Brutal arrest of peace correspondent and journalist Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!. It seems these special forces have prepared perhaps for the battle of Armageddon already? Photos: 3mnewswire.org/DigiSource/intlservice
Communication for Peace Award:
Amy Goodman to receive Communication for Peace Award
By Andrew P. Harrod
London/New York/Paris/Toronto/Athens/ 3mnewswire.org/October 3, 2008 -- As the World Asscoation of Christian Communication (WACC) has issued in a news release WACC has announced that investigative journalist Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! (www.democracynow.org ), a daily TV /r adio news show airing on more than 700 stations worldwide, is to receive its Communication for Peace Award. The ceremony will take place at WACC´s international conference „Communication is peace“: Building viable communities and in Cape Town, South Africa, 6-10 October 2008 (Monday to Friday).
Amy Goodman draws her inspiration from independent thinkers, artists, activists, journalists and alternative media around the world - those who challenge the powers that be. In Static, she writes: „Every day, Democracy Now! breaks the sound barrier by broadcasting a rich, dissenting, diverse range of voices. This includes the powerful and the grassroots, the banned, the celebrated, the despised, marginalized and ignored. These are the voices of people fighting to make the world a better, more humane, just, peaceful, and more compassionate place.
Goodman holds a degree in anthropology from Harvard University and began her journalism career as producer of the evening news show for community radio station WBAI, Pacifica Radio´s station in New York City.
In 1991, Goodman traveled to East Timor to report on the Indonesian occupation of that country. There, she and colleague Allan Nairn witnessed Indonesian soldiers gun down 270 East Timorese men, women and children during a memorial procession. Indonesian soldiers savagely beat both journalists, fracturing Nairn´s skull. Their documentary Massacre: The Story of East Timor later won numerous awards, including the Robert F. Kennedy Prize for International Reporting, the Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Award, the Armstrong Award, and the Radio/Television News Directors Award.
Goodman believes the role of the media is to go to where the silence is and say something. „I think the media can build bridges in society between cultures and communities. But we need to hear people speaking for themselves. That breaks down bigotry and the stereotypes that fuel hatred. If you don't hear the voices of certain people, and you see them being demonized, it becomes easier to treat them as sub-human.
In March 2004, Goodman obtained the international broadcast exclusive of the return of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from his imposed exile in the Central African Republic to Jamaica, accompanying the Aristides with the delegation that retrieved them.
Her coverage of the Haitian story scored more than 3.5 million hits on the web site of Democracy Now!, ultimately forcing the story into the mainstream press in what Goodman describes as a „trickle up journalism.“
Since 2006, Goodman has been writing a weekly column Breaking the Sound Barrier for King Features Syndicate. She says her column´s focus is to „include voices so often excluded, people whose views the media mostly ignore, issues they distort and even ridicule.
Goodman has published three New York Times best-sellers: The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them (2004), Static: Government Liars, Media Cheerleaders, and The People who Fight Back (2006); and Standing up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times (2008), each
co-authored with her brother, journalist David Goodman. WACC is proud to name Amy Goodman as the recipient of its Communication for Peace Award.
Amy Goodman and two fellow producers of the Democracy Now! Team have got wrongful and unlawful arrested covering and gathering news about peace protests during the Republic National Convention.
“It was shocking news to see how police officers which looked like they have prepared already for the battle of Armageddon (Greek Αρμαγεδδων; [armageddôn] also spelled Har-Magedon in some modern English translations; also known as Mount of Megiddo ) have mistreated one of the very best journalists and peace correspondents such as Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!.“, said journalist Andreas Klamm from IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty.
He said also: „How can a man dare to mistreat a lady or a woman which is well known in the entire world for her hard labor as a journalist for democracy and peace. It is hard to understand that some men are so scared about the truth, democracy and liberty and that they may not know anymore how to treat in a good manner and behavior a good woman and journalist such as Amy Goodman is one. Many of us would be happy to meet her and to have a chance for an interview and these police officers have been so poor not to see the honor of meeting a precious woman which Amy Goodman certainly is.“
After about 60.000 people from around the world have signed several petitions to drop the charges against the journalist Amy Goodman and her two fellow producers have got released from prison and the charges have been dropped.
The founder and director of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty, the independent journalist Mr. Andreas Klamm has made the statement: „Amy Goodman is of a truth one of the best journalists and working hard for peace and democracy in this world which we all in urgency do need in many different places. As an affiliate of the World Association of Christian Communication (WACC) I am very thankful and happy to learn that my colleague Amy Goodman will receive the Communication and Peace Award. However I would also be happy if her brother David Goodman would also receive a good honor and award. Amy Goodman is a great example and many of us should follow her example to stand up for peace, liberty and democracy. Her program Democracy Now! Can been seen on www.democracynow.org and I only can recommend to those which do support democracy, liberty and peace that many people as possible around the world should watch or listen the program.”
Andreas Klamm is working as independent journalist, broadcasting host of 3mnewswire.org, XXL-info, Compact and many other radio and television programs. He is also the author of several books. In 1984 he has founded the independent news wire service 3mnewswire.org. In 1986 he became the founder and director of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty. In 2006 he became the founder of the international media project “Human Rights Reporters” and has covered with his colleague Mr. Hans-Juergen Graf and other journalists about 150 cases of serious abuses of the human rights against poor people, believers in Christ and against journalists. After covering an event in memory of the victims of the NAZI-Terror-Regime during 1933 to 1945 in the year 2000 he and other co-producers have received threats and death threats for the television production “November 9, 1938 and today”.
After he has completed as a soldier his entire forced 15 months military service from 1988 to 1989 with the German Air Force (not as a volunteer, but forced !) as a descendant of a Black-African French Army officer, Mr. Haedi Sabaot, he has requested the German military forces with a petition to accept his will that he wants not to fight as a soldier for the German military forces for religious, political and belief reasons. The German military forces have not accepted the petition.
Andreas Klamm has explained: “You should know that my grandfather the French citizen, Mr. Haedi Sabaot is subject to national security both in France and in Germany. World War II has not come to an end to the family of my mother. 62 years after the capitulation of the German military in 1945 my grandfather which felt in love with a young beautiful girl, my grandmother Mrs. Martha Kolacz, which left in 1950 Germany for ever, German and French authorities still refuse to issue information about a French Army officer, which is my grandfather and the father of my mother. As many of you are able to imagine, I still can not believe that German and French governmental authorities 62 years after World War II explain to me, my sisters and to my mother, that the right of information to know what happened to our father and grandfather is still refused, abused and this I am only able to treat as serious abuse of the human rights. The terror of World War II continues and these authorities do destroy families on purpose. - In the past I have written so many letters and petitions to presidents, world leaders, embassies and military officials that I could easily fill perhaps another four books just with letters and petitions to presidents and leaders in this world in concern of the right of the information about my grandfather which disappeared after he was stationed in 1945 in Germany from this planet earth, according to German and French authorities. Who in the world would believe such a thing that an officer of the French Army disappears without any trace from the earth? However I am very thankful that after a research ongoing for more then 20 years I have found the son of my grandfathers good friend, the former French Army officer, Mr. Marbruck Brachim and I had a chance to talk with the son of my grandfather´s good friend. His father has got killed in the war in the country of Algeria. As you are able I do believe that war is wrong and the ideology of the Nazi-regime is not an opinion but a serious crime, as my colleague the journalist Mrs. Ulla Jelpke has said recently during an interview on Radio IBS Liberty.”
After two shootings in August 2008 have taken place in the German city of Dortmund against the office of the journalist and politician Mrs. Ulla Jelpke the journalist Andreas Klamm has written a public petition to protection journalists and politicians in Germany also. The 2nd attack and shooting against the office of the journalist and politician took place with co-workers of the journalist inside the office. Thanks fortune non of the workers got injured. Mrs Ulla Jelpke (www.ulla-jelpke.de) is a journalist and politician of the left wing party in Germany as known as “Die Linke” (the left). The petition can be found in the English and German language on: http://www.petitiononline.com/aug082/petition.html
The journalist Andreas Klamm has published many articles in daily newspapers since 1984 which are accounted as “liberal” and some of them are accounted as “left wing media” while other media outlets and magazines are accounted as “christian” media. He is co-operating since 1986 with many journalists from around the world, some of them have expressed to be of the Jewish, Muslim or even Christian household of faith. In 1986 he has founded the little independent magazine British Newsflash Magazine and in spring 2008 he became the co-founder of the international magazine MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8418).
In October 2007 for reason of faith, religion, political issues and for many other reasons the journalist has requested with the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington D.C., according to article 15, universal declaration of the Human Rights, declared in December 1948 through the United Nations the official change of the German citizenship to the American citizenship, which he prefers.
Observers from different countries have confirmed that the author and journalist Andreas Klamm suffers for about 19 months because of torture in Germany. Since about 19 months access to any kind of medical treatment, medical doctors and even dentist is denied. He wants to leave Germany and Europe, but somehow this request is also not granted at this moment. The journalist got disabled after three accidents in 1994, 1995 and 1996 and he needs medical treatment because of Asthma, back injuries and liver damages.
After being diagnosed with possible cancer, which is not certain, in the year 2003 he has declared that he wants not to die in Germany and neither wants to be buried in Germany anymore. He himself treats not as a citizen of Germany anymore.
After signing a public petition to stop the violence against the people in Burma the author and journalist has received from an US-UN Public Affairs officer an email with the statement: “ ... Your voice is crucial in our decision-making processes, and we want to reiterate our appreciation for your concern. By studying this increasingly important global issue, you become better, more engaged citizens. We remain committed to facilitating democratization in Burma and continue to move as quickly as possible to end this terrible situation. ...“
“I am not certain if I am accounted in the United States of America, U.S.A., as an U.S citizen already, but I still have some hope to be able to live some years in the US and to take action as citizen of the United States of America, journalist, author, broadcasting host, independent television- radio and film producer for liberty, democracy and peace before I might have to pass away after about 19 months living without any kind of access to doctors or even dentists.
However terrorists no matter in which masks they appear should try to understand and to learn, that they might be able to destroy some buildings and as a sad fact may even the life of people and investigative journalists, but you can not destroy the freedom, liberty, peace and spirit of so many precious people in the United States of America and even in other countries which are laboring hard for democracy, liberty and peace.
It is not easy to handle every day the pain after a car accident in 1994 and after an accident while being performing some horse-back riding in 1995. Because of many research in concern of the United Nations declaration of the human rights, I do know that information, expression of thoughts, the freedom of the press and journalists and even medical and social security and freedom are important and elementary for a vital democracy.
However I would be happy also if the U.S.A. would stop the terrible situation of torture against journalists which are disabled in Germany and which are working hard for democracy, liberty and peace, day and night by issuing as soon as possible the permission to live and work in the United States of America.”, said Andreas Klamm in concern of the email which he has received from an US-UN Public Affairs officer on October 23, 2007.
In April 2007 the targeted killing of poor people with disabilities has taken place in Germany and has been continued after a public debate held by the German parliament in Berlin.
Recently the author and journalist has declared “..that the war in Afghanistan is not a war in his name or in the name of the people in Germany. It is not a war in the name of all people in Germany. 20 million people in Germany do live beyond the poverty line and in poverty beyond description. Children, people with disabilities and even women have been starving to death in the country of Germany in 2007. Imagine if Germany would make the wise decision instead of building tanks for war to feed the poor citizen in Germany. This would have a great impact for peace, liberty, democracy and even social security. Most of these people do not want a war of any kind. People should try to learn that we are not competitors which are in a battle who is going to survive or not but that it is the duty of all human beings to understand and learn to live in peace and to support those which are in need instead to use weapons of mass destruction or to kill each other. The disasters which have taken place in this world such as the Tsunami in 2004 and all these earthquakes and hurricanes are already this worse, that political leaders should avoid to cause more disasters through war. My 2nd profession is to be a registered nurse (R.N., RGN) and from the experience when I became a nurse (R.N.) in 1993, also besides my 1st profession as a journalist I do know that it is certainly more difficult to save a life then to destroy a life. However I do believe together we can not only save one live but the life of many people and it is much better to save the life of people then to destroy the life of men, women and children in need.
The ongoing wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq is the war of some people in high places and in power but not the war of the people of Germany and neither the war of the people of the United States of America. The people of the United States of America and of Germany are not the enemies of the people in Afghanistan or in Iraq, but those which are the war makers and which do profit from war. Every one which is able to think, should think and every one which is able to listen should listen. Many people want liberty, democracy, peace and not war ! The people in Iraq and Afghanistan should know that this is not the war of the people of the United States of America and it is not the war of the people of Germany.
So far as I have learned many people in Germany and in the United States of America want peace, democracy and liberty and not that innocent woman and children get killed by German and American Military Forces in certain places such as in the countries of Afghanistan or Iraq. The most important duty of a journalist is the respect for the truth and for the right to the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist. Therefore I do believe no journalist or any other media person should participate in propaganda for war but take action for truth, peace, liberty and democracy. As is it written in the Holy Scriptures <
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