Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union Comments on TD Jakes and Barack Obama

Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union Comments on TD Jakes and Barack Obama

WASHINGTON, June 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- A few days ago Bishop TD Jakes released a statement in which he said that he got "visible goose bumps" upon hearing that Senator Barack Obama would be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

He got goose bumps; I got nauseous! As a black woman, I can certainly appreciate the historic implications of the Democratic Party's nomination of an African American as well as cheer some of Mr. Obama's accomplishments. The fact remains that Barack Obama is NOT a man that I can proudly--nor will ever "proudly" call "Mr. President."

Bishop Jakes spoke of a torch that was lit by our forefathers and thanked Senator Obama for proudly carrying it through the darkness of our struggles, trials and tribulations. Due to his ruthless support of abortion it becomes more and more clear that Barack Obama is only leading the blind through total darkness--into an even darker abyss called Hell.

Even though the Bible makes it clear--children are a "gift" and a "reward," Barack Obama supports the mutilation and ultimate death of pre-born children. Therefore, his outrageous support of abortion throughout the entire pregnancy is a slap in GOD's face.

Barack Obama wants all of us to believe that he cares about racial discrimination and the black family, yet the man who wants to be President will not talk about the racism of abortion. He stands by silent--unusually mute--as abortion facilities are stealthily planted in black neighborhoods to kill black children.

Mr. Obama has never poured out one eloquent word to shield the body of even one of the 1500 black babies who are violently and gruesomely dismembered and killed by abortion each and every day. More than 15 million black children since 1973 have been targeted--slaughtered by abortion and this ghastly practice has become the number one killer of black people in the United States.

The sad thing is that we expect our church leaders to lead us --through the fire if necessary, to stand for biblical morality no matter what, yet, Bishop TD Jakes praises Obama stating that his win is "not just a victory for African Americans, but a victory for democracy." We should state for the record that Barack Obama's win is also a victory for Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers whose main business is killing our children. I prayerfully ask Bishop Jakes to... "open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto GOD, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me" Acts 26:18. True democracy will never be achieved as long as we continue the killing innocent children--we must pray that the scales must be removed from Mr. Obama's eyes and apparently from eyes of our clergy also.

Day Gardner is president of National Black Pro-Life Union, and anchors The Daily Life News with Day Gardner for National Pro- Life Radio Online at

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