Aktionen zum Gedenken an die Ermordung von Aisha Ibrahim:
Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung
Von Andreas Klamm
Berlin. Erst sind erst wenige Tage vergangen seitdem die 13-jährige Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow am Montag den 27. Oktober 2008 in Kismayu, Somalia, gesteinigt wurde. Sie wurde von einer Gruppe von rund 50 Männern im Stadion von Kismayu vor rund 1000 Zuschauern öffentlich hingerichtet.
Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow wurde außer-ehelicher, sexueller Verkehr vorgeworfen und dieser steht nach der in Kismayu geltenden Scharia (einem Teil islamischen Rechts) unter Todesstrafe.
Ihr Vater und weitere Zeugen berichteten Amnesty International jedoch, dass sie in Wirklichkeit von drei Männern vergewaltigt worden sei und versucht hatte, diese Vergewaltigung bei den Al-Shabab Milizen, welche Kismayu kontrollieren, zur Anzeige zu bringen. Es war dieser Versuch sich Gerechtigkeit zu verschaffen, der zu ihrer Beschuldigung und Verurteilung führte. Keiner der Männer, die Aisha der Vergewaltigung beschuldigte, wurde verhaftet.
Als Zeugen der Steinigung versuchten Aisha zu retten, eröffneten die Milizen das Feuer und töteten dabei einen zuschauenden Jungen.
TERRE DES FEMMES hat leider erst am 3. November vom Schicksal von Aisha Ibrahim Dhuhulow erfahren. „Dennoch ist es sehr wichtig, Aisha eine Stimme zu geben, ihren Fall öffentlich zu machen und sich für die Wahrung der Frauenrechte in Somalia einzusetzen.“, meint Christa Stolle von Terre des Femme.
Gewalt gegen Frauen kommt nicht nur in Somalia sondern leider auch in vielen anderen Ländern in dieser Welt vor auch noch in Deutschland und daher fordern auch Die Linke-Politiker Schutzeinrichtungen für Frauen in Deutschland in allen Bereichen.
Die Partei DIE LINKE nimmt als eine der wenigen Parteien in Deutschland das Problem der Gewalt der Frauen offenbar jetzt sehr ernst unterstützt die bundesweite Fahnenaktion von "Terre des Femmes" anlässlich des internationalen Tages gegen Gewalt an Frauen. Zahlreiche Abgeordnete der Fraktion und ihre Wahlkreisbüros zeigen Flagge, um auf die alltägliche Gewalt gegen Frauen aufmerksam zu machen.
"Gewalt gegen Frauen hat viele Gesichter. Sie ist kein privates, sondern ein gesellschaftliches Problem", so Kirsten Tackmann, frauenpolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion. "Jeder Frau und ihren Kindern muss in Deutschland ein gesicherter Zugang zu einer Schutzeinrichtung gewährleistet werden. Dazu muss die Bundesregierung die ungleichen Verhältnisse in der Notsituation bei Flucht vor häuslicher Gewalt beenden."
Der Menschenrechts-politische Sprecher der LINKEN, Michael Leutert, betonte: "Gewalt gegen Frauen ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung. Wer die Würde von Frauen verletzt, ihnen ihr Recht auf Leben, Freiheit und Sicherheit nimmt oder sie unmenschlich behandelt, begeht ein Verbrechen."
Die Frauen-Schutz-Organisation TERRE DES FEMMES möchte im Sinne der Ermordung der 13jährigen Aisha Ibrahim und zum Schutz für Frauen etwas unternehmen und bittet möglichst viele Menschen Protest-Briefe zu schreiben.
Es wird darum gebeten an die Repräsentanten von Somalia, die African Union und an verschiedene UN Menschenrechts Büros zu schreiben und fordern , ihren Einfluss und ihre Autorität geltend zu machen, um weitere Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in Somalia zu verhindern.
Terre des Femmes empfiehlt zudem Sie eine sofortige und unabhängige Aufklärung von Aishas Fall und die Verurteilung der Täter zu fordern. Es sollten alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergriffen werden, die notwendig sind, um Mädchen und Frauen zukünftig vor einem Schicksal wie dem von Aisha zu bewahren.
Die Frauenrechte-Organisation hat ein Muster für einen Protestbrief in englischer Sprache bereits vorbereitet. Diese und weitere Informationen können auf der Internet-Seite: www.frauenrechte.de eingesehen werden.
Ausführliche und weitere Informationen können direkt bei der Organisation angefordert werden. Christa Stolle, TERRE DES FEMMES e.V., Christa Stolle, Geschäftsführerin, Postfach 2565, 72015 Tübingen, Tel: 07071/7973-0, Fax: 07071/7973-22, E-Mail direkt: geschaeftsfuehrung@frauenrechte.de
Die Adressen für mögliche Protest-Schreiben und um für die Frauenrechte sich in Somalia zu engagieren lauten:
Repräsentanten von Somalia:
The Somali Prime Minister
HE. Ali Mohamed Gedi
P.O. Box 623 - 00606
Sarit, Somalia
African Union:
African Union Headquarters
Social Affairs Commissioner
Adv. Bience P. Gawanas
P.O. Box 3243, Roosevelt Street (Old Airport Area)
W21K19, Addis Ababa,
Fax: + 251 11 550 49 85
Directorate of Women, Gender and Development
Mrs. Litha Musyimi-Ogana
Fax: +251 11 551 78 44
United Nations, Schweiz (Switzerland)
Ms. Yakin Erturk
Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Its Causes and Consequences
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais de Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9006
Ms. Navanethem Pillay
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9022
United Nations New York
His Excellency Secretary-General
Ban Ki-Moon
405 E 42nd St
New York, NY 10017
United States of America (U.S.A)
Tel. (212) 963-8302
news, information, independent, radio, television, media, international, Nachrichten, Fernsehen, Radio, Verlag, freie, Medien, Medienproduktionen, Arbeitsgemeinschaft, international
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ein Bestseller der hilft - Jennifer: Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint

Ein Bestseller der hilft
Jennifer: Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint
London / Norderstedt / Aachen. (intl). Es war einer der schwersten Momente, die Marianne Cranen vor rund vier Jahren erleben musste. Ihre 16jährige Tochter schrieb kurz vor ihrem Tod ein Buch und ihr letzter Wunsch war, es dieses Buch zu veröffentlichten. Kurze Zeit starb die 16jährige Jennifer Cranen an einer schweren und außergewöhnlichen Krebs-Erkrankung.
Die Aufarbeitung des Buches ist der Mutter nicht leicht gefallen. Ihr wurde bewusst durch das Werk und Buch ihrer Tochter, dass junge Menschen die Dinge oft ganz anders betrachten als Menschen, die nicht selbst von einer schweren Erkrankung betroffen sind.
Jennifer hatte den Wunsch geäußert, dass mit dem Buch anderen an Krebs erkrankten Kindern geholfen wird. Das ist gelungen. Das Buch „Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint“ von Jennifer Cranen, erschienen im BOD-Verlag Norderstedt wurde über 17.000 mal verkauft und gelangte in die Bestseller-Listen.. Zudem wurde ein Hilfs-Verein gegründet. Krebskranke Kinder wurden mit dem Erlös von mehr als 35.000 Euro unterstützt. In einer weiteren Sonder-Edition wurde das Buch mehr als 40.000 mal verkauft.
Die junge Jennifer Cranen hilft über ihren Tod hinaus und hilft auch heute noch Krankenschwestern, Ärzten und anderen Menschen zu verstehen, was schwerst kranke Menschen denken, fühlen und erleben. Das konnte Jennifer in ihrem Buch der Nachwelt hinterlassen.
In einem Interview bei Radio IBS Liberty mit dem Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalisten und Autor mehrerer Bücher, Andreas Klamm, beschreibt die Mutter der Besteller-Autorin Jennifer, Marianne Cranen, was sie im Zusammenhang mit der Krebs-Erkrankung, dem Tod und der Veröffentlichung des Buches ihrer Tochter erlebte.
Inzwischen wurde auch ein Verein gegründet der in Aachen und in Deutschland krebskranken Kindern und ihren Angehörigen hilft. „Wir sollten Menschen die an Krebs erkrankt sind nicht allein lassen.“, bittet Marianne Cranen. Die Menschen alleine zu lassen, ist das Schlimmste was passieren kann. Jennifer habe oft geweint und gefragt: „Weshalb kommt denn keiner?“
„Sollen die Menschen in so einer schweren Situation noch einsam sein. Ist das nötig?“, ergänzt die Mutter.
Das Buch „Ich will nicht, dass ihr weint“ von Jennifer Cranen, ISBN 978-3-8334-2790-9, Paperback, 160 Seiten, (€ 11,90), erschienen im BOD-Verlag Norderstedt, ist in jeder Buchhandlung erhältlich. Weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet auf der Internet-Seite www.crazyjenni.de/jennis_gedenkseite .
Das Interview bei Radio IBS Liberty ist unter anderem zu hören bei http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjhE_U2OjmY , www.clipfish.de/video/2819739, www.youtube.com/andreasklamm , www.ibstelevision.com und http://radioibsliberty.podango.com
Translating Best-Selling Book of All Time - The Bible - Into World's Remaining Languages
Translating Best-Selling Book of All Time - The Bible - Into World's Remaining Languages
NOV. 22: Launch of Full-Sprint Effort to Begin Bible Translation and Literacy Programs in Last Languages by 2025
ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the eve of National Bible Week ( http://www.nationalbible.org/national-bible-week/? from=22) - established in 1942 by the Roosevelt administration - Wycliffe Bible Translators ( http://www.demossnewspond.com/wycliffe), the world's largest Bible translation organization, is launching the Last Languages Campaign. This historic, high-speed, high-tech effort to start a language development and Bible translation program in the remaining one-third of the world's language groups that still need one by 2025 represents a time savings of 125 years from the 1990s translation pace.
The project will bring first-time access to literacy and the Bible for some 200 million people in approximately 2,400 language groups over the next 17 years. The effort is fueled by new strategies and high- tech translation techniques, developed by Wycliffe personnel, that accelerate the pace of language development and Bible translation by three times the pace of a decade ago.
Bible Translation Fuels Humanitarian Efforts
Wycliffe Bible Translators understands that critical community development - literacy, the establishment of water purification systems, AIDS education, human rights and community empowerment - often starts in a surprising place: with Bible translation and the language development that is foundational to it.
"The completion of Bible translation and the worldwide community development that accompanies it is now in sight," said Wycliffe USA President Bob Creson. "Countless communities worldwide will be transformed by the broader impact of the language development that is one of the first steps to Bible translation."
Even before the official launch, this ambitious campaign has already received significant support, including a $50 million single donation and, what the Associated Press called, "a non-traditional" investment of a backcountry, sea-worthy aircraft. Deputy chairman of the New York Stock Exchange holding company, Marshall N. Carter, donated his personal million-dollar airplane to a Wycliffe Last Languages partner telling the AP his aircraft is now on "its most important mission ever" (AP, 2007).
Some 6,400 Wycliffe translators, linguists, aviators, humanitarian workers, educators and administrators along with dozens of partnering organizations are currently working in 93 countries on six continents toward the Last Languages goal. Wycliffe anticipates needing 3,000 additional staff for the billion-dollar, 17- year effort.
Fast Facts:
*6,909 language groups in the world today
*Two-thirds (appx. 4,000) of world's language groups have a Bible or Bible translation program in their mother tongue
*One-third (appx. 2,400) of world's language groups have no Bible translation program in place
*1 in 5 ratio of illiterate adults worldwide (UNESCO)
Founded in 1942, Wycliffe Bible Translators, headquartered in Orlando, Fla., exists to make the Bible accessible to all people in the language most meaningful to them.
MEDIA NOTE: Several hundred staff and partners from around the world will be present for the official launch of Last Languages Campaign at Wycliffe USA's Orlando, Fla., headquarters NOV. 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m (ET). The event is OPEN TO MEDIA. On-site media contact: Scott Toncray (407) 375-2770.
NOV. 22: Launch of Full-Sprint Effort to Begin Bible Translation and Literacy Programs in Last Languages by 2025
ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- On the eve of National Bible Week ( http://www.nationalbible.org/national-bible-week/? from=22) - established in 1942 by the Roosevelt administration - Wycliffe Bible Translators ( http://www.demossnewspond.com/wycliffe), the world's largest Bible translation organization, is launching the Last Languages Campaign. This historic, high-speed, high-tech effort to start a language development and Bible translation program in the remaining one-third of the world's language groups that still need one by 2025 represents a time savings of 125 years from the 1990s translation pace.
The project will bring first-time access to literacy and the Bible for some 200 million people in approximately 2,400 language groups over the next 17 years. The effort is fueled by new strategies and high- tech translation techniques, developed by Wycliffe personnel, that accelerate the pace of language development and Bible translation by three times the pace of a decade ago.
Bible Translation Fuels Humanitarian Efforts
Wycliffe Bible Translators understands that critical community development - literacy, the establishment of water purification systems, AIDS education, human rights and community empowerment - often starts in a surprising place: with Bible translation and the language development that is foundational to it.
"The completion of Bible translation and the worldwide community development that accompanies it is now in sight," said Wycliffe USA President Bob Creson. "Countless communities worldwide will be transformed by the broader impact of the language development that is one of the first steps to Bible translation."
Even before the official launch, this ambitious campaign has already received significant support, including a $50 million single donation and, what the Associated Press called, "a non-traditional" investment of a backcountry, sea-worthy aircraft. Deputy chairman of the New York Stock Exchange holding company, Marshall N. Carter, donated his personal million-dollar airplane to a Wycliffe Last Languages partner telling the AP his aircraft is now on "its most important mission ever" (AP, 2007).
Some 6,400 Wycliffe translators, linguists, aviators, humanitarian workers, educators and administrators along with dozens of partnering organizations are currently working in 93 countries on six continents toward the Last Languages goal. Wycliffe anticipates needing 3,000 additional staff for the billion-dollar, 17- year effort.
Fast Facts:
*6,909 language groups in the world today
*Two-thirds (appx. 4,000) of world's language groups have a Bible or Bible translation program in their mother tongue
*One-third (appx. 2,400) of world's language groups have no Bible translation program in place
*1 in 5 ratio of illiterate adults worldwide (UNESCO)
Founded in 1942, Wycliffe Bible Translators, headquartered in Orlando, Fla., exists to make the Bible accessible to all people in the language most meaningful to them.
MEDIA NOTE: Several hundred staff and partners from around the world will be present for the official launch of Last Languages Campaign at Wycliffe USA's Orlando, Fla., headquarters NOV. 22, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m (ET). The event is OPEN TO MEDIA. On-site media contact: Scott Toncray (407) 375-2770.
Tan Books and Publishers Acquired by Saint Benedict Press
Tan Books and Publishers Acquired by Saint Benedict Press
North Carolina-based Catholic publisher purchases assets out of bankruptcy
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, November 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- A leading publisher of traditional Roman Catholic books has been acquired by Saint Benedict Press, LLC, a North Carolina-based publisher of Catholic Classics. Established in 1967, TAN Books and Publishers have published more than 600 books distinctive for their preservation of the traditional literature of the Roman Catholic Church. In recent years, TAN has struggled to survive financially and most recently has been operating under the protection of the United States Bankruptcy Court.
Early last week, the assets of TAN were purchased by the owners of Saint Benedict Press.
TAN Books and Publishers will remain an independent imprint within Saint Benedict Press, maintaining its brand identity and publishing direction under Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Brent Klaske, who will assume General Management duties. He will be based at TAN's Rockford, Illinois offices.
"This is an exciting new day for TAN," said Mr. Klaske. "As a 15-year Executive employee of TAN, I am thrilled that we will be able to continue our mission of sharing faithful Catholic books with people around the world. The resources and commitment that our new ownership brings to the table will ensure the future stability and growth of TAN while still maintaining our fidelity to the Catholic Church and its teachings."
Among the Classics published by TAN Books and Publishers are the Baltimore Catechism series, the Douay-Rheims Bible and dozens of biographical treatments by and about the Saints, including such favorites as St. Teresa of Avila's Conversation with Christ, St. John of the Cross's Dark Night of the Soul, The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort, and The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena.
"We welcome TAN Books and Publishers as a great resource for traditional Catholic products and we look forward to providing a continuation of its existing publishing plan. This acquisition will make way for an increase in new titles and an ability to bring back into print many of the favorite titles which have been on permanent back-order as a result of TAN's uncertain future," said Conor Gallagher, Vice President of Publishing, Saint Benedict Press. "Current TAN customers can be assured that the mission of TAN is not changing. We will now have the ability to meet the needs of the customers and the thousands of book stores around the world that carry TAN titles."
For more information about this announcement, please contact Walker or Wheeler of The Maximus Group at (678)990-9032.
To visit TAN Books and Publishers, please visit www.tanbooks.com.
To visit Saint Benedict Press, please visit www.saintbenedictpress.com.
North Carolina-based Catholic publisher purchases assets out of bankruptcy
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, November 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- A leading publisher of traditional Roman Catholic books has been acquired by Saint Benedict Press, LLC, a North Carolina-based publisher of Catholic Classics. Established in 1967, TAN Books and Publishers have published more than 600 books distinctive for their preservation of the traditional literature of the Roman Catholic Church. In recent years, TAN has struggled to survive financially and most recently has been operating under the protection of the United States Bankruptcy Court.
Early last week, the assets of TAN were purchased by the owners of Saint Benedict Press.
TAN Books and Publishers will remain an independent imprint within Saint Benedict Press, maintaining its brand identity and publishing direction under Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Brent Klaske, who will assume General Management duties. He will be based at TAN's Rockford, Illinois offices.
"This is an exciting new day for TAN," said Mr. Klaske. "As a 15-year Executive employee of TAN, I am thrilled that we will be able to continue our mission of sharing faithful Catholic books with people around the world. The resources and commitment that our new ownership brings to the table will ensure the future stability and growth of TAN while still maintaining our fidelity to the Catholic Church and its teachings."
Among the Classics published by TAN Books and Publishers are the Baltimore Catechism series, the Douay-Rheims Bible and dozens of biographical treatments by and about the Saints, including such favorites as St. Teresa of Avila's Conversation with Christ, St. John of the Cross's Dark Night of the Soul, The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort, and The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena.
"We welcome TAN Books and Publishers as a great resource for traditional Catholic products and we look forward to providing a continuation of its existing publishing plan. This acquisition will make way for an increase in new titles and an ability to bring back into print many of the favorite titles which have been on permanent back-order as a result of TAN's uncertain future," said Conor Gallagher, Vice President of Publishing, Saint Benedict Press. "Current TAN customers can be assured that the mission of TAN is not changing. We will now have the ability to meet the needs of the customers and the thousands of book stores around the world that carry TAN titles."
For more information about this announcement, please contact Walker or Wheeler of The Maximus Group at (678)990-9032.
To visit TAN Books and Publishers, please visit www.tanbooks.com.
To visit Saint Benedict Press, please visit www.saintbenedictpress.com.
New York Council Committee Considers Fresh Attack on Pro-Life Free Speech
New York Council Committee Considers Fresh Attack on Pro-Life Free Speech
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The New York city council's civil rights committee will hold a public hearing today over a proposed measure designed to create 15-foot buffer zones around the city's abortion facilities in an attempt to restrict peaceful opposition to these centers. According to David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life, "This proposal is an outright attack on both freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. While this bill is likely to be passed out of committee, we are optimistic that reasonable New Yorkers will not stand for this infringement of constitutional guarantees and will urge their council members to reject it."
The draconian proposal, backed by major abortion organizations, would also permit clinics to file harassment charges against anyone within the 15- foot area without having to prove intent.
"Since 27 of the council's 50 members are currently co-sponsoring the measure, passage would appear to be imminent. However we are confident these council members will listen to the people they are supposed to be serving," said Bereit. "Even if council members disagree on the fundamental right to life, surely they understand that the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free assembly must be respected and protected. We are urging all pro-life and pro-freedom New Yorkers to contact their council members to express concern about this clearly unconstitutional measure."
On the first day of the fall 40 Days for Life campaign, New York city council speaker Christine Quinn announced the proposal at a at a news conference that included representatives of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the New York Civil Liberties Union and Dr. Emily's Women's Health Center - an abortion corporation whose Bronx location was the site of a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.
The measure appears to target, among others, Chris Slattery, who directed 40 Days for Life campaigns in the Bronx and Queens and has a history of effective pro-life activism as president of Expectant Mother Care-EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers. Slattery will join many other pro-lifers opposing the measure at today's council hearings. Also expected to testify are mothers who chose life for their babies after being counseled on the sidewalk in front of abortion facilities.
"This legislation is clearly intended to harass and intimidate peaceful people who are often simply standing and praying; when they do speak to women outside the facilities, they're not 'harassing' anyone, they are offering alternatives and help in a time of need," said Bereit.
"The bottom line is, street counselors who lovingly reach out to women in crisis pregnancies cut in to the abortion businesses," said Slattery. "People are drawn to the truth and because of this counselors oftentimes peacefully dissuade abortion patients from entering these clinics by offering free help, education, medical care and housing."
Slattery says he is most concerned about the way the proposed legislation would be enforced. "We intend to fight this measure if and when it begins to infringe upon our rights," he said. "We have already begun assembling a legal team and activist support network to stand up against this unfair, biased and blatantly unconstitutional bill," he said.
http://40daysforlife.com/news.cfm? selected=releases&release=27
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The New York city council's civil rights committee will hold a public hearing today over a proposed measure designed to create 15-foot buffer zones around the city's abortion facilities in an attempt to restrict peaceful opposition to these centers. According to David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life, "This proposal is an outright attack on both freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. While this bill is likely to be passed out of committee, we are optimistic that reasonable New Yorkers will not stand for this infringement of constitutional guarantees and will urge their council members to reject it."
The draconian proposal, backed by major abortion organizations, would also permit clinics to file harassment charges against anyone within the 15- foot area without having to prove intent.
"Since 27 of the council's 50 members are currently co-sponsoring the measure, passage would appear to be imminent. However we are confident these council members will listen to the people they are supposed to be serving," said Bereit. "Even if council members disagree on the fundamental right to life, surely they understand that the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free assembly must be respected and protected. We are urging all pro-life and pro-freedom New Yorkers to contact their council members to express concern about this clearly unconstitutional measure."
On the first day of the fall 40 Days for Life campaign, New York city council speaker Christine Quinn announced the proposal at a at a news conference that included representatives of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the New York Civil Liberties Union and Dr. Emily's Women's Health Center - an abortion corporation whose Bronx location was the site of a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil.
The measure appears to target, among others, Chris Slattery, who directed 40 Days for Life campaigns in the Bronx and Queens and has a history of effective pro-life activism as president of Expectant Mother Care-EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers. Slattery will join many other pro-lifers opposing the measure at today's council hearings. Also expected to testify are mothers who chose life for their babies after being counseled on the sidewalk in front of abortion facilities.
"This legislation is clearly intended to harass and intimidate peaceful people who are often simply standing and praying; when they do speak to women outside the facilities, they're not 'harassing' anyone, they are offering alternatives and help in a time of need," said Bereit.
"The bottom line is, street counselors who lovingly reach out to women in crisis pregnancies cut in to the abortion businesses," said Slattery. "People are drawn to the truth and because of this counselors oftentimes peacefully dissuade abortion patients from entering these clinics by offering free help, education, medical care and housing."
Slattery says he is most concerned about the way the proposed legislation would be enforced. "We intend to fight this measure if and when it begins to infringe upon our rights," he said. "We have already begun assembling a legal team and activist support network to stand up against this unfair, biased and blatantly unconstitutional bill," he said.
http://40daysforlife.com/news.cfm? selected=releases&release=27
Pro-Abortion Religious Groups Lobby Obama
Pro-Abortion Religious Groups Lobby Obama
"Especially abhorrent is RCRC's advocacy of government funding for unrestricted abortions. This mindset illustrates how RCRC and its member denominational agencies are morally vapid and divorced from traditional Christian and Jewish teachings." -- Mark Tooley, UMAction Director
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- President-Elect Barack Obama should quickly enact a series of pro-abortion laws, including federal funding of abortions, according to a new letter sent to him by a group of liberal religious organizations.
The letter, signed by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) and several RCRC member Jewish and Mainline Protestant bodies, including the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, calls for Obama to support the Freedom of Choice Act, which would remove all restrictions on abortions passed by state legislatures. Catholics for Free Choice, another RCRC member, also signed on.
The religious groups likewise call to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion services, and the Mexico City Policy, first established by President Ronald Reagan, which prevents government funding of overseas organizations that provide abortions.
IRD UMAction Director Mark Tooley commented:
"RCRC has long lobbied for unrestricted abortion on demand, with its member denominations acting as a religious veneer for its extreme abortion rights ideology.
"Many churchgoers in RCRC member denominations would be horrified to learn how RCRC is exploiting their church's name to promote unlimited abortion on demand.
"Especially abhorrent is RCRC's advocacy of government funding for unrestricted abortions. This mindset illustrates how RCRC and its member denominational agencies are morally vapid and divorced from traditional Christian and Jewish teachings.
"Many on the Evangelical and Catholic Left promoted Obama's candidacy, promising his administration would work to reduce the number of abortions in America. Such advocates should now work to counteract RCRC's squalid campaign."
The Institute on Religion and Democracy, founded in 1981, is an ecumenical alliance of U.S. Christians working to reform their churches' social witness, in accord with biblical and historic Christian teachings, thereby contributing to the renewal of democratic society at home and abroad
"Especially abhorrent is RCRC's advocacy of government funding for unrestricted abortions. This mindset illustrates how RCRC and its member denominational agencies are morally vapid and divorced from traditional Christian and Jewish teachings." -- Mark Tooley, UMAction Director
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- President-Elect Barack Obama should quickly enact a series of pro-abortion laws, including federal funding of abortions, according to a new letter sent to him by a group of liberal religious organizations.
The letter, signed by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) and several RCRC member Jewish and Mainline Protestant bodies, including the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society, calls for Obama to support the Freedom of Choice Act, which would remove all restrictions on abortions passed by state legislatures. Catholics for Free Choice, another RCRC member, also signed on.
The religious groups likewise call to repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion services, and the Mexico City Policy, first established by President Ronald Reagan, which prevents government funding of overseas organizations that provide abortions.
IRD UMAction Director Mark Tooley commented:
"RCRC has long lobbied for unrestricted abortion on demand, with its member denominations acting as a religious veneer for its extreme abortion rights ideology.
"Many churchgoers in RCRC member denominations would be horrified to learn how RCRC is exploiting their church's name to promote unlimited abortion on demand.
"Especially abhorrent is RCRC's advocacy of government funding for unrestricted abortions. This mindset illustrates how RCRC and its member denominational agencies are morally vapid and divorced from traditional Christian and Jewish teachings.
"Many on the Evangelical and Catholic Left promoted Obama's candidacy, promising his administration would work to reduce the number of abortions in America. Such advocates should now work to counteract RCRC's squalid campaign."
The Institute on Religion and Democracy, founded in 1981, is an ecumenical alliance of U.S. Christians working to reform their churches' social witness, in accord with biblical and historic Christian teachings, thereby contributing to the renewal of democratic society at home and abroad
New Web Tool Matches Donors with Giving Opportunities; ECFA 'ServantMatch' Available in Time for Year-End Giving
New Web Tool Matches Donors with Giving Opportunities; ECFA 'ServantMatch' Available in Time for Year-End Giving
WINCHESTER, Va., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- "ServantMatch," a new, one-of- a-kind tool matching donors with specific ministries and other faith-based nonprofits, has been launched by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) on its website, www.ECFA.org.
With "ServantMatch," donors will be able to go from ECFA's website to the "ServantMatch" link ( www.ecfa.org/ServantMatch.aspx) and choose the type of organization to which they would like to give. They then can view and research all of the organizations that have related giving opportunities within each of the categories and subcategories.
For example, those wishing to give to hunger relief in Africa would do a search by the category "Disaster Relief & Development," then by the subcategory "Hunger Relief" and then "Africa." A variety of relief organizations engaged in hunger relief will come up for their review.
ECFA members are among the most well-respected and trusted faith-based nonprofits in the world. By utilizing the ECFA website and "ServantMatch," donors can determine if a ministry is an ECFA member, what the organization's mission is, review important financial information about the ministry and then be linked directly to the ministry's web site for giving.
ECFA currently has more than 1,300 active members. Approximately 250 different giving opportunities are showcased in "ServantMatch" initially. Other member ministries will be added to the site in the coming months.
"The timing of the launch, just as year-end donation plans are being formulated, is very appropriate," said Dan Busby, acting ECFA president.
According to Busby, more than 1.5 million visits come to ECFA's website each year. Many view one or more member profiles on the site.
"This is a one-stop shop for donors," he said. "From our website, donors can go directly to a particular member donor page and give, whereas before, they might have had to search many different websites individually before they finally found the ministry for which they were looking."
"We at Prison Fellowship are thrilled about 'ServantMatch,'" said Alan Terwilleger, senior vice president of Prison Fellowship Ministries. "ECFA has become a trusted seal of approval for our supporters, and we are pleased that we can now be introduced to new potential supporters through this service that links God's people to giving opportunities with us."
ECFA, founded in 1979, provides accreditation to evangelical Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fund-raising and board governance. For more information about ECFA, including information about accreditation and a listing of ECFA-accredited members, visit www.ECFA.org or call 1-800-323-9473.
WINCHESTER, Va., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- "ServantMatch," a new, one-of- a-kind tool matching donors with specific ministries and other faith-based nonprofits, has been launched by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) on its website, www.ECFA.org.
With "ServantMatch," donors will be able to go from ECFA's website to the "ServantMatch" link ( www.ecfa.org/ServantMatch.aspx) and choose the type of organization to which they would like to give. They then can view and research all of the organizations that have related giving opportunities within each of the categories and subcategories.
For example, those wishing to give to hunger relief in Africa would do a search by the category "Disaster Relief & Development," then by the subcategory "Hunger Relief" and then "Africa." A variety of relief organizations engaged in hunger relief will come up for their review.
ECFA members are among the most well-respected and trusted faith-based nonprofits in the world. By utilizing the ECFA website and "ServantMatch," donors can determine if a ministry is an ECFA member, what the organization's mission is, review important financial information about the ministry and then be linked directly to the ministry's web site for giving.
ECFA currently has more than 1,300 active members. Approximately 250 different giving opportunities are showcased in "ServantMatch" initially. Other member ministries will be added to the site in the coming months.
"The timing of the launch, just as year-end donation plans are being formulated, is very appropriate," said Dan Busby, acting ECFA president.
According to Busby, more than 1.5 million visits come to ECFA's website each year. Many view one or more member profiles on the site.
"This is a one-stop shop for donors," he said. "From our website, donors can go directly to a particular member donor page and give, whereas before, they might have had to search many different websites individually before they finally found the ministry for which they were looking."
"We at Prison Fellowship are thrilled about 'ServantMatch,'" said Alan Terwilleger, senior vice president of Prison Fellowship Ministries. "ECFA has become a trusted seal of approval for our supporters, and we are pleased that we can now be introduced to new potential supporters through this service that links God's people to giving opportunities with us."
ECFA, founded in 1979, provides accreditation to evangelical Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fund-raising and board governance. For more information about ECFA, including information about accreditation and a listing of ECFA-accredited members, visit www.ECFA.org or call 1-800-323-9473.
Surviving the Holidays after a Loved One's Death: Economic Woes Add to Holiday Pressure for People Who Grieve
Surviving the Holidays after a Loved One's Death: Economic Woes Add to Holiday Pressure for People Who Grieve
New GriefShare website offers valuable tools for holiday survival
WAKE FOREST, NC, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- People who have experienced the death of a loved one often face Thanksgiving and Christmas with dread. Long-standing family traditions will never be the same; the hope and joy that normally accompany the season are replaced by depression and loneliness. This year's economic downturn will add even more pressure on people who are grieving while facing already-difficult financial circumstances.
GriefShare, an international network of grief recovery support groups, has launched a special hope- filled "Surviving the Holidays" website to offer practical tools and suggestions designed to help a grieving person construct a healthy approach to the holiday season. The website can be found at www.griefshare.org/holidays.
The GriefShare Surviving the Holidays website includes practical, actionable strategies that will help people in grief:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Remember and honor their loved one
- Minimize loneliness
- Establish new traditions
- Help children adjust to new family dynamics
- Help others in need
- Focus on the true meaning of the holidays
The GriefShare Surviving the Holidays website features an extensive collection of online videos with advice from top experts on how to survive the holiday season, and the real-life stories of people who've experienced the challenges of Thanksgiving and Christmas while grieving the loss of a family member or friend.
"Most people who are grieving a death anticipate a dark, depressing experience as they face the weeks ahead of and during the holidays," said GriefShare founder Steve Grissom. "We've designed this material to help restore hope and optimism to Thanksgiving and Christmas, even while in the midst of the deep pain of grief. The information is not complicated -- it consists of simple steps a person can take to make the holidays manageable and even enjoyable."
About GriefShare
GriefShare is a network of nearly 6,000 churches worldwide equipped to offer grief recovery support groups. A searchable database of GriefShare groups is located on the web at www.griefshare.org. GriefShare is a ministry of Church Initiative of Wake Forest, NC.
For further information, contact:
Kathy Leonard
Editorial Director
Church Initiative
919-562-2112, x. 130
PO Box 1739
Wake Forest, NC 27588
New GriefShare website offers valuable tools for holiday survival
WAKE FOREST, NC, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- People who have experienced the death of a loved one often face Thanksgiving and Christmas with dread. Long-standing family traditions will never be the same; the hope and joy that normally accompany the season are replaced by depression and loneliness. This year's economic downturn will add even more pressure on people who are grieving while facing already-difficult financial circumstances.
GriefShare, an international network of grief recovery support groups, has launched a special hope- filled "Surviving the Holidays" website to offer practical tools and suggestions designed to help a grieving person construct a healthy approach to the holiday season. The website can be found at www.griefshare.org/holidays.
The GriefShare Surviving the Holidays website includes practical, actionable strategies that will help people in grief:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Remember and honor their loved one
- Minimize loneliness
- Establish new traditions
- Help children adjust to new family dynamics
- Help others in need
- Focus on the true meaning of the holidays
The GriefShare Surviving the Holidays website features an extensive collection of online videos with advice from top experts on how to survive the holiday season, and the real-life stories of people who've experienced the challenges of Thanksgiving and Christmas while grieving the loss of a family member or friend.
"Most people who are grieving a death anticipate a dark, depressing experience as they face the weeks ahead of and during the holidays," said GriefShare founder Steve Grissom. "We've designed this material to help restore hope and optimism to Thanksgiving and Christmas, even while in the midst of the deep pain of grief. The information is not complicated -- it consists of simple steps a person can take to make the holidays manageable and even enjoyable."
About GriefShare
GriefShare is a network of nearly 6,000 churches worldwide equipped to offer grief recovery support groups. A searchable database of GriefShare groups is located on the web at www.griefshare.org. GriefShare is a ministry of Church Initiative of Wake Forest, NC.
For further information, contact:
Kathy Leonard
Editorial Director
Church Initiative
919-562-2112, x. 130
PO Box 1739
Wake Forest, NC 27588
The Dangerous Masquerade of the Feminist Majority Foundation
The Dangerous Masquerade of the Feminist Majority Foundation
MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The Feminist Majority Foundation claims to be 'dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health and non-violence,'" said Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, "but actions speak louder than words. Eleanor Smeal, the group's president, and her colleagues do not care if women die of breast cancer or have premature births because of their abortions.
"If Smeal et al. had the slightest concern for women's health, they would never have initiated a despicable attack on crisis pregnancy centers that serve pregnant mothers, in part, by warning them about the grave health risks associated with abortion.
"Telling women the truth about the abortion-breast cancer link is as bad for business as telling consumers about the risks of smoking. Whether it's Big Abortion or Big Tobacco, making money is more important to them than protecting consumer health.
"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. If, as standard medical texts say, delaying a first full term pregnancy, childlessness, little or no breastfeeding and small family size put women at much greater risk for the disease, then the young woman who has an abortion has a greater risk than does the one who has a baby. The woman who aborts forfeits the protective effect of childbearing.
"Get a conscience," Malec said to Smeal, "and stop playing politics with women's health."
A fact sheet discussing the three ways that abortion increases breast cancer risk is available here: http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/download/TALKI NG_POINTS.pdf
The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is an international women's organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer.
MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The Feminist Majority Foundation claims to be 'dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health and non-violence,'" said Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, "but actions speak louder than words. Eleanor Smeal, the group's president, and her colleagues do not care if women die of breast cancer or have premature births because of their abortions.
"If Smeal et al. had the slightest concern for women's health, they would never have initiated a despicable attack on crisis pregnancy centers that serve pregnant mothers, in part, by warning them about the grave health risks associated with abortion.
"Telling women the truth about the abortion-breast cancer link is as bad for business as telling consumers about the risks of smoking. Whether it's Big Abortion or Big Tobacco, making money is more important to them than protecting consumer health.
"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. If, as standard medical texts say, delaying a first full term pregnancy, childlessness, little or no breastfeeding and small family size put women at much greater risk for the disease, then the young woman who has an abortion has a greater risk than does the one who has a baby. The woman who aborts forfeits the protective effect of childbearing.
"Get a conscience," Malec said to Smeal, "and stop playing politics with women's health."
A fact sheet discussing the three ways that abortion increases breast cancer risk is available here: http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/download/TALKI NG_POINTS.pdf
The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is an international women's organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer.
Holiday Season Amplifies Hurt of Separation and Divorce: Economic Woes Add to Pressure
Holiday Season Amplifies Hurt of Separation and Divorce: Economic Woes Add to Pressure
New DivorceCare website offers valuable tools for holiday survival
WAKE FOREST, NC, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- People in the middle of separation or divorce often face Thanksgiving and Christmas with dread. Long-standing family traditions are shattered; the hope and joy that normally accompany the season are replaced by loneliness and depression. This year's economic downturn will add even more pressure on people who are separated or divorced and facing already-difficult financial circumstances.
DivorceCare, an international network of divorce recovery support groups, has launched a special hope-filled "Surviving the Holidays" website to offer practical tools and suggestions designed to help a separated or divorced person construct a healthy approach to the holiday season. The website can be found at www.divorcecare.org/holidays.
The DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays website includes practical, actionable strategies that will help separated and divorced people:
- Reduce stress
- Minimize loneliness
- Manage tight budgets
- Establish new traditions
- Help children adjust to new family dynamics
- Help others in need
- Focus on the true meaning of the holidays
The DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays website features an extensive collection of online videos with advice from top experts on how to survive the holiday season, and the real-life stories of people who've experienced the challenges of Thanksgiving and Christmas while going through a divorce.
"It's not unusual for a person going through separation or divorce to face the holiday season with dread. Many anticipate a dark, depressing experience as they face the weeks ahead of and during the holidays," said DivorceCare founder Steve Grissom. "We've designed this material to help restore joy and optimism to Thanksgiving and Christmas, even in the middle of a divorce. The information is not complicated -- it consists of simple steps a person can take to make the holidays manageable and even enjoyable."
About DivorceCare
DivorceCare is a network of nearly 12,000 churches worldwide equipped to offer divorce recovery support groups. A searchable database of DivorceCare groups is located on the web at www.divorcecare.org. DivorceCare is a ministry of Church Initiative of Wake Forest, NC.
For further information, contact:
Kathy Leonard
Editorial Director
Church Initiative
919-562-2112, x. 130
PO Box 1739
Wake Forest, NC 27588
New DivorceCare website offers valuable tools for holiday survival
WAKE FOREST, NC, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- People in the middle of separation or divorce often face Thanksgiving and Christmas with dread. Long-standing family traditions are shattered; the hope and joy that normally accompany the season are replaced by loneliness and depression. This year's economic downturn will add even more pressure on people who are separated or divorced and facing already-difficult financial circumstances.
DivorceCare, an international network of divorce recovery support groups, has launched a special hope-filled "Surviving the Holidays" website to offer practical tools and suggestions designed to help a separated or divorced person construct a healthy approach to the holiday season. The website can be found at www.divorcecare.org/holidays.
The DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays website includes practical, actionable strategies that will help separated and divorced people:
- Reduce stress
- Minimize loneliness
- Manage tight budgets
- Establish new traditions
- Help children adjust to new family dynamics
- Help others in need
- Focus on the true meaning of the holidays
The DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays website features an extensive collection of online videos with advice from top experts on how to survive the holiday season, and the real-life stories of people who've experienced the challenges of Thanksgiving and Christmas while going through a divorce.
"It's not unusual for a person going through separation or divorce to face the holiday season with dread. Many anticipate a dark, depressing experience as they face the weeks ahead of and during the holidays," said DivorceCare founder Steve Grissom. "We've designed this material to help restore joy and optimism to Thanksgiving and Christmas, even in the middle of a divorce. The information is not complicated -- it consists of simple steps a person can take to make the holidays manageable and even enjoyable."
About DivorceCare
DivorceCare is a network of nearly 12,000 churches worldwide equipped to offer divorce recovery support groups. A searchable database of DivorceCare groups is located on the web at www.divorcecare.org. DivorceCare is a ministry of Church Initiative of Wake Forest, NC.
For further information, contact:
Kathy Leonard
Editorial Director
Church Initiative
919-562-2112, x. 130
PO Box 1739
Wake Forest, NC 27588
Letting Bethlehem Babies Know it's Christmas
Letting Bethlehem Babies Know it's Christmas
Birth Hospital Just Yards From Jesus' Birthplace Asks U.S. Christians to Host Baby Showers this Advent to Help Bethlehem Families in Great Need
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Advent - the joyful time of the year when Christians around the world prepare their hearts and minds for the Savior's birth. Imagine that just a mere 500 yards where Jesus Christ came into the world, hundreds of babies are waiting again to be born, and surprisingly the primitive conditions in which Our Lord was born still exist and women often find themselves delivering their babies in the most unsanitary and unsafe of conditions.
But there is hope. Holy Family Hospital is an obstetrical/gynecological facility - the only one in the region that can handle the complicated medical conditions of women living in extreme poverty. Here modern state-of-the-art birthing facilities and neonatal intensive care units for preemies serve the needs of all Bethlehem women regardless of creed, ethnicity or ability to pay.
This Advent, the Hospital is asking for the generosity of U.S. Christians through a simple, yet common and joyful American tradition - hosting a Baby Shower for the Bethlehem mothers. The U.S. based Foundation which supports the work of the hospital makes it easy. Everything one needs to throw the shower is downloadable from their website at www.birthplaceofhope.org. And the opportunity and benefit to do this during the joyful time of waiting for Christ's own birth is immeasurable.
The need is great. Living in poverty and under pervasive political stress creates a high-risk-situation for pregnant women. Twenty-five percent of the women served by the hospital live in refugee camps. The hospital is the designated care provider for four refugee camps operated by the UN and every month over 200 women overcome curfews, road closures and roadblocks to deliver here.
Colleen Marotta, Executive Director of the U.S. based Foundation, just returned from a 4-day visit to the facility, "The women who give birth may have different traditions but they are united in that primal need of all laboring women for safety and care as they bring their children into the world. Like Mary and Joseph, these families are on a journey to find a place of refuge, a place of hope and promise, a place where their babies can be delivered safely. In the entire Bethlehem region, only one place is their destination - Holy Family Hospital."
Holy Family Hospital Foundation is working with schools, groups, host families and churches around the country to provide necessities to the modern day Mary and Joseph in the region. Sample invitations, stories about individual mothers and babies, a registry, and tips for a menu and decorations are provided at www.BirthplaceofHope.org in order to facilitate baby showers. By participating in this incredible project, individuals and groups can assure that every newborn will be swaddled, fed and cared for in Bethlehem this Christmas.
About Holy Family Hospital: Considered the pre- eminent provider of medical services in the Bethlehem region, Holy Family Hospital has served as a beacon of hope for Palestinian women in desperate need of healthcare for more than a millennium. Holy Family Hospital is an obstetrical/gynecological facility--the only one in the region that can handle the complicated medical conditions of women living in extreme poverty and under the shadow of political strife.
Holy Family Hospital was designated by Pope John Paul II as one of the top 100 projects for the new millennium. Dedicated to delivering life and caring for the poor, the hospital brings compassion and benevolence into this area and serves as a safe haven for more than 22,000 women and children per year. Moreover, the hospital's neo-natal intensive care unit is the only one in the region and the obstetrics department provides the only long-term hospitalization for mothers with high-risk pregnancies.
Executive Director of Holy Family Hospital Foundation, Colleen Marotta, is available for interviews. Please contact Ashley Walker (contact information above). For information on hosting a baby shower please visit www.BirthplaceofHope.org.
Birth Hospital Just Yards From Jesus' Birthplace Asks U.S. Christians to Host Baby Showers this Advent to Help Bethlehem Families in Great Need
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Advent - the joyful time of the year when Christians around the world prepare their hearts and minds for the Savior's birth. Imagine that just a mere 500 yards where Jesus Christ came into the world, hundreds of babies are waiting again to be born, and surprisingly the primitive conditions in which Our Lord was born still exist and women often find themselves delivering their babies in the most unsanitary and unsafe of conditions.
But there is hope. Holy Family Hospital is an obstetrical/gynecological facility - the only one in the region that can handle the complicated medical conditions of women living in extreme poverty. Here modern state-of-the-art birthing facilities and neonatal intensive care units for preemies serve the needs of all Bethlehem women regardless of creed, ethnicity or ability to pay.
This Advent, the Hospital is asking for the generosity of U.S. Christians through a simple, yet common and joyful American tradition - hosting a Baby Shower for the Bethlehem mothers. The U.S. based Foundation which supports the work of the hospital makes it easy. Everything one needs to throw the shower is downloadable from their website at www.birthplaceofhope.org. And the opportunity and benefit to do this during the joyful time of waiting for Christ's own birth is immeasurable.
The need is great. Living in poverty and under pervasive political stress creates a high-risk-situation for pregnant women. Twenty-five percent of the women served by the hospital live in refugee camps. The hospital is the designated care provider for four refugee camps operated by the UN and every month over 200 women overcome curfews, road closures and roadblocks to deliver here.
Colleen Marotta, Executive Director of the U.S. based Foundation, just returned from a 4-day visit to the facility, "The women who give birth may have different traditions but they are united in that primal need of all laboring women for safety and care as they bring their children into the world. Like Mary and Joseph, these families are on a journey to find a place of refuge, a place of hope and promise, a place where their babies can be delivered safely. In the entire Bethlehem region, only one place is their destination - Holy Family Hospital."
Holy Family Hospital Foundation is working with schools, groups, host families and churches around the country to provide necessities to the modern day Mary and Joseph in the region. Sample invitations, stories about individual mothers and babies, a registry, and tips for a menu and decorations are provided at www.BirthplaceofHope.org in order to facilitate baby showers. By participating in this incredible project, individuals and groups can assure that every newborn will be swaddled, fed and cared for in Bethlehem this Christmas.
About Holy Family Hospital: Considered the pre- eminent provider of medical services in the Bethlehem region, Holy Family Hospital has served as a beacon of hope for Palestinian women in desperate need of healthcare for more than a millennium. Holy Family Hospital is an obstetrical/gynecological facility--the only one in the region that can handle the complicated medical conditions of women living in extreme poverty and under the shadow of political strife.
Holy Family Hospital was designated by Pope John Paul II as one of the top 100 projects for the new millennium. Dedicated to delivering life and caring for the poor, the hospital brings compassion and benevolence into this area and serves as a safe haven for more than 22,000 women and children per year. Moreover, the hospital's neo-natal intensive care unit is the only one in the region and the obstetrics department provides the only long-term hospitalization for mothers with high-risk pregnancies.
Executive Director of Holy Family Hospital Foundation, Colleen Marotta, is available for interviews. Please contact Ashley Walker (contact information above). For information on hosting a baby shower please visit www.BirthplaceofHope.org.
House Church Leader Zhu Baoguo Sentenced to 'Re-education Through Labor'
House Church Leader Zhu Baoguo Sentenced to 'Re-education Through Labor'
HENAN, China Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- ChinaAid learned a house church leader in Henan province, Pastor Zhu Baoguo, was sentenced to one year of "re-education through labor," accused of being an "evil cult" leader. On October 12, 2008 five church leaders were detained during a church gathering of about 20 people at Dushu village, Yuguang town, Neixiang county, Nanyang city, Henan province. Pastor Zhu received 15 days of administrative detention, while the other four leaders were sentenced to five days. However, on October 30, two days after Pastor Zhu was released from his 15-day administrative detention at the Detention Center of Neixiang County, Pastor Zhu was sentenced to one year of re-education through labor. He was charged with being a member of "an evil cult." He was immediately sent to a labor camp. His family and church members have not been able to determine where he is being held. According to his family members, Pastor Zhu suffers from heart disease.
"To arbitrarily detain and sentence an innocent house church pastor is a direct violation of the Chinese Constitution and related international human rights covenants guaranteeing Chinese citizens' religious freedom. It also contradicts the Chinese government's repeated claim for protecting religious freedom in the spirit of rule of law," said Bob Fu, President of ChinaAid. "We call upon the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhu immediately."
To request permission to reproduce ChinaAid photos and/or information, please contact Katherine@ChinaAid.org.
HENAN, China Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- ChinaAid learned a house church leader in Henan province, Pastor Zhu Baoguo, was sentenced to one year of "re-education through labor," accused of being an "evil cult" leader. On October 12, 2008 five church leaders were detained during a church gathering of about 20 people at Dushu village, Yuguang town, Neixiang county, Nanyang city, Henan province. Pastor Zhu received 15 days of administrative detention, while the other four leaders were sentenced to five days. However, on October 30, two days after Pastor Zhu was released from his 15-day administrative detention at the Detention Center of Neixiang County, Pastor Zhu was sentenced to one year of re-education through labor. He was charged with being a member of "an evil cult." He was immediately sent to a labor camp. His family and church members have not been able to determine where he is being held. According to his family members, Pastor Zhu suffers from heart disease.
"To arbitrarily detain and sentence an innocent house church pastor is a direct violation of the Chinese Constitution and related international human rights covenants guaranteeing Chinese citizens' religious freedom. It also contradicts the Chinese government's repeated claim for protecting religious freedom in the spirit of rule of law," said Bob Fu, President of ChinaAid. "We call upon the Chinese government to release Pastor Zhu immediately."
To request permission to reproduce ChinaAid photos and/or information, please contact Katherine@ChinaAid.org.
Season Finale of Revolve: Rockin' The Road Fri. Nov. 21 at 11pm ET on GMC
Season Finale of Revolve: Rockin' The Road Fri. Nov. 21 at 11pm ET on GMC
Revolve: Rockin' The Road Season Finale Fri. Nov. 21 @ 11:00 p.m. ET;
First Four Episode Marathon Leads Up to Finale Starting @ 9:00 p.m.
ATLANTA, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The unique, behind-the- scenes journey of four advance team members of The Revolve Tour, the popular new travelling tour for teen girls, climaxes and concludes this Friday, Nov. 21 in the season finale of Revolve: Rockin' The Road at 11:00 p.m. on Gospel Music Channel (GMC). GMC will encore the first four episodes of the series back-to- back leading up to the finale, starting at 9:00 p.m. (All times Eastern.)
GMC's first-ever unscripted reality drama series targeting teens, Revolve: Rockin' The Road follows four advance team members of The Revolve Tour, produced by North America's largest women's conference, Women of Faith. The show is seen through the eyes of four young professionals working with The Revolve Tour this summer: Chad Eastham, Jenna Lucado, Sean Kelly and Courtney Clark Cleveland. Crammed inside a tour bus and armed only with their faith, the four friends have trekked across America with an agenda to connect with teen girls and spark interest in The Revolve Tour: All Access. Revolve: Rockin' The Road has given viewers an all-access pass as the foursome have traveled to nine different Christian music festivals across the country. The series captures their collective quest to maintain spiritual peace and discipline amidst logistical challenges, self goals, and inevitable relationship struggles. While some of the cast finds resolution to those struggles at the season's end, others will remain searching.
Christian music artists Natalie Grant, Hawk Nelson, Group 1 Crew, Krystal Meyers and Ayiesha Woods are featured in the series, performing at the festivals and connecting with the Revolve team.
Revolve: Rockin' The Road was produced for Gospel Music Channel by ScreenSurge Studios, which specializes in high definition television, commercial and music video production. ScreenSurge creates solid entertainment with positive messages while maintaining the production quality of the most popular films and television shows available today. The company has worked with Discovery Networks, MTV, FOX, Country Music Television, HBO and BRAVO.
The Revolve Tour (www.revolvetour.com) is an event for teen girls produced by North America's largest women's conference, Women of Faith. These fun, high-energy weekend events incorporate music, drama, and testimonies from an all-star line-up of artists and speakers. Topics covered include self- esteem, faith in Christ, friendships, and dealing with guys. This year's Revolve Tour: All Access is scheduled in 16 cities throughout the U.S.
Gospel Music Channel (www.gospelmusicchannel.com) is the fastest- growing network in television today and can be seen in more than 40 million homes on various cable systems around the country and nationwide on DIRECTV on channel 338.
Contact: Jim Weiss (770) 692-4579 jim@gospelmusicchannel.com
Revolve: Rockin' The Road Season Finale Fri. Nov. 21 @ 11:00 p.m. ET;
First Four Episode Marathon Leads Up to Finale Starting @ 9:00 p.m.
ATLANTA, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The unique, behind-the- scenes journey of four advance team members of The Revolve Tour, the popular new travelling tour for teen girls, climaxes and concludes this Friday, Nov. 21 in the season finale of Revolve: Rockin' The Road at 11:00 p.m. on Gospel Music Channel (GMC). GMC will encore the first four episodes of the series back-to- back leading up to the finale, starting at 9:00 p.m. (All times Eastern.)
GMC's first-ever unscripted reality drama series targeting teens, Revolve: Rockin' The Road follows four advance team members of The Revolve Tour, produced by North America's largest women's conference, Women of Faith. The show is seen through the eyes of four young professionals working with The Revolve Tour this summer: Chad Eastham, Jenna Lucado, Sean Kelly and Courtney Clark Cleveland. Crammed inside a tour bus and armed only with their faith, the four friends have trekked across America with an agenda to connect with teen girls and spark interest in The Revolve Tour: All Access. Revolve: Rockin' The Road has given viewers an all-access pass as the foursome have traveled to nine different Christian music festivals across the country. The series captures their collective quest to maintain spiritual peace and discipline amidst logistical challenges, self goals, and inevitable relationship struggles. While some of the cast finds resolution to those struggles at the season's end, others will remain searching.
Christian music artists Natalie Grant, Hawk Nelson, Group 1 Crew, Krystal Meyers and Ayiesha Woods are featured in the series, performing at the festivals and connecting with the Revolve team.
Revolve: Rockin' The Road was produced for Gospel Music Channel by ScreenSurge Studios, which specializes in high definition television, commercial and music video production. ScreenSurge creates solid entertainment with positive messages while maintaining the production quality of the most popular films and television shows available today. The company has worked with Discovery Networks, MTV, FOX, Country Music Television, HBO and BRAVO.
The Revolve Tour (www.revolvetour.com) is an event for teen girls produced by North America's largest women's conference, Women of Faith. These fun, high-energy weekend events incorporate music, drama, and testimonies from an all-star line-up of artists and speakers. Topics covered include self- esteem, faith in Christ, friendships, and dealing with guys. This year's Revolve Tour: All Access is scheduled in 16 cities throughout the U.S.
Gospel Music Channel (www.gospelmusicchannel.com) is the fastest- growing network in television today and can be seen in more than 40 million homes on various cable systems around the country and nationwide on DIRECTV on channel 338.
Contact: Jim Weiss (770) 692-4579 jim@gospelmusicchannel.com
Zondervan Acquires Online Community-Building Resource for Churches - The City Plans to Equip Churches Worldwide to Create Interactive Church Communit
Zondervan Acquires Online Community-Building Resource for Churches - The City
Plans to Equip Churches Worldwide to Create Interactive Church Communities
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Zondervan, a world leader in Christian communications, has acquired The City, a propriety online community-building software program created by Seattle-based Mars Hill Church. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
Developed over the past two years by Mars Hill pastor of technology, Zack Hubert, who spent eight years in management at Amazon.com, The City was created in response to the church's need to improve communication, better engage with members, support small groups, build a stronger church community and free up administrative resources. Mars Hill launched The City earlier this year to create a dynamic, engaging interactive online community for its more than 7,000 members. Within two months of launch more than 85% of the church's members had signed up and more than 75% visit the site every single day.
"The City is an essential part of the way our members and our staff communicate every day," said Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill's founding and preaching pastor. "Thanks to Zondervan churches and organizations around the world will have access to this resource to help people meet Jesus and build community."
Zondervan plans to build out the current features of The City and offer scalable and customizable modules to churches nationwide who want to create their own vibrant, interactive community for members.
"The City is the most creative, dynamic church- building resource that I have seen, and we are thrilled to be able to make it available to churches of all sizes and denominations," said Moe Girkins, president and CEO of Zondervan. "The impact The City has had on Mars Hill is nothing short of remarkable, and I'm confident other churches will be attracted to the substantial community-building benefits that come from offering this unique resource to their church members."
The City is specifically for the church internet community. Each church member has a unique username and password, assuring the community of a secure and reliable network. Members of each church's social network can post and maintain their personal profile, find spiritual resources, sign up for volunteer opportunities, engage with their small group members, join book/study groups, maintain a journal, access news, and connect and share personal feelings, experiences, needs, and prayer requests with other church members.
"The City is much more than a social network as it helps churches to solve their greatest challenges - whether it's church planning, fundraising, developing small groups, building the global church, bolstering a sense of community or improving communications among members," added Girkins. "We are excited to take this incredibly valuable resource that Mars Hill has created and bring it to other churches throughout the U.S. and around the world."
As a result of the acquisition, The City creator Zack Hubert will be joining Zondervan as Vice President of Church Community Networks.
A virtual tour of The City's features can be found at www.onthecity.org.
About Zondervan
Zondervan, a HarperCollins company, is a world leader in Christian communications and the leading Christian publishing brand. For more than 75 years, Zondervan has delivered transformational Christian experiences through general and academic resources by influential leaders and emerging voices, and been honored with more Christian Book Awards than any other publisher. Headquartered in Grand Rapids, Mich., with offices in San Diego, Miami, and London, Zondervan conducts events and publishes its bestselling Bibles, books, audio, video, curriculum, software and digital products through its Zondervan, eZondervan, Zonderkidz, Youth Specialties, Editorial Vida, and National Pastors Convention brands. Zondervan resources are sold worldwide through retail stores, online and by Zondervan ChurchSource, and are translated into nearly 200 languages in more than 60 countries. Visit Zondervan on the Internet at www.zondervan.com.
About Mars Hill Church
Mars Hill Church is a non-denominational church that meets in seven different locations throughout the Seattle area, with twenty weekly services broadcast via satellite from the flagship campus. In 2008, Outreach magazine named Mars Hill Church the second-most innovative church in America. The church began in 1996 as a small Bible study in the home of founding pastor Mark Driscoll. Today, over seven thousand people attend Mars Hill on a weekly basis, with millions more accessing free sermons, music, and other resources through the church's extensive Internet library. To learn more about the ministry of Mars Hill Church visit www.marshillchurch.org.
Plans to Equip Churches Worldwide to Create Interactive Church Communities
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Zondervan, a world leader in Christian communications, has acquired The City, a propriety online community-building software program created by Seattle-based Mars Hill Church. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
Developed over the past two years by Mars Hill pastor of technology, Zack Hubert, who spent eight years in management at Amazon.com, The City was created in response to the church's need to improve communication, better engage with members, support small groups, build a stronger church community and free up administrative resources. Mars Hill launched The City earlier this year to create a dynamic, engaging interactive online community for its more than 7,000 members. Within two months of launch more than 85% of the church's members had signed up and more than 75% visit the site every single day.
"The City is an essential part of the way our members and our staff communicate every day," said Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill's founding and preaching pastor. "Thanks to Zondervan churches and organizations around the world will have access to this resource to help people meet Jesus and build community."
Zondervan plans to build out the current features of The City and offer scalable and customizable modules to churches nationwide who want to create their own vibrant, interactive community for members.
"The City is the most creative, dynamic church- building resource that I have seen, and we are thrilled to be able to make it available to churches of all sizes and denominations," said Moe Girkins, president and CEO of Zondervan. "The impact The City has had on Mars Hill is nothing short of remarkable, and I'm confident other churches will be attracted to the substantial community-building benefits that come from offering this unique resource to their church members."
The City is specifically for the church internet community. Each church member has a unique username and password, assuring the community of a secure and reliable network. Members of each church's social network can post and maintain their personal profile, find spiritual resources, sign up for volunteer opportunities, engage with their small group members, join book/study groups, maintain a journal, access news, and connect and share personal feelings, experiences, needs, and prayer requests with other church members.
"The City is much more than a social network as it helps churches to solve their greatest challenges - whether it's church planning, fundraising, developing small groups, building the global church, bolstering a sense of community or improving communications among members," added Girkins. "We are excited to take this incredibly valuable resource that Mars Hill has created and bring it to other churches throughout the U.S. and around the world."
As a result of the acquisition, The City creator Zack Hubert will be joining Zondervan as Vice President of Church Community Networks.
A virtual tour of The City's features can be found at www.onthecity.org.
About Zondervan
Zondervan, a HarperCollins company, is a world leader in Christian communications and the leading Christian publishing brand. For more than 75 years, Zondervan has delivered transformational Christian experiences through general and academic resources by influential leaders and emerging voices, and been honored with more Christian Book Awards than any other publisher. Headquartered in Grand Rapids, Mich., with offices in San Diego, Miami, and London, Zondervan conducts events and publishes its bestselling Bibles, books, audio, video, curriculum, software and digital products through its Zondervan, eZondervan, Zonderkidz, Youth Specialties, Editorial Vida, and National Pastors Convention brands. Zondervan resources are sold worldwide through retail stores, online and by Zondervan ChurchSource, and are translated into nearly 200 languages in more than 60 countries. Visit Zondervan on the Internet at www.zondervan.com.
About Mars Hill Church
Mars Hill Church is a non-denominational church that meets in seven different locations throughout the Seattle area, with twenty weekly services broadcast via satellite from the flagship campus. In 2008, Outreach magazine named Mars Hill Church the second-most innovative church in America. The church began in 1996 as a small Bible study in the home of founding pastor Mark Driscoll. Today, over seven thousand people attend Mars Hill on a weekly basis, with millions more accessing free sermons, music, and other resources through the church's extensive Internet library. To learn more about the ministry of Mars Hill Church visit www.marshillchurch.org.
Christian Ministry Says: Don't Read the Bible This Christmas
Christian Ministry Says: Don't Read the Bible This Christmas
Ministry challenges Christians to worship this Christmas the way their brothers and sisters overseas do it: Without a Bible.
FOWLERVILLE, Mich., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian Resources International, a ministry that sends Bibles and Christian books to needy Christians overseas, is calling on American Christians to spend this Christmas without the Bible.
CRI Executive Director Fred Palmerton suggests that "Christians in the United States should try and conduct one worship service this Christmas the way that our brothers and sisters in the Third World regularly have to worship: without any Bibles."
"Every day, more than 122,000 people become Christian, and most of those people are in Africa, Asia, and South America," reports Palmerton. "They're attending churches where even the pastors have no Bibles. In our country, the church isn't growing so much. But the pile of Bibles on every Christian's bookshelf sure is." In fact, research by Christian Booksellers Association and Zondervan Publishers indicates that the average American Christian owns nine Bibles(3) and is actively in the market for more.
Palmerton wants Christians in the United States to be more aware of the hardships encountered by their overseas brethren. "Often, the only resource worshippers in developing countries have is their memory, or what they write down on scraps of paper after visiting a church that does have a Bible." CRI invites churches and groups to sign up for Operation Bare Your Bookshelf ( www.bareyourbookshelf.com), a project to make it easy for American Christians to send their Bibles and other Christian books oversees.
"The resources that are desperately needed in the developing church already exist," says Palermton. "They are gathering dust on the bookshelves of American Christians."
Christians desiring to donate their Bibles and Christian books are invited to visit www.bareyourbookshelf.com to register or receive more information.
Christian Resources International is a 50-year old volunteer-driven ministry that enables ordinary Christians to send their used Christian books and Bibles to English-speaking recipients in the more than 180 countries from which CRI receives hundreds of handwritten and e-mailed requests every month.
Ministry challenges Christians to worship this Christmas the way their brothers and sisters overseas do it: Without a Bible.
FOWLERVILLE, Mich., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Christian Resources International, a ministry that sends Bibles and Christian books to needy Christians overseas, is calling on American Christians to spend this Christmas without the Bible.
CRI Executive Director Fred Palmerton suggests that "Christians in the United States should try and conduct one worship service this Christmas the way that our brothers and sisters in the Third World regularly have to worship: without any Bibles."
"Every day, more than 122,000 people become Christian, and most of those people are in Africa, Asia, and South America," reports Palmerton. "They're attending churches where even the pastors have no Bibles. In our country, the church isn't growing so much. But the pile of Bibles on every Christian's bookshelf sure is." In fact, research by Christian Booksellers Association and Zondervan Publishers indicates that the average American Christian owns nine Bibles(3) and is actively in the market for more.
Palmerton wants Christians in the United States to be more aware of the hardships encountered by their overseas brethren. "Often, the only resource worshippers in developing countries have is their memory, or what they write down on scraps of paper after visiting a church that does have a Bible." CRI invites churches and groups to sign up for Operation Bare Your Bookshelf ( www.bareyourbookshelf.com), a project to make it easy for American Christians to send their Bibles and other Christian books oversees.
"The resources that are desperately needed in the developing church already exist," says Palermton. "They are gathering dust on the bookshelves of American Christians."
Christians desiring to donate their Bibles and Christian books are invited to visit www.bareyourbookshelf.com to register or receive more information.
Christian Resources International is a 50-year old volunteer-driven ministry that enables ordinary Christians to send their used Christian books and Bibles to English-speaking recipients in the more than 180 countries from which CRI receives hundreds of handwritten and e-mailed requests every month.
Luis Palau and Son Andrew Bring Good News to Southern Mexico
Luis Palau and Son Andrew Bring Good News to Southern Mexico
150,000 hear world evangelists at festivals while thousands are served through major service effort
OAXACA, Mexico, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- As the economy continues to downshift in markets around the globe, world evangelist Luis Palau continues to bring his message of eternal hope and encouragement to millions. Joining with local churches and government agencies, Palau campaigns are meeting the physical and spiritual needs of individuals in some of the hardest hit parts of the world.
His most recent campaign with son and fellow evangelist Andrew Palau took him to the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico, November 12-15. In a partnership with nearly 350 local churches, they shared the Good News in person with more than 168,000 individuals throughout the region and recorded an amazing 11,193 decisions to follow Jesus Christ. According to Daniel Gurrion, Oaxaca state representative, "This proved to be the largest evangelistic campaign the region has ever seen."
While Palau focused much of his attention on the capital city of Oaxaca, son Andrew spent several days earlier in the week in the coastal city of Huatulco. This was the first Andrew Palau festival held in the country. His father has served Mexico through evangelistic campaigns and gatherings over the last 40 years.
In addition to the historic campaigns in Oaxaca and Huatulco, a unique partnership with the government of Oaxaca, Mission Increase Foundation of Oregon, and Forward Edge International helped reach another 6,259 individuals through a major service effort. Medical, dental, and eye exams were offered to the area's most needy. Further initiatives throughout the week included building projects for the homeless and a wide-scale feeding program for thousands of local youth.
"I have always had a heart for Mexico," said Luis Palau. "Having lived in this beautiful country from 1968 to 1971 with my wife and kids, it is a blessing to be able to return and serve in this way. To offer our encouragement and support; to share the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ with so many in this area - I couldn't ask for anything more. To God alone be all the glory!"
Palau's first Mexico crusade was in 1966. He has returned close to 50 times since then. His Spanish language radio show "Luis Palau Responde" has been heard throughout Mexico - and in most of Latin America - for decades. His next major international outreach will be in Guatemala City in March, 2009.
For more information visit www.palau.org.
150,000 hear world evangelists at festivals while thousands are served through major service effort
OAXACA, Mexico, Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- As the economy continues to downshift in markets around the globe, world evangelist Luis Palau continues to bring his message of eternal hope and encouragement to millions. Joining with local churches and government agencies, Palau campaigns are meeting the physical and spiritual needs of individuals in some of the hardest hit parts of the world.
His most recent campaign with son and fellow evangelist Andrew Palau took him to the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico, November 12-15. In a partnership with nearly 350 local churches, they shared the Good News in person with more than 168,000 individuals throughout the region and recorded an amazing 11,193 decisions to follow Jesus Christ. According to Daniel Gurrion, Oaxaca state representative, "This proved to be the largest evangelistic campaign the region has ever seen."
While Palau focused much of his attention on the capital city of Oaxaca, son Andrew spent several days earlier in the week in the coastal city of Huatulco. This was the first Andrew Palau festival held in the country. His father has served Mexico through evangelistic campaigns and gatherings over the last 40 years.
In addition to the historic campaigns in Oaxaca and Huatulco, a unique partnership with the government of Oaxaca, Mission Increase Foundation of Oregon, and Forward Edge International helped reach another 6,259 individuals through a major service effort. Medical, dental, and eye exams were offered to the area's most needy. Further initiatives throughout the week included building projects for the homeless and a wide-scale feeding program for thousands of local youth.
"I have always had a heart for Mexico," said Luis Palau. "Having lived in this beautiful country from 1968 to 1971 with my wife and kids, it is a blessing to be able to return and serve in this way. To offer our encouragement and support; to share the Good News Gospel of Jesus Christ with so many in this area - I couldn't ask for anything more. To God alone be all the glory!"
Palau's first Mexico crusade was in 1966. He has returned close to 50 times since then. His Spanish language radio show "Luis Palau Responde" has been heard throughout Mexico - and in most of Latin America - for decades. His next major international outreach will be in Guatemala City in March, 2009.
For more information visit www.palau.org.
Tiller's Defense Renews Request for Subpoena of Morrison Adultery Documents
Tiller's Defense Renews Request for Subpoena of Morrison Adultery Documents
Day two of hearing leads to efforts to get statements of Linda Carter in the sex and abortion corruption scandal that led to former Attorney General Morrison's resignation in disgrace
WICHITA, Kans., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The man who served as chief investigator under former Attorney General Phill Kline resumed testimony today in a hearing considering whether or not 19 criminal charges against late-term abortionist George Tiller should go forward.
While much of the day's questioning was mundane, attention of the courtroom observers was abruptly piqued when Monnat's line of questioning turned to William's knowledge of an adulterous affair between former Attorney General Paul Morrison and his employee, Linda Carter, while he was the District Attorney of Johnson County.
According to a news article that appeared in the Topeka Capital Journal on December 9, 2007, Carter and Morrison allegedly quarreled in March, 2007, over Morrison's reluctance to charge Tiller. Morrison finally filed 19 misdemeanor charges against Tiller on June 28, 2007. Those charges are the subject of the current court proceedings.
Williams testified that he became aware of the illicit affair during a meeting attended by a number of members of the Johnson County District Attorney's office.
Former Attorney General Phill Kline became Johnson County District Attorney on January 8, 2007, replacing Paul Morrison in that office after Morrison defeated Kline for Attorney General.
Williams testified that he interviewed Carter at a private residence that resulted in the production of a statement signed by Carter. About a week later, Williams took Carter's deposition in the presence of her attorney at a hotel conference room. However, he also told the court that he retained no copies of any of those documents.
Tiller's defense immediately asked for a renewal of a subpoena for those documents from Special Prosecutor Timothy Keck, who is responsible for an ongoing investigation of possible criminal conduct against Morrison, including allegations that he tried to use Carter to "spy" on Kline's abortion investigations for the purpose of impeding those investigations. Tiller's defense had previously requested a subpoena for the documents in Keck's possession, but the subpoena was quashed because producing the document could impede Keck's criminal investigation. Judge Clark Owens indicated that he will rule on that request in the morning when Williams is scheduled to resume testimony.
Prosecutor Barry Disney of the Attorney General's office objected to the Carter statements being introduced because Carter has not been subpoenaed for cross examination, making the statements hearsay and inadmissible. Disney invited Monnat to subpoena Carter, but apparently efforts to locate Carter have been unsuccessful.
Earlier in the day, Tom Williams testified about other matters. He said that he conducted an investigation into the non-reporting of child sex abuse in Kansas under Kline's direction. He was questioned, sometimes in an argumentative way, by Tiller's attorney Dan Monnat. Williams' part in the documents that launched the official inquisition approved by Shawnee County District Judge Richard Anderson was closely examined, along with the scope of the investigation, which included Tiller.
Williams has been on the stand since Monday afternoon. Deputy Johnson County District Attorney Eric Rucker is scheduled to take the stand once Williams has completed his testimony.
Operation Rescue representatives have been in the court room for the entire hearing and will continue to monitor the proceedings until their conclusion.
"Tiller is trying to show that the prosecutors engaged in outrageous prosecutorial misconduct in pursuing charges against Tiller. But what we must remember is that Tiller is the one charged with crimes, not the prosecutors," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "The true outrage is that Tiller, who we are convinced kills innocent viable babies contrary to the laws of Kansas, has the gall to accuse decent men and women of improper conduct when they have done nothing but try to enforce the laws in order to protect the innocent. We continue to pray this prosecution will be successful and that Tiller will finally be brought to justice."
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Day two of hearing leads to efforts to get statements of Linda Carter in the sex and abortion corruption scandal that led to former Attorney General Morrison's resignation in disgrace
WICHITA, Kans., Nov. 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The man who served as chief investigator under former Attorney General Phill Kline resumed testimony today in a hearing considering whether or not 19 criminal charges against late-term abortionist George Tiller should go forward.
While much of the day's questioning was mundane, attention of the courtroom observers was abruptly piqued when Monnat's line of questioning turned to William's knowledge of an adulterous affair between former Attorney General Paul Morrison and his employee, Linda Carter, while he was the District Attorney of Johnson County.
According to a news article that appeared in the Topeka Capital Journal on December 9, 2007, Carter and Morrison allegedly quarreled in March, 2007, over Morrison's reluctance to charge Tiller. Morrison finally filed 19 misdemeanor charges against Tiller on June 28, 2007. Those charges are the subject of the current court proceedings.
Williams testified that he became aware of the illicit affair during a meeting attended by a number of members of the Johnson County District Attorney's office.
Former Attorney General Phill Kline became Johnson County District Attorney on January 8, 2007, replacing Paul Morrison in that office after Morrison defeated Kline for Attorney General.
Williams testified that he interviewed Carter at a private residence that resulted in the production of a statement signed by Carter. About a week later, Williams took Carter's deposition in the presence of her attorney at a hotel conference room. However, he also told the court that he retained no copies of any of those documents.
Tiller's defense immediately asked for a renewal of a subpoena for those documents from Special Prosecutor Timothy Keck, who is responsible for an ongoing investigation of possible criminal conduct against Morrison, including allegations that he tried to use Carter to "spy" on Kline's abortion investigations for the purpose of impeding those investigations. Tiller's defense had previously requested a subpoena for the documents in Keck's possession, but the subpoena was quashed because producing the document could impede Keck's criminal investigation. Judge Clark Owens indicated that he will rule on that request in the morning when Williams is scheduled to resume testimony.
Prosecutor Barry Disney of the Attorney General's office objected to the Carter statements being introduced because Carter has not been subpoenaed for cross examination, making the statements hearsay and inadmissible. Disney invited Monnat to subpoena Carter, but apparently efforts to locate Carter have been unsuccessful.
Earlier in the day, Tom Williams testified about other matters. He said that he conducted an investigation into the non-reporting of child sex abuse in Kansas under Kline's direction. He was questioned, sometimes in an argumentative way, by Tiller's attorney Dan Monnat. Williams' part in the documents that launched the official inquisition approved by Shawnee County District Judge Richard Anderson was closely examined, along with the scope of the investigation, which included Tiller.
Williams has been on the stand since Monday afternoon. Deputy Johnson County District Attorney Eric Rucker is scheduled to take the stand once Williams has completed his testimony.
Operation Rescue representatives have been in the court room for the entire hearing and will continue to monitor the proceedings until their conclusion.
"Tiller is trying to show that the prosecutors engaged in outrageous prosecutorial misconduct in pursuing charges against Tiller. But what we must remember is that Tiller is the one charged with crimes, not the prosecutors," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "The true outrage is that Tiller, who we are convinced kills innocent viable babies contrary to the laws of Kansas, has the gall to accuse decent men and women of improper conduct when they have done nothing but try to enforce the laws in order to protect the innocent. We continue to pray this prosecution will be successful and that Tiller will finally be brought to justice."
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bad News for Economy -- Good News for Charities?
Bad News for Economy -- Good News for Charities?
New Study Says Americans Will Spend Less This Holiday Season But Will Also Be More Generous and Look for Meaningful Gifts That Help Poor
Weakening Economy Means Less Spending But More Generosity
Encouraging News for Charities as Recession Looms
SEATTLE, November 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- The weakening U.S. economy will force many U.S. adults to cut back on holiday gift spending this year but will also make some more likely to give a "charitable gift" as a present this holiday season, according to a World Vision survey just conducted by Harris Interactive. The study also finds that only 36 percent of U.S. adults feel they need something for the holidays this year.
"These results underscore our altruistic American culture of giving back," says Justin Greeves, Harris Interactive Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Policy Research. "This study, and a recent study by The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, both show why total charitable giving has increased in 39 of the last 40 years - even during times of recession," says Greeves. The findings are a reflection of our uniquely American values system of helping others in need, which, in turn, makes us, as givers feel good. This generosity may surprise some but shows why it truly 'Tis better to give than to receive.'"
As a result of the current economic climate, seven in ten adults (71 percent) will spend less money on holiday presents this year, and about half (49 percent) are now more likely to give a charitable gift as a holiday present.
More than four in five adults (84 percent) would prefer to receive a meaningful gift that would help someone else rather than a traditional holiday gift such as clothing or electronics.
More than half of U.S. adults (57 percent) want something for the holidays this year, but only about one in three (36 percent) say they need something.
More than half couldn't remember what they received. More women (60 percent) remember exactly what they got for Christmas last year than men (49 percent).
These results on charitable giving are encouraging to organizations like World Vision. As the worsening U.S. economy puts pressure on millions of Americans this holiday season, World Vision's Gift Catalog offers an economical way to remember those on your holiday shopping list in a meaningful way. "It takes so little money to make a big difference in someone's life through the Gift Catalog," says World Vision's Devin Hermanson, Senior Director Gift Catalog.
"And a gift given from the Gift Catalog significantly improves the life of a child or family in need by providing tools and opportunities to overcome extreme poverty while at the same time honoring your friends and loved ones," says Hermanson. "While families in the United States face decisions about where to cut back, families in other countries may be facing much harder decisions, like how to provide food for their children."
For each World Vision gift, the giver can make the purchase in the name of a friend, family member, or business associate. World Vision then sends special cards to those individuals, describing the gifts and their impact. In the following year, the gift itself or intervention reaches the child or family in need.
Last year alone, World Vision's Gift Catalog raised $21 million and provided assistance to more than 500,000 people around the world.
World Vision launched the Gift Catalog in 1996. And while a goat ($75) may be World Vision's number one seller, there are more than 100 gifts (many under $35) to choose from.
To order: www.worldvisiongifts.org. Or call toll-free (888) 511-6511. All items are tax-deductible.
Additional media contacts:
Gardi Wilks (Central US) gardi@wilkspr.com 708- 366-8389
Laura Blank (Eastern US) lblank@worldvision.org 617- 945-7548
Myrna Gutierrez (Los Angeles & Southern California) mgutierr@worldvision.org 323-377-2432
John Yeager (Seattle & Western US) jyeager@worldvision.org 253-815-2356 (work) 425- 765-9856 (cell
The poll was conducted by telephone on behalf of World Vision, an international Christian relief and development organization among 1,001 US adults (ages 18 +) between Oct 23rd and Oct. 26th, 2008. For complete methodology, including weighing variables - please contact John Yeager
About World Vision
World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. We serve the world's poor, regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity or gender. For more information, visit www.worldvision.org.
New Study Says Americans Will Spend Less This Holiday Season But Will Also Be More Generous and Look for Meaningful Gifts That Help Poor
Weakening Economy Means Less Spending But More Generosity
Encouraging News for Charities as Recession Looms
SEATTLE, November 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- The weakening U.S. economy will force many U.S. adults to cut back on holiday gift spending this year but will also make some more likely to give a "charitable gift" as a present this holiday season, according to a World Vision survey just conducted by Harris Interactive. The study also finds that only 36 percent of U.S. adults feel they need something for the holidays this year.
"These results underscore our altruistic American culture of giving back," says Justin Greeves, Harris Interactive Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Policy Research. "This study, and a recent study by The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, both show why total charitable giving has increased in 39 of the last 40 years - even during times of recession," says Greeves. The findings are a reflection of our uniquely American values system of helping others in need, which, in turn, makes us, as givers feel good. This generosity may surprise some but shows why it truly 'Tis better to give than to receive.'"
As a result of the current economic climate, seven in ten adults (71 percent) will spend less money on holiday presents this year, and about half (49 percent) are now more likely to give a charitable gift as a holiday present.
More than four in five adults (84 percent) would prefer to receive a meaningful gift that would help someone else rather than a traditional holiday gift such as clothing or electronics.
More than half of U.S. adults (57 percent) want something for the holidays this year, but only about one in three (36 percent) say they need something.
More than half couldn't remember what they received. More women (60 percent) remember exactly what they got for Christmas last year than men (49 percent).
These results on charitable giving are encouraging to organizations like World Vision. As the worsening U.S. economy puts pressure on millions of Americans this holiday season, World Vision's Gift Catalog offers an economical way to remember those on your holiday shopping list in a meaningful way. "It takes so little money to make a big difference in someone's life through the Gift Catalog," says World Vision's Devin Hermanson, Senior Director Gift Catalog.
"And a gift given from the Gift Catalog significantly improves the life of a child or family in need by providing tools and opportunities to overcome extreme poverty while at the same time honoring your friends and loved ones," says Hermanson. "While families in the United States face decisions about where to cut back, families in other countries may be facing much harder decisions, like how to provide food for their children."
For each World Vision gift, the giver can make the purchase in the name of a friend, family member, or business associate. World Vision then sends special cards to those individuals, describing the gifts and their impact. In the following year, the gift itself or intervention reaches the child or family in need.
Last year alone, World Vision's Gift Catalog raised $21 million and provided assistance to more than 500,000 people around the world.
World Vision launched the Gift Catalog in 1996. And while a goat ($75) may be World Vision's number one seller, there are more than 100 gifts (many under $35) to choose from.
To order: www.worldvisiongifts.org. Or call toll-free (888) 511-6511. All items are tax-deductible.
Additional media contacts:
Gardi Wilks (Central US) gardi@wilkspr.com 708- 366-8389
Laura Blank (Eastern US) lblank@worldvision.org 617- 945-7548
Myrna Gutierrez (Los Angeles & Southern California) mgutierr@worldvision.org 323-377-2432
John Yeager (Seattle & Western US) jyeager@worldvision.org 253-815-2356 (work) 425- 765-9856 (cell
The poll was conducted by telephone on behalf of World Vision, an international Christian relief and development organization among 1,001 US adults (ages 18 +) between Oct 23rd and Oct. 26th, 2008. For complete methodology, including weighing variables - please contact John Yeager
About World Vision
World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. We serve the world's poor, regardless of a person's religion, race, ethnicity or gender. For more information, visit www.worldvision.org.
BKA-Gesetz endgültig zu Fall bringen
BKA-Gesetz endgültig zu Fall bringen
Berlin. (red). 17. November 2008. "DIE LINKE begrüßt ausdrücklich, dass sich nun auch die Sozialdemokraten in Sachsen gegen ein Durchwinken des vom Bundestag beschlossenen BKA-Gesetzes einsetzen wollen", begrüßte Jan Korte, Datenschutzbeauftragter der Fraktion DIE LINKE die Entscheidung des Landesparteitages.
"Damit folgen sie glücklicherweise nicht der bürgerrechtsfeindlichen Politik der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion. Seit Jahren kritisiert DIE LINKE die Politik von CDU/CSU und SPD auf Bundesebene, die in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem massiven Abbau von Bürgerrechten geführt hat. DIE LINKE Berlin hat deshalb wiederholt in der Berliner Koalition auf eine Korrektur der Politik der Bundes-SPD gedrängt. Mit Erfolg. Die Berliner Landesregierung wird im Bundesrat dem umstrittenen BKA-Gesetz nicht zustimmen", erklärte Klaus Lederer, Landesvorsitzender der Partei DIE LINKE in Berlin.
Jan Korte weiter: "In den Bundestagsdebatten hat DIE LINKE zudem mehrfach deutlich gemacht, dass die im BKA-Gesetz verankerte Online-Durchsuchung jedweder demokratischen Verfasstheit einer modernen Bürgerrechtsgesellschaft entgegen läuft.
DIE LINKE fordert daher im Bund als auch in den Ländern ein Ende der Verschärfung der Sicherheitsgesetze und gleichzeitig ein Sicherheitsgesetz-Moratorium. Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, das haben die Demonstrationen gegen den Abbau des Rechtsstaates in den vergangenen Jahren gezeigt, wollen die zunehmende Einschränkung ihrer Grundrechte nicht mehr hinnehmen. DIE LINKE in Berlin und im Bund sieht deshalb auch keinen Sinn darin, im Fall des BKA-Gesetzes über den Vermittlungsausschuss einige wenige Änderungen am Gesetz zu verhandeln. Wir fordern vielmehr eine Umkehr in der Innen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Deutschland und Europa."
Berlin. (red). 17. November 2008. "DIE LINKE begrüßt ausdrücklich, dass sich nun auch die Sozialdemokraten in Sachsen gegen ein Durchwinken des vom Bundestag beschlossenen BKA-Gesetzes einsetzen wollen", begrüßte Jan Korte, Datenschutzbeauftragter der Fraktion DIE LINKE die Entscheidung des Landesparteitages.
"Damit folgen sie glücklicherweise nicht der bürgerrechtsfeindlichen Politik der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion. Seit Jahren kritisiert DIE LINKE die Politik von CDU/CSU und SPD auf Bundesebene, die in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem massiven Abbau von Bürgerrechten geführt hat. DIE LINKE Berlin hat deshalb wiederholt in der Berliner Koalition auf eine Korrektur der Politik der Bundes-SPD gedrängt. Mit Erfolg. Die Berliner Landesregierung wird im Bundesrat dem umstrittenen BKA-Gesetz nicht zustimmen", erklärte Klaus Lederer, Landesvorsitzender der Partei DIE LINKE in Berlin.
Jan Korte weiter: "In den Bundestagsdebatten hat DIE LINKE zudem mehrfach deutlich gemacht, dass die im BKA-Gesetz verankerte Online-Durchsuchung jedweder demokratischen Verfasstheit einer modernen Bürgerrechtsgesellschaft entgegen läuft.
DIE LINKE fordert daher im Bund als auch in den Ländern ein Ende der Verschärfung der Sicherheitsgesetze und gleichzeitig ein Sicherheitsgesetz-Moratorium. Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, das haben die Demonstrationen gegen den Abbau des Rechtsstaates in den vergangenen Jahren gezeigt, wollen die zunehmende Einschränkung ihrer Grundrechte nicht mehr hinnehmen. DIE LINKE in Berlin und im Bund sieht deshalb auch keinen Sinn darin, im Fall des BKA-Gesetzes über den Vermittlungsausschuss einige wenige Änderungen am Gesetz zu verhandeln. Wir fordern vielmehr eine Umkehr in der Innen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Deutschland und Europa."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Atlanta Relents After One Year Battle; Allows Church to Worship Mauck -
Atlanta Relents After One Year Battle; Allows Church to Worship
Mauck & Baker attorneys secure consent order, freeing church to open doors this Sunday
ATLANTA, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- As a result of the kidnapping and murder of a teen relative in the West End Neighborhood of Atlanta, Pastor Brenda Gibbons felt God calling her to return there to start a church - Kingdom First Ministries. Atlanta's zoning code for that area, however, allowed clubs, lodges, and other non- religious assembly uses, but excluded churches unless they got a special use permit. The church applied for the permit, but the city subsequently denied it (Background: www.telladf.org/news/story.aspx?cid=4701).
Atlanta reversed course today, October 24, agreeing to a court order from a federal judge that will allow Kingdom First Ministries to begin meeting in its rented building immediately, located at 535 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., Atlanta. The city made its decision after Mauck & Baker LLC attorneys ( www.mauckbaker.com), John Mauck and Lee McCoy, and Alliance Defense Fund attorney, David Cortman, filed suit against the city for illegitimately denying the church use of the building.
"Atlanta had illegally zoned the Kingdom First property to exclude churches," said attorney John Mauck, of the Chicago law firm Mauck & Baker, LLC. "Once the situation was brought to the city's attorneys, however, they did not dig in their heels to bully the church. Instead, they promptly agreed to the court order, and we commend them."
"A city's zoning restrictions should not be designed to discriminate against churches," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel David Cortman. "We are pleased that Kingdom First is now free to worship in its building. Federal law does not allow a city to put a desire for property tax revenue ahead of the right of a church to meet in a facility that it rightfully occupies."
"We thank the City of Atlanta for acting so quickly after reading our complaint and realizing that their ordinance was illegal," said Lee McCoy, of Mauck & Backer, LLC ( www.mauckbaker.com) and one of the attorneys working on the case. "We appreciate the good sense of the city in agreeing to allow the church to move in immediately."
A copy of the court order issued in the lawsuit Kingdom First Ministries v. City of Atlanta is available at www.telladf.org/UserDocs/KFMorder.pdf.
Mauck & Baker attorneys secure consent order, freeing church to open doors this Sunday
ATLANTA, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- As a result of the kidnapping and murder of a teen relative in the West End Neighborhood of Atlanta, Pastor Brenda Gibbons felt God calling her to return there to start a church - Kingdom First Ministries. Atlanta's zoning code for that area, however, allowed clubs, lodges, and other non- religious assembly uses, but excluded churches unless they got a special use permit. The church applied for the permit, but the city subsequently denied it (Background: www.telladf.org/news/story.aspx?cid=4701).
Atlanta reversed course today, October 24, agreeing to a court order from a federal judge that will allow Kingdom First Ministries to begin meeting in its rented building immediately, located at 535 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., Atlanta. The city made its decision after Mauck & Baker LLC attorneys ( www.mauckbaker.com), John Mauck and Lee McCoy, and Alliance Defense Fund attorney, David Cortman, filed suit against the city for illegitimately denying the church use of the building.
"Atlanta had illegally zoned the Kingdom First property to exclude churches," said attorney John Mauck, of the Chicago law firm Mauck & Baker, LLC. "Once the situation was brought to the city's attorneys, however, they did not dig in their heels to bully the church. Instead, they promptly agreed to the court order, and we commend them."
"A city's zoning restrictions should not be designed to discriminate against churches," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel David Cortman. "We are pleased that Kingdom First is now free to worship in its building. Federal law does not allow a city to put a desire for property tax revenue ahead of the right of a church to meet in a facility that it rightfully occupies."
"We thank the City of Atlanta for acting so quickly after reading our complaint and realizing that their ordinance was illegal," said Lee McCoy, of Mauck & Backer, LLC ( www.mauckbaker.com) and one of the attorneys working on the case. "We appreciate the good sense of the city in agreeing to allow the church to move in immediately."
A copy of the court order issued in the lawsuit Kingdom First Ministries v. City of Atlanta is available at www.telladf.org/UserDocs/KFMorder.pdf.
Voting: What Does God Think
Voting: What Does God Think
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- In God's eyes every Christian votes in every election! We vote by ballot or by silence. Silence gives weight to those in opposition to God's moral absolutes.
Accountability for Being Silent
In Matthew chapter 25 the Master gave the servants money to invest. One servant buried it thinking he did well. The Master called him "lazy" and "wicked". He took the money and expelled the servant into "outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Our Opinion Has No Value to God (Is. 55:11).
God will call us to account for what we did with what we had. The servant's opinion in Matthew 25 had no value to the Master. Likewise, we will be accountable for our vote.
Who We Vote for is An Extension of Ourselves
American morality is disintegrating politically, socially and economically. Values of biblical moral reason which built America are opposed by values rejected by God e.g. abortion, homosexuality, corrupt business practice, etc.
Our vote, political and financial support of candidates binds us to them, their policies and the consequences that follow.
"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine receive him not unto your home, neither bid him God speed: for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." II John 10,11.
The Spiritual Dynamic of Our Vote:
The vote is our expression of "God's speed". Knowing that God is victimized by abortion (Jeremiah 1:5 and Matthew 25) and He calls homosexuality an abomination what would he think- and do--- if we vote for those supporting those things?
Church History of Political Responsibility:
St. John Chrysostom (5th c) rebuked the Emperor for immorality. Other Emperors requested prayer and advice on public policy from St. Symeon the Stylite (2nd c) as he preached. Edward Gibbon, author of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire criticizes the Church for discouraging Christian involvement in government
Separation Between Church and State?
Thomas Jefferson assured pastors that the church would be protected from government intrusion not government separation from biblical morality.
"...We therefore, the representatives of the United Colonies submit the rectitude of our intentions to the Supreme Judge of the world." -- Founding Fathers, Declaration of Independence
The Founding Fathers submitted themselves to the "Supreme Judge of the world". We do well to follow their example.
Tony Nassif, author Jesus, Politics and the Church www.politicsandf aith.org.
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- In God's eyes every Christian votes in every election! We vote by ballot or by silence. Silence gives weight to those in opposition to God's moral absolutes.
Accountability for Being Silent
In Matthew chapter 25 the Master gave the servants money to invest. One servant buried it thinking he did well. The Master called him "lazy" and "wicked". He took the money and expelled the servant into "outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth".
Our Opinion Has No Value to God (Is. 55:11).
God will call us to account for what we did with what we had. The servant's opinion in Matthew 25 had no value to the Master. Likewise, we will be accountable for our vote.
Who We Vote for is An Extension of Ourselves
American morality is disintegrating politically, socially and economically. Values of biblical moral reason which built America are opposed by values rejected by God e.g. abortion, homosexuality, corrupt business practice, etc.
Our vote, political and financial support of candidates binds us to them, their policies and the consequences that follow.
"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine receive him not unto your home, neither bid him God speed: for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." II John 10,11.
The Spiritual Dynamic of Our Vote:
The vote is our expression of "God's speed". Knowing that God is victimized by abortion (Jeremiah 1:5 and Matthew 25) and He calls homosexuality an abomination what would he think- and do--- if we vote for those supporting those things?
Church History of Political Responsibility:
St. John Chrysostom (5th c) rebuked the Emperor for immorality. Other Emperors requested prayer and advice on public policy from St. Symeon the Stylite (2nd c) as he preached. Edward Gibbon, author of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire criticizes the Church for discouraging Christian involvement in government
Separation Between Church and State?
Thomas Jefferson assured pastors that the church would be protected from government intrusion not government separation from biblical morality.
"...We therefore, the representatives of the United Colonies submit the rectitude of our intentions to the Supreme Judge of the world." -- Founding Fathers, Declaration of Independence
The Founding Fathers submitted themselves to the "Supreme Judge of the world". We do well to follow their example.
Tony Nassif, author Jesus, Politics and the Church www.politicsandf aith.org.
Obama Will Slash Military Spending by 25%
Obama Will Slash Military Spending by 25%
OPINION, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- In 2007, Barack Obama appeared before the far-left pacifist group, Caucus for Priorities, and promised to disarm America.
His 132-word pledge can be seen on YouTube (link below). Among his promises: "I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems."
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=fU4sVQV3Lhk&feature=related
Today, Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.) indicated how Obama's plans to gut the military would be translated into budgetary allocations. Frank told the editorial board of The Standard-Times that the Democrats would slash military spending by 25%, forcing America to withdraw from Iraq sooner. Rep. Frank said, "We don't need all these fancy new weapons."
Rep. Frank also called for massive increases in federal spending for social programs and increased taxes.
As president, Obama would take office while two wars are raging, and as the first new commander-in- chief since the attacks of 9/11 brought down the World Trade Center and directly hit the Pentagon.
His own vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden warned that his election would spur a major international crisis of great danger. But Barney Frank assures voters that Obama remains serious about gutting the military and disarming America.
For more on this topic, read:
http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article? AID=/20081024/NEWS/810240332/- 1/NEWS10
http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx? id=297645696465868
OPINION, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- In 2007, Barack Obama appeared before the far-left pacifist group, Caucus for Priorities, and promised to disarm America.
His 132-word pledge can be seen on YouTube (link below). Among his promises: "I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems."
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=fU4sVQV3Lhk&feature=related
Today, Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.) indicated how Obama's plans to gut the military would be translated into budgetary allocations. Frank told the editorial board of The Standard-Times that the Democrats would slash military spending by 25%, forcing America to withdraw from Iraq sooner. Rep. Frank said, "We don't need all these fancy new weapons."
Rep. Frank also called for massive increases in federal spending for social programs and increased taxes.
As president, Obama would take office while two wars are raging, and as the first new commander-in- chief since the attacks of 9/11 brought down the World Trade Center and directly hit the Pentagon.
His own vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden warned that his election would spur a major international crisis of great danger. But Barney Frank assures voters that Obama remains serious about gutting the military and disarming America.
For more on this topic, read:
http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article? AID=/20081024/NEWS/810240332/- 1/NEWS10
http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx? id=297645696465868
Women of Operation Outcry Condemn the Center for Reproductive Rights for Attacking Women, America and Free Speech at the Organization of American Stat
Women of Operation Outcry Condemn the Center for Reproductive Rights for Attacking Women, America and Free Speech at the Organization of American States (OAS)
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, October 28th, 2008, in Room A of the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C., between 5:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., a hearing will be held at the Organization of American States on a request filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights for countries in the Americas not adequately protecting abortionists in the United States. At that time there will be a thematic hearing on "Risks and Vulnerability Affecting Defenders of Human Rights in the Americas" based on a petition filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, stated, "This is an attempt by the most aggressive pro- abortion legal organization in the United States to overturn state laws protecting women against abortionists and the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carhart v. Gonzalez which upheld the federal ban on partial birth abortion. The Center for Reproductive Rights, as part of what it calls 'a global strategy,' is attempting to circumvent American law which regulates abortions for the health of women, and instead is focusing on the 'so called' rights of abortion providers whom they call human rights defenders in a bizarre and perverted twist of the term."
In a letter dated July 1st, 2008, to the U.N. Special Representative for Defenders of Human Rights, they are attempting to make the same argument under documents to the United Nations.
"As a woman who was hurt by my abortion, protecting abortionists rather than women is outrageous," said Lisa Dudley, Director of Outreach for Operation Outcry. "They are attempting to stifle free speech to protect the "reputation" of abortionists. They want to strike down state tort laws which protect women from negligence. And they want to overturn Carhart v. Gonzalez. We know abortion hurts women and states need to be free to regulate to prevent severe injuries to women, physically and emotionally," said Allan Parker, President.
Over 3,000 Operation Outcry women who have been injured by abortion in the United States have given legally admissible testimonies to The Justice Foundation about the pain and injury caused by their abortions in the United States. Women who have been hurt by abortions are available to discuss the issues. Contact Tracy Reynolds at 210-614-7157 or info@txjf.org.
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, October 28th, 2008, in Room A of the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C., between 5:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., a hearing will be held at the Organization of American States on a request filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights for countries in the Americas not adequately protecting abortionists in the United States. At that time there will be a thematic hearing on "Risks and Vulnerability Affecting Defenders of Human Rights in the Americas" based on a petition filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, stated, "This is an attempt by the most aggressive pro- abortion legal organization in the United States to overturn state laws protecting women against abortionists and the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Carhart v. Gonzalez which upheld the federal ban on partial birth abortion. The Center for Reproductive Rights, as part of what it calls 'a global strategy,' is attempting to circumvent American law which regulates abortions for the health of women, and instead is focusing on the 'so called' rights of abortion providers whom they call human rights defenders in a bizarre and perverted twist of the term."
In a letter dated July 1st, 2008, to the U.N. Special Representative for Defenders of Human Rights, they are attempting to make the same argument under documents to the United Nations.
"As a woman who was hurt by my abortion, protecting abortionists rather than women is outrageous," said Lisa Dudley, Director of Outreach for Operation Outcry. "They are attempting to stifle free speech to protect the "reputation" of abortionists. They want to strike down state tort laws which protect women from negligence. And they want to overturn Carhart v. Gonzalez. We know abortion hurts women and states need to be free to regulate to prevent severe injuries to women, physically and emotionally," said Allan Parker, President.
Over 3,000 Operation Outcry women who have been injured by abortion in the United States have given legally admissible testimonies to The Justice Foundation about the pain and injury caused by their abortions in the United States. Women who have been hurt by abortions are available to discuss the issues. Contact Tracy Reynolds at 210-614-7157 or info@txjf.org.
Blacks Suspect Stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic
Blacks Suspect Stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic
Blacks Zero in on Stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Fayetteville
FAYETTEVILLE, North Carolina, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- Black pro-life activists with graphic signs will be in Fayetteville on tomorrow morning at 10:00 am at 4551 Yadkin Road in Fayetteville, NC, to expose what is believed to be a stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion clinic in the making. Pastor Johnny Hunter says that when he received word that Planned Parenthood was hiding behind the name Tharrington Medical Clinic to renovate the old Pizza Hut building on Yakin road and turn it into an abortion clinic he became angry. "I refuse to sit back and let an organization founded by a racist sneak into our town and set up a shop to murder babies," Hunter says. He remembers that Planned Parenthood built an abortion clinic in Aurora, Illinois, before citizens there like Eric Scheidler, with the Pro-Life Action League knew what was being built.
Pastor Hunter is planning to execute his constitutional rights and let other local businesses know what may be headed their way. He wants them to know that if Planned Parenthood opens an abortion clinic on Yadkin Road, they will have to put up with some very graphic abortion signs if the clinic does abortions. According to Pastor Hunter, "If they can't tolerate seeing a picture of an aborted baby, then they should not tolerate a business that aborts the baby."
Joining Pastor Hunter in the prayer vigil and watch on Saturday morning, October 25 at 10:00 A.M. will be a dozen Christians from Mt. Zion Christian Church in Durham. The Truth Truck will also be in the local area. After the demonstration on Yadkin Road, Pastor Hunter, Pastor Bobby Fulmore and Gwen Shaw a Fayetteville State student, Sylinthia Stewart, a recent Fayetteville State graduate and Donna Turner, Director of the LEARN Research Triangle will hold a press conference at the Market House at 11:00 A.M. and answer questions from the media. The Market House, where goods and slaves were once sold is a focal point in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The irony that Blacks who were once exploited by the slave industry are now being exploited by the abortion industry has not escaped Pastor Hunter and other Black pastors.
Dr. Johnny M. Hunter, DD, National Director
PO Box 9400
Fayetteville, NC 28311
Blacks Zero in on Stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Fayetteville
FAYETTEVILLE, North Carolina, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- Black pro-life activists with graphic signs will be in Fayetteville on tomorrow morning at 10:00 am at 4551 Yadkin Road in Fayetteville, NC, to expose what is believed to be a stealth Planned Parenthood Abortion clinic in the making. Pastor Johnny Hunter says that when he received word that Planned Parenthood was hiding behind the name Tharrington Medical Clinic to renovate the old Pizza Hut building on Yakin road and turn it into an abortion clinic he became angry. "I refuse to sit back and let an organization founded by a racist sneak into our town and set up a shop to murder babies," Hunter says. He remembers that Planned Parenthood built an abortion clinic in Aurora, Illinois, before citizens there like Eric Scheidler, with the Pro-Life Action League knew what was being built.
Pastor Hunter is planning to execute his constitutional rights and let other local businesses know what may be headed their way. He wants them to know that if Planned Parenthood opens an abortion clinic on Yadkin Road, they will have to put up with some very graphic abortion signs if the clinic does abortions. According to Pastor Hunter, "If they can't tolerate seeing a picture of an aborted baby, then they should not tolerate a business that aborts the baby."
Joining Pastor Hunter in the prayer vigil and watch on Saturday morning, October 25 at 10:00 A.M. will be a dozen Christians from Mt. Zion Christian Church in Durham. The Truth Truck will also be in the local area. After the demonstration on Yadkin Road, Pastor Hunter, Pastor Bobby Fulmore and Gwen Shaw a Fayetteville State student, Sylinthia Stewart, a recent Fayetteville State graduate and Donna Turner, Director of the LEARN Research Triangle will hold a press conference at the Market House at 11:00 A.M. and answer questions from the media. The Market House, where goods and slaves were once sold is a focal point in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The irony that Blacks who were once exploited by the slave industry are now being exploited by the abortion industry has not escaped Pastor Hunter and other Black pastors.
Dr. Johnny M. Hunter, DD, National Director
PO Box 9400
Fayetteville, NC 28311
Pro-Life Groups Asked to Send Special E-Mail: 'Where do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?' to House E-Lists - Goal: Reach Ten Million Voters
Pro-Life Groups Asked to Send Special E-Mail: 'Where do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?' to House E-Lists - Goal: Reach Ten Million Voters
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- National Right to Life Committee (www.nrlc.org) has produced an excellent flyer showing where John McCain and Barack Obama stand on abortion. McCain and Obama have very different positions, and millions of Americans need to see this flyer immediately! It's called: Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? and can be found at www.nrlc.org.
"This flyer will help get out the pro-life vote for the sake of unborn babies, moms, dads and our country," said Sue Cyr, spokesperson for The Presidential Pro-life E-Mail Campaign.
Time is short! The Presidential Pro-life E- Mail Campaign is encouraging all organizations to e- mail their entire E-lists the Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? flyer. The goal is a massive grassroots viral e-mail campaign that reaches 10 million American voters so they can learn the truth about the two major Presidential candidates' stands on abortion, especially in the swing states.
"This election presents a stark contrast between a pro-life candidate and one who is the most pro-abortion Presidential candidate in American history," said Sue Cyr. "The pro-abortion candidate, Barack Obama, has pledged that his first act as President would be to sign a bill (Freedom of Choice Act) that would undo all the pro-life legislative protections for abortion-targeted preborn babies that pro-lifers have gained in the last 35 years. Obama has also promised to appoint only pro- abortion nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court, entrenching abortion on demand for another whole generation. This would be a disaster for our country and a death sentence for millions more innocent babies."
"Starting today," added Sue Cyr, "we're asking all pro-life organizations and individuals to send an encouraging e-mail and this fact-filled pro-life flyer to hundreds of thousands of voters all across America. The attachment is a reproducible flyer from the National Right to Life Committee that objectively states the two main Presidential candidates' positions on abortion."
"Please urge pro-lifers everywhere to download the Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? flyer at www.nrlc.org, reproduce it and distribute it widely in their community. Send it to all relatives, friends and contacts . . . and ask them to do the same, to forward it on, and so on. Through this snowball effect, we hope to reach 10 million Americans with this vital pro-life message in the final days before the election. Unfortunately, millions of voters have been kept in the dark about Barack Obama's radical pro-abortion stand."
Download Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? at www.nrlc.org
Also, please watch and forward this powerful YouTube video showing the presidential candidates' positions on abortion in their own words at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kri8G-lGYfg
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- National Right to Life Committee (www.nrlc.org) has produced an excellent flyer showing where John McCain and Barack Obama stand on abortion. McCain and Obama have very different positions, and millions of Americans need to see this flyer immediately! It's called: Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? and can be found at www.nrlc.org.
"This flyer will help get out the pro-life vote for the sake of unborn babies, moms, dads and our country," said Sue Cyr, spokesperson for The Presidential Pro-life E-Mail Campaign.
Time is short! The Presidential Pro-life E- Mail Campaign is encouraging all organizations to e- mail their entire E-lists the Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? flyer. The goal is a massive grassroots viral e-mail campaign that reaches 10 million American voters so they can learn the truth about the two major Presidential candidates' stands on abortion, especially in the swing states.
"This election presents a stark contrast between a pro-life candidate and one who is the most pro-abortion Presidential candidate in American history," said Sue Cyr. "The pro-abortion candidate, Barack Obama, has pledged that his first act as President would be to sign a bill (Freedom of Choice Act) that would undo all the pro-life legislative protections for abortion-targeted preborn babies that pro-lifers have gained in the last 35 years. Obama has also promised to appoint only pro- abortion nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court, entrenching abortion on demand for another whole generation. This would be a disaster for our country and a death sentence for millions more innocent babies."
"Starting today," added Sue Cyr, "we're asking all pro-life organizations and individuals to send an encouraging e-mail and this fact-filled pro-life flyer to hundreds of thousands of voters all across America. The attachment is a reproducible flyer from the National Right to Life Committee that objectively states the two main Presidential candidates' positions on abortion."
"Please urge pro-lifers everywhere to download the Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? flyer at www.nrlc.org, reproduce it and distribute it widely in their community. Send it to all relatives, friends and contacts . . . and ask them to do the same, to forward it on, and so on. Through this snowball effect, we hope to reach 10 million Americans with this vital pro-life message in the final days before the election. Unfortunately, millions of voters have been kept in the dark about Barack Obama's radical pro-abortion stand."
Download Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? at www.nrlc.org
Also, please watch and forward this powerful YouTube video showing the presidential candidates' positions on abortion in their own words at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kri8G-lGYfg
Nationally Acclaimed Pastor Rick Warren Announces Support for Proposition 8
Nationally Acclaimed Pastor Rick Warren Announces Support for Proposition 8
CALIFORNIA, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rick Warren, nationally acclaimed pastor and author of the New York Times bestselling "The Purpose Driven Life," announced today his support in favor of Proposition 8, California's Protect Marriage Act.
Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, affirmed his support of the proposition, which would restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman, in his News and Views email which is distributed to church members.
"For 5,000 years, every culture and every religion - not just Christianity - has defined marriage as a contract between men and women," Warren wrote. "There is no reason to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2% of our population."
A link to a video on the Saddleback Church was included, where Warren further discussed his support of Proposition 8.
(http://saddlebackfamily.com/blogs/newsandviews/ind ex.html?contentid=1502)
In August, Warren hosted presidential candidates Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama in a civil forum at Saddleback Church. During the two-hour event, Warren asked both senators for their definition of marriage and both agreed it was the traditional, historic and universal definition--one man and one woman for life.
"The courts threw out the will of the people," Warren said in his online video, in reference to the State Supreme Court's decision in May to overturn Proposition 22, approved by 61 percent of voters in 2000 to declare marriage between a man and a woman. "I never support a candidate but on moral issues I come out very clear."
Warren is considered one of the most respected and influential pastors in America and his support of Proposition 8 is unequivocal. He was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World and 15 World Leaders Who Matter Most and was called one of America's Top 25 Leaders by U.S. News and World Report.
CALIFORNIA, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rick Warren, nationally acclaimed pastor and author of the New York Times bestselling "The Purpose Driven Life," announced today his support in favor of Proposition 8, California's Protect Marriage Act.
Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, affirmed his support of the proposition, which would restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman, in his News and Views email which is distributed to church members.
"For 5,000 years, every culture and every religion - not just Christianity - has defined marriage as a contract between men and women," Warren wrote. "There is no reason to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2% of our population."
A link to a video on the Saddleback Church was included, where Warren further discussed his support of Proposition 8.
(http://saddlebackfamily.com/blogs/newsandviews/ind ex.html?contentid=1502)
In August, Warren hosted presidential candidates Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama in a civil forum at Saddleback Church. During the two-hour event, Warren asked both senators for their definition of marriage and both agreed it was the traditional, historic and universal definition--one man and one woman for life.
"The courts threw out the will of the people," Warren said in his online video, in reference to the State Supreme Court's decision in May to overturn Proposition 22, approved by 61 percent of voters in 2000 to declare marriage between a man and a woman. "I never support a candidate but on moral issues I come out very clear."
Warren is considered one of the most respected and influential pastors in America and his support of Proposition 8 is unequivocal. He was named one of TIME magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World and 15 World Leaders Who Matter Most and was called one of America's Top 25 Leaders by U.S. News and World Report.
California's Largest Community College Supports Traditional Marriage
California's Largest Community College Supports Traditional Marriage
CALIFORNIA, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- The students of American River College, the largest community college in California, rejected an attempt to recall nine student council members in response to their endorsement of Prop. 8. Results of the vote were released by college officials Thursday afternoon. All of the student council members targeted survived the recall by a 200-300 vote margin out of the 3,531 ballots cast on Tuesday and Wednesday.
"This is a great development for supporters of traditional marriage. Despite the efforts of gay activists and a media frenzy, the students themselves have reaffirmed support for traditional marriage," said Chip White, press secretary for Yes on 8. "This is exactly what will happen when voters finally have their say on November 4."
According to the Sacramento Bee, student council member Viktor Choban, 25, said he voted his conscience. "This resolution has everything to do with education because it affects all the public schools and colleges," the Bee quoted Choban as saying. "If Proposition 8 fails, schools will absolutely be required to teach that gay marriage is equal to normal marriage, thereby confusing students and children about the most basic roles of men and women in society."
CALIFORNIA, October 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- The students of American River College, the largest community college in California, rejected an attempt to recall nine student council members in response to their endorsement of Prop. 8. Results of the vote were released by college officials Thursday afternoon. All of the student council members targeted survived the recall by a 200-300 vote margin out of the 3,531 ballots cast on Tuesday and Wednesday.
"This is a great development for supporters of traditional marriage. Despite the efforts of gay activists and a media frenzy, the students themselves have reaffirmed support for traditional marriage," said Chip White, press secretary for Yes on 8. "This is exactly what will happen when voters finally have their say on November 4."
According to the Sacramento Bee, student council member Viktor Choban, 25, said he voted his conscience. "This resolution has everything to do with education because it affects all the public schools and colleges," the Bee quoted Choban as saying. "If Proposition 8 fails, schools will absolutely be required to teach that gay marriage is equal to normal marriage, thereby confusing students and children about the most basic roles of men and women in society."
Campaign for Healthy Families Caught Encouraging Voter Fraud in Sioux Falls
Campaign for Healthy Families Caught Encouraging Voter Fraud in Sioux Falls
SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota, October 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, VoteYesForLife.com in South Dakota requested Attorney General Larry Long to open an investigation into voter fraud by the Campaign for Healthy Families.
VoteYesForLife.com has become aware of out-of- state people coming into South Dakota and registering to vote in our Election with no intention of remaining a resident of South Dakota. In fact, the spokesperson for the Campaign for Healthy Families, Chris Cassidy, is from San Francisco.
According to the South Dakota voter registration application, any person registering to vote in South Dakota must sign the following declaration:
* I declare, under penalty of perjury (2 years imprisonment and $4,000 fine), that:
* I am a citizen of the United States ;
* I actually live at and have no present intention of leaving the above address;
* I will be 18 on or before the next election;
* I have not been judged mentally incompetent;
* I am not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction which included imprisonment, served or suspended, in an adult penitentiary system.
* I authorize cancellation of my previous registration as written below.
(South Dakota Voter Registration Application)
A transcript of the audio file clearly indicates evidence of voter fraud during a conversation between "Eduardo" and a man named Josh at the Campaign for Healthy Families headquarters in Sioux Falls earlier this week.
"Eduardo" and Josh discuss how it is that "South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families" Spokesman Chris Cassidy is able to vote in South Dakota since he is also currently a resident of California, only here for the election, and plans to go home when the election is over. Josh, an employee of the "Campaign for Healthy Families," encouraged "Eduardo" that he could do the same. This admission is clearly a violation of point #3 (I actually live at and have no present intention of leaving the above address;) of the declaration that citizens sign when they register to vote in South Dakota . Below are links to the audio of this evidence and a transcript of the conversation.
SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota, October 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, VoteYesForLife.com in South Dakota requested Attorney General Larry Long to open an investigation into voter fraud by the Campaign for Healthy Families.
VoteYesForLife.com has become aware of out-of- state people coming into South Dakota and registering to vote in our Election with no intention of remaining a resident of South Dakota. In fact, the spokesperson for the Campaign for Healthy Families, Chris Cassidy, is from San Francisco.
According to the South Dakota voter registration application, any person registering to vote in South Dakota must sign the following declaration:
* I declare, under penalty of perjury (2 years imprisonment and $4,000 fine), that:
* I am a citizen of the United States ;
* I actually live at and have no present intention of leaving the above address;
* I will be 18 on or before the next election;
* I have not been judged mentally incompetent;
* I am not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction which included imprisonment, served or suspended, in an adult penitentiary system.
* I authorize cancellation of my previous registration as written below.
(South Dakota Voter Registration Application)
A transcript of the audio file clearly indicates evidence of voter fraud during a conversation between "Eduardo" and a man named Josh at the Campaign for Healthy Families headquarters in Sioux Falls earlier this week.
"Eduardo" and Josh discuss how it is that "South Dakota Campaign for Healthy Families" Spokesman Chris Cassidy is able to vote in South Dakota since he is also currently a resident of California, only here for the election, and plans to go home when the election is over. Josh, an employee of the "Campaign for Healthy Families," encouraged "Eduardo" that he could do the same. This admission is clearly a violation of point #3 (I actually live at and have no present intention of leaving the above address;) of the declaration that citizens sign when they register to vote in South Dakota . Below are links to the audio of this evidence and a transcript of the conversation.
'The American View' Radio Program Now Live, Daily; Teaches Biblical/Constitutional View of American Law and Government
'The American View' Radio Program Now Live, Daily; Teaches Biblical/Constitutional View of American Law and Government
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The American View" radio show - which teaches a Biblical/Constitutional view of American law and government and views current events from this same perspective - can now be heard live, daily on WTHU Radio in Thurmont, Maryland, from 11 am to Noon (EST). To hear this program, go to the WTHU site http://wthu.org/ and click on "Listen Now" in the right hand upper corner of the web page. The call- in number for the program is 1-877-775-9848.
"The American View" is co-hosted by Michael Anthony Peroutka and "Recovering Republican" John Lofton. Michael was the Presidential candidate of the Constitution Party in 2004. John was a long-time secular "conservative activist/journalist" until God saved him in 1980 and raptured him from among the Republican Party cheerleaders, the politics-will-save- us crowd.
Also appearing on this program, on occasion, will be Pastor David Whitney of the Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Pasadena, Maryland. David is, in addition, Senior Instructor at "Institution On The Constitution" IOTConline.com, co-founded by Michael Peroutka and his brother Steve Peroutka.
Contact: John Lofton, JLof@aol.com; phone 301-873- 4612.
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The American View" radio show - which teaches a Biblical/Constitutional view of American law and government and views current events from this same perspective - can now be heard live, daily on WTHU Radio in Thurmont, Maryland, from 11 am to Noon (EST). To hear this program, go to the WTHU site http://wthu.org/ and click on "Listen Now" in the right hand upper corner of the web page. The call- in number for the program is 1-877-775-9848.
"The American View" is co-hosted by Michael Anthony Peroutka and "Recovering Republican" John Lofton. Michael was the Presidential candidate of the Constitution Party in 2004. John was a long-time secular "conservative activist/journalist" until God saved him in 1980 and raptured him from among the Republican Party cheerleaders, the politics-will-save- us crowd.
Also appearing on this program, on occasion, will be Pastor David Whitney of the Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Pasadena, Maryland. David is, in addition, Senior Instructor at "Institution On The Constitution" IOTConline.com, co-founded by Michael Peroutka and his brother Steve Peroutka.
Contact: John Lofton, JLof@aol.com; phone 301-873- 4612.
Holiday Interview Idea: Five Ways to Reach Out to the Newly Single During the Holidays
Holiday Interview Idea: Five Ways to Reach Out to the Newly Single During the Holidays
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- With almost 60 percent of marriages ending in divorce and more than 30 percent of women over fifty-five as widows, dealing with a sudden change in marital status can be a difficult and lonely experience - especially during the holidays.
Sharon Knudson and Mary Fran Heitzman, authors of "Starting from Scratch When You're Single Again" (Strang Communications, 9/08), know from personal experience that the first holiday season "on your own" is a time of major adjustment.
"After I lost my husband - not to death, but to divorce - the holidays escalated the intensity of my grief 100-fold," says Sharon. "For 30 years we had celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years in a certain way. Our blended traditions--some from his family, some from mine--had become uniquely 'us.'"
Mary Fran says the first holiday season without her dad is best described with one word: dismal. "Fortunately, we were blessed to have a support system and that year Mom really needed them."
Unfortunately, having a support system among the Christian community is not a given. According to the Barna Group, "While it may be alarming to discover that Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, it's even more disturbing that when those individuals experience a divorce, many of them feel their community of faith provides rejection rather than support and healing."
To address this issue, Mary Fran and Sharon offer five ways to reach out to a woman who is single again during the holiday season:
1. Encourage your friend to create at least one new tradition of her own and give her some creative suggestions.
2. If your friend says she has plans for the holiday, check in with her again to make sure things haven't changed and she's suddenly alone.
3. Think about how your life would change without your spouse. Would you miss shopping for his gift or receiving a gift? Perhaps suggest a gift exchange among a group of friends.
4. Offer to babysit so your friend can shop, bake cookies, or escape to get a massage.
5. What makes your friend feel vulnerable? If she doesn't like to drive at night, offer a ride. Maybe she doesn't like walking into a party alone. Make sure you or someone else arrives at the same time.
To request an interview with the authors, contact Cyndy Salzmann at info@startingfromscratchbooks.com.
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- With almost 60 percent of marriages ending in divorce and more than 30 percent of women over fifty-five as widows, dealing with a sudden change in marital status can be a difficult and lonely experience - especially during the holidays.
Sharon Knudson and Mary Fran Heitzman, authors of "Starting from Scratch When You're Single Again" (Strang Communications, 9/08), know from personal experience that the first holiday season "on your own" is a time of major adjustment.
"After I lost my husband - not to death, but to divorce - the holidays escalated the intensity of my grief 100-fold," says Sharon. "For 30 years we had celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years in a certain way. Our blended traditions--some from his family, some from mine--had become uniquely 'us.'"
Mary Fran says the first holiday season without her dad is best described with one word: dismal. "Fortunately, we were blessed to have a support system and that year Mom really needed them."
Unfortunately, having a support system among the Christian community is not a given. According to the Barna Group, "While it may be alarming to discover that Christians are more likely than others to experience a divorce, it's even more disturbing that when those individuals experience a divorce, many of them feel their community of faith provides rejection rather than support and healing."
To address this issue, Mary Fran and Sharon offer five ways to reach out to a woman who is single again during the holiday season:
1. Encourage your friend to create at least one new tradition of her own and give her some creative suggestions.
2. If your friend says she has plans for the holiday, check in with her again to make sure things haven't changed and she's suddenly alone.
3. Think about how your life would change without your spouse. Would you miss shopping for his gift or receiving a gift? Perhaps suggest a gift exchange among a group of friends.
4. Offer to babysit so your friend can shop, bake cookies, or escape to get a massage.
5. What makes your friend feel vulnerable? If she doesn't like to drive at night, offer a ride. Maybe she doesn't like walking into a party alone. Make sure you or someone else arrives at the same time.
To request an interview with the authors, contact Cyndy Salzmann at info@startingfromscratchbooks.com.
Tennessee Proclaims it White Ribbons Against Pornography Week
Tennessee Proclaims it White Ribbons Against Pornography Week
NASHVILLE, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- October 26-November 2, 2008, is White Ribbons Against Pornography (WRAP) Week, in the State of Tennessee. The proclamation encourages all citizens to recognize WRAP Week by wearing or displaying white ribbons as a sign of their commitment to community standards of decency and support for the enforcement of laws against obscene materials. The background of the WRAP campaign is available at www.moralityinmedia.org. White ribbons are available at www.wrapfamily.com. An excerpt from the Proclamation states:
"Whereas, pornography degrades and dehumanizes both female and male participants; and
Whereas, pornography presents youth with a false and distorted image of human sexuality, devoid of love, commitment, and responsibility; and
Whereas, pornography features criminal and other anti-social behaviors, including adultery, bestiality, incest, child abuse, prostitution, teen promiscuity, unsafe sex, and the degradation, rape, and torture of women; and
Whereas, pornography leads males and females into sexual addictions that prevent and tear marriages apart; and
Whereas, the explosion of obscenity helps create the demand for women and children trafficked into sexual slavery; and
Whereas, so-called "adult" pornography is used by adult predators both to stimulate themselves and to entice, desensitize, and instruct their child victims; and
Whereas, children molest other children in imitation of what they see in pornography; and
Whereas, the Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment does not protect obscenity and that legitimate governmental interests are furthered by enforcing obscenity laws, including the protection of morality, public safety, the community environment, and family life; and
Whereas, a poll conducted by Harris Interactive in July 2006 found that 73 percent of adult Americans think that viewing pornographic Web sites and videos is morally unacceptable; and
Whereas, in April 2008, Harris Interactive conducted a poll that found that 75 percent of adult Americans said that they would support the next president were he to do all in his constitutional power to ensure that federal obscenity laws are enforced vigorously."
Girls Against Porn thanks Representative Susan Lynn, of the 57th House District, and the Tennessee House of Representatives for recognizing WRAP Week in Tennessee.
Girls Against Porn ( www.girlsagainstporn.com) is an on- line resource and action coalition for women who have a loved one involved in porn, and for anyone who wishes to get involved in the fight against porn and enforcement of obscenity laws.
NASHVILLE, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- October 26-November 2, 2008, is White Ribbons Against Pornography (WRAP) Week, in the State of Tennessee. The proclamation encourages all citizens to recognize WRAP Week by wearing or displaying white ribbons as a sign of their commitment to community standards of decency and support for the enforcement of laws against obscene materials. The background of the WRAP campaign is available at www.moralityinmedia.org. White ribbons are available at www.wrapfamily.com. An excerpt from the Proclamation states:
"Whereas, pornography degrades and dehumanizes both female and male participants; and
Whereas, pornography presents youth with a false and distorted image of human sexuality, devoid of love, commitment, and responsibility; and
Whereas, pornography features criminal and other anti-social behaviors, including adultery, bestiality, incest, child abuse, prostitution, teen promiscuity, unsafe sex, and the degradation, rape, and torture of women; and
Whereas, pornography leads males and females into sexual addictions that prevent and tear marriages apart; and
Whereas, the explosion of obscenity helps create the demand for women and children trafficked into sexual slavery; and
Whereas, so-called "adult" pornography is used by adult predators both to stimulate themselves and to entice, desensitize, and instruct their child victims; and
Whereas, children molest other children in imitation of what they see in pornography; and
Whereas, the Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment does not protect obscenity and that legitimate governmental interests are furthered by enforcing obscenity laws, including the protection of morality, public safety, the community environment, and family life; and
Whereas, a poll conducted by Harris Interactive in July 2006 found that 73 percent of adult Americans think that viewing pornographic Web sites and videos is morally unacceptable; and
Whereas, in April 2008, Harris Interactive conducted a poll that found that 75 percent of adult Americans said that they would support the next president were he to do all in his constitutional power to ensure that federal obscenity laws are enforced vigorously."
Girls Against Porn thanks Representative Susan Lynn, of the 57th House District, and the Tennessee House of Representatives for recognizing WRAP Week in Tennessee.
Girls Against Porn ( www.girlsagainstporn.com) is an on- line resource and action coalition for women who have a loved one involved in porn, and for anyone who wishes to get involved in the fight against porn and enforcement of obscenity laws.
New Solution for Professional Church Music Accompaniment is Introduced by American Music Solutions

Photo: Christian Newswire
New Solution for Professional Church Music Accompaniment is Introduced by American Music Solutions
The Easy-to-Use Gulbransen Digital Hymnal is the Affordable Answer for the Musician Challenged Church
DUBUQUE, IA, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- American Music Solutions today announced the introduction of the new and improved version of the Gulbransen Digital Hymnal. The new Digital Hymnal DH200-AMS incorporates the latest in CompactFlash card technology, enabling users to download standard MIDI, MP3 and WAV files to further expand the unit’s vast software library capabilities.
The Gulbransen Digital Hymnal is unique in the marketplace. It provides an easy-to-use, affordable, music accompaniment solution for churches of all sizes, plus schools, camps, missionaries, chaplains and nursing homes with a flexible, four pound portable solution. "The reaction to the new Gulbransen Digital Hymnal has been overwhelming, undoubtedly due to the increased needs of churches and faith based institutions who are musician challenged. When you factor in the versatility and affordability, it's easy to see why there is such interest in the Digital Hymnal," said Bob Grace, Vice-President of American Music Solutions, LLC. "Our customers span all denominations and include small and large churches, plus military chaplains and traveling pastors with multiple church assignments. Since the Digital Hymnal can be operated with electricity or with the included rechargeable battery, buyers use the Digital Hymnal for everything from indoor worship, outdoor memorial services or weddings, graduations and even Christmas caroling. They can also be found aboard US Navy ships and aircraft carriers and on the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan. We are very proud and humbled by that."
In addition to CompactFlash technology, the new DH200-AMS has an updateable operating system that will easily enable planned future upgrades and new features. The Gulbransen Digital Hymnal already contains thousands of traditional hymns, choruses, children's' songs and praise music already built into its internal memory. These songs can be played back using thousands of musical styles and orchestrations with nearly one hundred and fifty different instrumental sounds. The Digital Hymnal even includes a rhythm section for more contemporary selections. About the size of a three ring binder, the Digital Hymnal is completely self-contained, lightweight and portable with full remote capabilities. The Digital Hymnal has built-in speakers and can also be easily plugged into an external amplified PA system.
About American Music Solutions
American Music Solutions is a web based wholesale and retail distributor of electronic music products, PA Systems, portable keyboards and microphones. Our mission is to be a 'one-stop' solution for all churches and faith based institutions. Company principals have a combined church music and retail experience of over 50 years. American Music Solutions prides itself in taking customer service very seriously and features the only lowest price guarantee in the industry.
Bob Grace
Vice-President, Marketing and Sales
American Music Solutions, LLC
Phone 1-866-514-6874
Web Address: www.AmericanMusicSolutions.com/DigitalHymnal
E-Mail: info@AmericanMusicSolutions.com
George Foreman: Heavyweight for Jesus, 'Thank You Jesus' now Available on CD

George Foreman: Heavy weight for Jesus, 'Thank You Jesus!' now Available on CD
MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- Uproar Entertainment is pleased to release "THANK YOU JESUS!" by ex Heavyweight Champion GEORGE FOREMAN. Recorded live on December 17th and 18th, 1979, this album captures the energy and vitality of George Foreman preaching in the streets of Houston, Texas. In biting 25 degree weather, George carried his message to the people. On this recording you will hear George speak. George Foreman, the man who grew up "waiting for the next man to beat up." George Foreman, the man who says that when he fought he had to have a special referee to "keep him from hitting a man when he was down." George Foreman, the same man who now has only love in his heart. Love for everyone, but most of all for Jesus Christ.
This is George's own story, in his own words. Listen to him tell this story. I know you will feel as if you are right there with him.
"Thank You Jesus!" ISBN #9781929243808 is available at www.heavyweightforjesus.com and is distributed to the Christian marketplace / Book Stores / Libraries by Ingram Book Company.
For more information contact David Drozen, Uproar Entertainment at uproarcd@aol.com or 818-889-3757.
eTeacher Brings the Language of the Bible to Life with 'LIVE' Online Biblical Hebrew Course
eTeacher Brings the Language of the Bible to Life with 'LIVE' Online Biblical Hebrew Course
ClassicalHebrew.com brings the most experienced teachers and scholars of Biblical Hebrew directly to you, so you can increase your understanding and appreciation of Biblical texts in their original language
RAMAT GAN, Israel, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- eTeacher ( www.eteachergroup.com), a leading international online teaching guide for language instruction, is revolutionizing Bible study with an online, interactive course in Biblical Hebrew. Combining the latest innovative video technology - real-time interaction with teachers appearing onscreen - with some of the world's leading experts in Biblical Hebrew, eTeacher is providing a unique opportunity for people of faith to read The Bible in a whole new way.
Allow the language of the Bible to amaze, as eTeacher's online course ClassicalHebrew.com is reinvigorating the study of Biblical Hebrew through its interactive teaching of the original language of The Bible. Read about the leadership of Moses in the desert, the conquering of Ancient Israel by the Jewish people, and the prophecies of Isaiah predicting Messianic times.
The only live online course in Biblical Hebrew in the world, ClassicalHebrew.com is all about flexibility - students can learn in the comfort of their own home, and at a time most convenient for them. As opposed to a dry and often difficult text-based learning program, ClassicalHebrew.com is interactive and live - where students can ask questions and receive answers in real-time, through use of state-of-the-art videoconferencing technology. Taught by some of the world's leading experts and university scholars in Biblical Hebrew, this is a unique opportunity to learn the language of Bible, direct from the Holy Land.
"eTeacher is very excited to be teaching Christians from all over the world Biblical Hebrew," said Yariv Binnun, co-founder and co- CEO of eTeacher Group.
"We wish to offer them an exceptional opportunity to learn the original language of the Bible, with the world's best teachers online, in order to bring to their Bible study the highest levels of inspiration."
To learn more, please visit www.classicalhebrew.com and watch an introductory video at http://eteachergroup.com/About/PlayVideo.asp? Source=4
About eTeacher
eTeacher is a leading international online teaching guide for language instruction. With course offerings including modern and Biblical Hebrew, Chinese and English, eTeacher provides a suite of options for users to expand their knowledge of some of the world’s most historic and contemporary languages. With students from more than 100 countries, classes are taught live online through use of internet video conferencing technology, enabling students real-time interaction with their instructor, while in the privacy and conformability of their own home. Founded in 2000, eTeacher combines top technology with over 300 leading international language experts to offer the highest quality level of instruction and growth.
For more information, please visit www.eteachergroup.com.
Media Contact
Jason Silberman at Koteret Public Relations: Email: Jason_s@koteret.com or Tel: +972-3- 5755778 ext 109.
ClassicalHebrew.com brings the most experienced teachers and scholars of Biblical Hebrew directly to you, so you can increase your understanding and appreciation of Biblical texts in their original language
RAMAT GAN, Israel, October 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- eTeacher ( www.eteachergroup.com), a leading international online teaching guide for language instruction, is revolutionizing Bible study with an online, interactive course in Biblical Hebrew. Combining the latest innovative video technology - real-time interaction with teachers appearing onscreen - with some of the world's leading experts in Biblical Hebrew, eTeacher is providing a unique opportunity for people of faith to read The Bible in a whole new way.
Allow the language of the Bible to amaze, as eTeacher's online course ClassicalHebrew.com is reinvigorating the study of Biblical Hebrew through its interactive teaching of the original language of The Bible. Read about the leadership of Moses in the desert, the conquering of Ancient Israel by the Jewish people, and the prophecies of Isaiah predicting Messianic times.
The only live online course in Biblical Hebrew in the world, ClassicalHebrew.com is all about flexibility - students can learn in the comfort of their own home, and at a time most convenient for them. As opposed to a dry and often difficult text-based learning program, ClassicalHebrew.com is interactive and live - where students can ask questions and receive answers in real-time, through use of state-of-the-art videoconferencing technology. Taught by some of the world's leading experts and university scholars in Biblical Hebrew, this is a unique opportunity to learn the language of Bible, direct from the Holy Land.
"eTeacher is very excited to be teaching Christians from all over the world Biblical Hebrew," said Yariv Binnun, co-founder and co- CEO of eTeacher Group.
"We wish to offer them an exceptional opportunity to learn the original language of the Bible, with the world's best teachers online, in order to bring to their Bible study the highest levels of inspiration."
To learn more, please visit www.classicalhebrew.com and watch an introductory video at http://eteachergroup.com/About/PlayVideo.asp? Source=4
About eTeacher
eTeacher is a leading international online teaching guide for language instruction. With course offerings including modern and Biblical Hebrew, Chinese and English, eTeacher provides a suite of options for users to expand their knowledge of some of the world’s most historic and contemporary languages. With students from more than 100 countries, classes are taught live online through use of internet video conferencing technology, enabling students real-time interaction with their instructor, while in the privacy and conformability of their own home. Founded in 2000, eTeacher combines top technology with over 300 leading international language experts to offer the highest quality level of instruction and growth.
For more information, please visit www.eteachergroup.com.
Media Contact
Jason Silberman at Koteret Public Relations: Email: Jason_s@koteret.com or Tel: +972-3- 5755778 ext 109.
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