerterfahrung. Eintritt für Nichtmitglieder 10 Euro, Rentner, Studierende, Schüler und Azubis 5 Euro.
Fünfte Sitzung des "Rates für Innovation und Wachstum" am 28. April 2008 im Bundeskanzleramt
Rat für Innovation
Fünfte Sitzung des "Rates für Innovation und Wachstum" am 28. April 2008 im Bundeskanzleramt
Berlin. (red). 28. April 2008. Die Bundeskanzlerin würdigte die bisher vom "Rat für Innovation und Wachstum" geleistete Arbeit für den Innovationsstandort Deutschland.
In den nunmehr zwei Jahren seines Bestehens hat der "Rat für Innovation und Wachstum" wichtige innovationspolitische Impulse gegeben. Neben der internen Beratung der Bundeskanzlerin und der zuständigen Bundesminister beispielsweise zu Fragen der Innovationsförderung, zum Fachkräftenachwuchs oder zur Vernetzung von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen und Unternehmen hat der Rat Weiterentwicklungen im europäischen Patentwesen begleitet und mit den Musterverträgen zu geistigen Eigentumsrechten die Rahmenbedingungen für die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft verbessert.
Der "Rat für Innovationen und Wachstum" hat in seiner heutigen fünften Sitzung unter anderem über eine neue Struktur der innovationspolitischen Beratung der Bundesregierung diskutiert. Er trägt damit den Entwicklungen in der Institutionenlandschaft an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft Rechnung. Diese ist in den letzten Jahren in Bewegung geraten:
Die Bundesregierung hat mit dem "Rat für Innovationen und Wachstum" und der "Forschungsunion" Netzwerke geschaffen, die der Innovationspolitik wichtige Triebkraft geben.
Mit dem Beschluss zur Gründung der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und der Gründung der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) stehen neue leistungsfähige Strukturen der Wissenschaftsberatung bereit.
Die Wirtschaft hat zahlreiche Initiativen beispielsweise "Jugend denkt Zukunft", den "Ideenpark" oder die "Wissensfabrik" zum Teil in Kooperation mit Wissenschaft und Forschung ins Leben gerufen, um junge Menschen für Technik und Naturwissenschaften zu begeistern.
Angesichts dieser Entwicklungen ergreift die Bundesregierung jetzt die Chance, mit einer neuen Strukturierung der Beratung der Bundesregierung Synergiepotentiale zu heben und die Politikberatung in diesen Bereichen zu bündeln.
BMBF und BMWi werden gemeinsam mit Acatech einen Konzeptvorschlag für eine neue Beratungsstruktur für die Bundesregierung und insbesondere für die Bundeskanzlerin unter Einbeziehung von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft erarbeiten.
Das neue Konzept wird insbesondere auf eine Nutzung der Strukturen der breit aufgestellten Netzwerke von acatech und der neuen Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften und weiterer Kompetenznetzwerke setzen und soll eine Struktur für eine effektive, hochklassige interne Beratung der Bundesregierung in Innovationspolitik und FuE-Förderung darstellen sowie unter Berücksichtigung der Herausforderungen des internationalen Wettbewerbs Schwerpunkte bei den Themen Stärkung von FuE, Umsetzung neuer Technologien, Sicherung des Fachkräftebedarfs, Förderung der MINT-Fächer sowie Stärkung der Technikakzeptanz setzen.
Fünfte Sitzung des "Rates für Innovation und Wachstum" am 28. April 2008 im Bundeskanzleramt
Berlin. (red). 28. April 2008. Die Bundeskanzlerin würdigte die bisher vom "Rat für Innovation und Wachstum" geleistete Arbeit für den Innovationsstandort Deutschland.
In den nunmehr zwei Jahren seines Bestehens hat der "Rat für Innovation und Wachstum" wichtige innovationspolitische Impulse gegeben. Neben der internen Beratung der Bundeskanzlerin und der zuständigen Bundesminister beispielsweise zu Fragen der Innovationsförderung, zum Fachkräftenachwuchs oder zur Vernetzung von Wissenschaftseinrichtungen und Unternehmen hat der Rat Weiterentwicklungen im europäischen Patentwesen begleitet und mit den Musterverträgen zu geistigen Eigentumsrechten die Rahmenbedingungen für die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft verbessert.
Der "Rat für Innovationen und Wachstum" hat in seiner heutigen fünften Sitzung unter anderem über eine neue Struktur der innovationspolitischen Beratung der Bundesregierung diskutiert. Er trägt damit den Entwicklungen in der Institutionenlandschaft an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft Rechnung. Diese ist in den letzten Jahren in Bewegung geraten:
Die Bundesregierung hat mit dem "Rat für Innovationen und Wachstum" und der "Forschungsunion" Netzwerke geschaffen, die der Innovationspolitik wichtige Triebkraft geben.
Mit dem Beschluss zur Gründung der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und der Gründung der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) stehen neue leistungsfähige Strukturen der Wissenschaftsberatung bereit.
Die Wirtschaft hat zahlreiche Initiativen beispielsweise "Jugend denkt Zukunft", den "Ideenpark" oder die "Wissensfabrik" zum Teil in Kooperation mit Wissenschaft und Forschung ins Leben gerufen, um junge Menschen für Technik und Naturwissenschaften zu begeistern.
Angesichts dieser Entwicklungen ergreift die Bundesregierung jetzt die Chance, mit einer neuen Strukturierung der Beratung der Bundesregierung Synergiepotentiale zu heben und die Politikberatung in diesen Bereichen zu bündeln.
BMBF und BMWi werden gemeinsam mit Acatech einen Konzeptvorschlag für eine neue Beratungsstruktur für die Bundesregierung und insbesondere für die Bundeskanzlerin unter Einbeziehung von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft erarbeiten.
Das neue Konzept wird insbesondere auf eine Nutzung der Strukturen der breit aufgestellten Netzwerke von acatech und der neuen Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften und weiterer Kompetenznetzwerke setzen und soll eine Struktur für eine effektive, hochklassige interne Beratung der Bundesregierung in Innovationspolitik und FuE-Förderung darstellen sowie unter Berücksichtigung der Herausforderungen des internationalen Wettbewerbs Schwerpunkte bei den Themen Stärkung von FuE, Umsetzung neuer Technologien, Sicherung des Fachkräftebedarfs, Förderung der MINT-Fächer sowie Stärkung der Technikakzeptanz setzen.
Afrikanische Eigenverantwortung stärken: Auswärtiges Amt unterstützt Afrikanische Union im Bereich Frieden und Sicherheit
Afrikanische Eigenverantwortung stärken: Auswärtiges Amt unterstützt Afrikanische Union im Bereich Frieden und Sicherheit
Berlin. (red). 28. April 2008. Die afrikanischen Staaten übernehmen zunehmend eigene Verantwortung bei der Prävention, aber auch bei der Bewältigung von Konflikten auf ihrem Kontinent. Erste Erfahrungen wie z. B. mit der Mission der Afrikanischen Union (AU) im Sudan, AMIS, haben gezeigt, dass es zur Führung solcher afrikanischen Friedensoperationen einer eigenen afrikanischen Führungskapazität bedarf.
Dafür benötigt die Afrikanische Union Unterstützung. Das Auswärtige Amt wird daher der AU den Bau einer Einsatzzentrale in Addis Abeba für die Führung der Friedensmissionen ermöglichen. In dem neuen Gebäude sollen ein Operationszentrum zur Koordination und Überwachung von internationalen Friedenseinsätzen der AU und ein Lagezentrum zur Unterstützung des derzeit im Aufbau befindlichen kontinentalen Frühwarnsystems untergebracht werden. Das Auswärtige Amt fördert diese Baumaßnahme mit rund 20 Mio. Euro.
In einem Brief von Bundesaußenminister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier an den neuen Kommissionsvorsitzenden Jean Ping, der heute (28.04.) die Amtsgeschäfte übernimmt, heißt es dazu:
"Die Afrikanische Union hat den Anspruch, Konflikte in Afrika aus eigener Kraft, mit eigenen Vermittlern und gegebenenfalls auch mit Hilfe eigener Friedenstruppen beizulegen. Daher freue ich mich besonders, Ihnen heute mitteilen zu können, dass Deutschland beabsichtigt, den Bau eines neuen Gebäudes für die Abteilung Frieden und Sicherheit der Afrikanischen Union zu fördern."
Berlin. (red). 28. April 2008. Die afrikanischen Staaten übernehmen zunehmend eigene Verantwortung bei der Prävention, aber auch bei der Bewältigung von Konflikten auf ihrem Kontinent. Erste Erfahrungen wie z. B. mit der Mission der Afrikanischen Union (AU) im Sudan, AMIS, haben gezeigt, dass es zur Führung solcher afrikanischen Friedensoperationen einer eigenen afrikanischen Führungskapazität bedarf.
Dafür benötigt die Afrikanische Union Unterstützung. Das Auswärtige Amt wird daher der AU den Bau einer Einsatzzentrale in Addis Abeba für die Führung der Friedensmissionen ermöglichen. In dem neuen Gebäude sollen ein Operationszentrum zur Koordination und Überwachung von internationalen Friedenseinsätzen der AU und ein Lagezentrum zur Unterstützung des derzeit im Aufbau befindlichen kontinentalen Frühwarnsystems untergebracht werden. Das Auswärtige Amt fördert diese Baumaßnahme mit rund 20 Mio. Euro.
In einem Brief von Bundesaußenminister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier an den neuen Kommissionsvorsitzenden Jean Ping, der heute (28.04.) die Amtsgeschäfte übernimmt, heißt es dazu:
"Die Afrikanische Union hat den Anspruch, Konflikte in Afrika aus eigener Kraft, mit eigenen Vermittlern und gegebenenfalls auch mit Hilfe eigener Friedenstruppen beizulegen. Daher freue ich mich besonders, Ihnen heute mitteilen zu können, dass Deutschland beabsichtigt, den Bau eines neuen Gebäudes für die Abteilung Frieden und Sicherheit der Afrikanischen Union zu fördern."
From the West Coast to the West Indies: Volunteers Bring US $5 Million in Medical Care
From the West Coast to the West Indies: Volunteers Bring US $5 Million in Medical Care
MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, April 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Some US$5 million worth of medical equipment, supplies and health care will be delivered free of charge to the people of Jamaica this week by 80 medical volunteers from the San Diego- based Miles Ahead organization who arrived in Montego Bay on Saturday.
The medical team of specialist doctors, pediatricians, surgeons and dentists will donate their services to local communities, in close collaboration with Jamaica's Ministry of Health, at four mobile clinics as 200 more volunteers, in conjunction with local churches and community organizations, conduct sports clinics, deaf education workshops, school assemblies and rebuild local elementary schools.
The volunteers are part of Miles Ahead, an outreach organization founded in 1992 by Pastor Miles McPherson, a former NFL professional football player who has family ties to the island.
Miles Ahead is currently on island as part of Jamaica Broilers Group's 50th anniversary celebrations and three major family-oriented festivals, under the Best Dressed 50 Fest banner, presented in Mandeville, Montego Bay and Kingston through May 4.
The medical team reports that the clinics are stocked with state-of-the-art equipment and supplies. They will deliver dental care and equipment, pharmaceuticals, eye glasses, orthopedics, and general health care. A unique feature of the outreach is the team's mobile pathology laboratory, which can test a tissue sample for cancer and return results in 24 hours.
"We're excited to join with our local partners to serve anyone who needs medical attention. We believe God is the Great Physician, and we love being used by Him to heal," said Sean Burgess, the project's medical director.
Prior to this weekend's festivals and crusades, the American medical volunteers will set up four clinics from Tuesday April 29 through Thursday May 1, staffed with physicians, nurses, counselors and other support staff. St. John's Methodist Church, Flankers Open Bible, and Farm Heights United will host clinics on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A roving clinic will be at Webster Memorial Church on Tuesday; at Salt Spring Baptist on Wednesday; and at Family Church on the Rock on Thursday. In addition to the medical team, former professional players from both the NBA and NFL have joined the development efforts conducting sports clinics targeting the youth.
Miles McPherson will deliver timely messages at Montego Bay's Dump Up Beach on Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3; while Luis Palau will present on the King's House grounds in Kingston on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4.
The Miles Ahead organization has plans for additional outreach activities throughout the Caribbean region.
McPherson, known for encouraging people of faith to " DO Something", stands at the forefront of "transformation evangelism" and "ministry mobilization." In addition to leading the 10,000-strong Rock Church and Academy in San Diego, McPherson is the President of Miles Ahead which has organized events in 18 cities, including Canada and Africa. Besides being an author, McPherson also is an Emmy Award winning producer for the documentary Master Meth, which examines the abuse of crystal methamphetamine.
For further information, visit www.milesahead.tv, www.bestdressed50fest.com, or www.milesahead.com.
MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, April 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Some US$5 million worth of medical equipment, supplies and health care will be delivered free of charge to the people of Jamaica this week by 80 medical volunteers from the San Diego- based Miles Ahead organization who arrived in Montego Bay on Saturday.
The medical team of specialist doctors, pediatricians, surgeons and dentists will donate their services to local communities, in close collaboration with Jamaica's Ministry of Health, at four mobile clinics as 200 more volunteers, in conjunction with local churches and community organizations, conduct sports clinics, deaf education workshops, school assemblies and rebuild local elementary schools.
The volunteers are part of Miles Ahead, an outreach organization founded in 1992 by Pastor Miles McPherson, a former NFL professional football player who has family ties to the island.
Miles Ahead is currently on island as part of Jamaica Broilers Group's 50th anniversary celebrations and three major family-oriented festivals, under the Best Dressed 50 Fest banner, presented in Mandeville, Montego Bay and Kingston through May 4.
The medical team reports that the clinics are stocked with state-of-the-art equipment and supplies. They will deliver dental care and equipment, pharmaceuticals, eye glasses, orthopedics, and general health care. A unique feature of the outreach is the team's mobile pathology laboratory, which can test a tissue sample for cancer and return results in 24 hours.
"We're excited to join with our local partners to serve anyone who needs medical attention. We believe God is the Great Physician, and we love being used by Him to heal," said Sean Burgess, the project's medical director.
Prior to this weekend's festivals and crusades, the American medical volunteers will set up four clinics from Tuesday April 29 through Thursday May 1, staffed with physicians, nurses, counselors and other support staff. St. John's Methodist Church, Flankers Open Bible, and Farm Heights United will host clinics on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A roving clinic will be at Webster Memorial Church on Tuesday; at Salt Spring Baptist on Wednesday; and at Family Church on the Rock on Thursday. In addition to the medical team, former professional players from both the NBA and NFL have joined the development efforts conducting sports clinics targeting the youth.
Miles McPherson will deliver timely messages at Montego Bay's Dump Up Beach on Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3; while Luis Palau will present on the King's House grounds in Kingston on Saturday, May 3 and Sunday, May 4.
The Miles Ahead organization has plans for additional outreach activities throughout the Caribbean region.
McPherson, known for encouraging people of faith to " DO Something", stands at the forefront of "transformation evangelism" and "ministry mobilization." In addition to leading the 10,000-strong Rock Church and Academy in San Diego, McPherson is the President of Miles Ahead which has organized events in 18 cities, including Canada and Africa. Besides being an author, McPherson also is an Emmy Award winning producer for the documentary Master Meth, which examines the abuse of crystal methamphetamine.
For further information, visit www.milesahead.tv, www.bestdressed50fest.com, or www.milesahead.com.
Radio IBS Leeds: Die Zeitung "Horch amol - Zeitung aus Franken" ist jetzt auch in der Presseschau
Radio IBS Leeds: Die Zeitung "Horch amol - Zeitung aus Franken" ist jetzt auch in der Presseschau
London/Ludwigshafen/Nürnberg. (and). 29. April 2008. Die Zeitung "Horch amol - Zeitung aus Franken" ist jetzt auch in der Presseschau und Mini-Presseschau des englischen Radio-Senders Radio IBS Leeds, ein Bestandteil des 1986 in Leeds gegründeten internationalen Medienprojektes IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds.
In der Presseschau werden Themen kurz beleuchtet unter anderem der Bild-Zeitung, der Süddeutschen Zeitung, der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung und
jetzt auch zum ersten Mal der jungen und noch kleinen Zeitung "Horch amol - Zeitung aus Franken".
In der Mini-Presseschau von Radio IBS Leeds wird über Schlagzeilen und Themen tagesaktuell berichtet, die die Zeitungen und Menschen in Deutschland und
im deutschsprachigen Raum bewegen und interessieren können. Die Auswahl der Medien kann täglich wechseln.
Die Radio-Programme von Radio IBS Leeds können regional teilweise bei NKL-Radio-Stationen, das meint nicht kommerzielle Lokalradios über UKW-Frequenzen gehört werden und weltweit im Internet bei www.ibstelevision.com/radioibsleeds und www.radioibsleeds.uk.tp .
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds dient bereits seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung und der Förderung von behinderten Journalisten und Medienproduzenten.
London/Ludwigshafen/Nürnberg. (and). 29. April 2008. Die Zeitung "Horch amol - Zeitung aus Franken" ist jetzt auch in der Presseschau und Mini-Presseschau des englischen Radio-Senders Radio IBS Leeds, ein Bestandteil des 1986 in Leeds gegründeten internationalen Medienprojektes IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds.
In der Presseschau werden Themen kurz beleuchtet unter anderem der Bild-Zeitung, der Süddeutschen Zeitung, der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung und
jetzt auch zum ersten Mal der jungen und noch kleinen Zeitung "Horch amol - Zeitung aus Franken".
In der Mini-Presseschau von Radio IBS Leeds wird über Schlagzeilen und Themen tagesaktuell berichtet, die die Zeitungen und Menschen in Deutschland und
im deutschsprachigen Raum bewegen und interessieren können. Die Auswahl der Medien kann täglich wechseln.
Die Radio-Programme von Radio IBS Leeds können regional teilweise bei NKL-Radio-Stationen, das meint nicht kommerzielle Lokalradios über UKW-Frequenzen gehört werden und weltweit im Internet bei www.ibstelevision.com/radioibsleeds und www.radioibsleeds.uk.tp .
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds dient bereits seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung und der Förderung von behinderten Journalisten und Medienproduzenten.
Hering: Rheinland-Pfalz konzentriert sich auf seine Stärken
Hering: Rheinland-Pfalz konzentriert sich auf seine Stärken
Mainz. (red). 29. April 2008. Rheinland-Pfalz wird sich künftig touristisch auf vier thematische Säulen konzentrieren: „Wandern, Radwandern, Wein und Gesundheit.“ Dies kündigte Wirtschafts- und Tourismusminister Hendrik Hering bei der Vorstellung der neuen Tourismusstrategie 2015 in Mainz an. „Rheinland-Pfalz ist ein touristisch sehr erfolgreiches Land. Damit sich unser Land im härter werdenden Wettbewerb auch weiterhin gut behaupten kann, haben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern diese Strategie entwickelt.“
Partner zur Realisierung seien der Hotel- und Gaststättenverband Rheinland-Pfalz, die Industrie- und Handelskammern, der Tourismus- und Heilbäderverband des Landes und die Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH (RPT). Die Strategie sei bis 2015 terminiert, weil sich für diesen Zeitraum relativ sichere Aussagen über touristische Trends machen ließen, so Hering weiter. Um die Ziele dieser Strategie zu erreichen, müsse die RPT als zentrale Marketingorganisation des Landes durch eine Erhöhung ihres Budgets weiter gestärkt werden.
„Rheinland-Pfalz liegt im Trend“, betonte Hering. „Weinkulturlandschaften, historische Städte, attraktive Sport-, Wellness- und Gesundheitsangebote, das reichhaltige kulturelle Erbe sowie leistungsstarke Hotel- und Gaststättenbetriebe treffen die Wünsche unserer Gäste. Die Landesregierung setzt auf den boomenden Tourismus, eine der wichtigsten Wirtschaftsbranchen unseres Landes.“ Kultur und Tourismus seien eng miteinander verknüpft, da das kulturelle Erbe des Landes nicht nur zu lokalen oder regionalen Identität beitrage, sondern die Region auch für Touristen attraktiver mache. „Vor allem auch für Wander- und Radtouristen machen die Kulturgüter des Landes neben den attraktiven Kulturlandschaften unser Land zu etwas ganz Besonderem.“
Der Tourismus sei mit einem jährlichen Netto-Umsatz von 6,2 Milliarden Euro und mehr als 190 Millionen Tagesgästen ein bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor für Rheinland-Pfalz, so Hering. Mit dieser Branche seien direkt und indirekt 190 000 Arbeitsplätze verknüpft. Erfreulich sei auch die Entwicklung der Gästeankünfte und Übernachtungen im Jahr 2007 gewesen: So konnten 7,7 Millionen Gäste (+ 3,4 Prozent im Vergleich zum Fußball-WM-Jahr 2006) und 21,3 Millionen Übernachtungen (+ 0,8 Prozent) verbucht werden.
Der Inlandstourismus werde in den kommenden Jahren vor allem durch die demographische Entwicklung beeinflusst, insbesondere werde die Nachfrage nach geeigneten Angeboten für die Zielgruppen 60plus und 75plus steigen. Auch das wachsende Umweltbewusstsein bei Reisenden mache die Entscheidung für kurze Urlaubswege einfacher, so der Minister: „Urlaub in Deutschland wird zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Und Rheinland-Pfalz hat ausgezeichnete Chancen im touristischen Wettbewerb.“
Im Fokus der Strategie stünden auch die „permanente Qualitätssteigerung im touristischen Angebot und die Erhaltung der Ortsbilder“. Zudem sei bei den Urlaubern das Bedürfnis nach Gesundheit und „Medical Wellness“ gestiegen. „Von dieser Nachfrage kann Rheinland-Pfalz doppelt profitieren: Die Zielgruppen 45plus suchen Angebote mit hoher medizinisch-therapeutischer Qualität, die Zielgruppen 30plus wollen ,Entschleunigung’, um dem hektischen Alltag zu entfliehen.“
Im Jahr 2007 kamen 78,2 Prozent der etwa 7,7 Millionen Gäste aus dem Inland, davon der überwiegende Teil aus Nordrhein-Westfalen und Rheinland-Pfalz. 21,8 Prozent der Gäste kamen aus dem Ausland, insbesondere aus den Niederlanden, Belgien, Großbritannien und den USA. Vor allem der Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn habe sich zu einer hervorragenden Eingangstür nach Rheinland-Pfalz entwickelt.
Hering hob zudem hervor, dass das Land die Fördermöglichkeiten für Modernisierungs- und Erweiterungsvorhaben von Beherbergungsbetrieben, aber auch von Errichtungen neuer Betriebe, verbessert habe. Nach dem seit März landesweit geltenden regionalen Landesförderprogramm können Förderungen bis zu 20 Prozent der förderfähigen Kosten gewährt werden. Dabei soll sich die Förderung künftig auf sterneklassifizierte Betriebe konzentrieren. „Denn“, so Hering, „die Hotel- und Gaststättenbetriebe sind für unsere Gäste das wichtigste Aushängeschild im Tourismus.“ Die künftig stärkere Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hotel- und Gaststättenverband und mit den Kommunen sei damit für den weiteren touristischen Erfolg die entscheidende Voraussetzung.
Hering: Rheinland-Pfalz konzentriert sich auf seine Stärken
Mainz. (red). 29. April 2008. Rheinland-Pfalz wird sich künftig touristisch auf vier thematische Säulen konzentrieren: „Wandern, Radwandern, Wein und Gesundheit.“ Dies kündigte Wirtschafts- und Tourismusminister Hendrik Hering bei der Vorstellung der neuen Tourismusstrategie 2015 in Mainz an. „Rheinland-Pfalz ist ein touristisch sehr erfolgreiches Land. Damit sich unser Land im härter werdenden Wettbewerb auch weiterhin gut behaupten kann, haben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern diese Strategie entwickelt.“
Partner zur Realisierung seien der Hotel- und Gaststättenverband Rheinland-Pfalz, die Industrie- und Handelskammern, der Tourismus- und Heilbäderverband des Landes und die Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH (RPT). Die Strategie sei bis 2015 terminiert, weil sich für diesen Zeitraum relativ sichere Aussagen über touristische Trends machen ließen, so Hering weiter. Um die Ziele dieser Strategie zu erreichen, müsse die RPT als zentrale Marketingorganisation des Landes durch eine Erhöhung ihres Budgets weiter gestärkt werden.
„Rheinland-Pfalz liegt im Trend“, betonte Hering. „Weinkulturlandschaften, historische Städte, attraktive Sport-, Wellness- und Gesundheitsangebote, das reichhaltige kulturelle Erbe sowie leistungsstarke Hotel- und Gaststättenbetriebe treffen die Wünsche unserer Gäste. Die Landesregierung setzt auf den boomenden Tourismus, eine der wichtigsten Wirtschaftsbranchen unseres Landes.“ Kultur und Tourismus seien eng miteinander verknüpft, da das kulturelle Erbe des Landes nicht nur zu lokalen oder regionalen Identität beitrage, sondern die Region auch für Touristen attraktiver mache. „Vor allem auch für Wander- und Radtouristen machen die Kulturgüter des Landes neben den attraktiven Kulturlandschaften unser Land zu etwas ganz Besonderem.“
Der Tourismus sei mit einem jährlichen Netto-Umsatz von 6,2 Milliarden Euro und mehr als 190 Millionen Tagesgästen ein bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor für Rheinland-Pfalz, so Hering. Mit dieser Branche seien direkt und indirekt 190 000 Arbeitsplätze verknüpft. Erfreulich sei auch die Entwicklung der Gästeankünfte und Übernachtungen im Jahr 2007 gewesen: So konnten 7,7 Millionen Gäste (+ 3,4 Prozent im Vergleich zum Fußball-WM-Jahr 2006) und 21,3 Millionen Übernachtungen (+ 0,8 Prozent) verbucht werden.
Der Inlandstourismus werde in den kommenden Jahren vor allem durch die demographische Entwicklung beeinflusst, insbesondere werde die Nachfrage nach geeigneten Angeboten für die Zielgruppen 60plus und 75plus steigen. Auch das wachsende Umweltbewusstsein bei Reisenden mache die Entscheidung für kurze Urlaubswege einfacher, so der Minister: „Urlaub in Deutschland wird zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Und Rheinland-Pfalz hat ausgezeichnete Chancen im touristischen Wettbewerb.“
Im Fokus der Strategie stünden auch die „permanente Qualitätssteigerung im touristischen Angebot und die Erhaltung der Ortsbilder“. Zudem sei bei den Urlaubern das Bedürfnis nach Gesundheit und „Medical Wellness“ gestiegen. „Von dieser Nachfrage kann Rheinland-Pfalz doppelt profitieren: Die Zielgruppen 45plus suchen Angebote mit hoher medizinisch-therapeutischer Qualität, die Zielgruppen 30plus wollen ,Entschleunigung’, um dem hektischen Alltag zu entfliehen.“
Im Jahr 2007 kamen 78,2 Prozent der etwa 7,7 Millionen Gäste aus dem Inland, davon der überwiegende Teil aus Nordrhein-Westfalen und Rheinland-Pfalz. 21,8 Prozent der Gäste kamen aus dem Ausland, insbesondere aus den Niederlanden, Belgien, Großbritannien und den USA. Vor allem der Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn habe sich zu einer hervorragenden Eingangstür nach Rheinland-Pfalz entwickelt.
Hering hob zudem hervor, dass das Land die Fördermöglichkeiten für Modernisierungs- und Erweiterungsvorhaben von Beherbergungsbetrieben, aber auch von Errichtungen neuer Betriebe, verbessert habe. Nach dem seit März landesweit geltenden regionalen Landesförderprogramm können Förderungen bis zu 20 Prozent der förderfähigen Kosten gewährt werden. Dabei soll sich die Förderung künftig auf sterneklassifizierte Betriebe konzentrieren. „Denn“, so Hering, „die Hotel- und Gaststättenbetriebe sind für unsere Gäste das wichtigste Aushängeschild im Tourismus.“ Die künftig stärkere Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hotel- und Gaststättenverband und mit den Kommunen sei damit für den weiteren touristischen Erfolg die entscheidende Voraussetzung.
Umweltministerium fördert mit 22.000 Euro Bau von Energiegewinnhaus der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Pfalz in Maxdorf
Förderprogramm Energieeffiziente Neubauten
Umweltministerium fördert mit 22.000 Euro Bau von Energiegewinnhaus der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Pfalz in Maxdorf
Mainz. (red). 29. April 2008. Mit insgesamt 22.000 Euro fördert das rheinland-pfälzische Umweltministerium im Rahmen eines Pilotverfahrens für energieeffiziente Neubauten den Bau der Maxdorfer Geschäftsstelle der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Pfalz.
Das Förderprogramm des Landes, für das insgesamt zwei Millionen Euro bereit gestellt wurden, zielt darauf ab, den Verbreitungsprozess hochenergieeffizienter Bauweisen auch in Verbindung mit regenerativer Energiegewinnung zu beschleunigen.
„Unser Förderprogramm unterstützt gezielt Spitzenstandards für den energieoptimierten Neubau“, stellt Ministerin Conrad fest „Wir wollen, dass durch die breite Anwendungen von Technologien für Passiv- und Energiegewinnhäuser die Preise für diese Hocheffizienz-Gebäude sinken. Gleichzeitig haben wir die Erwartung, dass sich das Knowhow für diese Häuser der Zukunft in der Breite entwickelt.“
Für das Büro- und Verwaltungsgebäude, das in Energiegewinnhausbauweise errichtet wird, wurde ein Primärenergiebedarf von rund 35.000 kWh pro Jahr berechnet. Die zu installierende Photovoltaikanlage erzeugt dagegen mehr Energie als das Gebäude an Endenergie tatsächlich benötigt. Dies bedeutet einen jährlichen Energiegewinn von mehr als 1.500 kWh, der komplett ins öffentliche Netz eingespeist wird.
Bei dem Gebäude der Geschäftsstelle in Maxdorf handelt es sich um eine Stahlbeton-Konstruktion mit vorgehängter Fassade. Die hierfür geplante Photovoltaikanlage ist eine kombinierte Anlage aus Fassadenelementen und auf dem Flachdach aufgeständerten Elementen. Die Fassadenelemente sind als „integrierte Elemente“ geplant, so dass eine geschlossene, einheitliche Fassade aus Photovoltaikelementen und Fenstern entsteht.
Beheizt wird das Gebäude mit einem Brennwert-Erdgaskessel. Mittels einer Wärmerückgewinnungsanlage wird der die Lüftungsanlage verlassenden Luft Energie entzogen und der Außenluft zugeführt, wodurch diese erwärmt wird.
Insgesamt beträgt die förderungsfähige Investitionssumme für das Gebäude rund 2,2 Millionen Euro.
Umweltministerium fördert mit 22.000 Euro Bau von Energiegewinnhaus der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Pfalz in Maxdorf
Mainz. (red). 29. April 2008. Mit insgesamt 22.000 Euro fördert das rheinland-pfälzische Umweltministerium im Rahmen eines Pilotverfahrens für energieeffiziente Neubauten den Bau der Maxdorfer Geschäftsstelle der Kreissparkasse Rhein-Pfalz.
Das Förderprogramm des Landes, für das insgesamt zwei Millionen Euro bereit gestellt wurden, zielt darauf ab, den Verbreitungsprozess hochenergieeffizienter Bauweisen auch in Verbindung mit regenerativer Energiegewinnung zu beschleunigen.
„Unser Förderprogramm unterstützt gezielt Spitzenstandards für den energieoptimierten Neubau“, stellt Ministerin Conrad fest „Wir wollen, dass durch die breite Anwendungen von Technologien für Passiv- und Energiegewinnhäuser die Preise für diese Hocheffizienz-Gebäude sinken. Gleichzeitig haben wir die Erwartung, dass sich das Knowhow für diese Häuser der Zukunft in der Breite entwickelt.“
Für das Büro- und Verwaltungsgebäude, das in Energiegewinnhausbauweise errichtet wird, wurde ein Primärenergiebedarf von rund 35.000 kWh pro Jahr berechnet. Die zu installierende Photovoltaikanlage erzeugt dagegen mehr Energie als das Gebäude an Endenergie tatsächlich benötigt. Dies bedeutet einen jährlichen Energiegewinn von mehr als 1.500 kWh, der komplett ins öffentliche Netz eingespeist wird.
Bei dem Gebäude der Geschäftsstelle in Maxdorf handelt es sich um eine Stahlbeton-Konstruktion mit vorgehängter Fassade. Die hierfür geplante Photovoltaikanlage ist eine kombinierte Anlage aus Fassadenelementen und auf dem Flachdach aufgeständerten Elementen. Die Fassadenelemente sind als „integrierte Elemente“ geplant, so dass eine geschlossene, einheitliche Fassade aus Photovoltaikelementen und Fenstern entsteht.
Beheizt wird das Gebäude mit einem Brennwert-Erdgaskessel. Mittels einer Wärmerückgewinnungsanlage wird der die Lüftungsanlage verlassenden Luft Energie entzogen und der Außenluft zugeführt, wodurch diese erwärmt wird.
Insgesamt beträgt die förderungsfähige Investitionssumme für das Gebäude rund 2,2 Millionen Euro.
Attorney Met with Jailed Beijing Christian Businessman Shi Weihan for the First Time; Serious Medical Condition Concerned Family Members
Attorney Met with Jailed Beijing Christian Businessman Shi Weihan for the First Time; Serious Medical Condition Concerned Family Members
CHINA, April 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the morning of Wednesday, the attorney of Mr. Shi Weihan, the leader of a Beijing house church who was released without a conviction and who was again arrested and persecuted on March 19, was finally able to meet his client Mr. Shi after long negotiations. Before this, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau had always refused to let the attorney get involved in his case and they even refused to tell the family and the attorney the location where Mr. Shi was detained. At the time of the arrest, the police claimed that Shi Weihan was a "dangerous religious element."
Mr. Shi Weihan is being detained at Beijing Municipal Detention Center and it is now over a month since he was detained there. As he has chronic diabetes, his health condition makes people concerned. During the meeting, Mr. Shi's talk was interrupted by the guards on several occasions and he received a warning. The attorney saw Mr. Shi's health condition was very poor and there were symptoms of a serious allergy for which no known reasons were given. He badly needs medical treatment. However, the detention center authorities refused to provide the most basic humanitarian treatment or even provide medications. According to the conversation with Mr. Shi, the police interrogation mainly focuses on what relationship he has with the US. They are trying to avoid admitting that this is a typical case of religious persecution.
Bob Fu, head of China Aid Association, thinks that this is another case of brazen trampling on religious freedom and basic human rights by the Chinese government as the Olympic Games draw near. It shows that China doesn't have fear or unsettled conscience in the face of the international community and denunciation. We hope the relevant authorities of Beijing will not try to bring any fabricated charges related to state security on Shi Weihan, an influential house church leader.
CHINA, April 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the morning of Wednesday, the attorney of Mr. Shi Weihan, the leader of a Beijing house church who was released without a conviction and who was again arrested and persecuted on March 19, was finally able to meet his client Mr. Shi after long negotiations. Before this, Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau had always refused to let the attorney get involved in his case and they even refused to tell the family and the attorney the location where Mr. Shi was detained. At the time of the arrest, the police claimed that Shi Weihan was a "dangerous religious element."
Mr. Shi Weihan is being detained at Beijing Municipal Detention Center and it is now over a month since he was detained there. As he has chronic diabetes, his health condition makes people concerned. During the meeting, Mr. Shi's talk was interrupted by the guards on several occasions and he received a warning. The attorney saw Mr. Shi's health condition was very poor and there were symptoms of a serious allergy for which no known reasons were given. He badly needs medical treatment. However, the detention center authorities refused to provide the most basic humanitarian treatment or even provide medications. According to the conversation with Mr. Shi, the police interrogation mainly focuses on what relationship he has with the US. They are trying to avoid admitting that this is a typical case of religious persecution.
Bob Fu, head of China Aid Association, thinks that this is another case of brazen trampling on religious freedom and basic human rights by the Chinese government as the Olympic Games draw near. It shows that China doesn't have fear or unsettled conscience in the face of the international community and denunciation. We hope the relevant authorities of Beijing will not try to bring any fabricated charges related to state security on Shi Weihan, an influential house church leader.
UM Action Questions Charge of Manipulation in Providing Cell Phones to International Delegates
UM Action Questions Charge of Manipulation in Providing Cell Phones to International Delegates
"When Africans speak their Biblical convictions, threatened liberal church bureaucrats in the U.S. call that 'manipulation,." - UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley
WASHINGTON, April 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Liberal church officials in the U.S. harshly condemned the United Methodist Renewal and Reform Coalition after the Coalition provided cell phones free of charge to international delegates attending the United Methodist General Conference.
The conference, United Methodism's chief rulemaking body, is a denominational gathering that occurs every four years delegates from around the world.
In an official "United Methodist News Service" story, Church agency officials and some bishops accused the coalition of "paternalism, manipulation and of course, racism." Meanwhile, African delegates expressed appreciation for the cell phones.
UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley commented,
"Why are liberal church elites in the U.S. so intimidated by the empowerment of African and other international delegates? What are they so afraid of?
"When Africans speak their Biblical convictions, threatened liberal church bureaucrats call that 'manipulation'.
"Patronizingly, United Methodist bureaucrats assume that African and Filipino delegates can be bought with a cell phone.
"These clueless church elites don't understand the obvious. America evangelicals and Global South evangelicals support each other because of their common faith."
The Institute on Religion and Democracy, founded in 1981, is an ecumenical alliance of U.S. Christians working to reform their churches' social witness, in accord with biblical and historic Christian teachings, thereby contributing to the renewal of democratic society at home and abroad.
"When Africans speak their Biblical convictions, threatened liberal church bureaucrats in the U.S. call that 'manipulation,." - UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley
WASHINGTON, April 26 /Christian Newswire/ -- Liberal church officials in the U.S. harshly condemned the United Methodist Renewal and Reform Coalition after the Coalition provided cell phones free of charge to international delegates attending the United Methodist General Conference.
The conference, United Methodism's chief rulemaking body, is a denominational gathering that occurs every four years delegates from around the world.
In an official "United Methodist News Service" story, Church agency officials and some bishops accused the coalition of "paternalism, manipulation and of course, racism." Meanwhile, African delegates expressed appreciation for the cell phones.
UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley commented,
"Why are liberal church elites in the U.S. so intimidated by the empowerment of African and other international delegates? What are they so afraid of?
"When Africans speak their Biblical convictions, threatened liberal church bureaucrats call that 'manipulation'.
"Patronizingly, United Methodist bureaucrats assume that African and Filipino delegates can be bought with a cell phone.
"These clueless church elites don't understand the obvious. America evangelicals and Global South evangelicals support each other because of their common faith."
The Institute on Religion and Democracy, founded in 1981, is an ecumenical alliance of U.S. Christians working to reform their churches' social witness, in accord with biblical and historic Christian teachings, thereby contributing to the renewal of democratic society at home and abroad.
Praying for the Collapse of the European Union
Praying for the Collapse of the European Union
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- OPERATION: UNITED KINGDOM is a project to raise awareness about the growing tyranny of the EUROPEAN UNION. (The European Union is based on a 1942 speech given by one Adolf Hitler.) This is an anti-European Union website. We are Christians who are praying for its total but peaceful collapse. We are aiming to make Christianity relevant to a new generation. We intend to ask God to continue to totally collapse the tyrannical European Union with immediate effect and for all European countries, including the United Kingdom, to become free and independent once again. We have so far managed to get France and the Netherlands to vote against the European Constitution. Christian Revival will only begin when the European Union has collapsed.
Please join us and add your email address to our website so that you can receive our prayer letters when they are sent. Many thanks! Our next prayer date is 12th, June, 2008 when the Irish Republic vote on the European Union (Lisbon) Treaty. We aim to get as many churches and countries to join in as possible.
PRAYER - Abba Father, we fast and pray on this day in order to ask you to get the Irish people to vote 'NO!' in their referendum on the European Union (Lisbon) Treaty, to collapse the European Union with immediate effect, and to free the member countries so that they may become free and independent once again, in Jesus' name. We give you all the thanks, glory and praise. AMEN.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place." 2 Chronicles 7: 14-15, the Holy Bible.
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- OPERATION: UNITED KINGDOM is a project to raise awareness about the growing tyranny of the EUROPEAN UNION. (The European Union is based on a 1942 speech given by one Adolf Hitler.) This is an anti-European Union website. We are Christians who are praying for its total but peaceful collapse. We are aiming to make Christianity relevant to a new generation. We intend to ask God to continue to totally collapse the tyrannical European Union with immediate effect and for all European countries, including the United Kingdom, to become free and independent once again. We have so far managed to get France and the Netherlands to vote against the European Constitution. Christian Revival will only begin when the European Union has collapsed.
Please join us and add your email address to our website so that you can receive our prayer letters when they are sent. Many thanks! Our next prayer date is 12th, June, 2008 when the Irish Republic vote on the European Union (Lisbon) Treaty. We aim to get as many churches and countries to join in as possible.
PRAYER - Abba Father, we fast and pray on this day in order to ask you to get the Irish people to vote 'NO!' in their referendum on the European Union (Lisbon) Treaty, to collapse the European Union with immediate effect, and to free the member countries so that they may become free and independent once again, in Jesus' name. We give you all the thanks, glory and praise. AMEN.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place." 2 Chronicles 7: 14-15, the Holy Bible.
Dr. Alveda King: Defund Planned Parenthood
Dr. Alveda King: Defund Planned Parenthood
ATLANTA, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today said that a new study released by Students for Life of America reinforces the call of black leaders to eliminate federal subsidies to Planned Parenthood.
"It's time to let freedom ring for the babies," said Dr. King. "The Students for Life report on Planned Parenthood's targeting of African Americans for abortion spells out why taxpayers should not be forced to contribute to that organization. The government should not be subsidizing racism, but that's exactly what it's doing through Planned Parenthood."
The study examines programs and incidents dating from Planned Parenthood's founding through the most recent scandal of seven Planned Parenthood chapters' willingness to accept donations for the exclusive purpose of aborting black babies.
"Defending human life is part of the civil rights struggle and I and my fellow pro-life African American leaders are not going away," added Dr. King. "We are uniting civil rights and moral rights to fulfill the dream of what my uncle called 'the beloved community.' America needs to know that black leaders do support life. We start where life begins, with the babies, and we will march on until abortion, racism, and all society's ills bow to the truth that we are all one race."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.
ATLANTA, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today said that a new study released by Students for Life of America reinforces the call of black leaders to eliminate federal subsidies to Planned Parenthood.
"It's time to let freedom ring for the babies," said Dr. King. "The Students for Life report on Planned Parenthood's targeting of African Americans for abortion spells out why taxpayers should not be forced to contribute to that organization. The government should not be subsidizing racism, but that's exactly what it's doing through Planned Parenthood."
The study examines programs and incidents dating from Planned Parenthood's founding through the most recent scandal of seven Planned Parenthood chapters' willingness to accept donations for the exclusive purpose of aborting black babies.
"Defending human life is part of the civil rights struggle and I and my fellow pro-life African American leaders are not going away," added Dr. King. "We are uniting civil rights and moral rights to fulfill the dream of what my uncle called 'the beloved community.' America needs to know that black leaders do support life. We start where life begins, with the babies, and we will march on until abortion, racism, and all society's ills bow to the truth that we are all one race."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.
Conservative Church Leader to Attend Meeting with Obama's Pastor Today
Conservative Church Leader to Attend Meeting with Obama's Pastor Today
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the conservative National Clergy Council and chairman of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance, will attend a National Press Club Breakfast featuring Sen. Barack Obama's long-time pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, today, Monday, April 28, at 8:30 AM, at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045.
Rev. Schenck said, "Jeremiah Wright's liberation theology puts him in a camp of violent extremists who use guns and grenades in the name of religion. Dr. Wright needs to unequivocally denounce these dangerous movements and explain how he is fundamentally different from them."
Rev. Schenck will report Dr. Wright's comments to church leaders around the country and will seek to respectfully engage the United Church of Christ minister on several questions about his controversial sermons and statements. Rev. Schenck will also deliver a personal letter asking Dr. Wright to participate in a conversation on theology, race and culture.
Rev. Schenck will be available to the media for comment immediately before and after today's breakfast event. Contact Peggy Birchfield, 202-236- 0953.
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the conservative National Clergy Council and chairman of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance, will attend a National Press Club Breakfast featuring Sen. Barack Obama's long-time pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, today, Monday, April 28, at 8:30 AM, at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045.
Rev. Schenck said, "Jeremiah Wright's liberation theology puts him in a camp of violent extremists who use guns and grenades in the name of religion. Dr. Wright needs to unequivocally denounce these dangerous movements and explain how he is fundamentally different from them."
Rev. Schenck will report Dr. Wright's comments to church leaders around the country and will seek to respectfully engage the United Church of Christ minister on several questions about his controversial sermons and statements. Rev. Schenck will also deliver a personal letter asking Dr. Wright to participate in a conversation on theology, race and culture.
Rev. Schenck will be available to the media for comment immediately before and after today's breakfast event. Contact Peggy Birchfield, 202-236- 0953.
GOSPELSHOE(TM) Campaign Aims for a Higher Calling Among the Millennial Generation
GOSPELSHOE(TM) Campaign Aims for a Higher Calling Among the Millennial Generation
Dr. Jay Strack, President of Student Leadership University, Endorses Program in Partnership with Shoe Charity Soles4Souls(TM)
NASHVILLE, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- GospelShoe is a line of footwear and accessories that aims to accomplish two goals: share shoes with needy people around the world while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ at the same time. The shoes were created in the spirit of the Wordless Book -- a long-standing tradition among missionaries to explain the Christian faith by using colors instead of words.
Dr. Jay Strack, President of Student Leadership University in Orlando, Florida, recently endorsed GospelShoe as another way to tap into a sense of "relevance" widely sought by the Millennial Generation (youths born between 1980 and 2000).
"Millennials are tired of hearing what Christians believe; they want to see what we believe," said Dr. Strack, during a recent presentation for the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, TN. Dr. Strack said that in light of the current wave of national 'cause marketing' promotions (Oprah's 'Big Give' is a prime example), people are supporting creative efforts that directly benefit people in need.
GospelShoe.org sells its line of shoes at cost, and also allows web visitors to purchase shoes for people around the world who don't own a single pair.
Dr. Strack has issued a challenge to start with one small unselfish gesture and buy one pair of GospelShoes for as little as $5.00. "This purchase will make a big difference in the lives of those across the country that are without a pair of shoes," he said.
"The world is changing and it requires a change in attitude," said Soles4Souls Founder and CEO, Wayne Elsey. "The Millenial Generation sees the importance of helping the less fortunate, and GospelShoe is another tool they can use to accomplish that goal," he said.
GospelShoe.org and Soles4Souls, its partner in distribution of the donated footwear, are both non- profit organizations dedicated to providing free footwear to people in need worldwide.
For more information, visit www.gospelshoe.org or call 615-232-2365.
Dr. Strack is an effective communicator author and minister from Orlando, Florida. He has spoken to an estimated 15 million people in his 29 years of ministry. He has served as the editor of two bible translations, and authored more than 15 highly acclaimed books. Visit the Student Leadership University website at www.studentleadership.net.
Dr. Jay Strack, President of Student Leadership University, Endorses Program in Partnership with Shoe Charity Soles4Souls(TM)
NASHVILLE, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- GospelShoe is a line of footwear and accessories that aims to accomplish two goals: share shoes with needy people around the world while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ at the same time. The shoes were created in the spirit of the Wordless Book -- a long-standing tradition among missionaries to explain the Christian faith by using colors instead of words.
Dr. Jay Strack, President of Student Leadership University in Orlando, Florida, recently endorsed GospelShoe as another way to tap into a sense of "relevance" widely sought by the Millennial Generation (youths born between 1980 and 2000).
"Millennials are tired of hearing what Christians believe; they want to see what we believe," said Dr. Strack, during a recent presentation for the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, TN. Dr. Strack said that in light of the current wave of national 'cause marketing' promotions (Oprah's 'Big Give' is a prime example), people are supporting creative efforts that directly benefit people in need.
GospelShoe.org sells its line of shoes at cost, and also allows web visitors to purchase shoes for people around the world who don't own a single pair.
Dr. Strack has issued a challenge to start with one small unselfish gesture and buy one pair of GospelShoes for as little as $5.00. "This purchase will make a big difference in the lives of those across the country that are without a pair of shoes," he said.
"The world is changing and it requires a change in attitude," said Soles4Souls Founder and CEO, Wayne Elsey. "The Millenial Generation sees the importance of helping the less fortunate, and GospelShoe is another tool they can use to accomplish that goal," he said.
GospelShoe.org and Soles4Souls, its partner in distribution of the donated footwear, are both non- profit organizations dedicated to providing free footwear to people in need worldwide.
For more information, visit www.gospelshoe.org or call 615-232-2365.
Dr. Strack is an effective communicator author and minister from Orlando, Florida. He has spoken to an estimated 15 million people in his 29 years of ministry. He has served as the editor of two bible translations, and authored more than 15 highly acclaimed books. Visit the Student Leadership University website at www.studentleadership.net.
Food Crisis Deepening Across Globe as Major Aid Group Forced to Scale Back Assistance
Food Crisis Deepening Across Globe as Major Aid Group Forced to Scale Back Assistance
Higher prices may force agency to cut urgent hunger assistance to 1.5 million people this year
Misery increasing in poorest nations: Haiti, Somalia, Bangladesh, Sudan - and among refugees
Afghanistan: From bread-and-tea diet to "just tea" in desperately poor western provinces
World Vision calls on donor governments to fund World Food Programme's $755 million shortfall
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Amid surging food prices, child malnutrition, violent unrest and the prospect of prolonged food shortages, one of the world's largest humanitarian organizations has announced a potential 1.5 million drop in the number of people receiving its food assistance.
World Vision, whose work includes providing nearly 450,000 metric tons of food in some 30 countries, cites the soaring cost of food and unmet donor-nation aid commitments for a potential 23 percent decrease in the number of people it is able to supply with food aid this year.
"Despite our best efforts, more than a million of our beneficiaries are no longer receiving food aid," said Dean Hirsch, president of World Vision International. "At least a third of these are children who urgently need enough healthy food to thrive."
The Christian humanitarian agency's field staff report that the spike in food prices, along with other factors, is deepening the hunger crisis for children and families in developing nations:
Haiti: "Many Haitians are still recovering from last year's floods. Coupled with their low level of income, they cannot afford the high cost of even basic supplies and commodities. We're distributing food to as many people as we can but there is never enough. The next few months are critical for Haiti." –Wesley Charles, World Vision national director, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Afghanistan: "Wheat prices in Afghanistan's western provinces have increased 100 percent from this time last year. I am meeting families in the villages, who, for years, have been surviving on a diet of naan and chai, or bread and tea, alone. Today, they can no longer afford the bread...It's an unfathomable situation." –Mary Kate MacIsaac, World Vision communications manager, Herat, Afghanistan
West Africa: "We have already had riots in major cities in West Africa, including Dakar, Senegal, by people protesting against the higher and higher prices of basic food staples. This is of serious concern to the region." –Paul Sitnam, World Vision regional director of humanitarian and emergency affairs, Dakar, Senegal
Bangladesh: "Families in Bangladesh are still recovering from last fall's devastating Cyclone Sidr. Seven-year-old Supria's family lost their entire harvest in the cyclone; now her father struggles to find paid work. Without food assistance, it would be difficult for families like Supria's to find daily food." –James East, World Vision communications director for Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
Somalia: "We expect to see increased malnutrition and disease, especially among children. Somalia, one of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies, is about to get a lot worse unless we do something fast." –Chris Smoot, World Vision program director for Somalia, Nairobi, Keyna
Jordan: "Iraqi refugees are among the hardest hit in Amman. Even before food prices started to spike, refugee families here had been surviving by watering down their yogurt because milk was too expensive, and by not eating fruit and proteins. Now, many will be forced to cut even more nutrition from their diets." –Ashley Clements, World Vision emergency advocacy advisor, Amman, Jordan
South Sudan: "Food assistance is a vital part of rebuilding war-torn South Sudan: Feeding programs in schools protect children from malnutrition and motivate families to educate their daughters. Food-for-work programs enable roads to be built in a region that lacks critical infrastructure. But higher prices this year mean we'll be able to distribute food to thousands less. It's a crisis that will set South Sudan back years in its development efforts." –Seth Le Leu, World Vision program director, Juba, South Sudan
A lack of available funds from donor nations, combined with rising prices, has caused some regular food delivery channels to dry up, preventing the launch of new food aid projects where they are needed.
World Vision therefore calls on donor governments to increase resources in order to fund the World Food Program's $755 million shortfall. It also urges leaders of the world's leading industrialized nations to make the issue a priority at the upcoming G8 conference.
"This is a challenge that requires both short and long-term approaches to resolve," said Robert Zachritz, World Vision's director of advocacy and government relations in the U.S. "In addition to providing food for urgent hunger needs, it is essential to invest in long-term agricultural development, improve access to credit and to markets for struggling farmers, and to enact fair trade policies."
"Global leaders must act now to support long-term projects that will help prevent vulnerable communities from being malnourished as a result of the price increases," Zachritz said.
World Vision is accepting cash donations to address the global food crisis. Donations can be made online at www.worldvision.org, by phone at 888-56-CHILD or by mail to World Vision, P.O. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063-9716.
For expert interviews, photos and video b-roll, contact Cynthia Colin at 202.436.1266 or ccolin@worldvision.org, Amy Parodi at 253.709.3190 or Casey Calamusa at 206.310.5476.
Notes to Editor:
The World Bank estimates the recent rise in food prices could push another 100 million people deeper into poverty. Ten percent of these will be children under 5.
Malnutrition already contributes to the deaths of more than 3.7 million children under five every year. Insufficient nutrition has also stunted the development of 147 million pre-school children in developing countries. Malnourished children are also more likely to suffer and die from diseases like pneumonia, malaria and measles.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Visit www.worldvision.org/press
Higher prices may force agency to cut urgent hunger assistance to 1.5 million people this year
Misery increasing in poorest nations: Haiti, Somalia, Bangladesh, Sudan - and among refugees
Afghanistan: From bread-and-tea diet to "just tea" in desperately poor western provinces
World Vision calls on donor governments to fund World Food Programme's $755 million shortfall
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Amid surging food prices, child malnutrition, violent unrest and the prospect of prolonged food shortages, one of the world's largest humanitarian organizations has announced a potential 1.5 million drop in the number of people receiving its food assistance.
World Vision, whose work includes providing nearly 450,000 metric tons of food in some 30 countries, cites the soaring cost of food and unmet donor-nation aid commitments for a potential 23 percent decrease in the number of people it is able to supply with food aid this year.
"Despite our best efforts, more than a million of our beneficiaries are no longer receiving food aid," said Dean Hirsch, president of World Vision International. "At least a third of these are children who urgently need enough healthy food to thrive."
The Christian humanitarian agency's field staff report that the spike in food prices, along with other factors, is deepening the hunger crisis for children and families in developing nations:
Haiti: "Many Haitians are still recovering from last year's floods. Coupled with their low level of income, they cannot afford the high cost of even basic supplies and commodities. We're distributing food to as many people as we can but there is never enough. The next few months are critical for Haiti." –Wesley Charles, World Vision national director, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Afghanistan: "Wheat prices in Afghanistan's western provinces have increased 100 percent from this time last year. I am meeting families in the villages, who, for years, have been surviving on a diet of naan and chai, or bread and tea, alone. Today, they can no longer afford the bread...It's an unfathomable situation." –Mary Kate MacIsaac, World Vision communications manager, Herat, Afghanistan
West Africa: "We have already had riots in major cities in West Africa, including Dakar, Senegal, by people protesting against the higher and higher prices of basic food staples. This is of serious concern to the region." –Paul Sitnam, World Vision regional director of humanitarian and emergency affairs, Dakar, Senegal
Bangladesh: "Families in Bangladesh are still recovering from last fall's devastating Cyclone Sidr. Seven-year-old Supria's family lost their entire harvest in the cyclone; now her father struggles to find paid work. Without food assistance, it would be difficult for families like Supria's to find daily food." –James East, World Vision communications director for Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand
Somalia: "We expect to see increased malnutrition and disease, especially among children. Somalia, one of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies, is about to get a lot worse unless we do something fast." –Chris Smoot, World Vision program director for Somalia, Nairobi, Keyna
Jordan: "Iraqi refugees are among the hardest hit in Amman. Even before food prices started to spike, refugee families here had been surviving by watering down their yogurt because milk was too expensive, and by not eating fruit and proteins. Now, many will be forced to cut even more nutrition from their diets." –Ashley Clements, World Vision emergency advocacy advisor, Amman, Jordan
South Sudan: "Food assistance is a vital part of rebuilding war-torn South Sudan: Feeding programs in schools protect children from malnutrition and motivate families to educate their daughters. Food-for-work programs enable roads to be built in a region that lacks critical infrastructure. But higher prices this year mean we'll be able to distribute food to thousands less. It's a crisis that will set South Sudan back years in its development efforts." –Seth Le Leu, World Vision program director, Juba, South Sudan
A lack of available funds from donor nations, combined with rising prices, has caused some regular food delivery channels to dry up, preventing the launch of new food aid projects where they are needed.
World Vision therefore calls on donor governments to increase resources in order to fund the World Food Program's $755 million shortfall. It also urges leaders of the world's leading industrialized nations to make the issue a priority at the upcoming G8 conference.
"This is a challenge that requires both short and long-term approaches to resolve," said Robert Zachritz, World Vision's director of advocacy and government relations in the U.S. "In addition to providing food for urgent hunger needs, it is essential to invest in long-term agricultural development, improve access to credit and to markets for struggling farmers, and to enact fair trade policies."
"Global leaders must act now to support long-term projects that will help prevent vulnerable communities from being malnourished as a result of the price increases," Zachritz said.
World Vision is accepting cash donations to address the global food crisis. Donations can be made online at www.worldvision.org, by phone at 888-56-CHILD or by mail to World Vision, P.O. Box 9716, Federal Way, WA 98063-9716.
For expert interviews, photos and video b-roll, contact Cynthia Colin at 202.436.1266 or ccolin@worldvision.org, Amy Parodi at 253.709.3190 or Casey Calamusa at 206.310.5476.
Notes to Editor:
The World Bank estimates the recent rise in food prices could push another 100 million people deeper into poverty. Ten percent of these will be children under 5.
Malnutrition already contributes to the deaths of more than 3.7 million children under five every year. Insufficient nutrition has also stunted the development of 147 million pre-school children in developing countries. Malnourished children are also more likely to suffer and die from diseases like pneumonia, malaria and measles.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. Visit www.worldvision.org/press
This Nat'l Teacher's Day: American Educators Face Challenges and Opportunities That Didn't Exist Before
This Nat'l Teacher's Day: American Educators Face Challenges and Opportunities That Didn't Exist Before
MAY 6: National Teacher's Day
Exotic Locales & State-of-the-Art Classrooms Attract American Educators to Int'l Teaching Posts
ORLANDO, Fla., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- With the numbers of teachers in the United States increasing while the numbers of students are decreasing [Source: National Center for U.S. Education Statistics (2007) ], some educators have found a new route to much-needed job security while enjoying high adventure.
Currently, there is a significant shortage of educators qualified to teach in international schools that serve missionary children. Wycliffe Bible Translators and Mission:Teach are working together to fill more than 600 unfilled teaching positions that actually prevent missionaries with families from serving internationally.
Teachers with as little as one year of classroom teaching experience-- who want to experience the world before starting a family--to retired teachers looking for a second career qualify.
"It would have been phenomenal if I had done this earlier in life," said Elaine Duimstram, a 71-year-old retired teacher from Wisconsin who was widowed five years ago and then decided to teach abroad. Duimstram has taught in Papua New Guinea, China and Costa Rica. "One lifetime is not long enough to learn all that I’ve learned while abroad. I always wanted to travel--this is the perfect combination for my love of adventure and passion for teaching."
There are more than 4.6 million U.S. teachers [Source : NCES (2007)]
Degrees in Elementary education (#3) and Education (#6) are ranked in The Top Ten Most Popular Majors [Source: Princeton Review (2008)]
Numbers of teachers are increasing while the numbers of students are decreasing [Source: NCES (2007)]
OPPORTUNITIES STILL EXIST: A Teacher's Cruise--July 25-31
Interested teachers can spend a week onboard a cruise ship and earn graduate school credit, learn more about teaching abroad and increase their knowledge on teaching multicultural students. Certified teachers can get more information about the cruise, teaching opportunities or apply online at http://www.Wycliffe.org/Events/EventsList/TeacherCruis e.aspx.
"I can't wait to get started," said 25-year- old Anna Casassa who will teach in Asia in 2009 after teaching second grade in Florida for one year. "I've always known I would be a teacher. Being able to travel the world and teach is an incredible opportunity."
Interview and follow blogs from first-year educator, Anna Baker (Rain Forrest International School in Cameroon)
Interview new hire, Anna Casassa or second- career teacher, Elaine Duimstram
Interview Jamie Farr, MissionTeach.com contributing developer, director and former international educator
About Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators is the world's largest Bible translation organization. Since it's founding, Wycliffe has been involved in more than half of all Scripture translations: 721 New Testament and Bible translations impacting more than 80 million people. Wycliffe's worldwide Bible translation work--and the language development that is a foundational element of each translation--impacts the efforts of countless other Christian ministries, relief organizations, governments and more. Its reach can be seen through improved literacy rates, health care, government relations and advocacy programs. In 1999, Wycliffe formally adopted a vision of seeing Bible translations underway in all languages needing translation by the year 2025. That goal--known as Vision 2025--is leveraging Wycliffe's tried-and-true language development techniques and advances in technology to expedite Bible translations by the year 2025. Visit www.DeMossNewsPond.com/Wycliffe or www.Wycliffe.org or www.MissionTeach.com.
MAY 6: National Teacher's Day
Exotic Locales & State-of-the-Art Classrooms Attract American Educators to Int'l Teaching Posts
ORLANDO, Fla., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- With the numbers of teachers in the United States increasing while the numbers of students are decreasing [Source: National Center for U.S. Education Statistics (2007) ], some educators have found a new route to much-needed job security while enjoying high adventure.
Currently, there is a significant shortage of educators qualified to teach in international schools that serve missionary children. Wycliffe Bible Translators and Mission:Teach are working together to fill more than 600 unfilled teaching positions that actually prevent missionaries with families from serving internationally.
Teachers with as little as one year of classroom teaching experience-- who want to experience the world before starting a family--to retired teachers looking for a second career qualify.
"It would have been phenomenal if I had done this earlier in life," said Elaine Duimstram, a 71-year-old retired teacher from Wisconsin who was widowed five years ago and then decided to teach abroad. Duimstram has taught in Papua New Guinea, China and Costa Rica. "One lifetime is not long enough to learn all that I’ve learned while abroad. I always wanted to travel--this is the perfect combination for my love of adventure and passion for teaching."
There are more than 4.6 million U.S. teachers [Source : NCES (2007)]
Degrees in Elementary education (#3) and Education (#6) are ranked in The Top Ten Most Popular Majors [Source: Princeton Review (2008)]
Numbers of teachers are increasing while the numbers of students are decreasing [Source: NCES (2007)]
OPPORTUNITIES STILL EXIST: A Teacher's Cruise--July 25-31
Interested teachers can spend a week onboard a cruise ship and earn graduate school credit, learn more about teaching abroad and increase their knowledge on teaching multicultural students. Certified teachers can get more information about the cruise, teaching opportunities or apply online at http://www.Wycliffe.org/Events/EventsList/TeacherCruis e.aspx.
"I can't wait to get started," said 25-year- old Anna Casassa who will teach in Asia in 2009 after teaching second grade in Florida for one year. "I've always known I would be a teacher. Being able to travel the world and teach is an incredible opportunity."
Interview and follow blogs from first-year educator, Anna Baker (Rain Forrest International School in Cameroon)
Interview new hire, Anna Casassa or second- career teacher, Elaine Duimstram
Interview Jamie Farr, MissionTeach.com contributing developer, director and former international educator
About Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators is the world's largest Bible translation organization. Since it's founding, Wycliffe has been involved in more than half of all Scripture translations: 721 New Testament and Bible translations impacting more than 80 million people. Wycliffe's worldwide Bible translation work--and the language development that is a foundational element of each translation--impacts the efforts of countless other Christian ministries, relief organizations, governments and more. Its reach can be seen through improved literacy rates, health care, government relations and advocacy programs. In 1999, Wycliffe formally adopted a vision of seeing Bible translations underway in all languages needing translation by the year 2025. That goal--known as Vision 2025--is leveraging Wycliffe's tried-and-true language development techniques and advances in technology to expedite Bible translations by the year 2025. Visit www.DeMossNewsPond.com/Wycliffe or www.Wycliffe.org or www.MissionTeach.com.
Conservative Church Leader Confronts Jeremiah Wright
Conservative Church Leader Confronts Jeremiah Wright
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Conservative church leader Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK) today respectfully confronted Barack Obama's long-time pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
This morning Rev. Schenck met and spoke personally to Dr. Wright before his speech to the National Press Club, warning the controversial minister about his theology.
Rev. Schenck brought an admonishment from members of the National Clergy Council executive Committee that includes prominent African American clergy.
Schenck conveyed to Wright a warning against the preacher's Marxist liberation theology, telling him it's his source of trouble and he needs to drop it.
Rev. Schenck said, "I was respectful but firm. Dr. Wright's brand of black theology places him firmly in company with violent groups who use bombs and grenades in the name of religion. His speech today did not separate him from these militant groups."
Schenck said, "I respect this man enough to tell him the truth, as he says he does to others, whether they like what he says or not. The truth is Jeremiah Wright's theology puts him in a camp of Marxist revolutionaries who use guns and grenades in the name of religion. He needs to explicitly and unequivocally denounce the violent extremists in the liberation theology movement and drop its Marxist- socialist anti-American ideology."
Rev. Schenck will be available to the media for comment immediately after today's National Press Club Breakfast featuring Sen. Barack Obama's long- time pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright. Contact Peggy Birchfield at 202-236-0953.
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Conservative church leader Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK) today respectfully confronted Barack Obama's long-time pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
This morning Rev. Schenck met and spoke personally to Dr. Wright before his speech to the National Press Club, warning the controversial minister about his theology.
Rev. Schenck brought an admonishment from members of the National Clergy Council executive Committee that includes prominent African American clergy.
Schenck conveyed to Wright a warning against the preacher's Marxist liberation theology, telling him it's his source of trouble and he needs to drop it.
Rev. Schenck said, "I was respectful but firm. Dr. Wright's brand of black theology places him firmly in company with violent groups who use bombs and grenades in the name of religion. His speech today did not separate him from these militant groups."
Schenck said, "I respect this man enough to tell him the truth, as he says he does to others, whether they like what he says or not. The truth is Jeremiah Wright's theology puts him in a camp of Marxist revolutionaries who use guns and grenades in the name of religion. He needs to explicitly and unequivocally denounce the violent extremists in the liberation theology movement and drop its Marxist- socialist anti-American ideology."
Rev. Schenck will be available to the media for comment immediately after today's National Press Club Breakfast featuring Sen. Barack Obama's long- time pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright. Contact Peggy Birchfield at 202-236-0953.
AllChristianJobs.com Launches First Freelance Marketplace for Christian Market
AllChristianJobs.com Launches First Freelance Marketplace for Christian Market
HOUSTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dozens of Christian job boards are currently available on the Internet, but there is only one that offers a freelance marketplace where Christian employers can connect with individuals or firms who offer contract services. That one place is AllChristianJobs.com, a site that has revolutionized job-hunting for the church, faith-based nonprofit and Christian education marketplaces. Through the site jobseekers can find both traditional career employment as well as freelance job opportunities.
"On any given day there are thousands of Christian job openings posted all over the Internet, but what has been largely if not entirely overlooked are the project and contract work needs to be found in the Christian marketplace. We aim to bring as much of that information into one place as possible. At AllChristianJobs.com we couple all of the benefits and resources of a traditional employment search site with our freelance and contract work marketplace. There really is something for everyone here - we're not just another Christian job site." Notes company Vice President and co-founder Aaron Senseman on what sets the company apart from competitors.
The freelancing portion of AllChristianJobs.com works just like most sites of this nature. Employers post a description of their contract job need and a budget range. Applicants then place bids on the projects that interest them. Employers can then choose which bid they feel best suits their needs. Freelancers are charged a small commission if their bid is selected, however employers enjoy the service free of charge.
For employers looking for long-term professionals, AllChristianJobs.com still offers the traditional option of posting a paid ad in the site's career job section. The cost is only $89 and includes access to a resume search. Employers can purchase job postings for as low as $29.90 if they buy multiple job ad packages. Additionally, any ad purchased has a generous duration of up to 180 days.
AllChristianJobs.com has recently received distinction by Fast Company Magazine's Rusty Weston in an article about faith in the workplace and was identified as one of four apparent leaders in the field of online Christian job placement services. As they are currently the only company offering freelancing services for the Christian marketplace, they are no doubt poised for even more recognition in the future. Their service has already gained such notoriety that it is not uncommon to find dozens of freelance projects and over 100 competitive bids from freelancers on the site at any given time - all this in addition to their generous selection of long-term opportunities for career seekers.
For more information, visit AllChristianJobs.com
HOUSTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dozens of Christian job boards are currently available on the Internet, but there is only one that offers a freelance marketplace where Christian employers can connect with individuals or firms who offer contract services. That one place is AllChristianJobs.com, a site that has revolutionized job-hunting for the church, faith-based nonprofit and Christian education marketplaces. Through the site jobseekers can find both traditional career employment as well as freelance job opportunities.
"On any given day there are thousands of Christian job openings posted all over the Internet, but what has been largely if not entirely overlooked are the project and contract work needs to be found in the Christian marketplace. We aim to bring as much of that information into one place as possible. At AllChristianJobs.com we couple all of the benefits and resources of a traditional employment search site with our freelance and contract work marketplace. There really is something for everyone here - we're not just another Christian job site." Notes company Vice President and co-founder Aaron Senseman on what sets the company apart from competitors.
The freelancing portion of AllChristianJobs.com works just like most sites of this nature. Employers post a description of their contract job need and a budget range. Applicants then place bids on the projects that interest them. Employers can then choose which bid they feel best suits their needs. Freelancers are charged a small commission if their bid is selected, however employers enjoy the service free of charge.
For employers looking for long-term professionals, AllChristianJobs.com still offers the traditional option of posting a paid ad in the site's career job section. The cost is only $89 and includes access to a resume search. Employers can purchase job postings for as low as $29.90 if they buy multiple job ad packages. Additionally, any ad purchased has a generous duration of up to 180 days.
AllChristianJobs.com has recently received distinction by Fast Company Magazine's Rusty Weston in an article about faith in the workplace and was identified as one of four apparent leaders in the field of online Christian job placement services. As they are currently the only company offering freelancing services for the Christian marketplace, they are no doubt poised for even more recognition in the future. Their service has already gained such notoriety that it is not uncommon to find dozens of freelance projects and over 100 competitive bids from freelancers on the site at any given time - all this in addition to their generous selection of long-term opportunities for career seekers.
For more information, visit AllChristianJobs.com
'Oprah's Gospel:' Christian Newspapers Unite to Publish Revealing Story about Oprah Winfrey's Spiritual Beliefs
'Oprah's Gospel:' Christian Newspapers Unite to Publish Revealing Story about Oprah Winfrey's Spiritual Beliefs
SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Oprah's Gospel," an in-depth report about the spiritual beliefs of the popular entertainment mogul, Oprah Winfrey, will appear in the May edition of 23 Christian newspapers as part of an unprecedented joint project. The participating newspapers represent a combined distribution of 500,000 copies in 20 states and British Columbia.
The project involved 13 separate newspaper groups, all members of the Fellowship of Christian Newspapers, an affinity group within the Evangelical Press Association. In all, FCN represents about 40 regional Christian newspapers in the United States and Canada.
FCN members participate in frequent online interaction sharing technical, business and philosophical ideas. The group also participates in national advertising buys. Each spring, FCN presents an award for Christian Newspaper of the Year and various other writing awards.
The joint reporting venture was the brainchild of Lamar Keener, publisher of five Christian Examiner regional papers and the Minnesota Christian Chronicle. Keener, who also serves as president of the EPA, said the article was not a hit piece, but one that carefully shows Oprah's stance on spirituality, while also acknowledging her significant positive contributions within the entertainment industry and generosity towards many worthy causes.
"I was drawn to the subject of what Oprah believes about faith and spirituality by a YouTube video being highly circulated on the Internet," Keener said. "Personally, not being a viewer of any daytime television, I was unaware of both the magnitude of Oprah's audience and influence as well as the full nature of her message that is decidedly "New Age" and very much in conflict with biblical Christianity. It seemed like a story too big for us to do alone, so I enlisted a dozen other Christian newspaper publishers to join us in hiring a reporter for the project."
The writer for the project, Steve Rabey, is a nationally recognized Christian journalist based in Colorado Springs. In his report Rabey explores Oprah's belief that many paths lead to God. Among those who have influenced her spiritual beliefs is best-selling author Ekhart Tolle. According to the article Tolle mixes philosophies from Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, and uses such terms as "higher self" and "new consciousness."
In the article, Rabey uncovers a quote from Oprah telling fans to persist with the book because "we need to change the world."
The shared reporting concept proved to be an invaluable approach for the publishers.
"Regional Christian newspapers tend to be understaffed and underfunded and simply do not have the time or the financial resources to do much in-depth reporting," Keener said. "As regional publications, most of our efforts are on local stories rather than national stories. By pooling our resources we were able to hire an award-winning, well-respected Christian journalist for this important project."
A full version of the article, "Oprah's Gospel: Entertainment mogul preaches 'many paths' to God," may be found at http://www.christianexaminer.com or some of the other participating publication Web sites.
Participating newspapers:
B.C. Christian News — Vancouver, B.C.
Christian Examiner — San Diego Co., Orange Co., Los Angeles Co., Inland Empire (CA), Seattle
Christian News Northwest — Portland
The Chronicle Christian Newspaper — Wichita, Denver/Colorado Springs, Indianapolis, Memphis, Dallas
Citizen USA — Ohio
The Desert Voice — El Centro (CA)
The Heartland Gatekeeper — Omaha
Home Times Family Newspaper — West Palm Beach (FL)
Kansas City MetroVoice — Kansas City
Living Stones News — Duluth (MN), Sioux Falls (SD)
Minnesota Christian Chronicle — Minneapolis/St. Paul
Tri-State Voice — (NY, NJ, CT)
Wisconsin Christian News — Northern Wisconsin, Upper Michigan
SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Oprah's Gospel," an in-depth report about the spiritual beliefs of the popular entertainment mogul, Oprah Winfrey, will appear in the May edition of 23 Christian newspapers as part of an unprecedented joint project. The participating newspapers represent a combined distribution of 500,000 copies in 20 states and British Columbia.
The project involved 13 separate newspaper groups, all members of the Fellowship of Christian Newspapers, an affinity group within the Evangelical Press Association. In all, FCN represents about 40 regional Christian newspapers in the United States and Canada.
FCN members participate in frequent online interaction sharing technical, business and philosophical ideas. The group also participates in national advertising buys. Each spring, FCN presents an award for Christian Newspaper of the Year and various other writing awards.
The joint reporting venture was the brainchild of Lamar Keener, publisher of five Christian Examiner regional papers and the Minnesota Christian Chronicle. Keener, who also serves as president of the EPA, said the article was not a hit piece, but one that carefully shows Oprah's stance on spirituality, while also acknowledging her significant positive contributions within the entertainment industry and generosity towards many worthy causes.
"I was drawn to the subject of what Oprah believes about faith and spirituality by a YouTube video being highly circulated on the Internet," Keener said. "Personally, not being a viewer of any daytime television, I was unaware of both the magnitude of Oprah's audience and influence as well as the full nature of her message that is decidedly "New Age" and very much in conflict with biblical Christianity. It seemed like a story too big for us to do alone, so I enlisted a dozen other Christian newspaper publishers to join us in hiring a reporter for the project."
The writer for the project, Steve Rabey, is a nationally recognized Christian journalist based in Colorado Springs. In his report Rabey explores Oprah's belief that many paths lead to God. Among those who have influenced her spiritual beliefs is best-selling author Ekhart Tolle. According to the article Tolle mixes philosophies from Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, and uses such terms as "higher self" and "new consciousness."
In the article, Rabey uncovers a quote from Oprah telling fans to persist with the book because "we need to change the world."
The shared reporting concept proved to be an invaluable approach for the publishers.
"Regional Christian newspapers tend to be understaffed and underfunded and simply do not have the time or the financial resources to do much in-depth reporting," Keener said. "As regional publications, most of our efforts are on local stories rather than national stories. By pooling our resources we were able to hire an award-winning, well-respected Christian journalist for this important project."
A full version of the article, "Oprah's Gospel: Entertainment mogul preaches 'many paths' to God," may be found at http://www.christianexaminer.com or some of the other participating publication Web sites.
Participating newspapers:
B.C. Christian News — Vancouver, B.C.
Christian Examiner — San Diego Co., Orange Co., Los Angeles Co., Inland Empire (CA), Seattle
Christian News Northwest — Portland
The Chronicle Christian Newspaper — Wichita, Denver/Colorado Springs, Indianapolis, Memphis, Dallas
Citizen USA — Ohio
The Desert Voice — El Centro (CA)
The Heartland Gatekeeper — Omaha
Home Times Family Newspaper — West Palm Beach (FL)
Kansas City MetroVoice — Kansas City
Living Stones News — Duluth (MN), Sioux Falls (SD)
Minnesota Christian Chronicle — Minneapolis/St. Paul
Tri-State Voice — (NY, NJ, CT)
Wisconsin Christian News — Northern Wisconsin, Upper Michigan
Sing Changelujah: 'What Would Jesus Buy' Mission Presses on
Sing Changelujah: 'What Would Jesus Buy' Mission Presses on
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- "It is powerful; it's rooted in a missional, gospel-centered view of the Christian reality," says Mickey Klink, New Testament professor at Talbot School of Theology. Film critic Darrel Mason of Hollywood Jesus agrees. "What Would Jesus Buy? has a message that needs to be spoken to a world that is out of control," he says.
What Would Jesus Buy? is a satirical documentary that follows Reverend Billy and his Church of Stop Shopping on a cross-country road trip to save Christmas from being consumed by consumption. It is a consumption that is unchecked by where and how Americans buy their goods, the values that purchasing habits suggest, and what it ultimately does to compromise the celebrated season of Christmas.
With a successful release last Christmas to a select number of theaters, Reverend Billy and producer Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) hope to expand their message to a wider audience when What Would Jesus Buy? releases to DVD on May 20.
And they've assembled a broad base of support. Evangelical groups like Buy Nothing Christmas and Advent Conspiracy (a group of more than 1,000 churches started by Rick Mckinley of Imageo Dei Church) and fair trade organizations like Global Exchange and Co-Op America see the film as a showcase for discussions about the simple message of Christmas and the problems of America's consumption habits. Simply put: buy less and give more. "Christmas is meant to shake the world up. Not just be an occasion for more shopping!" says Jim Wallis of Sojourners.
What Would Jesus Buy? releases on DVD May 20 in an effort to build awareness in the months leading up to Christmas. For complete information, including resource materials, ongoing events and church services please visit www.wwjbmovie.com and www.revbilly.com. You'll be singing "Changelujah" too.
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- "It is powerful; it's rooted in a missional, gospel-centered view of the Christian reality," says Mickey Klink, New Testament professor at Talbot School of Theology. Film critic Darrel Mason of Hollywood Jesus agrees. "What Would Jesus Buy? has a message that needs to be spoken to a world that is out of control," he says.
What Would Jesus Buy? is a satirical documentary that follows Reverend Billy and his Church of Stop Shopping on a cross-country road trip to save Christmas from being consumed by consumption. It is a consumption that is unchecked by where and how Americans buy their goods, the values that purchasing habits suggest, and what it ultimately does to compromise the celebrated season of Christmas.
With a successful release last Christmas to a select number of theaters, Reverend Billy and producer Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) hope to expand their message to a wider audience when What Would Jesus Buy? releases to DVD on May 20.
And they've assembled a broad base of support. Evangelical groups like Buy Nothing Christmas and Advent Conspiracy (a group of more than 1,000 churches started by Rick Mckinley of Imageo Dei Church) and fair trade organizations like Global Exchange and Co-Op America see the film as a showcase for discussions about the simple message of Christmas and the problems of America's consumption habits. Simply put: buy less and give more. "Christmas is meant to shake the world up. Not just be an occasion for more shopping!" says Jim Wallis of Sojourners.
What Would Jesus Buy? releases on DVD May 20 in an effort to build awareness in the months leading up to Christmas. For complete information, including resource materials, ongoing events and church services please visit www.wwjbmovie.com and www.revbilly.com. You'll be singing "Changelujah" too.
Wells Fargo Shareholder Challenges Homosexual Agenda
Wells Fargo Shareholder Challenges Homosexual Agenda
DAYTON, Ohio, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a direct challenge to Wells Fargo's support of the homosexual agenda, a shareholder resolution asking Wells Fargo, one of the nation's largest banking institutions, "to formulate an equal employment policy ...that does not make reference to any matters related to sexual interests, activities or orientation" will be voted on at tomorrow's annual meeting.
The resolution reads in part: Whereas, our company seeks to hire the most qualified person and has never had a policy discriminating against any person, or groups of persons, for any reason.
Whereas, it would be inappropriate and possibly illegal to ask a job applicant or employee about their sexual interests, inclinations and activities.
Whereas, it is similarly inappropriate and legally problematic for employees to discuss personal sexual matters while on the job.
Whereas, unlike the issues of race, age, gender and certain physical disabilities, it would be impossible to discern a person's sexual orientation from their appearance.
Whereas, unless an employee chooses to talk about their sexual interests or activities while working, the issue of sexual orientation is, essentially, moot.
Whereas, domestic partner benefit policies pay employee benefits based on the employee engaging in unmarried, homosexual relations. These relations have been condemned by the major traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam for a thousand years or more.
Whereas, the Armed Forces of the United States is one of the largest and most diverse organizations in the world. They protect the security of us all while adhering to a "don't ask, don't tell policy" regarding sexual interests.
Whereas, marriage between heterosexuals has been protected and encouraged by a wide range of societies, cultures and faiths for ages.
Statement: While the legal institution of marriage between a man and a woman should be protected, the sexual interests of, inclinations and activities of all employees should be a private matter, not a corporate concern.
Pro Vita Advisors helped write and present this resolution. Contact: Thomas Strobhar, Pro Vita Advisors, 937-226-1337.
DAYTON, Ohio, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a direct challenge to Wells Fargo's support of the homosexual agenda, a shareholder resolution asking Wells Fargo, one of the nation's largest banking institutions, "to formulate an equal employment policy ...that does not make reference to any matters related to sexual interests, activities or orientation" will be voted on at tomorrow's annual meeting.
The resolution reads in part: Whereas, our company seeks to hire the most qualified person and has never had a policy discriminating against any person, or groups of persons, for any reason.
Whereas, it would be inappropriate and possibly illegal to ask a job applicant or employee about their sexual interests, inclinations and activities.
Whereas, it is similarly inappropriate and legally problematic for employees to discuss personal sexual matters while on the job.
Whereas, unlike the issues of race, age, gender and certain physical disabilities, it would be impossible to discern a person's sexual orientation from their appearance.
Whereas, unless an employee chooses to talk about their sexual interests or activities while working, the issue of sexual orientation is, essentially, moot.
Whereas, domestic partner benefit policies pay employee benefits based on the employee engaging in unmarried, homosexual relations. These relations have been condemned by the major traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam for a thousand years or more.
Whereas, the Armed Forces of the United States is one of the largest and most diverse organizations in the world. They protect the security of us all while adhering to a "don't ask, don't tell policy" regarding sexual interests.
Whereas, marriage between heterosexuals has been protected and encouraged by a wide range of societies, cultures and faiths for ages.
Statement: While the legal institution of marriage between a man and a woman should be protected, the sexual interests of, inclinations and activities of all employees should be a private matter, not a corporate concern.
Pro Vita Advisors helped write and present this resolution. Contact: Thomas Strobhar, Pro Vita Advisors, 937-226-1337.
Parents Should Think Twice -- Before 'Taking Two'
Parents Should Think Twice -- Before 'Taking Two'
MAITLAND, Fl., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games referring to itself as 'the purveyors of video gaming pleasure', has done it again, releasing another video game that contains extreme sexual and violent content.
Take-Two is anticipating $400 million in sales in just one week with its anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto IV tomorrow, April 29th. The Entertainment Software Rating Board ("ESRB") rates this game an "M" for "Mature", appropriate for ages 17 and up. Retailers are not required to enforce these ratings when making sales.
Beyond the intense violence, blood and mayhem, during the game the character can have sex with prostitutes, visit adult clubs, request a private lap dance and drive drunk.
The Timothy Plan, a morally responsible family of mutual funds, refuses to invest in companies like Take-Two Interactive because of their involvement in the anti-family entertainment and pornography industry. Arthur Ally, President of the Timothy Plan says, "This $30 billion a year entertainment business is exploiting sex and violence more than ever in their products. We hope more parents will not continue to fall into a category that four out of ten often do by relying simply on the ESRB rating and leave their children alone while they are playing video games."
Not intended for anyone under 18yrs old, many "unintended" children will no doubt find a way to obtain Grand Theft Auto IV.
http://www.whattheyplay.com/features/no-parents- allowed-grand-theft-auto-iv/
"While the ESRB system is a step in the right direction, the ratings are confusing and incomplete at best", Ally says.
Mr. Ally refers to the Rockstar game, Bully: Scholarship Education, which was released in March, revolving around a mischievous schoolboy and includes several scenes where the main character describes other boys as "hot" and himself as a "totally awesome kisser" after kissing other boys. Bully currently has an ESRB "Teen" rating, appropriate for ages 13 and up.
When Art Ally is interviewed or is a guest on your show, your audience will discover how they can incorporate an entirely new element into their investment decisions. They will learn how to discern between companies that make business decisions rooted in a value system that aligns with theirs and those that don't.
MAITLAND, Fl., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games referring to itself as 'the purveyors of video gaming pleasure', has done it again, releasing another video game that contains extreme sexual and violent content.
Take-Two is anticipating $400 million in sales in just one week with its anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto IV tomorrow, April 29th. The Entertainment Software Rating Board ("ESRB") rates this game an "M" for "Mature", appropriate for ages 17 and up. Retailers are not required to enforce these ratings when making sales.
Beyond the intense violence, blood and mayhem, during the game the character can have sex with prostitutes, visit adult clubs, request a private lap dance and drive drunk.
The Timothy Plan, a morally responsible family of mutual funds, refuses to invest in companies like Take-Two Interactive because of their involvement in the anti-family entertainment and pornography industry. Arthur Ally, President of the Timothy Plan says, "This $30 billion a year entertainment business is exploiting sex and violence more than ever in their products. We hope more parents will not continue to fall into a category that four out of ten often do by relying simply on the ESRB rating and leave their children alone while they are playing video games."
Not intended for anyone under 18yrs old, many "unintended" children will no doubt find a way to obtain Grand Theft Auto IV.
http://www.whattheyplay.com/features/no-parents- allowed-grand-theft-auto-iv/
"While the ESRB system is a step in the right direction, the ratings are confusing and incomplete at best", Ally says.
Mr. Ally refers to the Rockstar game, Bully: Scholarship Education, which was released in March, revolving around a mischievous schoolboy and includes several scenes where the main character describes other boys as "hot" and himself as a "totally awesome kisser" after kissing other boys. Bully currently has an ESRB "Teen" rating, appropriate for ages 13 and up.
When Art Ally is interviewed or is a guest on your show, your audience will discover how they can incorporate an entirely new element into their investment decisions. They will learn how to discern between companies that make business decisions rooted in a value system that aligns with theirs and those that don't.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright is Fostering Racial Division and Playing the 'Race Card' by Saying Criticisms of His Comments is an Attack on the Black Church
Rev. Jeremiah Wright is Fostering Racial Division and Playing the 'Race Card' by Saying Criticisms of His Comments is an Attack on the Black Church
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Christian Defense Coalition says Rev. Wright is disingenuously trying to make the critiques of his sermons about race and attacks against the black church rather than an honest assessment of his harsh and bitter views and comments.
The group says by attempting to deflect attention and responsibility away from his own words, Rev. Wright is creating a hostile and poisoned atmosphere for true racial dialogue and reconciliation.
Rev. Wright needs to understand this is not an attack on the black church, as he would have us believe, but rather this is outrage and anger over his hate-filled words.
The Coalition says it is imperative for Rev. Wright to accept responsibility for his own words and actions and stop making it an issue of race and hostility toward the black church.
Does this now mean that any criticisms of Senator Obama will also be an attack on race and the black church in America?
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "I was absolutely stunned over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's comments at the National Press Club today saying the criticism of his recent comments were an attack on the black church and not him. This is simply a transparent attempt by Rev. Wright to draw attention away from his thoughtless and bitter comments and attempt to make it about race.
"Instead of working to build a thoughtful and honest conversation on race in America, Rev. Wright has poisoned the waters by saying the criticisms against him were really an attack on the black church in America. It is disgraceful that a distinguished pastor, such as Rev. Wright, would play the 'race card' and resort to such manipulation and blame shifting to justify his own hate filled words.
"Rev. Wright must assume responsibility for his own harsh and insensitive words and not make it an issue of race or prejudice against the church. Simply said, Rev. Wright this is not an attack on the black church it is moral outrage against your mean spirited and bitter words.
"If Rev. Wright were truly interested in working toward racial reconciliation, one would have expected to see humility, openness and responsibility. Sadly, all we saw today was arrogance, blame shifting, and bitterness. Rev. Wright would be better served by not pointing fingers, by following the example of Christ and humbly building bridges."
For more information or interviews call: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 202.547.1735 Cell: 540.538.4741
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Christian Defense Coalition says Rev. Wright is disingenuously trying to make the critiques of his sermons about race and attacks against the black church rather than an honest assessment of his harsh and bitter views and comments.
The group says by attempting to deflect attention and responsibility away from his own words, Rev. Wright is creating a hostile and poisoned atmosphere for true racial dialogue and reconciliation.
Rev. Wright needs to understand this is not an attack on the black church, as he would have us believe, but rather this is outrage and anger over his hate-filled words.
The Coalition says it is imperative for Rev. Wright to accept responsibility for his own words and actions and stop making it an issue of race and hostility toward the black church.
Does this now mean that any criticisms of Senator Obama will also be an attack on race and the black church in America?
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "I was absolutely stunned over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's comments at the National Press Club today saying the criticism of his recent comments were an attack on the black church and not him. This is simply a transparent attempt by Rev. Wright to draw attention away from his thoughtless and bitter comments and attempt to make it about race.
"Instead of working to build a thoughtful and honest conversation on race in America, Rev. Wright has poisoned the waters by saying the criticisms against him were really an attack on the black church in America. It is disgraceful that a distinguished pastor, such as Rev. Wright, would play the 'race card' and resort to such manipulation and blame shifting to justify his own hate filled words.
"Rev. Wright must assume responsibility for his own harsh and insensitive words and not make it an issue of race or prejudice against the church. Simply said, Rev. Wright this is not an attack on the black church it is moral outrage against your mean spirited and bitter words.
"If Rev. Wright were truly interested in working toward racial reconciliation, one would have expected to see humility, openness and responsibility. Sadly, all we saw today was arrogance, blame shifting, and bitterness. Rev. Wright would be better served by not pointing fingers, by following the example of Christ and humbly building bridges."
For more information or interviews call: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 202.547.1735 Cell: 540.538.4741
Creation Care Leaders Join National Campaign to Protect Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming
Creation Care Leaders Join National Campaign to Protect Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Faith leaders are joining together with science, art, and justice groups in a national campaign to protect plants and animals threatened by global warming. The campaign, titled "Irreplaceable: Wildlife in a Warming World," brings the public face-to-face with wildlife most threatened by climate change - from the iconic polar bear to the monarch butterfly. Featuring the work of award-winning conservation photographers in a traveling photo exhibit and bringing together the voices of faith, science, and justice leaders, the campaign tells the story of how plants and animals are struggling to adapt to a warming world.
Climate change is transforming the planet -- from the Arctic to the subtropical forests of the Southeast. Rising temperatures are altering habitats, causing ripples up and down the food chain and demonstrating just how interconnected the creatures of this planet are. These threats to wildlife have galvanized faith groups such as the Noah Alliance, a collaboration of Evangelical, Protestant, Jewish, and other religious community organizations and individuals, to participate in the Irreplaceable campaign (www.irreplaceablewild.com).
"All faith traditions teach that we are called to care for the vulnerable. And in today's world, this includes species suffering because of climate change," said Suellen Lowry, Noah Alliance program director. "Scripture tells us that wildlife and habitat matter. Science and common sense tell us that people's well-being is intertwined with the world's biological diversity -- for our food, clean water, medical advances. So, for the sake of God's marvelous world, and its people, plants, and wildlife, we must take action."
"Our message is simple: God is a good God. God made a good earth. God calls us to be good stewards." said Peter Illyn, director of the evangelical Christian conservation group Restoring Eden. "Protecting the diversity and fruitfulness of the web of life is a sacred trust and we will reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of the choices we make."
The campaign's exhibit debuted in Providence, Rhode Island in April and will make stops in cities nationwide on the following schedule:
May 08: Missoula, MT
July 08: Seattle, WA
Fall 08: San Francisco, CA
Jan. 09: Los Angeles, CA
Feb. 09: New York, NY
April 09: Washington, D.C.
For more information, please visit www.irreplaceablewild.org
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Faith leaders are joining together with science, art, and justice groups in a national campaign to protect plants and animals threatened by global warming. The campaign, titled "Irreplaceable: Wildlife in a Warming World," brings the public face-to-face with wildlife most threatened by climate change - from the iconic polar bear to the monarch butterfly. Featuring the work of award-winning conservation photographers in a traveling photo exhibit and bringing together the voices of faith, science, and justice leaders, the campaign tells the story of how plants and animals are struggling to adapt to a warming world.
Climate change is transforming the planet -- from the Arctic to the subtropical forests of the Southeast. Rising temperatures are altering habitats, causing ripples up and down the food chain and demonstrating just how interconnected the creatures of this planet are. These threats to wildlife have galvanized faith groups such as the Noah Alliance, a collaboration of Evangelical, Protestant, Jewish, and other religious community organizations and individuals, to participate in the Irreplaceable campaign (www.irreplaceablewild.com).
"All faith traditions teach that we are called to care for the vulnerable. And in today's world, this includes species suffering because of climate change," said Suellen Lowry, Noah Alliance program director. "Scripture tells us that wildlife and habitat matter. Science and common sense tell us that people's well-being is intertwined with the world's biological diversity -- for our food, clean water, medical advances. So, for the sake of God's marvelous world, and its people, plants, and wildlife, we must take action."
"Our message is simple: God is a good God. God made a good earth. God calls us to be good stewards." said Peter Illyn, director of the evangelical Christian conservation group Restoring Eden. "Protecting the diversity and fruitfulness of the web of life is a sacred trust and we will reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of the choices we make."
The campaign's exhibit debuted in Providence, Rhode Island in April and will make stops in cities nationwide on the following schedule:
May 08: Missoula, MT
July 08: Seattle, WA
Fall 08: San Francisco, CA
Jan. 09: Los Angeles, CA
Feb. 09: New York, NY
April 09: Washington, D.C.
For more information, please visit www.irreplaceablewild.org
Priests for Life Comments on Giuliani Communion Issue
Priests for Life Comments on Giuliani Communion Issue
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rudy Giuliani, in response to Cardinal Egan's statement that he should not have received Communion because of his support of abortion rights, said that his faith "is a deeply personal matter and should remain confidential."
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, responded, "The Catholic faith is not simply about one's private and confidential relationship with God. It's public, as evidenced by the fact that Mr. Giuliani received Communion in public. Mr. Giuliani's support of legal abortion is also public. That's why Cardinal Egan's remarks are entirely appropriate, as is his expectation that Mr. Giuliani abide by those remarks."
Fr. Pavone continued, "In this election cycle, we are challenging all public officials who support legal abortion to admit exactly what it is. We have posted on YouTube a video demonstration of the two most common abortion procedures ( www.YouTube.com/frfrankpavone), as described by abortionists. We respectfully ask Mr. Giuliani, and everyone else who thinks abortion should be legal, to tell us whether, when they say 'abortion,' they are talking about the same thing that these videos depict."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rudy Giuliani, in response to Cardinal Egan's statement that he should not have received Communion because of his support of abortion rights, said that his faith "is a deeply personal matter and should remain confidential."
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, responded, "The Catholic faith is not simply about one's private and confidential relationship with God. It's public, as evidenced by the fact that Mr. Giuliani received Communion in public. Mr. Giuliani's support of legal abortion is also public. That's why Cardinal Egan's remarks are entirely appropriate, as is his expectation that Mr. Giuliani abide by those remarks."
Fr. Pavone continued, "In this election cycle, we are challenging all public officials who support legal abortion to admit exactly what it is. We have posted on YouTube a video demonstration of the two most common abortion procedures ( www.YouTube.com/frfrankpavone), as described by abortionists. We respectfully ask Mr. Giuliani, and everyone else who thinks abortion should be legal, to tell us whether, when they say 'abortion,' they are talking about the same thing that these videos depict."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro- life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia. For more information, visit www.priestsforlife.org.
UM Action Celebrates Downfall of Anti-Israel Divestment Proposals
UM Action Celebrates Downfall of Anti-Israel Divestment Proposals
"Anti-Israel Divestment seems to have died within the United Methodist Church. Good Riddance!" - UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley
FT. WORTH, Texas, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Several sweeping divestment proposals aimed against Israel have been defeated in committee at the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. They now appear to be dead. The proposals, which exclusively faulted Israel for strife in the Middle East, would have moved the church to divest itself of investments in companies that did business with Israel.
In addition to the defeat of the divestment proposals, the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) at first submitted, but then withdrew legislation to divest the United Methodist Church from Caterpillar, Inc. because it sells equipment to Israel. GBCS alleged that Caterpillar bulldozers support Israel's so-called occupation of the Palestinians.
The conference, United Methodism's chief rulemaking body, is a denominational gathering that occurs every four years and brings together delegates from around the world.
UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley commented,
"Anti-Israel Divestment seems to have died within the United Methodist Church. Good Riddance!"
"We are heartened by the rejection of all five divestment petitions. Portraying Israel as the Western oppressor and the Palestinians as a Third World victim is not helpful in advocating justice and peace for all.
"The United Methodist Church has now joined all other Mainline denominations in refusing to target Israel for divestment.
"The decisions to withdraw an anti-Caterpillar resolution and the defeat of one-sided anti-Israel divestment resolutions in committee are decisive steps towards adopting a more equitable stance on the Middle East."
"Anti-Israel Divestment seems to have died within the United Methodist Church. Good Riddance!" - UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley
FT. WORTH, Texas, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Several sweeping divestment proposals aimed against Israel have been defeated in committee at the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. They now appear to be dead. The proposals, which exclusively faulted Israel for strife in the Middle East, would have moved the church to divest itself of investments in companies that did business with Israel.
In addition to the defeat of the divestment proposals, the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) at first submitted, but then withdrew legislation to divest the United Methodist Church from Caterpillar, Inc. because it sells equipment to Israel. GBCS alleged that Caterpillar bulldozers support Israel's so-called occupation of the Palestinians.
The conference, United Methodism's chief rulemaking body, is a denominational gathering that occurs every four years and brings together delegates from around the world.
UM Action Executive Director Mark Tooley commented,
"Anti-Israel Divestment seems to have died within the United Methodist Church. Good Riddance!"
"We are heartened by the rejection of all five divestment petitions. Portraying Israel as the Western oppressor and the Palestinians as a Third World victim is not helpful in advocating justice and peace for all.
"The United Methodist Church has now joined all other Mainline denominations in refusing to target Israel for divestment.
"The decisions to withdraw an anti-Caterpillar resolution and the defeat of one-sided anti-Israel divestment resolutions in committee are decisive steps towards adopting a more equitable stance on the Middle East."
Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr., Prominent Black Minister, Attorney and Law Professor
Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr., Prominent Black Minister, Attorney and Law Professor Says Jeremiah Wright Undermines the Integrity of the Black Church, the Black Preacher and The Gospel Message Itself
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 28 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bishop Jackson, who has spoken out on issues as a pastor, former radio talk show host and former official of the Christian Coalition, has continued his campaign to inform the public that Jeremiah Wright does not represent Biblical Christianity. Says Bishop Jackson, "I must take a stand against heresy masquerading as Christianity. It is not the media - whether Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News or anyone else - which has attacked the black church. It is Jeremiah Wright who has attacked and undermined the black church. The media has simply done its job of reporting the outrageous anti-American, anti-Christian and unpatriotic statements of Rev. Wright."
Barrack Obama's former Pastor spoke last night to the NAACP and to the National Press Club this morning. In Bishop Jackson's view he confirmed the accuracy of the so called "sound bites". Says Bishop Jackson, "Wright reiterated his rather crazy belief that America created AIDS to kill black people. He affirmed that Louis Farrakhan is one of the most important voices in the world. He again accused Israel of ruling the Palestinians in an apartheid fashion. And perhaps worst of all, he again accused the United States of being a terrorist country which brought 9-1-1 upon ourselves. It is frightening to think we may be about to elect a President who spent 20 years under the tutelage of such a man."
What also incensed Bishop Jackson is that Wright suggested that the reason he is being "attacked" is that the media does not understand the style of black preaching. "Style is not the issue," Bishop Jackson counters. "The problem is the substance of what Rev. Wright says, not his 'bombastic' style. Preachers from many cultural backgrounds raise their voices at times. The question is not their volume, but their values. The rub with Wright is that he's wrong, not that he's loud. Rev. Wright does not represent the Biblical Christianity of the black church, and it is presumptuous for him to suggest that he does."
Bishop Jackson is calling on Christians - of every race and culture - nationwide to unite in denouncing the false messages of Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and others like them. On Barak Obama's long association with Wright, the Bishop says, "It would be wonderful to one day see an African American elected President, but it does not appear that Barak Obama should be that person."
View Bishop Jackson's Biography here.
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 28 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bishop Jackson, who has spoken out on issues as a pastor, former radio talk show host and former official of the Christian Coalition, has continued his campaign to inform the public that Jeremiah Wright does not represent Biblical Christianity. Says Bishop Jackson, "I must take a stand against heresy masquerading as Christianity. It is not the media - whether Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News or anyone else - which has attacked the black church. It is Jeremiah Wright who has attacked and undermined the black church. The media has simply done its job of reporting the outrageous anti-American, anti-Christian and unpatriotic statements of Rev. Wright."
Barrack Obama's former Pastor spoke last night to the NAACP and to the National Press Club this morning. In Bishop Jackson's view he confirmed the accuracy of the so called "sound bites". Says Bishop Jackson, "Wright reiterated his rather crazy belief that America created AIDS to kill black people. He affirmed that Louis Farrakhan is one of the most important voices in the world. He again accused Israel of ruling the Palestinians in an apartheid fashion. And perhaps worst of all, he again accused the United States of being a terrorist country which brought 9-1-1 upon ourselves. It is frightening to think we may be about to elect a President who spent 20 years under the tutelage of such a man."
What also incensed Bishop Jackson is that Wright suggested that the reason he is being "attacked" is that the media does not understand the style of black preaching. "Style is not the issue," Bishop Jackson counters. "The problem is the substance of what Rev. Wright says, not his 'bombastic' style. Preachers from many cultural backgrounds raise their voices at times. The question is not their volume, but their values. The rub with Wright is that he's wrong, not that he's loud. Rev. Wright does not represent the Biblical Christianity of the black church, and it is presumptuous for him to suggest that he does."
Bishop Jackson is calling on Christians - of every race and culture - nationwide to unite in denouncing the false messages of Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and others like them. On Barak Obama's long association with Wright, the Bishop says, "It would be wonderful to one day see an African American elected President, but it does not appear that Barak Obama should be that person."
View Bishop Jackson's Biography here.
Judge Joins Abortion Corruption Scandal; Quashes Subpoena for Health Dept. Evidence in Planned Parenthood Criminal Case
Judge Joins Abortion Corruption Scandal; Quashes Subpoena for Health Dept. Evidence in Planned Parenthood Criminal Case
OR calls for Judge Tatum to recuse himself in the interest of justice.
OLATHE, Kans., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Judge Stephen Tatum told the Kansas Department of Health and Environment today that it did not have to honor a subpoena from county prosecutors for evidence in a criminal case against Planned Parenthood.
District Attorney Phill Kline had asked the KDH&E to supply the records, or admit that the records that Kline obtained during his term as State Attorney General were true representations. The KDH&E then filed a motion to quash the subpoena, saying District Attorneys are not entitled to such evidence.
Judge Richard Anderson, who oversaw Kline's abortion clinic investigations while he was still the attorney general, has already testified before Judge Tatum that he had strong reason to believe that those same records regarding late-term abortions done at Planned Parenthood had been falsified.
"By denying evidence to prosecutors that could confirm that Planned Parenthood falsified reports to cover up for illegal abortions, Judge Tatum has officially joined the Kansas abortion corruption scandal. We call for Judge Tatum to immediately recuse himself from the Planned Parenthood case in the interest of justice, since he cannot be trusted to rule impartially," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger.
Former Attorney General Paul Morrison and two top members of the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts have already resigned after their parts in abortion cover-ups came to light.
It is not believed that the quashing of the subpoena will hurt the prosecution of 107 criminal charges filed against Planned Parenthood last year, 23 of which are felonies. However, it will require lengthy questioning at the time of trial to establish a chain of custody of the records already in the possession of the DA's office, something the KDH&E could have prevented.
"People should be aware that the records in question are not women's medical files, but are simply reports that Planned Parenthood made to the KDH&E as mandated by the Legislature. At no time has anyone's privacy ever been at risk," said Sullenger. "This is just a blatant matter of preventing prosecutors from being able to properly do their jobs in order to conceal criminal conduct by abortionists. Judge Tatum should not only recuse himself, but he should face serious sanctions for obstructing justice."
About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
OR calls for Judge Tatum to recuse himself in the interest of justice.
OLATHE, Kans., April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Judge Stephen Tatum told the Kansas Department of Health and Environment today that it did not have to honor a subpoena from county prosecutors for evidence in a criminal case against Planned Parenthood.
District Attorney Phill Kline had asked the KDH&E to supply the records, or admit that the records that Kline obtained during his term as State Attorney General were true representations. The KDH&E then filed a motion to quash the subpoena, saying District Attorneys are not entitled to such evidence.
Judge Richard Anderson, who oversaw Kline's abortion clinic investigations while he was still the attorney general, has already testified before Judge Tatum that he had strong reason to believe that those same records regarding late-term abortions done at Planned Parenthood had been falsified.
"By denying evidence to prosecutors that could confirm that Planned Parenthood falsified reports to cover up for illegal abortions, Judge Tatum has officially joined the Kansas abortion corruption scandal. We call for Judge Tatum to immediately recuse himself from the Planned Parenthood case in the interest of justice, since he cannot be trusted to rule impartially," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger.
Former Attorney General Paul Morrison and two top members of the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts have already resigned after their parts in abortion cover-ups came to light.
It is not believed that the quashing of the subpoena will hurt the prosecution of 107 criminal charges filed against Planned Parenthood last year, 23 of which are felonies. However, it will require lengthy questioning at the time of trial to establish a chain of custody of the records already in the possession of the DA's office, something the KDH&E could have prevented.
"People should be aware that the records in question are not women's medical files, but are simply reports that Planned Parenthood made to the KDH&E as mandated by the Legislature. At no time has anyone's privacy ever been at risk," said Sullenger. "This is just a blatant matter of preventing prosecutors from being able to properly do their jobs in order to conceal criminal conduct by abortionists. Judge Tatum should not only recuse himself, but he should face serious sanctions for obstructing justice."
About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Andrew Palau Wraps Mandeville Opener of 3-City Jamaican Festival
Andrew Palau Wraps Mandeville Opener of 3-City Jamaican Festival
MANDEVILLE, Jamaica, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- In the largest public gathering ever seen in Mandeville, Jamaica, the Best Dressed 50Fest with Andrew Palau wrapped Sunday night, April 27, as tens of thousands packed the playfield of Manchester High School for two days of entertainment and messages of hope.
The event launched a 3-city celebration running April 26 through May 4 that marks the 50th anniversary of Jamaica Broilers Group. In partnership with the global ministry of the Luis Palau Association and churches across Jamaica, JBG has underwritten the costs for free, family-friendly festivals in Mandeville, Montego Bay and Kingston. The festivals will feature both local and international gospel musicians, including Papa San, Carlene Davis, Prodigal Son, tobyMac, and Israel Houghton & New Breed, as well as messages of God's love from evangelists Luis Palau, Andrew Palau and Miles McPherson.
Perched in Jamaica's central mountains west of Kingston, Mandeville was the perfect setting for this "festival for everyone": world-class Christian music, extreme sports demos from the Livin It® Action Sports Team; a massive children's Fun Zone and stage; and a powerful Gospel message from world evangelist and Christian communicator Andrew Palau. Some of the Caribbean's biggest musical stars entertained the crowds, including MAJA Artist of the Year D.J. Nicholas, gospel music veterans Hensley King and the Grace Thrillers, dancehall standout Prodigal Son, and "Songbird of the Caribbean" Carlene Davis.
"This weekend we saw the fruit of years of relationship-building between our friends at Broilers and Jamaica's church family," said Palau. "It's a thrill for us to be partnering with the churches and with a company that has been so blessed by God for their service and their faithfulness."
As with all Palau festivals, evangelism was at the heart of 50Fest. A Gospel message was presented multiple times from the skateboard deck, the motocross ramps and the children's stage. On the main stage, Andrew Palau presented a clear Gospel message as he has at similar events in India, Egypt, central Europe and throughout the United States. Several thousand documented decisions to follow Christ were collected.
The next few weeks will be particularly busy for Palau. From Mandeville he flies to Ethiopia where he'll join wife Wendy as they adopt a baby girl. After a brief time at home he travels to speak at festivals in Bucharest, Romania, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and Dallas, Texas.
MANDEVILLE, Jamaica, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- In the largest public gathering ever seen in Mandeville, Jamaica, the Best Dressed 50Fest with Andrew Palau wrapped Sunday night, April 27, as tens of thousands packed the playfield of Manchester High School for two days of entertainment and messages of hope.
The event launched a 3-city celebration running April 26 through May 4 that marks the 50th anniversary of Jamaica Broilers Group. In partnership with the global ministry of the Luis Palau Association and churches across Jamaica, JBG has underwritten the costs for free, family-friendly festivals in Mandeville, Montego Bay and Kingston. The festivals will feature both local and international gospel musicians, including Papa San, Carlene Davis, Prodigal Son, tobyMac, and Israel Houghton & New Breed, as well as messages of God's love from evangelists Luis Palau, Andrew Palau and Miles McPherson.
Perched in Jamaica's central mountains west of Kingston, Mandeville was the perfect setting for this "festival for everyone": world-class Christian music, extreme sports demos from the Livin It® Action Sports Team; a massive children's Fun Zone and stage; and a powerful Gospel message from world evangelist and Christian communicator Andrew Palau. Some of the Caribbean's biggest musical stars entertained the crowds, including MAJA Artist of the Year D.J. Nicholas, gospel music veterans Hensley King and the Grace Thrillers, dancehall standout Prodigal Son, and "Songbird of the Caribbean" Carlene Davis.
"This weekend we saw the fruit of years of relationship-building between our friends at Broilers and Jamaica's church family," said Palau. "It's a thrill for us to be partnering with the churches and with a company that has been so blessed by God for their service and their faithfulness."
As with all Palau festivals, evangelism was at the heart of 50Fest. A Gospel message was presented multiple times from the skateboard deck, the motocross ramps and the children's stage. On the main stage, Andrew Palau presented a clear Gospel message as he has at similar events in India, Egypt, central Europe and throughout the United States. Several thousand documented decisions to follow Christ were collected.
The next few weeks will be particularly busy for Palau. From Mandeville he flies to Ethiopia where he'll join wife Wendy as they adopt a baby girl. After a brief time at home he travels to speak at festivals in Bucharest, Romania, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and Dallas, Texas.
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and America's Promise Alliance to Host Briefing On America's Dropout Epidemic
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and America's Promise Alliance to Host Briefing On America's Dropout Epidemic
Experts discuss ways to curb dropout trend in America's high schools
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, April 30, 2008, the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI), in partnership with America's Promise Alliance, will convene a policy briefing entitled, "The Dropout Epidemic in the U.S. and Cross-Sector Solutions." OFBCI Director Jay Hein will join America's Promise Alliance Board Chair Alma Powell and President and CEO Marguerite Kondracke, and other experts like former Governor Bob Wise and Rev. Wilson Goode, to explore factors that lead to over a million high school dropouts each year. Additionally, panelists will discuss public and private sector innovations to help reverse this "silent epidemic" in partnership with community-based nonprofits and faith-based organizations.
A complete event agenda is attached.
WHAT: White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Policy Briefing
"The Dropout Epidemic in the U.S. and Cross-Sector Solutions"
WHERE: The White House
Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)
Room 350
WHEN: Wednesday, April 30, 2008
9 a.m. - 11 a.m. EDT
Members of the press should arrive at the Northwest Appointment Gate by 8:30 a.m. EDT to ensure entry.
NOTE: Members of the press who do not have a White House press credential must fax his or her name (as it appears on his or her driver's license), Social Security number and date of birth on company letterhead to (202) 456-7019 no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29, 2008. For additional credentialing or logistical questions, please call (202) 456-7348.
White House OFBCI Briefing in Partnership with America's Promise Alliance
Dropout epidemic in the United States and Cross- Sector Solutions
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
9:30 - 9:35 Welcome and Introduction
Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
9:35 - 9:45 Keynote Remarks
Alma J. Powell
Chairman, America's Promise Alliance
9:45 - 9:50 Video Message from General Powell
9:50 - 10:00 Youth Presentation
10:00 - 10:45 Panel I: Discussion on Need
Moderator: Governor Bob Wise
President, Alliance for Excellent Education
Panelist: John Bridgeland
President and CEO, Civic Enterprises
Panelist: Holly Kuzmich
Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Education
Panelist: Matthew Gandal
Executive Vice President, Achieve
10:45 - 11:30 Panel II: Response to Dropout Epidemic
Moderator: Marguerite Kondracke
President and CEO, America's Promise Alliance
Panelist: David Eisner
CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service
Panelist: Melissa Pardue
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Panelist: Susan Santana
Assistant VP for External Affairs, AT&T
Panelist: Tom Tillapaugh
Founder and Administrator, Denver Street School
President, National Association of Street Schools
11:30 - 11:45 Closing Remarks
Rev. Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr.
Director, Amachi
Experts discuss ways to curb dropout trend in America's high schools
WASHINGTON, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, April 30, 2008, the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI), in partnership with America's Promise Alliance, will convene a policy briefing entitled, "The Dropout Epidemic in the U.S. and Cross-Sector Solutions." OFBCI Director Jay Hein will join America's Promise Alliance Board Chair Alma Powell and President and CEO Marguerite Kondracke, and other experts like former Governor Bob Wise and Rev. Wilson Goode, to explore factors that lead to over a million high school dropouts each year. Additionally, panelists will discuss public and private sector innovations to help reverse this "silent epidemic" in partnership with community-based nonprofits and faith-based organizations.
A complete event agenda is attached.
WHAT: White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Policy Briefing
"The Dropout Epidemic in the U.S. and Cross-Sector Solutions"
WHERE: The White House
Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB)
Room 350
WHEN: Wednesday, April 30, 2008
9 a.m. - 11 a.m. EDT
Members of the press should arrive at the Northwest Appointment Gate by 8:30 a.m. EDT to ensure entry.
NOTE: Members of the press who do not have a White House press credential must fax his or her name (as it appears on his or her driver's license), Social Security number and date of birth on company letterhead to (202) 456-7019 no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29, 2008. For additional credentialing or logistical questions, please call (202) 456-7348.
White House OFBCI Briefing in Partnership with America's Promise Alliance
Dropout epidemic in the United States and Cross- Sector Solutions
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
9:30 - 9:35 Welcome and Introduction
Jay Hein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director
White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
9:35 - 9:45 Keynote Remarks
Alma J. Powell
Chairman, America's Promise Alliance
9:45 - 9:50 Video Message from General Powell
9:50 - 10:00 Youth Presentation
10:00 - 10:45 Panel I: Discussion on Need
Moderator: Governor Bob Wise
President, Alliance for Excellent Education
Panelist: John Bridgeland
President and CEO, Civic Enterprises
Panelist: Holly Kuzmich
Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Education
Panelist: Matthew Gandal
Executive Vice President, Achieve
10:45 - 11:30 Panel II: Response to Dropout Epidemic
Moderator: Marguerite Kondracke
President and CEO, America's Promise Alliance
Panelist: David Eisner
CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service
Panelist: Melissa Pardue
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Panelist: Susan Santana
Assistant VP for External Affairs, AT&T
Panelist: Tom Tillapaugh
Founder and Administrator, Denver Street School
President, National Association of Street Schools
11:30 - 11:45 Closing Remarks
Rev. Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr.
Director, Amachi
Joy Junction Running Out of Food
Joy Junction Running Out of Food
Shelter Feeding almost 10,000 Meals a Month and Sheltering Over 300 People Nightly
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Homeless men, women and families continue in droves to call Joy Junction -- Albuquerque's largest emergency homeless shelter -- for a ride to warmth, safety and a hot meal.
Shelter officials say the two-decade old ministry has been feeding and sheltering more than 300 people nightly. That's almost 10,000 meals a month and 9,000-plus nights of shelter.
These homeless men, women and children would have otherwise been forced to wonder where their next meal was coming from, and contend with life on Albuquerque's streets.
A few years ago Joy Junction fed and cared for around 150 people a night. Now that number is regularly over 300 people nightly.
All those extra meals are putting a strain on the shelter's dwindling food supplies. Shelves are fast getting bare. Joy Junction Founder and CEO Dr. Jeremy Reynalds said, "I'm concerned that I'll get a call from our chef one morning saying, 'Our shelves are empty!'"
Reynalds said he is hoping generous friends in the community will help replenish the shelter's food cupboards. Donations can be bought down to the shelter's South Valley location at 4500 Second Street SW.
In addition, the shelter is fast running out of space. Reynalds said, "The increase in need shows no signs of going away. We need to be looking at the possibility of increasing the numbers of those whom we can help."
An ability to expand, Reynalds said, would of course depend on the community's willingness to support such a move. Joy Junction does not receive government support of any kind.
Reynalds attributed the increase in Joy Junction's numbers to a number of issues, including a difficult economy with sky- rocketing prices plunging more people on the edge into need, and an increased awareness among the needy that the faith-based philosophy which characterizes Joy Junction really does work.
"People are looking for answers," Reynalds said. "And while not in any way decrying professional therapeutic help, the best answer we have for those gripped by depression, substance abuse or whatever need they may be experiencing is the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ."
Shelter Feeding almost 10,000 Meals a Month and Sheltering Over 300 People Nightly
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Homeless men, women and families continue in droves to call Joy Junction -- Albuquerque's largest emergency homeless shelter -- for a ride to warmth, safety and a hot meal.
Shelter officials say the two-decade old ministry has been feeding and sheltering more than 300 people nightly. That's almost 10,000 meals a month and 9,000-plus nights of shelter.
These homeless men, women and children would have otherwise been forced to wonder where their next meal was coming from, and contend with life on Albuquerque's streets.
A few years ago Joy Junction fed and cared for around 150 people a night. Now that number is regularly over 300 people nightly.
All those extra meals are putting a strain on the shelter's dwindling food supplies. Shelves are fast getting bare. Joy Junction Founder and CEO Dr. Jeremy Reynalds said, "I'm concerned that I'll get a call from our chef one morning saying, 'Our shelves are empty!'"
Reynalds said he is hoping generous friends in the community will help replenish the shelter's food cupboards. Donations can be bought down to the shelter's South Valley location at 4500 Second Street SW.
In addition, the shelter is fast running out of space. Reynalds said, "The increase in need shows no signs of going away. We need to be looking at the possibility of increasing the numbers of those whom we can help."
An ability to expand, Reynalds said, would of course depend on the community's willingness to support such a move. Joy Junction does not receive government support of any kind.
Reynalds attributed the increase in Joy Junction's numbers to a number of issues, including a difficult economy with sky- rocketing prices plunging more people on the edge into need, and an increased awareness among the needy that the faith-based philosophy which characterizes Joy Junction really does work.
"People are looking for answers," Reynalds said. "And while not in any way decrying professional therapeutic help, the best answer we have for those gripped by depression, substance abuse or whatever need they may be experiencing is the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ."
The Face of Homelessness

Photograph: Christian Newswire
The Face of Homelessness
ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, April 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Albuquerque resident Dr. Jeremy Reynalds is best known as the founder and CEO of Joy Junction, New Mexico's largest emergency homeless shelter.
What is not so well known is that after immigrating to the United States he became homeless through unfortunate circumstances, got back on his feet with the help of the Lord and while running Joy Junction earned an undergraduate degree, a master's in communication and a doctorate in intercultural education.
Reynalds' story is told in "Homeless in the City: A Call to Service" (Theatron Books, 2007).
Now in his newest book, "The Face of Homelessness" (Theatron Books, March 20 2008), Reynalds captures the heart of the Lord in the real life stories of people who just like Reynalds were desperate but found hope in Jesus Christ.
The book has received enthusiastic praise. Wayne Barber, Senior Pastor of Albuquerque's Hoffmantown Church said, "Reynalds helps us see that when we step out of our comfort zones and allow Christ to live through us we see through His eyes the hopelessness that is all around us! This book is compelling reading and you will have a hard time putting it down. "
British singer and advocate of peace and justice Garth Hewitt said, "Jeremy Reynalds has walked beside the homeless for so many years - this book gives a glimpse of his story and an insight into the changed lives he has seen and it is a challenge to society to look into the face of homelessness and do something."
Reynalds said, "There appear to be an ever increasing number of homeless people in Albuquerque. It's a tragedy that some people pass the homeless in the streets, turn the other way or write them off. The homeless have apparently become a nameless and faceless embarrassment to those who judge them without taking the time to find out why they are homeless. In this book I have tried to give a face to the faceless by the power of words. I hope the stories speak as powerfully to readers as they did to me."
For more information and a sample chapter go to www.homelessbook.com
Friday, April 25, 2008
Conservative Church Leader to Attend Meeting with Obama's Pastor
Conservative Church Leader to Attend Meeting with Obama's Pastor
WASHINGTON, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the conservative National Clergy Council and chairman of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance, will attend a National Press Club Breakfast featuring Sen. Barack Obama's long-time pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, on Monday, April 28, at 8:30 AM, at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045.
Rev. Schenck said, "Jeremiah Wright's liberation theology puts him in a camp of violent extremists who use guns and grenades in the name of religion. Dr. Wright needs to unequivocally denounce these dangerous movements and explain how he is fundamentally different from them."
Rev. Schenck will report Dr. Wright's comments to church leaders around the country and will seek to respectfully engage the United Church of Christ minister on several questions about his controversial sermons and statements. Rev. Schenck will also deliver a personal letter asking Dr. Wright to participate in a conversation on theology, race and culture.
Rev. Schenck will be available to the media for comment immediately before and after Monday's breakfast event. Contact Peggy Birchfield, 202-236- 0953.
WASHINGTON, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Reverend Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), president of the conservative National Clergy Council and chairman of the Committee on Church and Society for the Evangelical Church Alliance, will attend a National Press Club Breakfast featuring Sen. Barack Obama's long-time pastor, Dr. Jeremiah Wright, on Monday, April 28, at 8:30 AM, at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045.
Rev. Schenck said, "Jeremiah Wright's liberation theology puts him in a camp of violent extremists who use guns and grenades in the name of religion. Dr. Wright needs to unequivocally denounce these dangerous movements and explain how he is fundamentally different from them."
Rev. Schenck will report Dr. Wright's comments to church leaders around the country and will seek to respectfully engage the United Church of Christ minister on several questions about his controversial sermons and statements. Rev. Schenck will also deliver a personal letter asking Dr. Wright to participate in a conversation on theology, race and culture.
Rev. Schenck will be available to the media for comment immediately before and after Monday's breakfast event. Contact Peggy Birchfield, 202-236- 0953.
Sacramento Libraries Still Operating Like Porn Parlors
Sacramento Libraries Still Operating Like Porn Parlors
County library board deadlocks on proposal for porn-free computer policy
SACRAMENTO, Calif., April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- he 27-branch Sacramento Public Library board has deadlocked 7-7 on a proposal to abandon the policy of allowing all kinds of pornography at computer internet terminals. Thursday's vote of the 14-member board continues the stalemate between the ACLU, which wants to remove existing porn filters and use taxpayer funds to buy expensive pornography-viewing computer desks, and pro-family organizations, which want a no-porn policy to restore a safe and decent library environment for children.
Voting for porn-free libraries:
Voting to expand access to porn at libraries:
1. Sacramento County Supervisor Don Nottoli
1. Sacramento Vice Mayor Kevin McCarty
2. Isleton City Councilwoman Elizabeth Samano
2. Sacramento City Councilwoman Bonnie Pannell
3. Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan
3. Sacramento County Supervisor Roger Dickinson
4. Rancho Cordova City Councilman David Sander
4. Sacramento City Councilwoman Sandy Sheedy
5. Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters
5. Linda Kimura, representing County Supervisor Jimmy Yee
6. Elk Grove City Councilwoman Sophia Scherman
6. Sacramento City Councilman Raymond Tretheway
7. Citrus Heights City Councilman Jeff Slowey
7. Sacramento City Councilman Robbie Waters (Chair)
"People are shocked to learn that sex addicts are viewing pornography, violent rape images and even child pornography everyday at the library," Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), told the library board. "Sex addicts viewing pornography are mast*rb*ting at computer desks and in restrooms. What parent would want their children to be in this disgusting environment?"
Thomasson provided the 14 board members with the no-porn policy and procedures of the Monroe County Library System in Rochester, New York. "Libraries should adopt this model policy that uses the latest technology to block sexually-explicit web sites, but still allows for bona fide research," he said.
Click here for the rest of this news release
CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (CCF) is a leading nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing children and families in California and America. CCF stands for marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.
County library board deadlocks on proposal for porn-free computer policy
SACRAMENTO, Calif., April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- he 27-branch Sacramento Public Library board has deadlocked 7-7 on a proposal to abandon the policy of allowing all kinds of pornography at computer internet terminals. Thursday's vote of the 14-member board continues the stalemate between the ACLU, which wants to remove existing porn filters and use taxpayer funds to buy expensive pornography-viewing computer desks, and pro-family organizations, which want a no-porn policy to restore a safe and decent library environment for children.
Voting for porn-free libraries:
Voting to expand access to porn at libraries:
1. Sacramento County Supervisor Don Nottoli
1. Sacramento Vice Mayor Kevin McCarty
2. Isleton City Councilwoman Elizabeth Samano
2. Sacramento City Councilwoman Bonnie Pannell
3. Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan
3. Sacramento County Supervisor Roger Dickinson
4. Rancho Cordova City Councilman David Sander
4. Sacramento City Councilwoman Sandy Sheedy
5. Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters
5. Linda Kimura, representing County Supervisor Jimmy Yee
6. Elk Grove City Councilwoman Sophia Scherman
6. Sacramento City Councilman Raymond Tretheway
7. Citrus Heights City Councilman Jeff Slowey
7. Sacramento City Councilman Robbie Waters (Chair)
"People are shocked to learn that sex addicts are viewing pornography, violent rape images and even child pornography everyday at the library," Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), told the library board. "Sex addicts viewing pornography are mast*rb*ting at computer desks and in restrooms. What parent would want their children to be in this disgusting environment?"
Thomasson provided the 14 board members with the no-porn policy and procedures of the Monroe County Library System in Rochester, New York. "Libraries should adopt this model policy that uses the latest technology to block sexually-explicit web sites, but still allows for bona fide research," he said.
Click here for the rest of this news release
CAMPAIGN FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (CCF) is a leading nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing children and families in California and America. CCF stands for marriage and family, parental rights, the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, financial freedom, and back-to-basics education.
LaBarbera Calls for 'Breaking the Silence' on the Health Risks of Homosexual Behavior
LaBarbera Calls for 'Breaking the Silence' on the Health Risks of Homosexual Behavior
NAPERVILLE, Ill., April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Americans For Truth (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera today called on schools, the media and opinion-makers to "break the silence" regarding the serious health risks of homosexual behavior, and said Americans deserve an official government investigation into the matter.
"Today, thousands of schools across the country are encouraging the homosexual activist 'Day of Silence,' and doing it in the name of protecting students' safety," LaBarbera said. "While schools can and must protect every child from harassment and abuse, it is contradictory to promote homosexuality in the name of 'safety' because the evidence is so overwhelming that same-sex behavior is a serious health risk -- especially for males."
AFTAH has joined a coalition of pro-family organizations encouraging parents to pull their children out of schools that endorse the "Day of Silence" or allow students not to participate in classroom activities.
"How many government-funded studies have there been on the dangers of smoking?" LaBarbera said. "Yet homosexual men similarly are dying prematurely due to risky, unnatural same-sex practices -- but taxpayer-funded public schools are promoting this lifestyle to students through propagandistic exercises like the 'Day of Silence.'"
LaBarbera pointed to the Food and Drug Administration's explanation of why homosexual men are banned from donating blood as evidence of the dangers of homosexual sex. The FDA reports:
Men who have had sex with men since 1977 have an HIV prevalence ... 60 times higher than the general population, 800 times higher than first time blood donors and 8,000 times higher than repeat blood donors .... Men who have sex with men also have an increased risk of having other infections that can be transmitted to others by blood transfusion. For example, infection with the Hepatitis B virus is about 5- 6 times more common and Hepatitis C virus infections are about 2 times more common in men who have sex with other men than in the general population. Additionally, men who have sex with men have an increased incidence and prevalence of Human Herpes Virus-8 [which] causes a cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma in immunocompromised individuals.
"Educators profess to be concerned with guiding young people into making healthy choices," LaBarbera said. "By celebrating homosexual, bisexual and 'transgendered' lifestyles in the guise of 'safety,' they are putting innocent children at risk instead."
NAPERVILLE, Ill., April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Americans For Truth (AFTAH) President Peter LaBarbera today called on schools, the media and opinion-makers to "break the silence" regarding the serious health risks of homosexual behavior, and said Americans deserve an official government investigation into the matter.
"Today, thousands of schools across the country are encouraging the homosexual activist 'Day of Silence,' and doing it in the name of protecting students' safety," LaBarbera said. "While schools can and must protect every child from harassment and abuse, it is contradictory to promote homosexuality in the name of 'safety' because the evidence is so overwhelming that same-sex behavior is a serious health risk -- especially for males."
AFTAH has joined a coalition of pro-family organizations encouraging parents to pull their children out of schools that endorse the "Day of Silence" or allow students not to participate in classroom activities.
"How many government-funded studies have there been on the dangers of smoking?" LaBarbera said. "Yet homosexual men similarly are dying prematurely due to risky, unnatural same-sex practices -- but taxpayer-funded public schools are promoting this lifestyle to students through propagandistic exercises like the 'Day of Silence.'"
LaBarbera pointed to the Food and Drug Administration's explanation of why homosexual men are banned from donating blood as evidence of the dangers of homosexual sex. The FDA reports:
Men who have had sex with men since 1977 have an HIV prevalence ... 60 times higher than the general population, 800 times higher than first time blood donors and 8,000 times higher than repeat blood donors .... Men who have sex with men also have an increased risk of having other infections that can be transmitted to others by blood transfusion. For example, infection with the Hepatitis B virus is about 5- 6 times more common and Hepatitis C virus infections are about 2 times more common in men who have sex with other men than in the general population. Additionally, men who have sex with men have an increased incidence and prevalence of Human Herpes Virus-8 [which] causes a cancer called Kaposi's sarcoma in immunocompromised individuals.
"Educators profess to be concerned with guiding young people into making healthy choices," LaBarbera said. "By celebrating homosexual, bisexual and 'transgendered' lifestyles in the guise of 'safety,' they are putting innocent children at risk instead."
Los Angeles- Based Organization Looks to Re-supply Troops Spiritually
Los Angeles- Based Organization Looks to Re-supply Troops Spiritually
Relics of military patron saints being sent to bases worldwide
LOS ANGELES, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- With US troops deployed around the world on a variety of missions, American personnel are receiving a spiritual boost from the Los Angeles-based Apostolate for Holy Relics (AHR).
Working with the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA in Washington DC, the AHR is sending relics of the Catholic saints considered patrons of the armed forces, to bases around the world, allowing troops at home and abroad a moment of prayerful reflection.
The relics of Saints Anthony of Padua (patron of sailors), Therese of Lisieux, patron of pilots and air crews, and Ignatius of Loyola, patron of soldiers, began a tour military bases with an opening celebration at the Archdiocese for Military Services Chapel at 1025 Michigan Avenue NE Washington, DC 20017 on April 22nd at 6:00 pm. The event was presided over by Archbishop Broglio.
"Under pressure and in circumstances that most civilians cannot even imagine, our troops have to deal not only with the constant reality of death but - in addition - with the ups and downs of life as well," said AHR President Thomas Serafin. "Our hope is that the visit of these relics will allow our troops a special moment of prayerful reflection and will give them a sense that we at home stand behind them in prayer as well as in word."
More than a dozen stops are currently scheduled and more are being added as the relics are requested by bases worldwide. A complete schedule is available at www.relictour.org.
The tour is being co-sponsored and funded by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George.
The Apostolate for Holy Relics is a California non- profit organization that has previously organized tours of relics throughout the United States, drawing hundreds of thousands of people.
Relics of military patron saints being sent to bases worldwide
LOS ANGELES, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- With US troops deployed around the world on a variety of missions, American personnel are receiving a spiritual boost from the Los Angeles-based Apostolate for Holy Relics (AHR).
Working with the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA in Washington DC, the AHR is sending relics of the Catholic saints considered patrons of the armed forces, to bases around the world, allowing troops at home and abroad a moment of prayerful reflection.
The relics of Saints Anthony of Padua (patron of sailors), Therese of Lisieux, patron of pilots and air crews, and Ignatius of Loyola, patron of soldiers, began a tour military bases with an opening celebration at the Archdiocese for Military Services Chapel at 1025 Michigan Avenue NE Washington, DC 20017 on April 22nd at 6:00 pm. The event was presided over by Archbishop Broglio.
"Under pressure and in circumstances that most civilians cannot even imagine, our troops have to deal not only with the constant reality of death but - in addition - with the ups and downs of life as well," said AHR President Thomas Serafin. "Our hope is that the visit of these relics will allow our troops a special moment of prayerful reflection and will give them a sense that we at home stand behind them in prayer as well as in word."
More than a dozen stops are currently scheduled and more are being added as the relics are requested by bases worldwide. A complete schedule is available at www.relictour.org.
The tour is being co-sponsored and funded by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George.
The Apostolate for Holy Relics is a California non- profit organization that has previously organized tours of relics throughout the United States, drawing hundreds of thousands of people.
Eugenics in Georgia
Eugenics in Georgia
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Personhood Symposium on April 26, 2008. Dean Nelson and Catherine Davis of NPAC (Network of Politically Active Christians) have been asked to report on eugenically motivated public policies taking place in Georgia. Their report should shock all those who respect life and believe that all life should be protected!
Is Margaret Sanger's (founder of Planned Parenthood) genocidal* agenda being carried out through the Georgia Legislative Process? At 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, come and hear a first hand account of the "Eugenics in Georgia."
*GENOCIDE: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
Personhood Symposium
APRIL 26, 2008 12:30 pm
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Personhood Symposium on April 26, 2008. Dean Nelson and Catherine Davis of NPAC (Network of Politically Active Christians) have been asked to report on eugenically motivated public policies taking place in Georgia. Their report should shock all those who respect life and believe that all life should be protected!
Is Margaret Sanger's (founder of Planned Parenthood) genocidal* agenda being carried out through the Georgia Legislative Process? At 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, come and hear a first hand account of the "Eugenics in Georgia."
*GENOCIDE: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
Personhood Symposium
APRIL 26, 2008 12:30 pm
U.S. State Department Memo Confirms: Saddam Hussein 'Was' Developing Nuclear Bomb
U.S. State Department Memo Confirms: Saddam Hussein 'Was' Developing Nuclear Bomb
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- The trial of Scooter Libbey proved one thing: Bush and Cheney were right -- along with Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, John Kerry, and every other Democrat and responsible world leader.
Saddam Hussein WAS indeed actively working to develop and build a nuclear bomb, and posed a threat of a nuclear holocaust against American famlies. An internal memo from the U.S. State Department was declassified at the insistence of Scooter Libbey's defense attorneys (against Foggy Bottom's wishes). The memo has been posted by the ASSOCIATED PRESS at --
And the memo is fully explained at:
Although the State Department in the memo tries to downplay the risk, THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 8 AND TOP OF PAGE 9 LET SLIP the truth that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium yellowcake -- which was clearly for development of a nuclear bomb.
So, what did we find when the curtain of anti-Bush propaganda was pulled back? The anti-war, anti-Bush U.S. State Department Department has known all along that Saddam Hussein tried to buy uranium ore (yellowcake) from the impoverished African nation of Niger.
The June 2003 Memo reveals that THEN Prime Minister of NIGER, Ibrahim Mayaki, reported to the U.S. State Department in early 2002 that Iraq tried to buy uranium "yellow cake" (ore). This information confirmed other reports such as those by "Saddam's Bomb Maker" Khidhir Hamza.
And yet Iraq already had stockpiles of uranium yellowcake... being watched by the United Nations. Iraq had no reason to buy MORE uranium... yet Iraq used scarce funds to try to buy even more -- covertly.
Therefore, Condoleeza Rice, George Bush, Dick Cheney, and everyone else had solid reasons to believe that Iraq posed a serious nuclear threat to the United States.
Following the philosophy "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," Saddam Hussein would surely have handed a functioning nuclear bomb to terrorist groups able to smuggle a nuclear warhead across America's Mexican border, and kill millions of people in a U.S. city.
Niger emphatically refused to sell Iraq the uranium. Later, forged documents emerged purporting to show that Niger agreed, even offering a forged contract. Those documents are absolutely false. NIGER NEVER AGREED.
BUT SADDAM HUSSEIN DID TRY. Saddam tried to get uranium, under the table, outside the awareness of the UN and the IAEA.
MEDIA ADVISORY, April 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- The trial of Scooter Libbey proved one thing: Bush and Cheney were right -- along with Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, John Kerry, and every other Democrat and responsible world leader.
Saddam Hussein WAS indeed actively working to develop and build a nuclear bomb, and posed a threat of a nuclear holocaust against American famlies. An internal memo from the U.S. State Department was declassified at the insistence of Scooter Libbey's defense attorneys (against Foggy Bottom's wishes). The memo has been posted by the ASSOCIATED PRESS at --
And the memo is fully explained at:
Although the State Department in the memo tries to downplay the risk, THE BOTTOM OF PAGE 8 AND TOP OF PAGE 9 LET SLIP the truth that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium yellowcake -- which was clearly for development of a nuclear bomb.
So, what did we find when the curtain of anti-Bush propaganda was pulled back? The anti-war, anti-Bush U.S. State Department Department has known all along that Saddam Hussein tried to buy uranium ore (yellowcake) from the impoverished African nation of Niger.
The June 2003 Memo reveals that THEN Prime Minister of NIGER, Ibrahim Mayaki, reported to the U.S. State Department in early 2002 that Iraq tried to buy uranium "yellow cake" (ore). This information confirmed other reports such as those by "Saddam's Bomb Maker" Khidhir Hamza.
And yet Iraq already had stockpiles of uranium yellowcake... being watched by the United Nations. Iraq had no reason to buy MORE uranium... yet Iraq used scarce funds to try to buy even more -- covertly.
Therefore, Condoleeza Rice, George Bush, Dick Cheney, and everyone else had solid reasons to believe that Iraq posed a serious nuclear threat to the United States.
Following the philosophy "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," Saddam Hussein would surely have handed a functioning nuclear bomb to terrorist groups able to smuggle a nuclear warhead across America's Mexican border, and kill millions of people in a U.S. city.
Niger emphatically refused to sell Iraq the uranium. Later, forged documents emerged purporting to show that Niger agreed, even offering a forged contract. Those documents are absolutely false. NIGER NEVER AGREED.
BUT SADDAM HUSSEIN DID TRY. Saddam tried to get uranium, under the table, outside the awareness of the UN and the IAEA.
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